Real Estate This Week (2024)

go - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. April 13, 1984 Slate ol Connecticut Coun ol Probate. Oiatricl ol Manchester Motorcyclet/Bicycles 72 Rec Vehicles 73 Misc. Automotive H NOTICE TO STEPHEN A. 8EMANSKI, whose last known reldsnca was m the town ol Manchester. ^PUBLISHER'S NOTICE CRRA says pullout Just $40,000 restored A story 1967 SHASTA CAMPER TIR E — Firestone Deluxe County ol Hartford. State ol Con­ 1979 HONDA 750 — 10th necticut. Pursuant to an order ol Anniversary Limited TRAILER — Sleeps6, Ice Champion 670-15, white wall with rim. Excellent Hon. William E. FitzGerald. Edition. Backrest, crash box, stove, sink. $600. Call Judge, a hearing will be held on EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY won’t harm project to Bolton school budget lor Passover bar, high pegs, cruise Dawn, 569-4658. tread, $25. Call 875-6736 an application lor termination of parental rights concerning a cer­ SERVWG AMERICA control. $1500. Call 646- after 6pm. All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Fe* tain Minor Child born on Decem­ deral Fair Housing Act of 1966 which makes it illegal to advertise FROM TH E page 5 ... page 10 page 11 ber 23.1976, wherein theCourt's 7615. To clean coffee stains any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, from china or plastic, rub decision will affect your Inter­ BEGINNING! When vou coll Classified ests. if any. as In said application color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to makeany MOTORCYCLE INSU­ stain with baking soda. on tile more fully appears, at the such preference, limitation or discrimination This newspaper RANCE — Compefetive To find a cosh buyer tor to place an ad, a friendly Court ol Probate on April 26, will not knowingly accept any advertisem*nt for real estate which rotes, big bike rates that china closet vou no Ad-Visor will answer 1984 is in violation of the law. available. Call Clarice, longer use, place a low- vour call and help you By order of the Court word vour ad for best Mary Lou Taylor. Clerk Clarke Insurance, 643- cost ad in Classified. 034-04 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 1126. 643-2711. response. 643-2711. Cloudy today; Manchester, Conn. showers likely Saturday. April 14. 1984 — See page 2 HanrhpBtrr Bfralb Single copy; 25C

REAL ESTATE Al Cashman would like to show you this outstanding Colonial In Popular: Jury clears

THIS WEEK Lorbier in ..»rr REDWOOD FARMS —at .irs'-

--1— murder case

By Sarah Passell Street, according to testimony during Herald Reporter the trial. Lorbier testified that he sV- pulled over to the curb at the HARTFORD — Laotian refugee intersection of Walnut and Cedar Loma Lorbier burst into tears Friday Streets, got out of his van and tried to afternoon when a four-man, eight- talk to Phommahaxay. He said he beat kl * woman jury announced it had acquit­ Phommahaxay to death with the bat ted him of murdering Linb ETiommah- when Phommahaxay got out of his car, axay, after deliberating almost ninb came toward him and said, "You die." I ' ki hours over two days. Lorbier claimed Phommahaxay had NUNCHESTER $55,900 The tears were Lorbier's first several times threatened to kill him SMART START! SOUTH WINDSOR $98,500 outward expression of emotion in court over a misunderstanding about his For your first home or first investment, this 4 room home is the New Listing! Impreesive 8 room Contemporary, FRaised Ranch- since the trial began five weeks ago. girlfriend’s car. Lorbier and the place to begini Tw o extra large bedrooms, hardwood floors, 2 featuring 3 bedrooms, large country kitchen, fireplaced living The jury reached its verdict only ^ * zone g u , neat and full basem*nt. Only *55,900. Call Todayl room, family room. 2'/t baths. 2 car garage and wersized rear girlfriend testified that Lorbier had deck with panoramic view. A pleasure to see. Call our Man- minutes after hearing Superior Court lent money to Phommahaxay's girl­ L Chester office for more details 643-4060 Judge Thomas H. Corrigan repeat the friend to buy a car and had co-signed a legal definition of self-defense. They loan for her. When she couldn't keep up This lovely 8 room colonial offers also based their decision on a re­ payments, she asked him to take the reading of testimony by Lorbier and car in return for the money she owed three eyewitnesses about a crucial him. many features including: moment in the fatal confrontation of Phommahaxay was upset when *2 fireplaces *2 car garage July 1982, two jurors said afterward. Lorbier tried to claim the car, Lorbier %• The two male jurors, who asked not testified. *4 bedrooms *family room to be identified, said the jury decided Herald photo by Pinto SOUTH WINDSOR $69,900 *outstanding view *alum. siding the state had failed to prove the killing PROSECUTOR LAWRENCE J. HOW $00N CAN YOU MOVE MANCHE$TER $131,900 was anything but self-defense on DALY had tried to portray Lorbier as Here’s a real logjam into this five room ranch? It's availfl^le immediately! It has three Exquisite taste is evident in this elegant McCarthy built 8'room *large wooded lot *large living room Lorbier’s part. the aggressor in the fatal confrontation bedrooms, country-sized kitchen and new wall to wall carpet­ Colonial. Beautifully decorated, this home features 4 bed­ Lorbier's wife, Aly, appeared dazed and in a fight between the two men ing, nice sized yard and has had exterior work done recently. rooms. 2v^ baths, fireplaced family room, 2 car g ari^e and wall The Hockanum River Canoe Race on Sunday might Watkins, organizer of the eighth annual race, says Call today to see! $ 6 9 . ^ to wall carpeting. A very luxurious property in the most desira­ *Price f 112,000 when the verdict was announced. She several months earlier. be a lot more crowded if it weren’t for the efforts all ble area Cali for an appointment. 643-40^ remained calmer than her husband, The two jurors, who asked not to be there were at least 20 trees down in the river, the We cen help you beconie a week of Lee Watkins, in the background, and ateam result of last week's heavy rains. The race starts at "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! but grew teary-eyed as friends and named, said later that an early Call 646-4525. and ask lor Dan. attorneys gathered to embrace the consensus showed six jurors leaning of half a dozen volunteers, including Gregory 9:30 a.m. Sunday, near the Steak Out Restaurant, ZINSSER AGENCY couple. As he hugged chief defense toward- a first-degree manslaughter Barber. They donned wet suits to clear logs from the just south of Vernon Circle on Route 83. It’s free to D.F. REALE, INC. FREE attorney Joseph A. Moniz, Lorbier conviction and six toward acquittal. chilly waters of the Hockanum Friday afternoon. Real Estate ___ MARKET reached out to touch a juror leaving the Judge Corrigan ha"d instructed the watch and $5 a person to enter. I >S acm SI.. •■ciHk.llf.. Ct. REAL ESTATE SERVICES c v a l u a t io n courtroom. One juror kissed Mrs. jury that, under state law, killing is 646-4535 223 Eatt Center St., ManchMter 646-1511 Lorbier on the cheek before leaving. justified only if the killer is threatened Lorbier's brother, Laotoua Lo, said with imminent violence and has no way Nabbed by New Hampshire police Friday night that Lorbier and his wife to retreat safely. The two jurors said NEWER HEATING $V$TEM did not say much when they returned to the jury applied these instructions to Manchester after Lorbier’s acquittal. testimony about Lorbier’s and Phom­ But he said they were “ just happy, mahaxay's actions while Lorbier stood that's all.’ ’ outside the driver's door of Phomma- Playboy sex-slayer kills himself Bob Connor would haxay’s car, before the beating. like to show you this ON JULY 8,1982, the morning of the lovely 3 room condo... fatal assault, Phommahaxay had THE MEN SAID the jury believed Bv Jon Fleming to Wilder," Pignatelli said. The FBI had been concentrating its chased Lorbier’s van down Walnut that Lorbier, not perceiving the poten­ United Press International Jellison did not have.his gun drawn, but search in upstate New York and New tial violence of the situation, had the other trooper had pulled his gun. He did Jersey, following the discovery in upstate followed his custom in trying to talk to COLEBROOK, N.H. - Christopher not lire a shot, Pignatelli said. New York of a car Wilder allegedly stole in Fish shortage Phommahaxay rather than fleeing in Wilder, wanted in eight states in the Jellison did not leave Wilder’s car during Texas. V his van. sexual-torture slayings of four young the struggle, Pignatelli said, contradicting He was last seen in New York state Included In this 7 room Cape. 3 or 4 bedrooms. An expert on Loatian customs had women, killed himself with his own gun an earlier account that had Jellison rushing driving a gold metallic Pontiac firebird Full, finished basem*nt, appliances, garage boosts Inflation testified during the trial that Laotions Friday as police attempted to arrest the back to his car to radio for assistance. with New York plates and a blackbird Just reduced to $61,900 of H'mong descent, as Lorbier was, millionaire playboy 10 miles from the "There was blood all over the seats... it painted on the hood, the FBI said. OWNERS ANXIOUS WASHINGTON (UPI) - Wholesale were accustomed to seeking peaceful Canadian border. looked like he was getting something out of The two troopers spotted Wilder's vehicle prices rose a moderate O.S percent in resolution of personal disputes. The Tipped by friends of a woman Wilder the glove compartment and fell over onto in a gas station yard in Colebrook, a small March, the Labor Department said H'mong is a minority group in Laos, apparently knew in the area, police spotted the seat,” said Kim Coe, 12, who lives next isolated town near the Canadian border, BOLTON Friday, and a fish shortage coupled where the ethnic Lao are in the Wilder's car in a gas station in Colebrook, to the gas station. state police Major William Cray said. with the broad-based nature of the majority. Phomahaxay was a Lao. an isolated lumbering community in Wilder, 39, considered “ the most wanted "As the trooper (Leo Jellison) ap­ Unique offering approximately hikes suggests worse inflation ahead. But they did ask themselves if northern New Hampshire. man in America" by the FBI, was proached the vehicle, Wilder went for a TOM CANTONE 2 acres, barn shed, fruit trees all The gains so far this year in the Lorbier could have retreated at the Wilder killed himself with his own .357 suspected in the slaying of four women and weapon in the glove department. Jellison Want to get things goingl Call Tom Canlone. prices businesses pay each other made point when they believed it became magnum after a struggle with police. the disappearance of five others. Two other jumped him and Wilder turned the gun on *- For 20 years people have depended on Tom to get thlnos going feet. ’ ’ go with this 9 room lovely the worst quarter of business inflation, apparent Phommahaxay would not be Assistant Attorney General Michael Pigna- women survived attacks and one of them himself,” Cray said. Overlooking the pool this one bedroom 6.1 percent at an annual rate, since the appeased. They said that was the telli said. Wilder lunged into his car as two positively identified Wilder as the man who The first bullet passed through Wilder Tom Cantone’s Exxon Sfetlon across from Bonanza on home, 4 bedrooms, family Jflast Middle Turnpike was the placeto go for last, dependable condo with balcony awaits your leisurely three-month period ending August instant Phommahaxay started to get state policemen approached his gold- lured her into his car and stabbed her. and lodged under a rib in the state trooper, service. room, sun porch and much inspection. Large living room with wall to 1982. out of his car. . colored sports car. Authorities said the Sydney-, Australia, Cray said. The trooper underwent surgery Tom has changed careers and Is reedy to give you the wall carpet offers Immediate occupancy. Fish prices, a usually insignificant “ At this point, state trooper Leo Jellison race car driver picked up women in his car for the bullet wound Friday afternoon. Covantry 2 family with new bath in on^Sartm Snt^i^Sv Juror Beverly Hall, who had asked to eame dependable, fast service In real eetate. more for $127,000. Call us. Price $39,000 factor, skyrocked 30.2 percent, ac­ be excused shortly after deliberations got out of the police cruiser and chased in a cross-country rampage using flattery "Wilder fired another shot, killing T o get your house sold lest and at the beat price, call Tom plumbing w d calltnga in 2nd aparimant. Two new hot water at 646-4040. haatars. 2 badrooma In each unit. Great inooma p ro p e l counting for more than half of the total began c^n Thursday, said after the Wilder," Pignatellisaid. Wilder "jumped in and promises to photograph them. He then himself^" Cray said. "Wilder shot twice. He $ 6 9,900 change and for all of the increase in the verdict was announced that she had the car. A struggle ensued. A shot was fired raped and tortured his young victims, is dead ... from a self-inflicted gunshot overall food price index. from a .357 magnum revolver, which Wilder authorities said. wound." EU GORMAN Zinsser Anoncy STRANO REAL ESTATE become upset when the rest of the jury O&R REALTY CO. 750 Main " Sharply diminished salmon and refused to vote for a quick acquittal. either had on his person or had in his car.” Wayne DeLong, an attendant at the Getty One of the young women Wilder was Associates U^wis Manchsstsr m -1 5 8 East Center Street haddock supplies and the accompany­ She said she had been upset that other Earlier, Pignatelli said Jellison was gas station where Wilder stopped, said he accused of kidnapping is Elizabeth Kenyon, 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST S43-2692 ing governmental restrictions on over­ jurors felt it was nhcessary to on review struck ini the chest by the first bullet from heard one, possibly two, shots as Jellison 23, a Coral Gables, Fla., teacher and Robert D. Murdock, RoaNor timing what is left were blamed. testimony. Wilder, apparently passing through his approached the car. Orange Bowl princess who vanished on r 646-4040 646-1511 Although the overall index number body. Later, Pignatelli offered a different "I didn't see much. I was inside. There March 5. The woman is still missing. 647-7653 was moderate, the report's measure­ sequence of events. was a lot of commotion," DeLong said. "I Bill Kenyon, the young woman's father, ments of prices at the very beginning of In the later account, Pignatelli said it was heard Jellison started hollering and I called broke down and cried when he heard that the supply pipeline suggest the expand­ unclear which gunshot injured Jellison, down to the police station. The state trooper Wilder was dead Friday. ing economy is creating cost pressures who sullered a chest wound. was hollering that he'd been shot." “ We don't know how we’re going tq find across a broad range, analysts said. Inside Today “ The man (Wilder) started drawing the DeLong said no one was in the car with SELLING? y A i C t £ & A u - D.W. FISH REALTY CO. our daughter now." said Kenyoii, of of/ how€s/ ^ ^ Raw materials prices jumped 2 gun and apparently started pointing at the Wilder at the time. Wilder had asked for Pompano Beach, Fla. “ We were hoping and percent, a more than 24 percent annual 20 paoes, 2 sections, direction of the trooper. At this |x>int, one directions to Canada, DeLong said. praying they wouldn't kill him." WE NEED YOU! 243 Main St. Manchester Vernon Circle, Vernon rate. 2 odvertlsino supplements shot was lired at least,” Pignatelli said. U.S. Attorney Stephen Thayer said at a The FBI informed New Hampshire We have more buyers than homes! If 643-1591 872-9153 Without the moderating effect of A dvice ...... 12 Obituaries ...... 8 During the struggle, Jellison initially had news conference in Concord: "He did know authorities Thursday night that Wilder you’ve considered selling over the stable fuel pricey, and without a steep Area towns ...... 8 O pinion...... 6 Wilder in a "bear hug,” Pignatelli said. a woman who had a friend in northern New might be in the state. It was not known to the last several years but were hesitant 0.8 percent increase in food prices, Classified...... ls-20 Peopletalk...... 2 "We don’t know whether that is the shot Hampshire." public, however, until the shooting was everything else would have gone up a Comics...... 9 Sports...... '...,15-17 that eventually wounded the trooper or not, Earlier Friday, Massachusetts police reported shortly before 3 p.m. Friday. because of market conditions... Call very strong 0.9 percent,' the depart- Entertainment___7 Television...... 7-9 but clearly one shot was tired (and) went spotted a car matching the description of Lottery ...... 2 Weother ...... 2 Wilder's death Friday followed one of the the professionals at 646-2482 into the trooper's chest,” he said. Wilder’s on Route 128 near the New largest manhunts ever organized by the JUST USTED! 60’s Please turn lo page 10 •••••••••••maaamaaaaaamaa "W e don’t know which was the latal shot Hampshire border, Thayer said. FBI. Be one of tho let to sea this 7 room cape with fireplace and 'WE’RE SELUNG HOUSES!” wood burning stove. 1 '4 baths and dormert ' ERA BUYERS PROTECTION PLANI Reagan dips into Pentagon budget for Ei Saivador

By Robert Shepard America policy. action on a Senate-passed money Long said the president's deci­ Speakes indicated earlier that to provide that money.. United Press International “ I think it’s wrong, wrong, bill. The Senate bill would have sion to use emergency Pentagon whatever the stopgap plan, Rea­ Wright's comments Thursday wrong,” said Rep. Clarence Long, provided $62 million in aid for El funds instead was a signal to gan still wants the full amount he night came shortly after the House WASHINGTON - President D-Md., chairman of the House Salvador, but the House Demo­ Congress to "g o work your head requested. “ We’re going to con­ followed the Senate’s lead by Reagan, unable to get lawmakers’ Appropriations subcommittee on cratic leadership indicated it off, but if we don’t get exactly what tinue our push for funding for EI voting against any U.S. involve­ approval for $62 million in emer­ foreign operations. would approve no more than $ ^ we want we’ll bypass you.” Salvador. It’s as important as it’s ment in the mining of Nicaraguan gency military aid for El Salvador, Long said Reagan apparently million. Long said the move would be ever been,” he said. ports. has decided to bitpass Congress decided on the "emergency mil­ Reagan had asked for $93 “ counterproductive" and under­ The alternative for the adminis­ Although the language approved JUST USTED! 9D’s JUST. USTED o w . 7 room C o lo n lil In SD’s and take the money from the itary drawdown” option rather million, but was willing to settle for mine future dealings with tration was to wait for Congress to by the 281-111 House vote and the one of East Haittord’s BEST AREAS.... 4 bedroom young colonial with 1 Vi batha, let floor famUy room, Pentagon budget, a key House S A W K A DRIVEI tat ftoor lamlly room and multiple bethel fireplace, garage and moral 3 Family Outdoor Lovers than reprogranuning funds from the $62 million. Congress. return April 24 and press its Senate’s 84-12 vote Tuesday is Manchester $75,500 chairman said Friday. other foreign aid programs be­ House Democratic leader Jim He said the president probably request for the full $62 million. non-binding, the action amounts to Manchester $109,900 The decision, eliminating any cause of objections from key Wright, of Texas said late Thurs­ would take the full $62 million from The Senate bill also included $21 an embarassing rebuke for Rea­ BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO, INC. further congressional rote in the Much remodeling has been done to make Won’t be able to resist this quaint older members of the Senate who felt day night the House would not Pentagon funds and probably million for the anti-Sandinista gan’s Central America policy. REALTORS this good investment even more attrac- president's immediate request, is they had not been consulted. object to the reprogramming of $32 would not have to ask Congress to forces in Nicaragua, but the House Reagan has repeatedly warned home located on 2.3 acres in one of the expected to worsen relations be­ 189 WEST CENTER STREET tive. p early |lioo monthly income. Call town’s most desirable areas. Property in­ The White House was in intense million in foreign aid money, and it replace it. “ They've got so dog­ leadership was adamant in refus­ Congress the Salvadoran forces (Comer of McKas) I M j tween the White House and Con­ negotiations with House leaders all appeared agreement had brnn gone much money,” he noted. ing to approve the money. Reagan are in danger of running out_gf cludes foundationed 36x36 Horsebam with< gress over Reagan's Central day Thursday in an effort to get supplies. 646-2482 4 stalls, tack room and feed room. reached all around. White House spokesman Larry cannot use the military drawdown t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. AprB U, 1814 MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 14, 1984 — 3 At M t Washington Observatory M CC conference focuses 50 years ago, the winds hit 231 mph.

were lull-time weather observers stayed on the mountain seven days on subtleties of interaction "It was actually going up and By Miliv McLean a week, 24 hours a day, with 7 tons down. If it didn't have the chains on the mountain. Two, including United Press International of coal to keep them warm . There around it, I would think it might Griffin, were unexpected guests By Kathy Garmus ication is the distance people stand executive's desk. “ If the chips are wiio got trapped after U k ^ the was no motorized snow cat to take Herald Reporter or sit from one another when they down," Day said, “ this is the part MOUNT WASHINGTON, N.H. have been blown off. Everything steep 8-mile d im b to go skiing. them up and down, as there is talk, he said. of the office that is used." — It started as a skiing expedition was banged off the shelves," he O f the three men aUve today to today. The next time the boss calls you “People of higher status ask for Day said that colors can also be lor Arthur Grilfin, then a 30-year- said. tell the story, two are retired in During big storms, they con­ into his or her office, take notice of and are allowed more space,” he used to convey messages. Re­ . ■ • » old artist. When it was all overthat Alexander McKenzie, another New Hampshire. Griffin, 80, has a ducted around-the-clock observa­ the furniture arrangement — it said. He said status in an organiza­ search has shown that dark blue, week SO yeais ago, an unusually member of the crew, believes it photography studio in Winchester, tions, alternating sleep times so could tell you wheSier you are tional setting is often conveyed for instance, is the most powerful vicious early spring snowstorm was the thick blanket of blue, someone could keep records of the about to be reprimanded or through the arrangement of color while red is frightening, he made him part of the hardy crew feathery ice that built up layer Mass. Fifty years ago, they were wind, temperature, precipitation praised, a psychologist told an offices. said. that clocked the highest wind upon layer on the shack ttot kept experienced young explorers of the and pressure at all tinnes. audience at Manchester Commun­ Day told his audience that desks speed ever recorded in the world — them from blowing off the cloud- White Mountains when two gusts of The three men living today have ity College on Thursday. act as barriers to more personal WHALLEY TOLD THE AU­ 231 mph. covered peak in the "su p er wind broke the previous record of different memories of the long D IE N C E that colors are an impor­ "The old shack had three big hurricane." Ricfaairi T. Day, a professor of conversation, placing the person 164 mph, set the year before on the two-day storm that led to the Uhl photo psychology at MCC, told about 60 tant tool in gaining the attention of chains around it to keep it from The northeast's highest peak is sitting behind one in a position of same mountain. record-breaking wind. an audience. Because research has blowing off," be said of a quaking not hospitable to human beings. A view of the top of Mount Washington in people at a conference titied authority or dominance. A seating Five of them were up there anyway In the midst of the Depression, “Communicating Effectively in arrangement in which the visitor's shown that nearly 83 percent of ice-encrusted cabin on Mount The largest mako shark ever Hampshire, taken In the 1930s. Camden Cottage liw In Washington where the record wind the week the massive snowstonnn the 1934 weather d n erv ers were the Workplace" that interpersonal chair is pulled alongside the desk what an audience absorbs is paid 85 to 815 a week plus room and caught, weighing 1,990 pounds, visual, Whalley said, visual aids was recorded April 12,1934, at the started brewing on the 6,288-foot the foregound. In the rear is the Mt. Washington Stage communication is a continuous implies "less power and more board to live in the year-old was landed off Montauk Point, National Weather Service station mountain. process that is often achieved rancem ," Day contended. are a must at meetings. observatory. In winter, they N .Y . on Aug. 26. 1979. Co. on the summit. Three, including McKenzie, through nonverbal means. A side-by-side seating arrange­ All audiences are poor listeners "W e can’t not communicate," ment should be used for coopera­ and have short attention spans, he Day said. "The nonverbal ele­ tive tasks, he said. claimed. However, most people ments of communication are are thinkers and the speaker at a Weather powerful." DAY RELATED THE STORY of meeting should present his or her Peopletalk Day was one of two speakers one m anager who, when interview­ topic in a way that will require featured at the conference, which ing a candidate for employment, audience participation and make Birthday almanac Today’s forecasto wassponsored by the MCC chapter purposely sat the visitor's chair 10 them think, he said. What people are saying of the Administrative Manage­ to 12 feet from his desk. If the "Y ou 'll save time if you invite CoBsectlcst, Massachnsetls and ment Society. Ned A. Whatley, interviewee did not take the " I have a marvelous record, the finest record April 15 — Henry James (1843-1918), the only those who can contribute," he Rhode Island: Considerable cloud­ president of the Hartford-based initiative to move the chair closer, ever put together by any administration. If I'm novelist and critic whose books include “Daisy said, adding that 46 percent of Professional Management Insti­ he or she was considered a poor Miller,” "Hie Ambassadors,” “Portrait of a iness Saturday with a chance of a management's time is spent in trying to restore America's greatness, I was a candidate by the manager. Day Lady" and "The Turn of the Screw.” few showers west and central tute Inc., also spoke. He discussed meetings. marvelous success. " said. April 16 — Kareem Ahdul-Jabbar (1947-). the areas. Lows 35 to 40. Highs how to cut meeting time in half. — James Walt, former secretary of the "The key is to make those center for the Los Angeles Lakers who has M the Saturday 50 to 60. Rain all areas Within executive offices there Interior, on bis term in office. are distinct environments, includ­ effective and cut the time back,” National Basketball Association in scoring twice, Saturday night and Sunday. Lows MORE THAN HALF of what 35 to 45. Highs in 50s. people communicate is nonverbal, ing a "semi-social area” usually he said. “ The greatest illusion "When this first started, I laughed and said, and has been chosen the league's m

FREE ESTIMATES <203) 0400312 M MILE C.II .nyllm . lMlw.wi • wn, .nd 10 pm., 7 d .y t. WMk PROMPT, PERSONAL FROM 644-0007 COURTEOUS SERPICB MCDONALD'S EVERYTHING IN GLASS As Sean on PM Magazine WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT Here’s your opportunity to sit back, J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. GREG MC the relax and enjoy smash hit movies and more 649-73aa CHIMNEY ■ F ' on HBO*— and you don’t have to buy a thing! On April ao,far Comfort ® - Twilight Zona By Jullonne Hastings 'V 9 - Scholastic Sports Acad. determined that there was no money for it. Washington '' 9 - PICA FuN Contoct Karat* QD - Fame 9 - Monty Python Flying United Press International From my glass house, I’d like to toss a few pebbles. 9 - CbHdran'a Thaatra Circus "I think this is the best It would add another dimension to the budget review 9 -N e w s Update (iaaaon Prsrotoro) PKA Fun CD 9 - Muppst Show There was unnecessary confusion at the last regular Merry-Qo-Round 9 - News/Sporta/Waathar Contact Karats prsaanta a 9- process. 9 9 - M r . T (D - N a w a 11:30 P.M. NEW YORK — Margaret Truman meeting of the Board of Directors during a public O - Johtmy Quest roufid HMvywolght bout fMtur- piece we’ve done yet. Manchester 9 - Houae For AS Saaaona ing Brad Hsfton vs. Cedric 9 - Danrxi Favor CD - Hawmii Five-O gives a first-ever televised tour of the hearing on the town s repurchase of an acre of land Ring AroutMi tfia World 9 -P a S c i Rodgsfs. This house has been I - PaSculs:'Cuatro Budaa da 9 - SportsCrmtar CD - Laugh-In beloved Independence, Mo., home of from Economic Electric. Heavy artillery for wants funds 9 -Exchange Krkninal' Spotlight ® - Mon St Work In Concort 9 -C over Story 3 3 - MOVIE: A Bridge Too Far' her parents President and Bess Tru­ traditionally in the From thainformation readily available to the public 9 - d a t s o n a 9 - Now Tech Tknas Nicholsa TNt AuttrsKsn rock group por- The Allies' plan to smash the Na­ man Wednesday on PBS’ "Smithsonian Johnson hosts this look at the fomns St ths Grsok Tbostre in Ssn 9-SoHdGold and to the Board of Directors, it seemed that the acre You might say the police mounted a show of force at 7:30 A.M. zi's war production center in the World’ ’ with historian David family and it is an Alex Girelli — Herald Reporter technology exploaion which has Francisco. Cskfomis. 9 - Nowa Update Ruhr becomes a costly W W II de­ was to provide open space near Union Pond in an area moved from the workplac* to the McCullough. the last budget workshop of the Board of Directors. One CD - SuHwinWa 9 -CroasRra 9 - Balia Conmigo feat. Dirk Bogarde, Michael Caine. extremely private place. where an industrial park is scheduled to be built. Adviser home. Laurence Olivier. 1977. The episode entitled "Designs for would have thought it was a budgetary SWAT team that CDr ®at Smart 9 - Hare's to Your Health 9 - In Search of... A citizen, Robert ^m uelson, discovered with a little - Newark A RaaNty 11:15 A.M. QD - Racing From Roosovatt Living” also features a tour of some of Jiad descended on the directors. (D 9 - Moro Real Paopto 9 - M*A-S*H research that the land is a long strip, 50 feet wide, that (3i) - P h * Panther Show 9 -S p o t t s (33) - Honaymoon(ani the world's most famous skyscrapers, inaddition to Pdlice Chief Robert Lannan, present 9 - Now Utoracy 9 - At Tha Movtos David McCullough does not run along the shores o f pond at all, but rather two and two together and come up with five. tight with; 9 - ESPN's Horse Racing 11:30 A.M. @ ) - Pinnacle a trip to a mine on the shores of Lake w e r ^ a p t . Henry Minor, Capt. Joseph Brooks, and 3:00 P.M. 7:15P.M. Erie where scientists are trying to In this case, 1 concluded on the basis of flimsy WaaMy CD - Oroat Space Coaster 9 9 - Saturday Night Live Historian lies some distance from it. Capt. [Robert Guiiano. One grenade, as we used to say in 9 - Sports Saturday 9 - Fraggle Rock CD - MOVIE: T lw Big Cfrcus' 9 - MOVIE: ‘The Other' A witness the "death" of a proton and a Samuelson had a map on which he had outlined the evidence that the directors had come to a decision 9 - Do It YoutssN A ckcus owner, foraed to borrow World War II, would have wiped out the whole 9 -Popaya and Friands 7:30 P.M. young boy's grandmother stop at a space suit factory in area. He could not figure out, he said, how that finger of during a meeting that would have been illegal if it had industry i 9 - Sports Weak money, is saved by a TV appear­ command. 9 - Sports Review CD - News Msgazina teaches him the game of concen­ F r^ e rica , Del. just a figure of speech." said McCul­ 9 9 - Amazing Spidarman/ ance. Victor Matiire, Red But­ trating on an object until he 'be­ land, somewhat remote from the water’s edge, could been held. But the police came well armed. They had a precise a------w -s - tons. Rhonda Fleming. 1959 Check local listings for air time. lough, who is writing a biography of -Sport Billy inclwciiiiw mNK CD - All In the Family comes' that thing. Uta Hagen. increase the amount of open space. But there was no such m eeting. I deceived myself. WASHINGTON — Dr. Morris E, “ I think this' is the best piece we've Truman. "M argaret makes clear what and complete data sheet on the central dispatch system - BasabaS Bunch 9 - MOVIE: Th a Hanging CD - MOVIE: 'Whora Tima GD - Muppst Show Chris Udvarnoky, Victor French. Normally, somebody from the town adminstration — S Began' Three people set off to 1972 done yet," said McCullough. "This her mother's role was and how her at police headquarters, with charts to show its Chafetz pops up with the predicta­ 9 - It’s Your Busbwss Troa' A Irontisr doctor. wMis ao- CD - Jackie Gleason Show usually General M anager Robert B. Weiss — would crat past, miraas a blind gM back uncover the wonders to be found 9 - MOVIE: My Sweat house has been traditionally in the father deferred to her.” Hits and wishes deficiences and its infirmities and a couple of cartoons bility of a hangover whenever a ’9 - Momingtown in the center of the earth. Kenneth QD - At Tho Movlaa have explained the item before the public hearing. to health. Gary Cooper, Maria Charlie' Tw o escapees from so­ family and it is an extremely private to drive the point home. Republican administration at­ Schel, Karl MaMsn. 1869. More, Pep Mimne. Yvomie S ^- 9 - DragrMt ciety, a young white girl and a 8:00 A.M. nis. 1977. place.” ERIC W ALLACE makes his TV In this case, for some reason that procedure was not tacks the problem of alcoholism. @ ) • Evans and Novak black man are trapped by cir­ The language of budgeting can be pretty dull. But 9 CD - CharNa Brown A Etrst^r^latf Coofd^t^i The General Grant Gothic home on debut on "ABC Afterschool Specials" followed. What infuriates Chafetz’ critics is tSnoopv 9 - MOVIE: 'Brabtatorm' A iS ) - Schoola Match WKs c*mstances and forced to stay there are at least a couple of words connected with FOR ALL THAT, it was no hard sell. Capt. Miner 9 - Play BrMgo young mM. in love with a married together. Patty Duke. A l Freeman 219 North Delaware Street was built in Wednesday as an amiable high school budgets that are colorful. The two most graphic of these handled most of the presentation, and neither he nor his long, cozy relationship with the - Wondcrama 12:00 P.M. women, plots to kill her husband, C9-LaatLeaf Jr. Ford Rainey. 1970. 1867 by Bess Wallace Truman’s grand­ basketball hero who is wooed by college AFTER THE PUBLIC HEARING, Weiss revealed 3 ) ® - MonchMcMsAlttl* then fe l^ insanity. Jeff Hunter, ® - Bamay Millar lie at opposite ends of the budget process. anyone else predict^ the collapse of the entire law liquor industry. CD - Danoa Paver father — oldtimers still call it the recruiters from across the nation who that the strip was needed to give planned industrial lots Rich Anne Francis, Dana Andrews. ® - Weteofne Back Kottar In the beginning there is the "wish list.” That’s the enforcement apparatus if the directors did not agree to I first reported on Chafetz 10 CD - Danes Show 1965. Wallace house — and McCullough said could care less that he can't read. a reasonable configuration after the location of a road .CD - Christopher Close-Up 11:45 P.M. list of all the things you would do if you could get all the buy a new dispatch system. years ago. when he was head of the CD-SisUtts 9 — MOyiBr 'Curtain Up' Tem­ 8:00P.M. 9 - MOVIE: 'Nans' One of Par- several generations of the family had "The Hero Who Couldn’t Read” airs had been changed. It was the administration’s desire to , ® * ^ tierry and Friends 4:30-5:30 p.m. EST. money you wanted. And now, a newer word has com e National Institute on Alcohol and CD - ABC Woakand SpwM peraments dash backstage as a CD GD - Dukas of Hazzard is's most celebrated seduc- lived in it right up until Mrs. Truman’s leave more space free from development. But the directors do have a lot of information before ® * SportsCenter Bad Cat.' repertory company struggles Daisy and Lulu are in )eo|pardy tresses captivates some new death in 1982. C larence Williams III ("M o d into use to describe the inventory you make when Alcoholism in the Nixon adminis­ with a bdd play. Robert Moitey, when Lulu mistakenly claims a If Weiss had been culled on earlier, some confusion them on which to base their decision. 9 - MOVIE: Th a Last CD - Greatest American Haro wealthy lovers. Katya Berger Squad") and Renee Jones also star in somebody tells you that you are not going to get all the tration. His expense accounts had •Unicom' A unicorn encounters Margaret Ruth^ord, Key Ken­ bag containing a stolen necklace. Jean-Pierre Aumont. Rated R. would have been avoided. Actually, the completness of the police presentation ■ ffl) - Lifestyles of the Rich and dall. 1953. (R) (60 min.) “ IT ’S BEEN off limits to everyb­ the movie and Los Angeles Lakers' star money you want. That’s the “ hit list.” come under FBI scrutiny; for mptsnee and peril while search- 12:00 A.M. was more the rule than the exception is this year’s ^ for others of her kind. Ani- Famous 9 -Nmwa Update r p - On Stage America ody," McCullough said in a telephone Kareem Abdul-Jabber makes a special Mayor Barbara Weinberg, who presides at the I can envision a weighty budget document whose example, he billed the government ^meted. 1982. Rated G. - Woman Watch GD - Championship Wrestling appearance. budgeting process. 9 9 9 - Major laagua CD ® - Lova Boat Capt. Stub- interview from California. "Even meetings, now agrees that it will be better in every case pages include material under columns side by side for a California vacation after a - 9 - Pumpidn Creek 9 - Dr. OotM Scott BeeebeN: TeMna to be ing and Na crew set off for a spe­ (33) - Streets of San Francisco Truman's political pals weren’t al­ Wallace plaj's Freddie Ellis in this to ask the administration to expain the proposal before soberly labeled “ Hit List F Y 84-85” and “ Wish List F Y Some of the smaller departments with simpler federal contractor had already 'fitt > Spiderman 9 - MOVIE: 'Jhn Thorpe: AH AnrKMmced cial cruise to the Greek Islands- (S ) - Amateur Boxing: USA va. lowed in there during his political excellent drama that focuses on the and Turkey. (R) (2 hrs.) [Closed Cuba from Rano. NV the public meeting. 85-86.” ? operations have relied on the main budget document picked up the tab. 9 - Nawa/Sporta/Waathar Amarlcan' The story of one of 9-MOVIE:'ThaSinofHarold ' career. The outside world stopped at alarming, real-life tragedy of young the worid'a most popular sth- Olddtobock' A befuddled book- Captioned) (39) - Dr. Gena Scott Samuelson suggested that maps be posted for public Careful comparison of the wish list of one fiscal year itself with a little more explanation. But the larger town President Reagan appointed ' 9 9 - FHmatcna Fimniaa the front door,” people who manage to get through high letet. Burt Lancaater. Phyllia keeper, who goes on a spree, CD - MOVIE: QrifRn and ® - MOVIE: 'Crucible of view when appropriate. He has a point. with the hit list of the previous year would serve as a operations gewnerally have presented the directors Chafetz to the Commission on . 9 - MOVIE: ‘ I See a Dark Thaxter. Chartas Pickford. 1W1. wakes up dangling by a lion's Phoenix’ T w o people suffering The home will be open to the public school without learning to read. Stranger' An Irish girl nneets a Horror* A husband sets out to with a wealth of data. - Nawa/Sporta/Waathar leash from the top floor of an off­ from terminal illnesses meet and for the first time next year under the Ellis is good-looking, nice guy with a test of the accuracy and sincerity, budgetarily Drunk Driving, which presented 'SHtish officer who falls in love 9 drive his wife to madness. Mi­ ice building. Harold Lloyd, discover a new zest for life chael Gough. Yvonne Mitchell. auspices of the National Parks Service, loving family, but he’s never had to 1 SAID I WAS M A K IN G the observation from within a speaking, of the administrator in question. Still, the directors, to their credit, have asked for its report last fall. Chafetz has rwhh her artd stops her front help­ 9 - SusintM of M9Ui9«m«nt Frances Ramadan, Jimmy Conlin. through their friendship. Peter 1970. so McCullough said the program apply himself in academia because of glass house because of some confusion I caused over It would prove that the wish had enough substance to more in some cases. since been named to a similar ing the Nazis. CM>orah Kerr. Tre- O - MOVIE: 'Bandoiwo' A 1946. Falk. Jill Clayburgh. 1976 ‘vbr Howard, Ravnxmd Huntley. @ ) - News/Sports/Weather actually is a preview of what people his outstanding athletic ability. His that m eeting when 1 wrote about it. Sometimes the It will be a well-studied budget that gets passed at the man disguises Nmsetf as a hang­ ® - Bportsbeat QD - MOVIE: Kay Largo' A survive for at least a year and it would prove that position under the National Safety Cf947. ® - Futbol Intamaclonal: will be able to see there. teammates help him cheat on tests, his April 30 board meeting. man in order to arrange the es­ ® > House For AH Beesons gang of hoods takes over a hotel press is guilty of knee-jerk reactions that cause it to put nothing had been put into a budget after it was Council. ® “ Sesame Street [Closed cape of Ns brother 9>d gang. in the Florida Keys and intimi­ Hungary va. Danmark “ It's as if time stood still in that girlfriend Cynthia (Jones) writes his Captioned] Dean Martin. James S tew ^ , R^ 3:15 P.M. dates the proprietor. Humr^rey 12:30 A.M. house. It really hasn’t changed much term papers and even his basketball quel Welch. 1968. Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Edwerd G. THE GOOD DOCTOR readily v 0 l • Chepuiin Coiorado IS ) - Washington Dialogue GD - News/SIgn Off since 1919 when they were married,” coach (Arthur Taxier) makes things 9 Robinson. 1948. Guest editorial acknowledges that his ^ - From tha Editor'a Daek - CamSspin BowHng McCullough said referring to the 33rd easy for him. 3:30 P.M. (3^ - USFL Football: Memphis 3 3 - MOVIE: To Be AniKMinced 9 > Sosamo Btroot [Closed president and his wife. VlE've HA9 SOIAE COMFLAINTS YOU NEEP TO 8 6 MORE Washington-based Health Educa­ 8:15 A.M. Captioned) GD C S - Meetere Golf at Loa Angelas or San Antonio IS ) - Evans and Novak tion Foundation accepts funds i S i ~ Instructional Tournament Coverage of the at Jacksonville “ The thesis of the program is THE ASPIRIN G professional athlete ABOUT TOUR FEPFORNIANCE, 12:30 P.M. third round is present^ from the 12:45 A.M. SPECIFIC WlTHFBJPLE INHO - MOVIE: The Verdict' An ‘Designs for Living' and what we stress even manages to gel a good score on his from the liquor industry. Among L 8:30 A.M. Augusta National Golf Club, Au­ 9 (3$ - MOVIE: 'Max Dugan MS,<3RUNX?Y —^ CD - MOVIE: 'Palm Springs alcoholic attorney tries to reesta­ CAU IN FOR TAX APVlCe... gusta. GA. (2 hrs., 30 min.) Returns' A struggling w idow 's here is that the place where we evolve scholastic aptitude tests — by cheating. the contributors are the Wine ''QD CD - Saturday Supercade Wookond' The local police try to blish his career with a controver­ Regional plan long lost father appears with a as human beings had a great part to Then along comes a new teacher, Mr. 0 3 - America's Top Tan keep the parties snd fights in CD ® > ProfeeekMtel Bowlere sial malpractice suit against a IRS ' y Institute, the United States Brew­ seemingly endless supply of mo­ hand during Easter weekend in Tour Coverage of the $115,000 powerful hospital. Paul Newman. play in the kind of people that we are. Simpson (Williams), who announces a . QDt- Maat tha Mayors ney to t^ y his grandkid’s love. TAK ers Association, the M iller Brew­ Palm Springs. Troy Donahue, Greater Hartford Open is pre­ Charlotte Rampling. James Ma­ “ You can tell a lot about the man by surprise essay test. Ellis starts tucking Jason Rot»rds, Marsha Mason. A7VICE ing Co. and several other liquor- fS ) - Hsrald of Truth Connie Stevens, Ty Hardin. sented from the Bradley Bowl, son. 1982. Rated R. Donald Sutherland. 1983. Rated going into his house, particularly the the question into a textbook when , ( S l - Inside tha U8FL 1963. Windsor Locks. CT. (90 min.) needed on power related organizations. Far from 9 - Tales of the Unexpected PG. library.” Simpson asks him what he thinks he's ( B - Scholastic Sports Acad. CD - Banli. Zax/AHan Princa ® - MOVIE: 'Six Weeks' A 9 - On Stage America doing. apologizing for these connections, politician befriends a widowed 1:00 A.M. . S ' Suparman/Aquaman/ CD - Amarlcan Bandstand BESIDES THE HOUSE tour, Mar­ “ Taking it home." Chafetz recently said on a televi­ cosmetics tycoon whose daugh­ ® - News/Sports/Weather CD - MOVIE: 'Tenor House' New England's need for a the New England Power Batman 9 - MOVIE: 'Max Dugan ter dreams of an ideal family. garet Truman (Mrs. Clifton Daniel) Simpson explainto everyone's sion talk show that he hoped to get Rotuma' A struggling widow's ® ® - Diffrant Strokes When a college student wins a regional electric power plan­ ’ 9 - Big Story Dudley Moore, Mary Tyler When Mr. Drummond, Arnold Pool, which plans and exe­ long lost father appears with a tw o week atl-expenses-paid va­ talks about her father's reaction to the dismay that this is n t a take-home test. more money from liquor interests. ^ ® - SNrt Talas Moore. 1983. Rated PG. and Willis capture a burglar, the ning council was never more cutes multi-state sharing of seemingly endlees sOpply of mo­ cation at an old house, she criticism his only child received in the Ellis' performai ce, naturally, is Critics charge that Chpfetz’ arresting officer receives three doesn't know that there is no es­ • BurtNijas Programa infsntil ney to buy hie grendkid'e love. & - MOVIE: 'M y Favorite press when she attempted to launch a disastrous. apparent than last week. electricity. In 1982, the gover­ views on drmking, alcoholism and ..pcoducido en Mexico. Jason Robards, Marsha Mason, Year* An alcohoKc movie hero different stories of what hap­ cape from it. Linde Gitlin, John must be kept sober long enough pened. (R) Neilson, Mary Jacksem. 1972. singing career. Simpson finally gets his student to All six states were affected nors and their utility regula­ drunk drivifig loyally reflect those • That Taan Show Drxisid Suthertwid. 1983. Rated PG. to appear on a live comedy show. 9 - MOVIE: 'Death Trap' (13) - Twilight Zona " I don’t believe Margaret has ever admit that he cannot read, but it is not by decisions made on ,the tors established a New Eng- of the liw o r industry. They point Peter O'Toole, Mark Linn-Baker, W hen a girl learns that her sister talked about the old flap over the music until a near fatal accident that Ellis .. INSTEAP OF JUST ... ASK NOT \NHAT THEY CAN POTD > 9100 A.M. 9 - 'Your Mag. for Woman Jessica Harper. 1982. Rated PG. S3 - Newa/Sports/Waather out that'his 1965 book, "Liquor: withdrew a large sum of money critics' reviews," McCullough said. realizes that his training for adult life Seabrook, N.H., nuclear land Power Planning - Star Search 9 - CNN Special Report 9 - Yon Can Cook from the bank before she died, - Renew te llin g th e m t o ... THE I.R.S. BUT TO a s k RATHER The Servant of Man,” was distrib­ She also talks about her mother, who must go beyond the basketball court. plant — to complete its first Committee, which helped 'Q D 9 - New Soooby/Scrappy 9 -7 h u n d a rT she tries to discover what hap­ 9 - Despedida 4:00 P.M. pened to. it. Alvert Lieven, Bar­ shunned the spotlight. Stir in a little sermon from Abdul- VSIHATTHE I.R.S.CAN uted by liquor lobbyists. 9 - Buainoss of Monagomont 9 • Taking Advantage unit, to halt work on the NEPOOL complete its agree­ 9 - Oroatoat /tmarican Haro bara Shelley, John Mellon. 1962. "Truman set great store by his wife. Jabber and this is a TV special with an The book contains some aston­ iQD - Nino on Now Jorsay 9 - Wild Kingdom second unit and to offset part ment to buy Hydro Quebec’s PO TO THEM 9 - News Update IS ) - Pallcula: 'Dias da iluskm' 1:15 A.M. He called her the boss and that wasn't important message, nicely told. ishing assertions. For example: 9 - Eaaonca of the plant’s cost with the power. 1:00 P.M. 9 - Cachun. Cachun, Ra Ra Rs MOVIE: 'St. Ivas' A former 3 3 - MOVIE: 'skHimay Into • “ When the talk turns to . 9 - ESPN's Spaadwaek crime reporter is hired by a movie Midnight’ A two-part suspense CD - Danca Show 9 - MOVIE: 'DNtongar' thriller: 1) A commercial artist, expected savings from use of This was an example of teenage drinking, I can’t agfee $ 9 - 'Youl* Mag. for Woman - Now Fat Albart Show mogul to locate valuable ledgers. CD 9 - Magic of Oil Painting Charles Bronson, Jacqueline Bis- while at a costume party, is taken Canadian hydropower. ad-hoc cooperation between (21 - How the West Was Won into a tragic past: 2) A n unscrupu­ that there’s a problem at all.” (D-M OVIE: Thoy WontThot- 4:15 P.M. set, John Housem*n. 1976. But these decisions were the utility industry and go­ • “ For those who want to live a 4- f l ) - News Update A-Woy and 'niot-A-Way' A cou­ lous opportunist tries to set him- Cinema . 9 9 - Smurfs ple of incapable cope are aam to 9 - B p o f t s 8:30 P.M. seK up with a wealthy widow. made privately by utility vernment. Still lacking, how­ lot and who wish to appreciate fully priaon to uncover atolan loot. Tim l 8 ® - Jennifer Slept Hare Chad Everett, Julie Harris. Ed­ ^ & - Sesame Street (Closed the role of liquor — repetition is Conway. Chuck McCann. 1978 Whan Joey's parents go away ward Fox. 1968. executives and some govern­ ever, is a permanent, statu­ ^ 'Captioned) 4:30 P.M. Hartford ( R ) Sal 1, 3, 5, 7:30, 9:45, V e rn o n for the weekend, he loans the required.” (S) - MOVIE: 'Struggla thro 9 - Media Watch Athenaum Cinema — 11:45; Sun 1,3,5,7;M ,9:45.— Cine I A 2 — Terms ol ment officials, responding to tory basis for arranging such S « Ask the Meneger 9 > Numero Ur>o house out to a friend of Jenni­ • “ Alcohol is a poison and will Oaoth' 1:30 A.M. M A SH (R) Sot-Sun 7:30 Grevstoke: The Legend of Endearment (P G ) Sat 1:30,7, fast-moving events. multi-state projects. Ufll HEA. iS-nR-wotEmsuCrictesvAM-:? HUIMC • Supertoccer 9 - N/kSCAR Darlington Doth ® - Big Story fer’s. . with Bedazzled Sat and Sun Tarzan, Lord of the Apes 9:30; Sun 1:30,4:15, 7,9:30.— kill you quickly and surely, but no 9 - Catalogue 9 - All New This Old House QD - Independent Netwoik 5 : X , 9:30. (P G ) 5011:30,4:15,7:10,9:45, Ice P ira te s ( P G ) Sot 2, 7:10, 9:15A.M. Sartos - Spring 100 Coverage of News Two months ago Rhode more quickly and no more sur^Jy this auto race la prasantad from Clnamd City — The Trou­ 12; Sun 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:35. 9 ; Sun 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:10, 9. The latest aid to Seabrook ® - Hogar Dulce Hoger Come­ 9:00 P.M. — M o sc o w on th e H u d s o n (R ) - ' 9 - Health Weak North WWtesboro, NC. (60 mM.) - Election Watch ble with Harry (PG ) Sat and Island Gov. J. Joseph Gar- than distilled water, if you drink dia producida en Mexico en el Sun 2:20, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30. — Sat 1:45.4:15, 7:20, 10, 12:05; Willimantic is intended to save the pro­ 9:30 A.M. cual as praaentan tras aapoaoa CD CD - Alrwolf (S ) - Laurel ft Hardy rahy told a congressional too much of it at one tim e.” 9 - MOVIE: 'The Tripto Echo' The Dresser (PG) Sot and Sun 1:45, 4:15, 7:20, 9:45. — ject’s principal owner. Public CD CD - Dungaona and During World War II. a married domrnados por aua eaposaa. Luz 9 - Alfred Hitchco*ck ® - M O V IE : 'First Deadly S in' Sun 1:30, 4:15, 7:30, 9:50. — Up the Creek (R) Sat 1:15, Jlllson Square Cinema — subcommittee that the re­ The author of those words to ‘ *4>ragone woman falls in love with a young Maria Aguilar, Sergio Corona. ® - News Update A detective discovers e pattern in Experience Preferred...But 7:30, 10, 11:55; Sun 1:15,3:15, Splash (PG)SalandSun2;IO, Service Co. of New Hamp­ army deserter. Glenda Jackson, Not Essential (PG ) Sat and 5:15, 7:30, 10. — . F rid a y the 4:20, 7:10, 9:20. — Police drink by was appointed chairman •CD 9 - Pac-Man/RuMk Cube (B ) - Everyday Cooking 9 9 > People Are Funny a string of ax murders. Frank Sin­ gional approach would con­ Oliver Reed, Brian Daacon. 1982. atra. Faye Dunaway. Rated R. Sun 2, 4, 7:45, 9:45. — Meet- 13th: The Final Chapter (R) Academy (R) Sat and Sun shire, from imminent bank­ of the Commission on Druhk •1 Hour - MOVIE: Men end a )nas with Remarkable Men Sat 1, 3, 5, 7:40, 9:45, 11:45; 2:10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30. — 9 - Naws/Sporta/Waothar 5:00 P.M. 9 'too tribute to the ... goal of O pen fo m ni / Readers' views QirT Unemployed symphony mu­ ® - That's tha Spirit (P G ) Sat 2:45,7wlthSlddhar- Sun 1, 3, 5, 7:40, 9:45. — Grevstoke: The Legend of ruptcy. The rescue method, Driving’s education committee. As "CD - Davay/Oollath CD - Mlaalon: Impossibto 9 - Championship WrastHng sicians must hire a well-known ® - MOVIE; 'Charila Chan at tha ( R j Sat 1, 4:55, 9:10. — Iceman (P G ) Sat 1,3, 5,7:45, Tarzan, Lord of the Apes “adequate, reliable supplies , '9 - Hae Haw siphoning off savings from such, he flew around the country at 9 - American Govammont CD 9 - Wkto Worid of Bpocts conductor in order to obtain tha Wax Museum' A gangster D.O.A. Sun 3, 7 with The 10,11:55; Sun 1,3, 5, 7:45,10. ( P G ) Sat and Sun 2, 4:30, 7, of electricity at the least Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 - ESPN'a Wide World of - Top 40 Vktoo sponsorship for e radio show. hides out in a wax museum, wait­ Decline of Western Civiliza­ — Swing Shift (P G ) Sat 1:45, 9:30. — Romoncing the Stone • Canadian hydropower, is con­ taxpayers’ expense to place editor­ 9 - Un Ola an la Vkto da... CD 4,7; 15,9:35,11 ;30; Sun 1:45,4, Chwnplonahip Skiing Deanna Durbin, Adolphe Menjou, ing to kill Charlie. Sidney Toler, tion (R ) Sun 1,4:55. 9 ( P G ) Sat and Sun 2, 4:20, 7, possible cost. ” 9 - unto House on tha Pralzto 7 :15 ,9 :35 . 9:20. troversial because the six ials reflecting his views in various " 9 - MOVIE: ‘Tandor Mardoa' 9 - Family CIrcto Cup Tsnnis Leopold Stokowski. 1937. Marc Lawrence. 1940. Clnestudlo — T o B e O r Not Congress ought to enact newspapers. An ex-country-and-waalem sin­ Covarags of the woman’s sami- 9 - McDonald's High Bchool to Be (P G ) Sat 7:30 with The Manchester New England states do not AH Amorica DaokotPoH Oanw 9:15P.M. ® - ABC News Stuntman (R) Sat 9:35. — UA Theaters East — Splash necessary permissive legis­ ger tries to start a new life but his finals la praasmsd from Hilton have identical interests. Mat catches up with him. Robert Head. SC. (2 hra.) from Loo Angoloo, CA ® - Your Money 2:00 A.M. Hammett (P G ) Sun 7:30 with ( P G ) Sat a n d Sun 2 ,4 : IS, 7 :20, lation applicable to all states. INTERNAL COMMISSION RE­ CBuvall, Tes* Harper. Betty Buck- 9 - Lot's Go Bowling 9 - LISA Super Cartoon Mean Streets (R ) Sun 9:20. 9:35. — Romancing the Stone 9:30 P.M. - Movie Cont'd Colonial — Ten Command­ (P G ) Sat a n d Sun 2 ,4 :3 0 ,7 :30, Embassy editorial wrongheaded CORDS show that Chafetz took at . ._l^ Rated PG. Saturday CD S H O W C A B i With such a law in hand, a An atmosphere of haste 9 - Washington Weak/ IS ) - This Weak in Japan - MOVIE; 'The Middle of ments of Lee (R ) Sat and Sun 9:40. — Hard to Hold (PG) - Piah the Proa Sportswri- 9 - Too Cloaa for Comfort CD from 1 with Dragon vs. Sat and Sun 2,3:45,5:30,7:15, least 20 trips, at a cost of more than Ravtow Paul Duke is joined by the Night' A secretary and her regional power council could hangs about the Seabrook tars preview germ* and viewers - Mama'a Family Ellen's Needles of Death (R ) Sat and 9:30. — The Rocky Horror To the Editor: tened to deny them access to their criticized by your paper on many top Washington journalists ana­ 9 - Nawa/Spofta/Waathar boss plan to marry despite their $8,000. Commission Chairman ” 'cdfnpate lor prizes. lyzing tha week's news. night of triumph turns into a Sun from 1. Picture Show (R) Sat mid­ be formed by Rhode Island, solution. Through speedy ma­ oil and thereby forced them out. issues, but certainly not for having 9 - MOVIE: 'Lookaf A plaitic fiasco when Mama decides the differences. Fredric March. Kim 6AN0AIN MATINEC DAILY John Voipe says he had no problem ' • ' 9 - Money Weak East Hartford night. — Black and Blue (R) FIRST SHOW ONLY$2.50 neuvering, New England has Your editorial of April 3 criticiz­ Moreover, your discussion of reiterated traditional U.S. policy surgeon Invastigatsa tha myatar- whole family should attend the Novak. Lee Philips. 1959. Eastwood Pub B Cinema— Sat m id n ig h t. — H e a v y M e ta l Massachusetts and Connecti­ with Chafetz’ trips, and thought the >i9-ForoU>oo 1:30 P.M. kxia deaths of hla patlanis. Alberl ing Hart and Mondale for promis­ banquet. (R) GD - MOVIE: 'High Seat Terms of Endearment (PG) (R ) Sat midnight. cut, which share energy solved many of its energy overall U.S. policy toward Israel of toward Israel. To answer Rashad doctor had done a good job. 9 - Thrao Stoogas CD - MOVIE: 'Enoountsr with FInnay, James Cobum. Susan Hijack' Sat 6:45, 9:15; Sun 7:15. Mantitold ing to move the U.S. Embassy tha Unknown' Thrao fully docu- Day. 1961. Rated PG. 10:00P.M. Poor Richard's Pub A Ci­ Translux College Twin — concerns, or one could serve problems. Hart and' Mondale is deceptively Shawa, the ousted mayor of Gaza, Others weren’t so pleased with GD G9) - Prog cont'd from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem does manted aupematural events con- & - Classic Country (X) CD - Mickey Spillane'e nema — Terms of Endear­ The Big Chill (R) Sat 3:30, There are limits to “wing­ narrow. Sen. Hart, for example, they are the Americans who “ have Chafetz’ performance. “ He is so 10:00A.M. caming a shockingly accurate Mika Hammar G 9 - Dr. Gena Scott ment (P G ) Sat 7:15,9:30, 12; 7:15 with Easy Rider (R ) Sat INTIlKmiMEXITSa all six New England states if 9 - Los Suagroa y Los Ntotos not contribute to our understand­ had opened his New York cam­ the guts to speak out in the m - Kidsworld death prophecy, a mystarioua -N aw a ® - At Tha Movlaa Sun 4:30, 7:15, 9:30. 5:15, 9. — Night of the EASTHARTTOtD SM -M W they wished. ing it,” however, and a biased and prejudiced it is sad,” CD Showcoft Cinemas — Shoolino Stars (P G ) Sat and ing of the complexities of U.S.- paign with an eight-point state­ American interest.” ^ 9 - Saturday Morning 'deep hola.' and a chiWn^ beau­ 9 - JuUa Child and Company formal regional power entity said a fellow commission nnember. tiful ghost ara exposed. 1975 3 3 ® - Fantasy Island T w o (S ) - Sports Update Footloose (PG) Sat 1:30, Sun 3, 5, 7,9. — Top Hat Sun The legislation should also Israeli relations. ment on “ matters vital to Israel’s (■ ) - Taizan: Lord of tha Jungla 5:30 P.M. young people want to find the 3:45, 10, 12; Sun 1:30, 3:45, 3:30,7:15wlth Flying Down to UP THE CREEK “ It’s a disgrace,” said Sandy CD - MOVIE: 'Mr. Majastyk' A 2:30 A.M. 7 :1 5 ,9 :45. — P o l Ice A c a d e m y let the council move toward is needed. Your assertion that both Hart survival.” These points, which Edward Drachman “ OD - All Star WrsatHng 9 - BRO: Oaofgs Bums In right companions and a fashion R io Sun 5:15, 9. m\ Golden, author of “Driving the farmar daflaa the mob by ^ M g * buyer wants the courage to end G $ - MOVIE: 'Tha Outaidara' * " 9 - Sports Probe work to tho nsedy. Charlea Bron­ Concort This nightckib act was regional rate-making and ap­ and'Mondale have proposed poli­ stressed “ the special relationship Associate Professor taped at Hamilton Pisco In Hamil­ her love affair with a married man. The conflicts of rival youth gangs - SHOWN AT - Drunk, Off the Road: A Handbook son, Al Lattleri, Linda Ctittal. cies toward Israel detrimental to that binds the United States and of Government ? " 9 - Wrestling ton, Ontario. (60 min.) [Closed Captioned}- explode into tragedy when a l;IB-IO«)-liaO.|l:(W proving sites for new whole­ The Manchester Herald occa­ for Action,” a widely acclaimed 1974 'greaser' falls for a rich girl. Matt - - 9 - Nawa Update GD-Saint sionally reprints editorials from U.S.-national interest is unwar­ Israel,” “ true ... strategic cooper­ University of Hartford 9 - Nswamaksra Saturday 9 - Amarica’a Top Tan Dillon. To m Cruise, Diane Lane. sale power plants if it felt the book on the problem. “ Them aniaa - 9 - MOVIE: ‘The Man Who MOSCOW ON other newspapers in New England. ranted and unfair. First, your ation ... between the U.S. and 9 - MOVIE: 'DsMh Trap' 9 - Nawamakora Boturday (H) - Independent Network 1983. Rated PG. units were needed. tool and apologist of the al^h dlic '• 'Saw Toriiorrow' Michel do Noa- Nawa THE HUDSON R ’This one is from the Providence, choice of phraseology is biased. Israel,” “full implementation of „,.vadamus accurately predicted Whan a gM Isama that har aittsr 9 - Last Chonca Qaiags , Buck Rogers -SHOWriAT:- R.I., Journal Bulletin. Why, for example, do you desig­ the Camp David Accords,” and a Good job ' tto rise of Hitler and otfw histori­ 9 - victory Oordan 3:00 A.M. the commission reflects it.” cal figures. Orson WaHes nar- from the bank before the diad, ® - Nawa/Sporta/Waathar 1AM:l6-7dO-IOdlO-lta6 nate Jerusalem as “ largely a resolution of the Palestine problem •ha tries to discovar what hap- 02) - SporteConter Golden believes there are defi­ ,,fates. 1981. Rated PG. 6:00 P.M. ® ® - Yellow Rosa Hollister Editor’s note: The following is a panad to it. Ahreri Uavtn, Bar- 9 - Night Flight captive city?" Whatever the wis­ only “in full consideration of CD (D 9 - N a w s reprimands Lenny for his part in 4 nite steps that can be taken to cut, " 'S S L r Rafl*f*' Naighbor- bwaSlMlIay, JohnMMIon. 1962. fo dom and justice of officially Israel’s security needs,” reflect copy of a letter sent to the Meals on CD - Bhra Knight the drug smuggling operation and IS ) - Newa/Sports/Weather GREYSTOKE down on the nearly 50,000 alcohol- 9 - Amarioan Oovammant Quisto leads the police into cap­ recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s the heart of U.S. policy toward Wheels program. - Motoiwsak CD- Racing From Aqueduct 3:30 A.M. related highway deaths each year. 9 - Embriadoros da la Musica turing Lenny and Sanchez. (R) ( ^ -SHOWMAT- capital by moving our embassy, QD - Star Trek (2D - Newemakera Saturday Israel since 1948. Sen. Hart thus But he says few of these were 10:15A.M. Programs musical praaantatKio Is min.) the status of Jerusalem under , ~ 9 - M a d i a Watch muaica y al folklora da co*kxnbls. 9 - Dr. Gene Scott need not apologize for promising to recommended in the presidential ® - MOVIE: 'The l^ln g 4:00 A.M. Israel is certainly not deserving of continue U.S. support for Israel; a A note from me is very overdue, 10:30A.M. 9 - S t a r Ssarch 9 - Foma Tra a ’ A frontier doctor, with a se­ ( £ - MOVIE: Mon With the POLICE UOClEkR commission’s final report. WoH Weak cret past, nurses a blind girl back Golden Arm' The tortures and that inflammatory and inaccurate policy which has been in the but being late beats never. I eqjoy g n CD - Bugs Bunny/Rood 9 - Strsst Louis 9 - Naws/Sporta/Waathar ACADEMYR Footnote: Chafetz told my asso­ Rukayaar analyzaa the'SOa with a to health. Gary Cooper, Maria tormante of a drug addict trying description. the tasty meals which are brought “ liannar Show Schell, Karl Malden. 1959. -.SMQWtlAr:- national interest of both countries. ciate Donald Goldberg that his weakly review of economic and to 'kick' tha habit are depicted in Visiting Nurses Association ll)04aMl)0-7$0«46-lld6 Were the holy places in Jerusa­ Perhaps you should have critic­ to me by the kindest, friendliest '"CD 9-U ttlos Mvaatmant mattara. 9 - 'Charytki' Programa musi­ ® • El MutKio dal Box this drama. Frank Sinatra, Kim expense account problems 10 ye­ cal praaamondo la bsKa Chafytin. Novak, Eleanor Parker. 1956. and Home Cara lem more free under King Hus­ ized Hart for being old hat, for his and caring volunteers. The gentle­ > 9 - This is tha USFL ® - 'That's Hollywood ars ago were due to carelessness 2:00 P.M. 9 - Black Psrapsrriivs QD - Life of RItoy of Manchester SWING lUB/lTABltfl sein’s control between the 1948 and promise to move the U.S. Embassy men who augment the deliveries , .9 -N- NBA B , BaskotbaH: Boston at 10:15P.M. on his part, and that nothing eVer Dstrolt CD - NCAA Spaolal Today's 9 - W hit* Shaikwv 9 - PKA Full Contact Karate E el are Santa’s elves in disguise. And (3 $ - Not Nacaasarlly Tha SHIFT 1967 wars, both of which were to Jerusalem is hardly a new idea. program famuroa tha Woman'a P KA Full Contact Karate preaents came of the F B I investigation. 9 - Countdown to *S4 Today's 9 - Pro**nt*l Nawa -swmuHAri- launched by Arab countries unwil­ Rather, it was a plank of the they are my friends. program faaturea weakly prev­ Swimming and Diving Champion- a 9-round Heavyweight bout fea­ •hlpa and tha Woman'a Gymnaa- 6:30 P.M. l;»A0fr7:)H:ima0 ling to accept Israel’s right to ' Democratic Party platform in both Their dedication to the service is iews and profUaa of the 1884 10:30 P.M. turing Brad Haft on va. Cedric A Concert extremely evident when there are Olympict. tlca Champlonihips. (90 mM.j CDCD-CBSN« ivs CD - Black Nawa Rod^ra. (90 min.) exist? Has not Israel opened up all the 1976 and 1980 presidential CD - Look to tha Sky To Benefit the Hospice Home Care storms of all varieties, and it must C D 9 - n * w * QD - Wall Strast Journal 9 - MOVIE: 'Six Wsaka' A FOOTLOOSE of the city to members of all faiths, campaigns. 9 - Stylo With Elsa Klanseh politician befriends a widowed Letters policy * 9 - EMy Your Bast Tsntito CD - In S**rch of... - liKtopsmtont Nstwoik Program regardless of nationality? And be tempting to stay home! ‘Variatlona of tha Groundstroka.' coemetics tycoon wboao daugh­ Finally, you misled your readers 9 - MOVIE: Tondar M ard oa' I thank you all for seeing to it that The Manchester Herald' a j a . ' "*■ * ■“ ^ w s ter dreams of an ideal family. since when does one see how just a by stating that the U.S. has sold 9-M O VIE: Tha JonSingar' An ax-coumiy-and-wsatarn sln- Dudley Moore, Mery Tyler M-MB-IIMtftUIO welcomes letters to the' ; 9 - Elsctrlo Company A young man chooses a caraor in Sunday^ May^6 3:00 P.M . policy is by counting the number of arms to Arab countries but has I not only get fine meals but proper gsr trtsa to start a now Hfa but hla Moore. 1983. Rated PG. editor. ' 9 - Ranoho Priam AmarMo show busMss* rathar than fol­ past catches up with hkn. Robert 11:00 P.M. countries for it (your reference to nutrition, too. I am a healthier 9 - Weak In Rovtow Widdell School -163 Broad 8L. Manchoitof “ routinely dispensed” economic Letters should be brief and ' 9 - MOVIE: 'House on lowing M Ma fathor's footsteps as DuvaN, Teas Haepar, Batty Buck- CDQDCD999-Nawa FRIDAY person than I ever dreamed of a cantor. Donny Thomas, Peggy "tiny Costa R ica” as the only and military aid to Israel. Israel is to the point. They should te ' Hguntad HW A man ghroa a lay. Rated PG. - MOVIE: 'Whiwsa For 4:30 A.M. First Company Qoramora Foot Guard Laa, Mikirad Dunnock. 1853. CD the THE 13TH being a year ago. , ‘haumtd house' party to ass Ptoeocutioii' At • young tnen'e country with its embassy in not the recipient of U.S. govern­ typed or neatly hand-written,^ 9 - PInnaoto QD - Abbott and Costello Band SHOWtlA|:-_ _ ' which guoats will aurvivs the 9-NawaUpdato trial fof the iruirder of o wealthy Jerusalem) ? So, best wishes, and the knowl­ andi for ease in editing, 9 - NBC News ment charity; it pays for its aid. ' nigHT' Vincent Pries, Carol 9 - To So Aimounoad woman 'friend', hia wHs's dam­ and iO <964 bv Nf A Inc At least you could have menti­ edge that you and the staff a ii should be double-spaced. ; Ohmort, Richard Long, Alan Mar- 9 - MOVIE: T h e Mon Who aging tsstimony points to guilty. Furthermore, these sales, espe­ 9 - Haro's «o Your HoaHh Silk City Chorua doing a terrific Job terrifically The Herald reserves the ' ahal. 18B8. WmH Tomorrow' MIchal do Nos­ MKlona Dietrich, Tyrona Powar, There’d be much less vio­ "Maybe we ought to continue RENTING our oned that 13 countries had main­ cially over the past few years, have 9 9 1 ^ I I i . l i Tickets: 1460 AduKi ICEMAN right to edit letters in the rumn iimnsoioiiM, tradamus accurately prsdictad Charias Laughton. 1S67. lence on TV If you didn’t tained embassies in Jerusalem been subject to increasingly sharp well! Hungarif vs. Daruitaik tha rias of HHIar and other histori­ telephones. ” interests of brevity, clarity QD - Laugh-In have to beat on the set to 1260 Sinlsri ind CMWrsn Undsr 12 ------S H O W tlA I:' until 1980 when Arab countries, led ppblic and Congressional debate. . 11:00A.M. 9 -M O V IE : ‘Daughtorofthe cal Ikairsa. Orson Wallas nar- and taste. ratas. 1981. Rotsd PG. QD - Odd Coupto make the picture come into Tlckajlt: Sold at tha Door HB*W4afr7:«MftOB-ll; me unwiM*a dD0-AilMyChMian By Jullonne Hastings HP - Truman Tsytor Talks To hunter-turned* p o sc lw as his 10:30 A.M. N a w s ^ ^ —■ t------— —A ^ i d e Harry Guercbno, Robert BfffBfHHnvnam i* 0 - Facta of Ufa CD-Rbwio 0 0 - Wild Worid of Animals United Press Internotlonal meets her, admiring her spunk and CC - Naw Jarsay Raport C D - T V M e e e QD 3 - ABC Naws 8:00 A.M. Culp, Shirley Eaton. 1964 11:30P.M. CE-Woorty Woodpaefcar 0 - W altons 0 0 - Dm* of Our Uvoo unwillingness to be bullied by him. QD - Indapandant Natwork CD - Music City, U.S.A. 3 - Inside Bualnaaa 5:30 A.M. N a w s 3 - WMk In Rmiaw CD - CBS Naws 0 - Eduendenal Program* 0 - htatruellonal Piograma NEW YO RK — Sir Laurence Olivier " I’U tell you something Elizabeth," “ That's the Spirit 3 3 - NBC Navra Cl) ® - Vartad Pragtam* CD 3 3 > Major League 4:00 P.M. does all the right stuff in the Mobil he says one evening, “ you're a lot - MOVIE; Strokat Aca' A 3 - Your Children Our CD - David Susskind (35 - PMi Panther Show 10:30 A.M. 0 - Munda Utbio Jataa Lo- race-car driver schemes to even GD - MOVIE: 'Who Done It?' Baseball: Detroit at Boston aads y Sonia Vortiausr aon to* an- CD- Showcase Network’s presentation of better than the others. None of them Bud and Lou turn detective to Children CD - Laugh-In W -U n d e rdog CD - AH bi th e FamBy the score with a conniving cor­ 3 - MOVIE: Adam'. Rib' A frittona* da aata programa da He-Man A Mastars/ lasted very long.” solve a crime. Bud Abbott. Lou •> Temes y Debates -N e w s CD 0 - John Mortimer’s “ A Voyage Round My porate kingpin. Burt Reynolds. husband and wife team of law­ 3 CD 3 ( S - El Chawo/B CiMtMiBn 0 - Varied Program* asumoa pubfcoa nscionalas pra- Univnrsa Costello. Patrick Krrawles. 1942. Father,” the true story of an irascible “ I wonder why,” she muses aloud. Loni Anderson. 1983. Rated PG. yers have a courtroom battle in­ 3 - U s t U a f (D - It I* Wrhtwi 1 0 0 - Sal* of the Century samando sntravistss, notida*, QDCD- movi* ® - MOVIE: -Th. Bowwy British barrister who is blind. “ Voyage" is an eloquent production ® - Naw Zoo Ravua volving a woman on trial for GD - Honaymoonars |0-Croaaflra 0-OtabVanDyk* daportaa y un asgmamo dasde Boys In Let's Qo Navy' The shooting her husband. Katharine HoRywood. GD - Bamaby Jonas loaded with talent that is given 7:00P.M. 3 - SportsCantar )-Jlm B * k a r The movie, filmed on location at the ® - Naws Updata Bowery Boys take to the sea. The Hepburn, Spencer Tracy. Judy 11:00 A.M. 0 - Moib A Mbidy something to say. C3D QE) - 60 Minutaa 0 - Raadbig Rainbow playwright-barrister’s Oxfordshire 6:15A.M. Bowery Boys. Leo Gorcey. Huntz Holliday. 1949. 69) - Inside Business 6:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. CD - Prtc* Is fUght 0 - NavyaSna Hall. 1951 QD 3 - MOVIE: 'The Tan 1:30 P.M. home, will air at 8 p.m. E:ST April 19 in THE ADVERTISING firm of Dancer (£} - News GD ~ Compleat Gilbert and (S I - Bionic Woman CD - n bitatonaa Com m andm ent*' This film pre­ I ( S ® - Vartad Progianta CD-Sraabuvmy 0 - Nawlywod Oama most television markets (consult local ® - Newsmaker Sunday Sullivan T h e Gondoliers.' T w o - Hee H aw (E (E - A* th* World Turns Fitzgerald Sample has issued its @ ) - Madia Watch sents the story of Moses and the 3 [ ( E - Naw Zoo Ravua 9 3 - Straight Tdh CD - Prieo I* Right 0 0 - Baaama Stmat [Cloaad & - MOVIE: Honkytonk Man' gondoliers are allowed to rule a 0 - Varied Programs listings). annual report on pilots the commercial exodus of the Jews from Egypt. - Exchange (35 0 - Qmal Spaa* Coaatar Captioned] 6:30 A.M. in hopes of performir>g on the kingdom jointly until it is decided I (E - CBS Earty Morning Nawa ( £ 0 - B * n « > n Mortimer, who created the PBS networks have ordered from producers which one is the rightful ruler. (2 Charlton Heston, Yul Bryruter. fi® — Wnianaw* Xi^a^^haw 0 - Danny WItocin’s Aftar (D - Captain Xangaroo Grarxj Ole Opry. an aging country 11:45 P.M. Ic e ® - ABC Naw* TMa \fS9 fvw. fvQger* leaignBor*’ CD 0 - F a m H y 0 - AmaSa BaUsts series “ Rumpole of the B ailey" and hrs.) (Closed Captioned] 1956. X hood Spadala for possible series in the 1984-85 singer travels across the back- CD - Ufastylas of th* Rich and Mandng 0 - M agic Oardan 0 -Quincy CD - Black News - SwHteh adapted Evelyn Waugh’s “ Brideshead television season. roads of America with his r>e- (@ - Round Cero Programa de- CD Famous 0 - B Show da Eduardo II 2:00 P.M. 0 - Mastars of th* Univanw CD - Ask the Doctor phew. Clint Eastwood, Kyle Bualnaaa Tlmaa on ESPN 0 - Designs for IMng Revisited” for television, won an porlivo producido en la ciudad de (9 ) CSt - Solid Gold —_ IDmWTlCTMMd t a i I J a nil , || New* Ed Asner, Loretta Switt, Loni Ander­ Eastwood. Rated PG. 12:00 A.M. 0 0 - Wheal of Fortune CE- 0 - UttI* House on th* Piabi* C D - N a w s Mexico en o! cual se presentan ios - Dragnet I ( 9 - BNnnt * International Emmy for “Voyage,” son, Lloyd Bridges, Morgan Fairchild, 3 0 - Baaama Straat |Cto*ad CE 0 - One Ufa to Uv* d i) - Wild Kingdom m - Electric Company momentos culminantes de ios QE) - M O V IE : M w i on a S w in g ' ^ ® - 20 NHnut* Woifcout C^h “ A n d y OrHRth which is an affectionate and admiring mas memorables partidos de 60) - News Update A weird, self-proclaimed psychic Captioned] 0 -S o iiy a Elliott Gould, Stella Stevens, Robert O - MOVIE: ‘Abbon And O-Onybraah 0 - Educational Pregtam* 4:30 P.M. tribute to his iate father. - Insight boxeo. - Father Murphy John offers a distrustful police chief his Stack, Loni Anderson and Lynda Costello Meet the Keystone 3 3 0 - 1 lovo Lucy sets out to find a runaway who assistance In solving the baffling 0-AB-DayMiwt** 9:00A.M. CD - Three's CompanyL Olivier, who last was seen on Mobil CS) ' Styta With Elsa Klensch Kope' Vamps break hearts, ^® - American Sportsman 11:30 A.M. 0 - Naw* Day Carter are among some of the stars has ^lltKi in with an elderly murder of a young woman. Cliff 0 - Health Retd Batman Showcase Network in Shakespeare’s - As Schools Match Wits stuntmen, rtecks and every face (D - Now S2S.000 Pyramid 0 - L o v b i g CD - featured in the 86 pilots that the three @ ) - Undersea World of woman. (R) (60 min.) Robertson. Joel Grey. Dorothy CD 0 0 - Anolhar World wears a custard pte. Bud Abbott. Lov* Lucy 0 - Happy Days Again "King Lear," plays Clifford Mortimer, ® - Ring Around the World Jacques Cousteau Tristan. 1974 6:30 A.M. CD-I 0 - Newlywed Oama networks have ordered. Lou Costello, F r ^ Clark. 1955. 3 - Academy On Computers 0 - B Chavo/B ChWMiSn - Pbik Panther and Friend* who went blind at middle age when he m - Dnay/Qoliath GD CD - CBS Earty Mombig CD - Movie 0 Qraat American 0 The advertising firm projected that 2:15P.M. 3 - Baita Conmiqo CD - News«>pe 0 - What's Happening - In ^g h t Nowr CD &- Donahue H om a m abar 0 - Dating Oama bumped his head on a tree branch and CBS. NBC andABC would beorderinga 6:45 A.M. (S ) - Para Genta Grande Vivo ® - On Stage America dD - MOVIE: 'Walk. Don't Run' detached his retinas. 10:45 A.M. desde Mexico. Richard Rocha es In Tokyo during the Otympics, a QE-IHipav* (35 - tint* Rascal* 0 0 - Dream House 0 - Soooby Doo combined total of 16 to 19 hours of new @2) > Sacred Heart (SD > Classic Counby 2:15 P.M. - Jewish Ufa el anfitrion de este programa gan- middle-aged electronics expert is ( B - Jimmy Swaggart 0 -C a M o p s 0 - Hoy Mlamo Anfiitione* (£ -Popoy* 5:00 P.M. programming for the upcoming 7:00 A.M. ador del premto Emmy en el que 7:15P.M, forced to share an apartment with (3 ) - Tom A Jarry 0 - Mas* Guifaniio Ochoa. Lourdes Guar- “ HE HAD NO use for therapy, dogs season. presenta acontecimientos re­ a young woman. Cary Grant. Sa­ -Ta x i CD - Hour of Power 11:00 A.M. (S ) - Sports Sunday laro y Juan Doaal praaantan aata 2:30 P.M. CD or training. He simply pretended that cientes en Ios Estados Unidos. mantha Eggar, Jim Hutton. 1966. 0-BuBwinkl* 0 -D a y w a tc h Among trends in the pilot line-up CD - PTL Club CS3 - MOVIE: 'Tanan and tha programs da asunioi publico* CD CE-CapHol CD 0 - Chariia's Angals nothing had happened,” says the 7:30 P.M. O - NBC Naw* at Sunrtaa 0 - Saiama Straat [Cloiad prasamsndo notidas y variada in- were: female detective stories ("Fifty- Amazons' Tarzan crosses the 2:30P.M. GD - Star Trek - In of... - Psopis'a Court narrator-son character played by Alan CD - Th is Is the Life path of a tribe consisting solely of Captionadj formacion. CD Search CD Fifty” for NBC with Carter and GD - Donna-A Hot Summer GD - Fraggle Rock GD - N B A Basketball: Tea m s to 0 - Varied Programa - Newark & Reality women. Johnny Weissmuller. 0 - Jotaons 0 - UMa Houso on tho Prabio Bates. CD Night - N H L Stanley C u p Playoffs be Announced Former U.S. Army counterintelligence specialist Richard Craig 0 - Rompar Room 0 - Mombig Stiotch 0 - Indapandsm Natworic Anderson, "Four Eyes” with Sephanie Johnny Sheffield, Brenda Joyce. GD 0 - Candid Camara Hour Elizabeth Sellars plays the author's GD - Old Time Gospel 0 - 2 0 Minuto Wortiaut N a w s 0 - Leave It to Beaver Kramer and Didi Howard" for NBC); 1945. ( ^ - 12th Annual Family Circle GD - Newton's Apple GD - Dr. Gene Scott Smith, 40, is escorted out of U.S. District Court in Alexandria, 6:45 A.M. mother and Jane Asher (Celia Ryder in (S ) ** ESPN's Sportswoman C up Tennis Coverage of the ® - Lovo CwmocUon 0 - B Amor Nunca Muam . 0 - CHIP* role-reversal plots ("M r. M om " with GD - Jony Falwell GD - Soapbox 3 - When Will the Dying (D -N * w * 12:00 P.M. G S - Sunday Cartoon Express women's finals is presented from Stop? Va., after his arraignment on Friday. If found guilty of the 0 . ^ My Thia* Sons 0 - Nawawatch “ Brideshead” ) plays his girlfriend Barry Van Dyke for ABC and "Charles GD ~ Seven Lest Words Sea Pines Racket Club, Hilton 8:00 P.M. 0 - Waalhar 9:30 A.M. CD CD CD 0 0 - N * w t 0 - Magic of OH PabiUng - Hagan's Haioos Elizabeth. G9 - Or. Gene Scott 3 - Nows/Spoits/Weather conspiracy and espionage charges lodged against him. Smith 0 in Charge" with Scott Bnio for CBS), - Make Peace With Nature Head. SC (2 World of Gospel CD CD S ) - Suzanna Pleshette 7:00 A.M. 0 0 - Mr. Rogac*' and mismatches (“ Cat and M ike" with G® - Play Your Best Tennis ^® - USFL Football: Teams to The New York Examiner gets out- (3 - Richard BelzarCaught/ could face life in prison. CD - My Throo Sons 3:00 P.M. A ct CD CD - CBS Mombig Now* CD-Tatd*tal** Nsighbochood dignified barrister who stares at - News/Sports/Weather be Anrraunced scooped and It look Hke Maggie is CD CD - OuhBng Light Swit and George Dzundza (or CBS links Basics of the Groundstroke.' CD - CNN HaadHn* Naws 0 0 - Varied Piograma 0 - En Buses dal Paralao witnesses with his blind eyes while (S ) - Jimmy Swaggart responsible. 3 - Despedida QD-Wteody Woodpodcar (T ) - liMoactor Qadgat an Ivy League woman with a Bronx (S ) “ News Update 3:00 P.M. ® - Mimstan 0 - USA M ovie - Love Connaetton grilling them in court. - MOVIE: 'Black Beauty' CD - Star Search 3 - Faith for Today CD ® - Oood Mombig 0 bachelor and "A ll That G litters" with ( 2 ) - Entertainment Th is W eek CD CD - Masters G<^f 0 - Jimmy Swaggart “ He sent words into darkness like Leo Waat, Johnny Crawford, - Straight TaMt Amortea 0 - Dr. Dana Soo n CD 0 - Oonatal Hospital 0 - AHca David Drew Brighton and Joanna St. 0 - Supersoccer Tournam ent Coverage of the CD 3 - MOVIE: The Beguiled' Mimi Gibson Rated G. The presence of a wounded Ex U.S. agent claims C D -7 0 0 Chib 0 - Roaa da Ls)os 0 0 - M ovie CD -Saim soldiers into battle and he was never final round is presented from the - Lifestyles of the Rich and John (or NBC joins a socialite and a Cl A - El S how de Eduardo II GD - Seven Last Words Augusta National Country Club, Fam ous Union soldier in a Southern girts (35 - Inda and tha Puaaycata 0 ® - Mors Raai Paopla 0 - Taka 2 0 - Tom & Jarry and Friend* 5:30 P.M. short of reinforcements," the narrator agent). @!l - Adelante school creates emotional turmoil - Kenneth Copeland Aug^ista, GA. (3 hrs.) - Buabiiaa Tbna* on ESPN 0 - DayUma 0 -H o t Potato CD 0 - News says of his father’s courtroom style. GD - MOVIE: High Road To as teachers and students com ­ 0 - AHv* and WaRI SEVERAL OF the pilots are spinoffs - Conversation With... - MOVIE: -Rodw) Girt' The China' A flapper hires a former 0 - Dactiki Company “ He had no beliefs. He was the - Heritage Comer CD pete for his attentions. Clint East- 0 - USA Cartoon Expraas 0-Fam llvFoud 0 - Woody Woodpackar GD 0 - M*A*8*H of popular series, including "Marcus GD - New Literacy wife of a champion rodeo per­ W orld W ar I ace to help find her wood. Geraldine Page. Elizabeth he didn’t seii secrets 0 - 3-2-1, Contact advocate and could always take the 7:30 A.M. a - Dr. Gan* Soon 10:00 A.M. 0 - Sosamo Straat [Cloaad 0 - Afternoon Brook former pursues a rodeo career menaced father. To m Selleck, Henman. 1971. side that came to him first.” Welby Revisited" for ABC, "E.R.,” a CD - Nly Neighbor's Religion 11:15A.M. even though her marriage and Bess Armstrong. Jack Weston. OB •*' FVntstonaa CD - Hour Magazliw C ^ n k n e d j 0 - Match Oanw/Hcllywood 0 - Bob Nawhart Show " Jeffersons" spinoff starring Gould for Bv Pomelo Murphy spy named Victor Okunev in Tokyo the Although the elder Mortimer could CD - Insight ( S ) ~ Your M oney pregnancy are threatened. Ka­ 1983. Rated PG. 12:30 A.M. 0 0 -T o d * y CD - 1 Lovo Lucy 12:30 P.M. Squares Hour 0 - Electric Company CBS, "The Cent^?''’ with Neil Carter of tharine Ross, Bo Hopkins, Candy United Press international names of six U.S. double agents in the not see. his son tells us that every day CD - Jack Van Impe Presents 11:30 A.M. - M O V IE : 'Rocky M ountain' CC - Six MIHIon Doltor Mm 0 -B a b n a n CD - Broabaway CD CD - Young and th* 0 - Untamed World “ Gimmie A Break” for NBC and even Clark 1981 In a small canyon, a Confederate Russian intelligence service between he chronicled in his diary the growth of (S ) -* Numero Uno CD ~ Face the Nation (S) - MOVIE: 'Strokmr A c.' A 0 - Saaam* Straat [Cloaad ( D - Rompar Room 0 - In Madraita Now is the time to'run on another “ M-A-S-H” spinoff. "W alter,” GD - Tales of the Unexpected patrol and Union prisoners form a race-car driver schemes to even ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A Mormon November, 1982, and February, 1983. his beloved garden, based on the vocal - World Tomorrow CD - Th is W eek w ith David mutual b o n djo beat off attacking CapSonad] (35 - Varied Program* CD 0 - Ryan'* Hop* 0 - Eight Is Enough ad In classified to sell that starring Gary “ Radar” Burghoff in a (S ) - News Update the score with a conniving cor­ bishop's son and former counterintelli­ He is being held in lieu of $500,000 -reports he forced out of his wife and son @ ) - Big Story Brinkley Indians. Errol Flynn, Patrice W y- porate kingpin. Bun Reynolds. 7:30 A.M. 0 - Candbi Camera Hour 0 - M o v l * 0-PoriiyS Bug* camera you no longer post-war setting. ( ^ - MOVIE: '100 Men and a more. Slim Pickens. 1950. gence specialist pleaded innocent bond. through meticulous questioning. CD “ Rex Humbard Loni Anderson. 1983. Rated FKj . 0 0 - Search For Tomorrow 0 - French Chef use. @ - El Club 7 00 Girl' Unemployed symphony mu­ Friday to charges of selling the names CD - Buga Bunny/Poihy Pig 0 -7 O O C b ib (32) - Fishin' Hole sicians must hire a well-known (S ) - News/Sports/Weather (S ) - New Serendipity Singers Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Aron- - Kingdom Living Today of six U.S. spies in the Soviet KGB for ica said Smith had "neutralized” G j) “ Fraggle Rock conductor in order to obtain ( S ) (S S -I M O V IE : 'Jesus of @ ) - Style With Elsa Klensch TH 006H T VA WANMA m - Momingtown sponsorship for a radio show. Nazareth' Part 1 A dramatiza­ $11,000. agents who had infiltrated the Soviet (S ) - Sports Week 3 - Taking Advantage you HAP PLAV R0U6HT Deanna Durbin. Adolphe Menjou, tion of the life and teachings of Trial for former Arm y Sgt. Richard intelligence agency, including "Royal BRIDGE ASTRO 7:45 A.M. (1® - Newsmakers Leopold Stokowski. 1937. Jesus. Robert Powell, Olivia Hus­ 3 - M O V IE : 'A d a m 's Woman* U».EH? Craig Smith, 40, of Bellevue, Wash., M iter," an agent Smith directed while g j - MOVIE: -Anni.- A young @ ) - New Literacy 3:15 P.M. sey. Anne Bancroft. Laurence Oli­ An American battles cruelty and orphan struggles through the vier, James Mason. 1977 injustice in an Australian penal co­ was set for July 9. working for INSCUM. GRAPH (S ) “ Freeman Reports lony. Beau Bridges, Jane Mor­ In today’s hand, South is in dark Depression toward a sunny 12:00P.M. 3 - MOVIE: My Bodyguard' Smith drummed his fingers on a “ Through Royal Miter, INSCOM was row. James Booth. 1970. a slightly optimistic seven tomorrow Albert Finney, Aileen CD Face the State 3:30P.M. The new boy at school enlists the notepad during the brief arraignment able to identity KGB officers engaging Quinn. Carol Burnett. 1982. clubs. Nortn’s seven-club ~ Opportunity Knocks aid of one of the most feared stu­ 3 - Let the Children Live at federal court and his attorneys told NORTH 4-14-1 Rated PG CD GD - MOVIE: Stroker Ace' A in espionage against the United States call was the stretch that CD “ Robert Schuller: The Hour race-car driver schemes to even dents to act as his bodyguard 3 - The Athletes reporters their client was innocent and to determine KGB intelligence ♦ A43 against a class bully. Chris Make­ NAKQ3 gave South problems. 8:00 A.M. of Power [Closed Captioned] the score with a conniving cor­ despite government claims t^at he priorities and methods of operation," porate kingpin. Burt Reynolds. peace, Matt Dillon. Adam Bald­ 12:45 A.M. ♦ 8762 South is forced to win the cfour CD - Barrio (3D - MOVIE; 'Jitterbugs' The win. 1980. admitted his betrayal. Loni Anderson. 1983. Rated PG. CD - U w .m . and Shirtay FBI agent Michael Waguespack said in 463 first trick with his ace of CD - Jimmy Swaggart original gut bucket boys make up < B i r t h d ^ 8 two man zoot suit band and get (2D - Living W ild 'Voyage to the “ Once you are an agent for the a statement filed with the federal court; diamonds. He enters dummy CD - Confluence 4:00 P.M. 1:00 A.M. WEST EAST involved with con men. Laurel & Vermillion Sea.' Krov and Ann United States you are always an agent He said Okunev had offered Smith up with a high heart so that he GD “ Scholastic Sports Acad. Menuhin present this film about Q ) - Agrof*ckv B Co 410986 4KJ72 CD - Celebration/Eucharist Hardy, Vivian Blaine. 1943 — at no time did Mr. Smith do any act to $150,000 for the names of about two can lead a diamond and ruff (2® - M O V IE : 'Gaby' A French the giant whales and sharks in the (35 - Twilight Zona 474 4J10 98 CD “ Terry Cole-Whittafcer ‘ Numero Uno which would injure the United States in it in his hand, thus getting April IS, 1964 (32) ballerina loves an American sol­ waters off Baja. C A (60 min.) dozen more agents. ♦ KQJ109S 443 (33) - Japm Today rid of what he thinks is Look lor some type of joint GD - Frederick K. Price Gl) ** Paddington Goes to dier in London just before D-Day. (Closed Captioned) any w ay," they said. Smith filed for bankruptcy in 1982, I Cf4h,MgA,inc 44 4972 ® - Nawa/Sporta/Wrathw Blast’s last diamond. South endeavor to give your financial G2)" SportsCenter M ovies Paddington the bear is Leslie Caron, John Kerr, Sir Ced­ GD - La Carabina de Ambrosio Smith, who worked for the Army two years after leaving INSCOM, and starstruck. SOUTH then leads a spade to picture a boost In the coming - Woody Woodpecker ric Hardwick. 1956 Comedia musical presentando a 1:15A.M. Intelligence and Security Command the same year he allegedly initiated dummy’s ace for a Vienna year. Collective efforts hav (3 ) - All American Wrestling @ ) - News Update Fito Giron, Ofelia Guilmain, Javier 3 - HuKh Wmk ♦ Q5 *(S) ~ News/Sports/Weather (INSCOM) from 1973 to 1980, is charged contact with the Soviets. His attorney^ LOOKEE THERE! THATOU KUXER!S ) VtXJ'RE SUPPOSED WHAT IN THUNDER 4652 Coup. The coup will produce double chances for success. (3 - Dr. Gene Scott Lopez y Gina Montez. J IS AlUNG YOU?.'.’ - Robert Schuller ( ^ - M O V IE: 'Princess and the 1:30 A.M. with conspiracy and espionage which, have demanded information from the SOIN* RIGHT THROUaH THOSE TJUMP THESE ♦ A a squeeze if either opponent ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) Be - MOVIE; 'Follow the Boys' Cabbie' A strong relationship de­ (@) - Nature OBSTACLES, NOT OVER 'EM/ THIN6S^Y«IS DUMMY/ - Sesame Street [Closed Q ) - Naw* Maguina on conviction, could mean up to three 4AKQJ1085 holds three hearts and the extremely tactful today where A dance star is rejected for ser­ velops between a dysleKic young CIA and the FBI about Smith's alleged Captioned] 8:30 P.M. spade king. South now ruffs your valued relationships are vice but forms a committee to woman and a feisty, self-taught CD - A B C Naw * life sentences. admissions, upon which much of the ' Vulnerable: North-South concerned. Thoughtless - El Ministerio de Jimmy bring live talent to the armed cabbie who helps to educate her. CD CD - Dom estic Life Harold Smith is accused of selling to a Soviet government’s case is built. a third diamond to make runs for student body president (35 - Indapandant Natwotk Dealer: South actions on your part could cre­ Swaggart Presenta forces. George Raft, Vera Zorina, Valerie Bertinelli, Robert Desi- N aw * sure that Blast is out of that and is influenced by a man claim­ ate unpleasant episodes. Major GS) “ Expect a Miracle Dinah Shore. 1944. derio, Cynthia Harris. 1981. West North East Sooth suit. ing to be a key government in­ (331 - NHL Stanlay Cup Playoff* changes are In store for Aries (3) - Or. James Kennedy (S ) - News/Sports/Weather (2D - Festival at Rivers former. 14 South is not going to bring (S ) - N aw l maker Sunday the contract home if West in the coming year. Send for Religion ® - Wild Kingdom (2D - Palicule: ‘La Mentira' 20 24 Pass 30 G2) - College Baseball: Baylor at IS ) - That'* tha Spirit Strip showroom reopens holds the king of spades but, your year-ahead predictions G3) - Latinos Texas (SEASON PREMIERE) Pass 34 Pass 64 (2$ - Murray and Arlene A 4:15P.M. as the cards lie. South can today. Mall $1 and your zodiac working-class Brooklyn couple 2:00 A.M. Pass 74 Pass Pass sign to Astro-Graph, Box 489, 8:30 A.M. @ ) - Health Week (2D - Sism pre en Dom ingo Raul walk the streets of Vienna in migrate to west Texas In search Velasco es el anfitrion de este C3D d) - CBS Naw* Pass Radio City Station, New York, CD “ Portuguese Around Us of a better life perfect safety. 4:30 P.M. programa de entretenimiento in- Nightwatch as Vegas strike goes on NY 10019. CD - Eighth Day Trumps are run and the GS) “ Pelicula: 'La Bode era a las CD - CNN Headline News ternacional producido en Mexico, ( £ - Ratum of tha Saint Opening lead: 4K TAURUS (April 20-May 20) CD - Day of Discovery Doce' en el cual se presentan Ios mas lead of the last trump pro­ GD - 'Youl' Mag. for Woman 05 - Wall Straat Journal Closely suijervise work of a (® - Shtetl Passover Today's populates anistas de la farandula LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) — Plain­ duces a three-card ending. critical nature that others do GS) - Bugs Bunny & Friends (S ) - Sport* Updata announced plans to reopen one of its' ' program marks the Passover sea­ (S ) - Pinnacle hispana asi como invitadoa espe- South holds the queen of - Crossfire dales de todo el mundo. clothes police and private security two showrooms with newly-hired, lor you today. Mistakes could son by taking a loving look at the @ ) (S ) ~ SportsWorid Today's S9 - ABC Naw* guards were ready for any trouble By Oswald Jacoby spades and two hearis. Dum­ slip through If you neglect to GI) - MOVIE; 'Enchantment' A world of the Shtetl. program features a 15-round IBF non-union stagehands in time to my has K -^3 of hearts. retired general teaches his young 9:00 P.M. 2:15A.M. Friday night at the reopening of a' PIFFUStP THE^ and James Jacoby Insfiect their jobs. (3 - MOVIE: D-Dav. th. Sixth lightweight championship bout entertain the weekend highrollers. " West’s hand doesn't matter. grandniece a lesson in love. David CD GD - Jefferson* To m and 0 5 - M O V IE : 'T o Catch A K ing' B C M S > . THE:IB6\W 0NT GEMINI (May 21-Jun* 20) Use of Ju n e ' During the Normandy in­ between champion Charlie Choo leading casino-hotel's showroom des­ Both sides in the dispute said there :: cAPTuee^p Niven, Evelyn Keyes, Farley Gran­ Helen celebrate their 30th w ed­ T w o expatriate Americans in He would be squeezed if he your smarts today and don't vasion of W W II, an American and Choo' Brown and Cornelius Boza- pite a walkout by 17,000 employees THP ’HUMAN BOM&"^ANP The Vienna Coup, suppos­ ger 1949 ding anniversary by visiting their neutral Portugal try to foil a Ger­ was no indication the strike would be - had started with four hearts, take unpopular positions that a British officer encounter many Edwards. (90 min.) edly played by the best play­ honeymoon hotel. man scheme to capture the Duke along the Las Vegas Strip. settled soon or even when negotiations I', F1SEW -n-l5:H0&TAC)E:6/ but Blast holds those cards oppose the will of the majority. G9) - Robert Schuller: The Hour personal and professional prob­ (® - What's Happening and duch*ess of Windsor. Robert er in Vienna some 150 years of Power (Closed Captioned] lems. Robert Taylor, Richard CD - Pope from Poland The MGM Grand Hotel was re­ might resume. On strike against and is now stone-cold dead. You won't like it If everyone Wagner. Teri (5arr. ago, is a beautiful play. It Todd, Dana Wynter. 1956.. 5:00 P.M. CD - New Jersey Report raising the curtain on "Jubilee," which hotel-casinos here and four in North " To keep his king of spades, comes down on you. (S3) - T o Be Announced consists in playing a top CD “ Fame GD - Lou Grant , has a huge cast of topless showgirls and Las Vegas and Henderson are thou- Blast has to discard a heart, CANCER (June 21-July 22) If 9:00 A.M. (gD - All Now This Old House card of a suit so that an setting up dummy’s three of you have a domestic problem CD “ Bamaby Jones (S ) - Week In Review 2:30 A.M. high-kicking dancers, the trademark of sands of culinary workers, bartenders, Z. CD - Up Front 12:30P.M. opponent now has an estab­ hearts for the 13tn trick. to resolve today, do It within CD - Jacques Cousteau's GD - MOVIE: 'The Barbarian Las Vegas entertainment. It is the first stagehands, musicians and bellhops. - MOVIE: 'Barquero' - All In the Family ® (S ) - Masterpiece Theatre lished winner in that suit (NEW SPAPER E N TERPRISE ASSN.) the confines of your home. CD CD Amazon. Part 2 In the style that 'Nancy Astor.* After being sent and the Geisha' A historical major show to reopen since four unions Gov. Richard Bryan cancelled ap- c' and must hold on to it. Keep In-laws out of the picture. CD - Sunday Morning CD - MOVIE: 'The Trouble with has made Jacques Cousteau the to New York to enter a young lad­ drama of one man's successful struck 29 gambling resorts 12 days ago. pointments through the weekend to LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your CD - Make It Real Angels' T w o new students leading explorer of our time-visit ies academy, Nancy meets a fights to open Japan to the west­ create an uproar at a private the never before seen frontiers of ern world. John Wayne, Eiko Security was tight in the aftermath of remain in Las Vegas in attempts to get opinions are likely to be chal­ CD - Oral Roberts bachelor from Boston and mar­ school. Rosalind Russell. June the deepest jungles of the Am a­ ries him. (60 min.) [Closed Cap­ Ando, Sam Jaffa. 1958 an explosion which damaged the labor and management representa- ' lenged today. Be prepared to zon. (2 hrs.) GD - Black Star Harding, Haley Milts. 1966. tioned) 3 - SportsCenter hotel’s Olympic-sized pool Thursday tives back to the bargaining table. CROSSWORD back up your statements with G^ - NCAA Division II CD “ Greatest Sports Legends GD-M OVIE; 'The Last Voyage' ® - Th is Is Your Life 3 - Money Weak night Irrefutable proof. A liner on its last voyage is ripped The swimming pool bombing was the Gymnastics Championships - CD - High School Bowl No one was injured in the blast and VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sopt. 22) If Individual Competition from by a thundering explosion. Robert 9:30 P.M. 3 - MOVIE: 'The Prowler' Af­ first m ajor violence in a week. Nearly ACROSS 65 Tab Answer to Previous Puzzle there Is someone to whom - SportsCenter Pigs ter 35 years of deceptive calm, a MGM Grand president A1 Benedict Springfield, M A G2) Stack, Dorothy Malone, Edmond (D CD - Alice Vera 's marriage 250 people have been arrested since thdl you're obligated that you've O'Brien. 1960 psychopathic killer reappears to - Superman G D - M O V IE : T o Catch A King' hits a sour note when Elliott starts declined to speculate on whether the strike started April 2 — some for; 2 I Measure DOWN been Ignoring, you could be T w o expatriate Americans in embark upon another murderous GD - Candid Camera Hour paying more attention to their explosion was strike-related. Damage of caught In a corner today In IS ) - News/Sports/Weather neutral PqgbJgal try to foil-a Ger­ spree. Farley Granger. Rated R. inciting to riot, some for striking ~ new piano. amounted to shattered tile and plaster, IT’/ THP fTPPNAL 1 Cultivate which he or she asks you, (2 ) " Expect a Miracle man scheme to capture the Duke (S ) - News/Sports/Weather policemen. Done man was arrested WEIGHT radiation CD - Meet the Mayors 3:00 A.M. police said. 2 Cry of IL “How come?" & (@ ) - Sesame Street [Closed and duch*ess of Windsor. Robert & - Computer Chronicles outside the Showboat hotel last weel^ 2 4 Flock member CD - MOVIE: 'Revolt of the surprise LIBRA (Sopl. 23-Oel. 23) Try Captioned] Wagner. Teri Garr. ® - Hogan's Heroes G® - Inaide/Out The unions are planning a show of -n e iA N f i L P ------W/ 7 Rodent p ] DC3 Barbarians' A Roman consul is with three Molotov coctails in hi» - CLIN1 3 Nobleman not to make decisions that @ ) - Crossfire (2D - Album Flash their own Saturday — a solidarity 10 Hawaiian n a □ □ (S ) “ Nuestra Familia GD - Say Brother sent to investigate gold shipment possession. : 4 Scalawag speak for your mate today. (3 l - Wall Street Journal raids by bands of barbarians. Ro­ Island n a 8 E G9) G® - World Tomorrow (S ) (® - Meet the Press march of 5,000 strikers down the Strip The strikers want a 5.2 to 8 percent . There's a chance his or her 5:15P.M. land Caray. Grazia Maria Spina, CALVIN K-LEIN ANP I I Fruit drink 5 Commotion □ a A L G® - MOVIE: My Bodyguard' led by United Farm Workers Union 10:00 P.M. Mario Feliciani. 1964. boost in wages and fringe benefits.' - 6 Million (prefix) lU desire might diametrically con­ 9:30A.M. The new boy at school enlists the (3D “ MOVIE: 'Annia' A young 12 Arab garment orphan struggles through the - Trapper John, M.D. A chief Cesar Chavez. It will be the They haye accused the hotel owners o ( ' 7 Narrow gauge E M X A 8 flict with yours. CD - Com m ent aid of one of the most feared stu­ CD CD 13 Eskimo boat dark Depression toward a sunny pair of new arrivals at ^ n Fran­ (32l-CaMag*Baa*ball: Baylor at largest labor show of muscle since the SeTTY epocKBR. X ” u N T O SCORPIO (O cl. 24-Nov. 22) dents to act as his bodyguard Taxa* (SEASON PREMIERE) trying to break the unions. t 8 Honest_____ ( d 5 CD - 3oy of Gardening tomorrow. Albert Finney, Aileen cisco Memorial have the whole 14 Molster D 0 E R against a class bully. Chris Make­ strike started. 9 Sea dog I d E 1 There's a possibility you CD - Point of View Quinn. Carol Burnett. 1982. staff In a state of excitement. (R) (S ) - Nawa/Sporta/Waathar 16 Family T O peace, Matt Dillon. Adam Bald­ Negotiators for 20 of the richesh ~ 10 Forget t J E N haven't as yet learned your les­ Rated PG. (60 min.) The international AFL-CIO notified member (tl.| tl! GD ■ Josie and the puss*cats win. 1980. 3:30 A.M. struck gambling spas have said 1984 id 13 North son from a past mistake. You Las Vegas labor leaders ThuTsday a eta4MMA.n. q.|q- 17 And 32 Young lady 47 Tine - Batman CD - N ew s (J5 - CroaaBr* American might set the scene again for ^® - Spotlight on Government check well into six figures had been the year to make contract change^ soon (Fr., abbr.) 48 Garden 5:30 P.M. CD (2) - Jimmy Swaggart nation an old familiar problem. (S ) *- Evans and Novak ® - Working Women 4:00A.M. mailed to assist strikers in their'battle which executives find troublesome in ' (abbr.) 33 Capital of amphibian G2) - SportsCenter GD - Independant Network 15 Fish spear SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Om . - Day of Discovery (S ) - Naw* Updata for higher pay and benefits. scheduling and assigning work in a 19 Be ill Hungary Today you will be judged by 1:00P.M. (S ) - Newsmaker Sunday N e w s 18 Three (prefix) 49 Collection 21) GS) ~ Actualidad Semanal Anfi- Police would not say how many multi-billion dollar tourist-oriented 20 Egyptian sun 35 Honey the company you keep, so ^(D CD - CBS Sports Sunday GD - M O V IE ; 'Sophie's Choice' ® - MOVIE: Sink th* 21 Never (contr.) 51 Metal cord trion George Volsky presenta (2D - Tony Brown’s Journal business. • : disk Today's program features box­ A Polish survivor of a Nazi con­ B lim a rc k ' Air and sea forces are officers were being used to guaid the 23 Actor Sparks eater S3 Eject select your companions with 4 este programs producido en O ) - Odd Couple ing. (2 hrs.) centration camp is haunted by a combined to trap and sink the 22 Fled 37 Binding care. Don't mix with types who Miami en el cual se discuten te- MGM Grand showroom. Tens of All hotels and casinos have remained m OUTTOmeHT? T— 25 Coax 55 Compass - To n y B row n's Journal ‘Su­ secret from her peat. Meryl Bismarck. Kenneth More, Dana 24 Conatallation can tarnish your Image. mas recientes de major interes. CD - Telethon: Rehabilitation GD thousands of weekend gamblers were 26 Sow custom per Tuesday and Beyond.' Streep. Kevin Kline, Peter MacNi- W ynter, Carl Mohnsr. 1960. open throughout the strike with re^ " point Centers ^ in the city. 27 Sent away 28 Medical 41 To this place CAPRICORN (D m . 22-Jan. 10) (S ) - Celebrate col. 1982. Rated R. duced services, unlike a 15-day strike in ^ 56 Misfortune Try to avoid Involvements .CD - Saint 5:45 P.M. 4:15 A.M. 30 Source of picture (comp, 42 Compass ( ^ - T o p Cat (5 ) - News/Sporu/Weathqr Union pickets became agitated sev­ 1976 when Strip casinos locked their metal 57 Over (prefix) today where you know, going G2) - Auto Racing ‘84: GD - NBA Tonight ® - MOVIE: 'Th* Secret of wd.) point - Miracle Revival Hour eral days ago when thg giant hotel 59 Farmyard In, that the odds are stacked NASCAR TranSouth 500 from 3 - MOVIE: 'Ju.t Tall Ma N IM H ' A mouse with four child­ doors and turned out the lights. 31 Brownish 29 Fith 44 Launching 6:00 P.M. against you. Challenges of this 10:00 A.M. Darlington, SC W hat You W ant' A wealthy bus­ ren seeks tha aid of tha myster­ 34 Mar 31 On site sound iness magnate grooms one of the ious and intelligent r a t ^ f NIMH nature are pure folly. G 9 - MOVIE; 'Writing of Kung CD CD (Si 09 ® - N ew s 36 More than ( D *• Sunday Morning to save her family. Animated. 4 8 8 7 8 9 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) Fu' - MOVIE: 'He Knows women in his secretarial pool to one 1 2 3 CD Voices of Dom Dalulse, Oersk Ja­ CD -* PopI Goes the Country You're Alone' A bride-to-be is become his mistress. AH Mac- Chester’s protection is free Today you might encounter a (S) “ News/Sports/Waather cobi. Peter Strauss. Rated G. 38 Encrypted 12 - M ass alone in her fear that someone is Graw, Alan King. Dina Merrill. 10 11 headstrong Individual whose CD 1980. Rated R. 36 Elderly & - To Be Announced stalking her just before her w ed­ ® - Madia W atch views are directly opposed to GD - Pink Panther Show CHESTER, Mass. (UPI) — While 40 Hebrew God 15 & - Presentel ding day. Caitlin O'Hearney. Don (2D - Taste of China 'Masters of But the department overspent its 13 14 yours. Don't waste time trying G® - MOVIE: The Secret of 4:30 A.M. police everywhere may say they 43 Tide Scardion. 1980. the Wok.' Tonight's program $5,500 budget by about $1,600, officials to convert this party. N liyiH ' A mouse with four child­ 3 - Th is Is Your Life (TO - Abbott and CoataHo sometimes have a thankless job, police 45 Cliaasa state IS 17 18 18 CD - C B S N ew s presents the behind-the-scenes said. The selectmen considered abol- MB. PISCES (Feb. 2D.March 20) If ren seeks the aid of the myster­ 3 - How To With Pate work of master chefs preparing a in the small western Massachusetts (abbr.) ious and intelligent rats of NIMH (]^ - NBA Basketball: Teems to - Countdown to'84 Today’s 22 24 28 36 you're making a major pur­ - Firing Line 28-course banquet. program features weekly prev­ ishing the department altogether, but 46 Cliooiss 20 to save her family. Animated. be Announced town of Chester aren’t kidding. chase today, be sure It's iews and profiles of the 1984 decided to retain the department when ■ ■ Voices of Oom Deluise, Derek Ja ­ ® - Ask tha Manager The three-member, part-time Police 60 Maw's 27 z. 30 backed up with an ironclad 3 ** Alfred Hitchco*ck Hour Olympics. the officer agreed to work for free. — M Y CAP fiAYS IF TH E PRICE CF W E f e E (S O IN S r T O H A V E T C ? F IN D cobi, Peter Strauss. Rated G. 1:30 P.M. (B ) - Fall & Rise of R. Perrin Department has run out o f money. So husband 1 ■ guarantee. Make certain that 3 - Dr. Gaiw Scott (S ) - Big Story "People say we’re doing this bwauset 34 35 ( 9 - Leave It to Beaver GD *- This Week In Basebell 10:30 P.M. the police officers have agreed to work efTEAK ^(SeSUPANY H IW ER ... e O M E T H IN S t E L S E TO ( 5 E T O U R 52 Duet 31 33 33 It’s In writing, not verbal. 3 - F w n . we’re on a glory trip, but that’s not th e" CHOLESTEROL FROM- 54 Spaclet of ■ ■ (S ) - News Update ® - Money Week CD “ Sports Extra for free until the end of the fiscal year IS) - Naw*/Sport*/W.MtMr case at all," said Anthony Koronkie-'' dear 36 ® - Chalice of Sahratkm on June 30. ® - Tourette Syndrome GD - From th* Editor'a Desk What this country needs Is 55 Scandinavian 1 ■ 3 - MOVIE: Sink th. wicz, 37, the second officer. ” I like- 39 41 (8 - Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ (St - Enterteinment This Week BIsnuMok' Air and sea forces are (3D - Ovation a shielding device for mus­ “ It's just something we care about," 68 German STRETCH YOUR burger hood ® - More Reel People combined to trap and sink the John Baldasaro, 23, one of the officers, being a cop and there’s people out there' ' budget By using one port GD - Prize Winners tache fanciers to wear while worth working for — for nothing." lubmarln* 43 44^ (S) • Fantestico Animal Bismarck. Kenneth More. Dana eating vegetable soup. said Friday. “ We can go a couple of (comp, wd.) soy extender to four ports Programa infantil acerca da el Wynter. Carl Mohner. 1960. 3 ) - Larson Sunday Night The selectmen approved $100 to keep - ■ ■ months without getting paid. The 60 Wirelati 80 61 1 64 of meat. Your taste buds mundo animal. 2:00 P.M. (6 ) - David Suaakind gas in the town’s only police cruiser, - Major League Basebell: I^D “ Your Children Our people in this town are worth it. W e're aignal ■ ■ won't be able to tell the - Sacrifice of the Meet CD Children but cautioned the officers to use it only 88 17 88 68 New York Mete at Chicago 11:00P.M. 01 Street (Fr.) 86 difference, but your' not doing this for the money.” ^ (9 - Jeteons Cubs 3 - En .1 Cwnino a Emaua CD CD 3 3 - Naw a for “dire emergencies." 62 Looi* rock budget wllll Boosi your The officers are usually paid $3.35 an 81 62 ® - Rax Humbard “ If you respond to calls that aren’t an "I 80 GD - Major League Baseball: 3 - Bob Nawhart Show C D -O ff th* Sat hour while answering calls in the particlat budget by selling Idle Chicago White Sox at New emergency, forget it,” said Robert - 63 Rainy (SD ' Denny Wlleon'e After IB) - All Craaturaa Qraat and CD - World Tomorrow . N X 83 »4 86 Items In your home with a School SpecMe York Yankees 1,100-person town in the foothills of the Daniels, a member of the finance _±*± Sm all GD-OddCoupk 64 B* mistaken low-cost od In cloulfled. Berkshire Mountains. committee. 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. April 14, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 14, 1984 — 11

V.S./World Hart working Obituaries It FOCUS/ People In for comeback James B. Greenwood James B. Greenwood, 87, for­ merly of Manchester, died Friday ‘Fantastic’ flight is over at the Pierce Memorial Baptist EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — in the West Home in Brooklyn, Conn. Challenger's fis-it men finally found a problem Bom in Northern Ireland, he they could not solve — the Florida weather — and i ,'H v ' came to the United States in 1945. changed course to a desert shuttle landing By Arnold Sowlslak He was employed at the American .Friday, ending a “ fantastic" flight that advanced United Press International Thread Co. in Willimantic for the American conquest of space into an era of many .years as an overseer. on-orbit repair. Sen. Gary Hart, working to ignite a Western He was a member of Community “ Good show,” mission control told Robert comeback that could pull him at least even with Baptist Church in Manchester. He Crippen, Dick Scobee, Terry Hart, George Walter Mondale by mid-June, campaigned Friday leaves o daughter, Mrs. Joan G. A Passover story “ Pinky" Nelson and James “ Ox" van Hoften, among his kind of folks in Arizona and headed for the Ruddell of Manchester, and sev­ after Challenger rolled smoothly to a dusty stop delegate goldmine in California. eral nephews. ;. on a dry lakebed runway at 8:38 a.m. EST. Mondale passed up the last chance to pitch for the 33 There will be a memorial service Challenger had been scheduled to land at its delegates at stake in Arizona caucuses Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Pierce launch site at Cape Canaveral, Fla., but Friday concentrated on California, where the Big Daddy of Memorial Baptist Home, Route Editor's note: Ruth Cohen lives at 118 Scott Drive. Ruth Cohen’s mother died thinking the 13th weather forced controllers to scrub two delegations — 306 — will be chosen June 5. 169, Brooklyn. The funeral will be Passover, also known as the Festival of Freedom, landing tries there. Jesse Jackson, looking for more immediate results, ‘ 'f Monday at 11 a.m. in the Potter starts on Tuesday. The holiday celebrates the During their flight that lasted 20 minutes short concentrated on Ohio and its May 8 primary reward of Funeral Home, 456 Jackson St.,' deliverance of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to of a week, the astronauts on the 11th shuttle 154 delegates. Willimantic. Burial will be in the the Promised Land. The following, though not strictly she had no reiatives left. mission covered 2.8 million miles in more than 106 In Tucson, Hart told a cheering crowd of University New Willimantic Cerhetery. Cal­ a Passover story, concerns people who have found trips around the world and proved the shuttle of Arizona students he wants to take away money ling hours are Sunday from 7 to 9. freedom. Mrs. Cohen, a past president of the program had reached a new age with their from “ fat cats," cut defense spending and beef up p.m. Memorial contributions m air Connecticut Region of Hadassah, was the first woman Fate allowed Mrs. Cohen retrieval, repair and redeployment of the Solax education. be made to the Pierce Memorial elected to the board of directors of her synagogue. Max satellite. Hart said he would cancel the MX missile and B-1 Baptist Home. Temple Beth Sholom. She is married to Sidney Cohen. The space agency hopes to turn satellite bomber programs and spend the money for education servicing into big business for the shuttle instead. “ Let’s take some money from the fat cats in Sedoff A. Ekiund to discover differently. program and officials said commercial interest this country and feed our children," he said. Sedoff A. Ekiund, 81, formerly of By Ruth Cohen already is increasing. Hart also visited a neighborhood center in a Chesnut Street, Manchester, died Special to the Herald Mexican-American area of the city and urged Friday at Middlesex Memorial Liquor tax would go up restoration of funds for the federal school lunch .Hospital, Middletown. It is not easy for us to tra'ce our roots. Some years program. Hart then left Arizona for California, which n He was the former husband of ago, after Alex Haley’s popular book and TV WASHINGTON - The tax bill approved by the is vital to his battle plan for winning the 1984 Norma Hanson Goupil. mini-series “ Roots" received universal acclaim, Mr. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, “for staring at you, but you look just nominatioin. Senate Friday would raise the cost of a fifth of ■ '•if - , He was bom Nov. 30,1902, in New Haley was interviewed in Israel. Daniel Peer, the Dan like my aunt. Does your family maybe come from liquor by 35 to 40 cents, retain the 3 percent levy on In Washington, Oliver Henkel, Hart’s campaign Britain and had been a resident of Rather of Israeli television, tells this story. phone bills and extend tax credits for installing manager, told wire service reporters that his Manchester from 1952 until thcT People complimented Haley on his achievement, Poland?’ home energy-saving devices. candidate’s plan is to come back strong in the next early 1970s. and the resourcefulness of his investigation. 5 The bill, approved 76-5 after a marathon debate seven weeks, when many of the delegate tests are in Before his retirement he was " I t was really easy," said Mr. Haley. “ All you have ending in the early morning, is designed to cut the Western states more friendly to the senator from employed with the ConnecticuC to do is talk with your grandparents or with your aunts invited him to come with him to Israel. Pinhas federal deficit by $63 billion over the next three Colorado, and overtake Mondale’s current delegate Consolidated Milk Producers Asf and uncles. Their stories will giveyou all the leads you refused, saying he was well cared for there, and he lead of almost 2-to-l. There are also major contests years — $48 billion in new tax revenue and $15 sociation of Newington. need." was not interested. coming up, however, in New Jersey, and such billion in spending cuts. He was a member of Emanuel For Israelis, that was not so easy. Most Israelis had He was just a boy. They parted. Avram made his After Congress returns April 24 from its Easter Midwest industrial states as Ohio and Indiana. Lutheran Church of Manchester no grandparents. Some had no parents. And some way to Italy, joined an aliyah group, and eventually recess, a joint conference committee will try to Henkel predicted Hart and Mondale would have and the Scandia Lodge, Order of were the only Holocaust survivors of their whole went to Palestine. He fought with the Haganah in the about 1,500 delegates each, nearly 500 short of the resolve the differences between the Senate bill Vasa. families. War of Independence, taught himself to speak Hebrew and a similar House-passed measure and form a number needed for nomination, after June 5. He is survived by a son, David A;. Finding family by accident is really exciting. I had and English, got a job in the printing business, and Then, he said. Hart will have so much momentum single compromise version. Ekiund of Vernon; a daughter,- such an experience in 1978, when we were hosts to a today he is a successful book distributor in Tel Aviv. that he will be able to convince uncommitted, The compromise bill must be approved by both Mrs. Cynthia (Ekiund) Seavey of- couple from Tel Aviv who participated in the Pinhas stayed in the orphanage, attended secon­ unpledged and perhaps Jesse Jackson candidates to houses of Congress again before it can be signed Mystic; and three grandchildren. Friendship Force Exchange with Hartford dary school, and enrolled in the university. There he put him over the top before the July 16 national into law by President Reagan. The funeral will be Monday at 1- It was January. The weather was horrid — cold and met Sonia, also a survivor, but luckier than most. She convention. The Senate bill would increase the federal tax pm. at Emanuel Lutheran Church, . stormy. had a mother and sister, who welcomed Pinhas into Moffliale, speaking in Los Angeles to a women’s on a fifth of 100-proof liquor by about 40 cents and 60 Church St., Manchester. Burial One day we were taking our visitors on a tour of the their family. Pinhas and Sonia were married during a group backing his candidacy, charged that President on a fifth of 86-proof liquor by about 35 cents. The will be in Fairview Cemetery, New- studios of WFSB-TV 3. In the lobby of Broadcast university vacation, attended by classmates and Reagan’s trial balloon about eliminating mortgage provision does not affect the tax on beer or wine. Britain. Friends may call at the House, a young man who was a visitor with the friends. They were in Russia. interest tax deductions was an “ elitist idea" that The $49 billion tax bill passed by the House Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Friendship Force, approached me. "Excuse me," he One day the Russian government announced that Yeacov Lewinski, far left, of Tel Aviv, would punish the average American and cost millions Wednesday would increase the liquor tax even St., Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 said, “ for staring at you, but you look just like my those who wished to be repatriated to their native of jobs. Israel, stands with Mr. and Mrs. Cohen more, raising a fifth of 100-proof by 75 cents and p.m. . aunt. Does your family maybe come from Poland?" Poland could do so on a specific day. One day. They He also characterized the administration's ap­ and others on a Friendship Force tour of 86-proof by about 60 cents. Memorial donations may bC “Why yes,” I replied, "my mother came from decided to do so. and went back to Vilna. They were proach to women’s issues as one of ’ ‘sheer meanness” made to the Lutheran Homer; Poland.” taken in by a non-Jewish Polish family, who looked WFSB-TV. Lewinski asked Mrs. Cohen if and said Hart has “ only a nominal record" on Ridgewood Road, Middletown. “ From what place?” he asked. after them, and mothered Sonia during her she had relatives in Poland. Nicaraguan soldiers dead women’s issues. Herald photo by Pinto “ From the shtetl Radun in Vilna Guberne," 1 pregnancy. Reagan’s tax policies have “ hit people across the MANAGUA, Nicaragua — A top Nicaraguan answered. board, but they’ve socked working women particu­ official Friday said 219 soldiers were killed and In Memoriam “ I come from Radun," he said, "and I am sure we IN THE M E ANTIM E, Avram in Israel had married larly hard," Mondale said. Water over the dam are related.” the girl he met in Rome. Ayala was her name. She. too. another 204 wounded in recent fighting with In loving memory of Mrs. Angela Jackson, who had no campaign activities until "That’s not very likely,” I replied, “because we had come from Poland, accompanied by her sister. U.S.-backed guerrillas. The rebels claimed they Despite the fact that the gates below are open, water is DeSimone who passed away April had captured a southern port and planned to mine Friday night in Cincinnati, got some qualified praise were never able to find anybody after the war whose They alone of their family survived. As little girls, from a former rival. 15th, 1949. it. flowing over the top of Union Pond Dam. The power of name was Lipkunski. That was my mother’s maiden they were taken in by a Polish family and were George McGovern, who dropped out of the race in name. We assumed that there were no survivors.” hidden. They had come from a well-to-do family, so In El Salvador, a high Salvadoran commander the water may be used some day to produce electric Everyday in some small way, Ruth Cohen of Scott Drive discovered New England, praised Jackson’s campaign but said “ Oh yes there were,” he insisted. “ My name is the first thing the Polish woman did was to exchange said there was no evidence that leftist guerrillas power. The town has plans ready for repair of the dam, Memories of you, come our way. relatives while entertaining Friendship the civil rights activist erred by not repudiatinjg Yaacov Lewinski, and I know Avram Lipkunski who their city clothes for farm clothes. They spoke Polish were stockpiling arms for a major offensive this Time and years roll swiftly by. support from Muslim minister Lewis Farrakhan. but is holding off the work while it studies ways to lives in Tel Aviv. We and others who come from Radun Force visitors. fluently, and passed for Polish peasants. Much of the fall. But love and memories never die'. Reagan Administration officials told the “ I think the Reverend Jackson has done better than combine the job of repairing the dam with constructing a meet once a year to memorialize our families and time, they hid in the attic of the house. any of us really expected," McGovern said. “ I think friends.” relationship. In spite of the lack ot proof, the dye is Washington Post this week that Nicaragua was hydro facility. The town adminstration hopes to have a Sadly missed by. One of the sons of the family was a Gestapo officer. he’s done an absolutely spectacular job in handling cast, and we are already related, if not by blood, then He was coming home, and his mother feared that the arming the Marxist-led Salvadoran guerrillas for proposal ready for consideration by the Board of Children, grandchildren a major offensive to begin this September. himself except on that one area. I think he made a AS YOU CAN well imagine, Yaacov and his lovely by love. girls would be found out. She told the girls, who were V - ‘ t and great-grandchildrea Salvadoran military officials are worried, grievous error in not repudiating that man." Directors in June. wife Carmela were in our house that Saturday night, ages 8 and 10, to go to the police station and tell the however, about a buildup of Soviet-supplied looking at pictures and exchanging stories. At DURING OUR STAY in Israel in 1980, Yaacov, who police that they had been on a train to Berlin, had weapons in leftist-ruled Nicaragua, said Col. midnight, we telephoned his mother in Tel Aviv, and is the same age as our eldest son, was our gotten off to go to the bathroom, and when they came Nicolas Carranza, head of El Salvador's Referendum move uncertain she gave us Avram 's address. self-appointed guardian. He checked in with us back to the station, the train had left without them. Treasui^ Police. I wrote to him and received a most wonderful letter periodically. On our last day, he insisted on driving That is what they did. The police put them on the Mauricio Mendieta, a spokesman for the in return. His name is Avram Aviel, not Lipkunski. He from Tel Aviv to Netanya to take us back to Tel Aviv to next train to Berlin, and there they worked as maids Democratic Revolutionary Alliance (ARDE), had changed his name, taking the first two letters of the airport, even though we had already made taxi for a German family. When the war ended, they said in a broadcast on the Costa Rican Radio Just $40,000 restored for Bolton schools his first name and first two letters of his wife's name, reservations because the plane was to leave late at escaped and made their way to Rome, to the Impacto that rebels led by former Sandinista Ayala, in order to wipe out their Polish past and to night. debarkation center, and it was there that Avram met hero Eden Pastora had taken San Juan del Norte, start a new life. He called that morning to say he would be in Ayala. 230 miles southeast of Managua in Zelaya By Sarah Passell failed to restore most of the cut. But considering. The project the resident the midget players were residents. He wrote that he believed his father and my Netanya at 8:30 to pick us up. On arrival in Israel, Ayala entered Hadassah’s province. Herald Reporter Fernald does not expect that to happen. recommended including in the bond The board also transferred $l,0(M]i grandfather had been named for the same Moshe. He “ Yaacov," I protested, "your little car will never School of Nursing and was graduated a nurse — a Ruth Cohen’s husband, Sidney Cohen, He said the board will take no action on issue is replacing windows at Bolton from the $11,500 highway maintenance sent me a copy of a page he had written (or the Yad hold all our luggage and us too." profession she still pursues. BOLTON — To the Board of Educa­ the budget until after April vacation High School with more energy efficient engineering budget to the Board of Vashem archives, describing the village of Radun. “ If it doesn’t," he said, “ we will have two cars.” • Avram did not forget Pinhas. He and an older man, center, stands with Ayala and Avram O’Neill to lead delegation tion’s dismay, the Board of Finance next week. ones, at an estimated cost of $68,000. Selectmen to pay for architectural He wrote about its rural character, the poverty of its “ But Yaacov, we already have engaged a taxi." who was going back to Poland on business, devised a Aviel, outside Jerusalem. Avram is population, and a description of an old man who had WASHINGTON — House Speaker Thomas voted Friday to restore only $40,000 of Unless petitions force the budget to a But the finance board offered no work for the capital projects they hopcr "Don’t argue with m e,” he ordered, “ I will .see you scheme to get Pinhas and Sonia and their baby to related to Mrs. Cohen. O'Neill, D-Mass., said Friday he will lead an the $125,000 it originally cut from a referendum, voters will act on it at the guarantees Friday that it will support to take to a referendum next fall. The^ gone to America but who had returned because he at 8:30," and so saying, he hung up. Israel. Avram bought a pure gold chain, gave it to the 11-member House delegation on a two-week trip proposed $2.6 million school budget for annual town budget meeting on May 14. the idea of including it in a larger bond selectmen hope voters will approve a! hated the American materialism and the lack of He engineered our departure as if we were visiting man, instructed him to find Pinhas, and use the chain to Kenya, Greece and Austria. 1984-85. The finance board made only Townspeople may either accept the issue. A referendum on a bond issue is bond issue to pay for renovating' kashrut. royalty, talking the agent into letting us send an e.xtra to smooth the way. The delegation, O’Neill said in a statement, has minor adjustments to the regular town budget, reject it, or reduce it at that not expected before November. . Community Hall and building a new There remained, he wrote, a daughter in America. suitcase through, getting us seated near the window It was a chance. The man found Pinhas: they bribed meetings confirmed with the president of Kenya, budget proposal, previously set at time. The schools received approval this highway garage and firehouse. That old man was my grandfather Moshe, and that near an exit, and clearing us through customs without appropriate officials and obtained passports and $1,275,754. the president and prime minister of Greece and The finance board also voted to year for a state grant to fund 60 percent daughter was my mother. delay. Now, that’s a relative (or you. visas, and in 1962, Pinhas and Sonia and their son. the federal chancellor of Austria. He also said the Friday’s action was the finance transfer two capital projects to the of the cost of the window replacement, This news came six years too late. My one regret is Nahum, came to Israel. leaders of the parliaments of each nation invited board's final word on the budget before town capital reserve budget, increas­ but will have to reapply for the grant if that my mother died in 1972, not knowing that any THIS SUMMER, we visited Israel once again. This Today, he is head of the physics department of an him to visit their countries and meet with them. sending it to voters. The recommended ing that budget from about $76,000 — the schools delay the project past next Fish shortage member of her family had survived the Holocaust. lim e we attended the wedding of Nahum, the son of advanced high school in Haifa, and author of several The bipartisan group will leave Saturday and spending plan, combining the educa­ the equivalent of one mill — to $145,903. year. Pinhas, the younger relative, and his wife Sonia. The physics textbooks. Sonia is professor of technical return April 29. Congress has recessed until April tion and town proper budgets, now The two projects are repairing the In other action, the board voted to IN 1980, when my husband retired, we spent six wedding took place at Bar Han University, where the Russian at the Technion, and son, Nahum, is a 24. stands at $3,791,335. Bolton Center School roof for an combine the town recreation depart­ Continued from page 1 months in Israel. Soon after our arrival, we visited bride teaches music. There were 400 guests, of which computer engineer. He has completed his regular tour V-: “ I'm not too pleased with it, that’s for estimated $30,000 and replacing asbes­ ment’s pony and midget football Yaacov and Carmela, and they arranged for us to about 25 or 30 were family. The remainder of the of duty with the Israel Defense Forces. Joining O’Neill on the trip will be Reps. Dan ment said, more than four times the sure,” said school board member tos insulation at the Center School and budgets into one $1,530 budget item. meet Avram and Ayala. We examined pictures and guests were fellow survivors, friends acquired on the Rostenkowski, D-Ill., Silvio Conte, R-Mass,, February rate. Joseph Minish, D-N.J., Joseph McDadc, R-Pa., David Fernald of the revised school Bolton High School for an estimated The Recreation Commission had re­ searched each other’s memories. We visited them in way from concentration camps, displaced persons A SECOND SON, Doron, is a tank commander. He Jack Edwards, R-Ala., Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., budget. He said he expected the finance $40,000. commended $1,880 for midget football The index of wholesale prices does their home, met their three children, established camps, orphanages, or aliyah centers on the way to served in Lebanon and is now stationed in the Galilee. Kenneth Robinson, R-Va., Marty Russo. D-Ill., board to restore more of the cut after a Finance board Chairman Raymond and $1,185 for the pony program. But not reflect current consumer costs. Bui bonds and tftcame family. Israel. There were no grandparents, only one aunt and Avram and Ayala have three children. The eldest is George Miller, D-Calif., and Tony Coelho, majority of residents at a public A. Ursin has indicated he favors a board member Morris Silverstein said the 0.5 percent increase for March' How are we related? We do not really know for a uncle of the bridal couple that we knew of, a few Tzippie, who is married to a computer engineer, and D-Calif. hearing Wednesday indicated they suggestion made by one resident at the board decided to leave it up to means an average truckload of goods certainty, but we are related. cousins, and all the rest were friends. they have just had their second child. The second favored an increase. Wednesday’s hearing that another football organizers to allocate the that cost a business $100,000 in There are two more relatives. Avram’s first How Pinhas and Sonia came to Israel is an child, David, is also a computer engineer, and works Fellow school board members T. Dye project school officials put in liext smaller amount between the two February rose in price to $100,500 in cousins, each the sole survivor of his family. The adventure story itself. At the conclusion of the war, with Tzippie’s husband and cousin, Nahum, building Seabrook cost study set Hooper and Pamela Sawyer have said year’s school budget be made part of a programs after the board learned that March. Most of such increased costs younger is Pinhas Lipkunski. The third relative is Pinhas was 12 years old. His whole family had been computers. The third child is Sarit. a lovely they would consider taking the budget Pedro (Spanish for Pinhas) Lipkunski who lives in PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A New York City bond issue with about $3 million in other only five of 16 pony players were Bolton eventually can be passed on t» killed. He was left alone, and he found himself in an to a referendum if the finance board Buenos Aires. 14-year-old girl who studies ballet and piano. Although consultant firm was hired Friday by the New building projects town officials are residents last year, while two thirds of consumers. orphanage on the Russian side of the border. There he I am awaiting an answer to my letter to him. He is the family claims not to be religious, a Shabbat England Governors’ Conference to analyze the was well treated, and he stayed. There was no the eldest, and he may know exactly how we are evening with them is the most emotionally religious remaining cost to complete the Seabrook 1 alternative. Cyclist charged after chase experience one could have. nuclear power plant in New Hamsphire and its related. You see, we have not been able to establish At the same time, Avram was 16 years old. He, too, Irving and I were born in Turners Falls — the future impact on the region. A 20-year-old Manchester resident was arrested the exact family ties, except that all the Lipkunskis was the sole survivor of his family. The boys were first Sonia and Pinhas Lipkunski. He's sitting children of Julius and Gussie Blassberg. Irving is my The Nielsen & Wurster Group was selected Fire Calls late Friday afternoon after he led police on a chase were of one family. cousins. Avram had been hiding in the woods with the in front; she’s standing behind him, on kid brother. Our father came to Turners Falls in 1902 unanimously by the New England Governors' and ran his motorcycle across a West Center Street And as for Yaacov Lewinski, we never met the aunt partisans, and at the end of the war, he decided to go to with his mother, two brothers and two sisters. An the left. Pinhas is first cousin of Avram Power Planning Committee, according to its resident's lawn, police said. about whom the whole story started. Carmela says I Palestine. St. (Paramedics). The chase began when Kevin McNeilly, of 130 do look like her, and Yaacov’s mother says I do not. He managed to earn a little money, and he went in Aviel — a relative of Mrs. Cohen’s. chairman, Edward F. Burke, also chairman of Manchester Please turn to page 12 the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission. Chambers St., S | ^ away from police as they tried to Nor have we been able to determine any family search of Pinhas and found him in the orphanage. He Friday, 8; 43 a.m. — car Friday. 7:58 p.m. — The firm is expected to report its findings by motor vehicle accident, stop him on a routine motor vehicle charge near the May 15. . fire, 947 Center St. intersection of McKee and Cooper Hill streets, police (Tow n). 263 Olcott St. (Town). The New England governors decided last week said. Friday, 10:12 p.m. — to hire an outside consultant after being Friday, 10:47 a.m. — McNeilly was finally stopped on the resident's lawn Reserve Your Ring... presented with a $200 million proposal to bail out natural gas leak, 706 Hart­ after a police cruiser blocked his path, police said. He Lady Luck simply wasn’t sitting in her pocket alarm, Kindercare, 394 W. ford Road (Town). the Public Service Co. of New Hampshire. The Center St. (Town). was charged with engaging police in pursuit, driving bailout funds would defray the $293 million the Friday, 12:10 p.m. — Friday, 10:43 p.m. — with a defective tail light, reckless driving, driving What is it about springtime that makes us want to That's when the woman notices that there’s.$3 in the Carrying her Instant Lottery tickets and her coffee without a motorcycle license and third-degree For Mother’s Day power company will lose now that work on oven (ire, 20 Victoria motor vehicle accident, try on clothes that we know don't fit? back pocket. The bills look starchy and washed, they to work, she changes her mind about splitting the Seabrook II power plant has been terminated. criminal mischief. Road (Town). 957 Tolland Turnpike The jeans are Chic jeans. They say this on the back have obviously gone through the washing machine money. But, just to show what a good sport she is, she Friday, 1:07 p.m. — (Tow n ). He was released on a $1,000 non-surety bond pocket. more than once. decides to tip the lady. medical call, 96 Elm St. Condor population climbs After the woman pours herself into the jeans, she In F ocu s Extension (Paramedics). $ 7 9 9 5 These bills have been unused for at least five years. She settles on $100. That’s a bit low, but after all, she SAN DIEGO — The captive population of rare scrunches around, so she can see the label on the back Friday, 3:32 p.m. — DON'T KNOW anyone 17828521 They have to be lucky bills, the woman thinks. California condors is nearly at a dozen with the bought the tickets. And this isn’t Lotto, after a ll This grass fire, 587 E. Middle who wants to buy what, pocket. Adele Angle She immediately knows what to do with the bills. hatching of this year’s 11th egg at the San Diego is the Instant Lottery. Turnpike (Town). you have to sell? Let o' The woman does hot look chic in the Chic jeans. The She is going to play Instant Lottery with them. She is Zoo. 1st 4 Stones FREE Focus Editor The woman gets to work and announces to all Friday, 4:23 p.m. — want ad find a cash buyer PAIN CLINIC jeans may have fit once, a long time ago, say five not just going to play; she is going to win. After all. Named “ O jai," the Chumash Indian word for medical call, 31 E. Middle present that she’s going to win the Instant Lottery. for you I years. But now they are too tight. They take five what an interesting news story. Woman Tries on Tight "m oon,” the chick that was chipped out of its shell Turnpike (Eight District, for chronic pain & Illness The tickets are scratched. minutes to wiggle into; they are so tight that they cut Fitting Jeans — Wins $10,000. Wednesday was the sixth bom in captivity in the Paramedics). CERTIFIED M.D. ACUPUNCTURIST Or, perhaps, the woman thinks, the lack of heat 2-year-old California Condor Recovery Program. off oxygen to Uie legs. The woman comes up a three-time loser. There is Friday, 4:32 p.m. — NELSON CHANG, M.D. during the winter months in the woman’s apartment She can just imagine herself, giving interviews to Four more eggs filched from nests in the giant TRILOGY ^ But every spring, the woman takes them down from nothing even close. The woman at Jilly‘s just lost $100. smoke investigation, 121 (formor Neuroaurgeon) reporters who'll ask her cute questions about why she vultures’ wild coastal habitat are still incubating the top of the closet when she takes down the other has made the fibers in the jeans break down, causing Then the woman glances at her calendar and Waddell Road (Town). •Psychiatry eNeurology was trying on the jeans. And she can just imagine her at the zoo. EADIfTGS : spring clothes. And she tries tjie jeans on first. the jeans to lose their tightness. notices that it’s Friday the 13th. Friday, 4:42 p.m. — 1i 'nMS.uiu * equally-cute replies. Ojai was facing the wrong way in its shell — medical call. 167 Tanner FRgg CofwuHatlon on First Visit Just to make sure they still don’t (it. Or, perhaps, the woman thinks, she has lost weight She groans. How could anyone expect to be lucky on 785MBlntL MbboIibbIbi , It's so easy to be cute when you’ve just won $10,000. with its head away from the natural interior air St. (Paramedics). 1 $ M W l i E ON U1PMBIEMS * GREATER HTFD. PAIN CLINIC The thinking here, you see, is that the jeans will over the winter. Friday the 13th? pocket — so zoo attendants poked a hole and Friday, 5:22 p.m. — f t foK[ArfomnicHT call ^ have somehow had some miraculous conversion over Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. She can hardly wait to get down to Jilly's to buy her 701 Cotlsge Orove Rd., Bldg. "C" Her colleague at the next desk remin4s her bow painstakingly broke away the protective cover. brush (ire, 270 Hartford I 5 the winter months. Anyway, the jeans are tried on. Before the woman coffee to go — and the Instant Lottery tickets. OAIL Bloomfield, CL lucky she was to find the $3 in the first place. The birds' first meals generally consist of Road (Town). F OMN 1 tMI-Ura .J*. Perhpas, the woman thinks, the jeans wili have passes out from lack of oxygen, she stands in front of The nice lady at the counter asks if she’ll split the minced mice. G 'h friei with this itf ^ How anyone could say this to someone who’s just Friday, 5:42 p.m. — 658-1862 discovered Hatha yoga and will be so laid back about her m irror and puts her hands in the jeans’ pockets, money with her. medical call, 55 Franklin the world, that they'll stretch on their own. pretending she’s Brotike Shieids. The woman agrees. Sure, why not. lost $10,003 is beyond the woman. K - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. April 14, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday. April 14, 1984 — 13 News for k^enlor Citizens Advice Engagements Cheating heart begins to skip beat Thanks UNICO,

D EAR ABBY: First, I am bisexual. Will mar­ passes that I don’t thank you saved know that I am a very riage cure my bisexual­ God for letting me have mixed-up person. I'm 36, ity? And do you think I my parents for as long as I have two children, and should reveal this to my did. I know many who I ’m on my third husband. Dear Abby fiancee before I propose were not nearly as blessed fishing derby I believe in God and know marriage to her? as I. And when 1 think of there is a bell, but for P IT OKLAHOMA those who have survived a some reason I ’m not Abigail Van Buren BISEXUAL far greater tragedy — Editor's note: ,This column is afraid of going there even losing their children — it prepared by the Manchester Se­ There are openings after all the bad things DEAR BISEXUAL: Bi­ makes me ashamed for nior Center. It appears in the I ’ve done. sexuality is not a "d is­ feeling cheated because I Manchester Herald on Wednes­ for the Accident I started making love to ■ k J ease” for which one must didn’t have my parents days and Saturdays. almost every man I dated seek a "cu re" In order to longer. Prevention Course when I was 15.1 cheated someone else to take his phone book under Mental eradicate. One can con­ By Joe Dimlnico, for Mature Drivers on ail my husbands, in­ place. Health or County Health trol his (or her) sexual (If you put off Writing Acting Center Director cluding the one I ’m now What in the world is the Services. Call and make behavior — but not his letters because you don’t slated for April 23 married to. I don’t know matter with me? I think I an appointment. You will sexual urges. know what to say, get Greetings. Big thanks goes to and 24. why, because basically need a psychiatrist, but I be charged only as much And yes, I think you Abby’s booklet, “ How to UNICO for coming to the aid of the most men are alike. None can’t afford their prices. as you can afford to pay. should tell your fiancee Write Letters for All Oc­ Cyn^thia Richter Jennifer S. Milley Patricia LaPointe-Timothy Valerie Vizard Senior Citizen's Fishing Derby on of them do very much for Please don’t put it off. casions.” Send $2 and a such short notice. Our past spon­ CONFUSED IN before proposing Ellis second presentation this Monday me, so I know I ’m not a The longest march in the long, stamped (37 cents), sor, Multi-Circuits, has changed BOSTON marriage. entitled "M edical Use and Mis­ nymphomaniac, if there is world starts with ode step. self-addressed envelope Richter-Eisenman Milley-Beggs ownership in the past month and LaPointe-Ellis Vizard-Rooney • use." The guest speaker is Henry such ivthing. DEAR CONFUSED: God bless and good luck. to Abby, Letter Booklet, will not continue as sponsor of the CONFIDENTIAL TO Seltzer, a retired pharmacist. I ’m'lcurrently involved P.O. Box 38923, Holly­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. M illey of fishing derby. You have been using sex HEARTBROKEN IN Mr. and Mrs. Edward LaPointe Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vizard Individuals who attend the exer­ with a man much younger to fill an unmet emotional wood, Calif. 90038.) of 140 Boulder Road, announce the Glastonbury announce the engage­ of 144 Campfield Road, announce UNICO has pledged $500 to the DEAR ABBY: I am 27 TULSA: My condolences. of 23 Converse Road, Bolton, cise class, under the guidance of than me. He’s married, need that’s been gnawing years old and planning to engagement of their daughter, ment of their daughter, Jennifer the engagement of their daughter, annual fishing derby and has I know how you feel. I lost announce the engagement of their Rose Chiaputti, will be able to too. I think I love him, but at you since you were very ask a young Christian Cynthia Louise Richter, to Robert Susan Milley, to Brian Jeffrey Patricia Ann LaPointe to Timothy daughter, Valerie Vizard, to Mi­ assured me that they will continue my beautiful mother in You'll never know the continue the class beginning this if he decided not to see me young. lady to be my wife. We are Eugene Eisenman of Winchendon, Beggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Scott Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. to support the derby in future 1945. (She was only 57). power of Classified until chael Rooney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monday at 1:30 p.m., until May 25. anymore, my feelings There is an excellent very much in love and you use It yourself. Call Mass., son of Mrs. Eugene S. Beggs of 85 Baldwin Road. Norbert Desmarais of 580 Wethe- years. UNICO has already donated And a few years later I Patrick Rooney of 72 Lockwood St. Seniors are reminded that there might be hurt for a week mental health clinic in 643-2711 today to place an Eisenman of Salem, Mass.,and the The bride-elect is a graduate of rell St. $1,000. for the construction of the committed to each other. lost a wonderful father. will be no lunch next week due to or two, then I ’d find your area. Look in your ad. late Eugene S. Eisenman. GlasXonbury High School and Dean The bride-elect is a graduate of The bride-elect is a 1982 gradu­ greenhouse. There is one problem. I (He was 62.) Not a day school vacation. The bride-elect is a graduate of Junior Colleg^. She is a student at Manchester High School and is ate of East Catholic High School, The following is the schedule of The following week on April 26. Suffield Academy, Endicott Col­ the University of Hartford and is employed by D & R Machine and will be graduating from Big Week: Mayor Barbara Weinberg will be lege and Skidmore College. She is employed by Aetna Life and Company Inc. Manchester Community College in May 7 — 10 a.m. Super Bingo:' here at the center (or a presenta­ chairman of the Art Department at Casualty. The prospective bridegroom is a May. She is employed by Stop & 7:15 p.m. Military Whist and Product helps those allergic to milk Setback Tourney conducted by tion on the International Friend­ the Winchendon School, Winchen­ The prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Manchester High Shop. ship Force. Mayor Weinberg has don, Mass. graduate of Manchester High School and is serving in the United Mary Ed McKeever. been with the Friendship Force (or DEAR DR. LAMB: I really reduce my size? The prospective bridegroom is a School and the University of States Navy. A July 21 wedding is The prospective bridegroom is « May 8 — 6 p.m. Sports Banquet. to the protein in the milk, many years and brings with hex read a column you wrote graduate of Salem High School and Hartford. He is also employed by planned. 1980 graduate of Manchester High "Golfers, bowlers and pool players not the lactose sugar. many memorable experiences. about milk allergies. My DEAR READER: the University of Massachusetts at Aetna Life and Casualty. School and a 1982 graduate of will be honored with the awarding Our sincere get well wishes to the husband had the symp­ I’m glad you were Whether it will hurt or not Amherst. He is an instructor of Technical Careers Institute. He is of trophies. Guests are welcome. following people who are ill in toms you mentioned so we helped by The Health may depend on how hard computer science at the Winchen­ The state of Hawaii creeps employed by New England Video. May 9 — Trip to the United Your Health Cheese may be the traditional Manchester Memorial Hospital: sent for The Health Let­ Letter, 7-2, Milk Pro­ you bump. I doubt you are don School. bait for rat traps, but scientists say toward Japan about 4 inches a Nations Building and World Trade Barbara Cox, Ebba Moeller, Ha­ ter. Sure enough, after ducts: Good and Bad. bumping hard enough to An August wedding is planned at rats have a passionate preference year, four times the rate of the A summer wedding is planned at Center in New York City. rold Bodurtha and Wilfred Lawrence Lamb, M.D. Others who want this injure yourself, but that Center Congregational Church. for gumdrops. North American continental drift. St. Bridget's Church. May 10 — Big day. Mayor eliminating milk and milk Morisette. products, cheese and issue can send 75 cents exercise is not likely to Barbara Weinberg will proclaim We send condolences to the such, my husband and with a long, stamped, help you in any way. You the week of May 7 as Senior Citizen Herald photo by Torqulnlo families of Frank Cervini, Elmer 4-year-old son are 98 per­ self-addressed envelope can’t lose body fat unless Week. Selection of Mr. and Mrs. Swanson and Oscar Capuccio. cent better. Our 13-month- for it to me, in care of the you decrease your calorie About Town Senior Citizen. Entertainment is Mommy, what big ears ... old son also cannot toler­ garLo Co., P.O. Box 111, ple who do not have Manchester Herald, P.O. intake in relation to your by Mark Vercelli, a highly talented enough lactose enzyme Box 1551, Radio City Sta­ exercise, and then you “ impressionist singer." Also, SCHEDULE FOR WEEK: Bryan Gorman, 5. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gorman of 105 ate milk and he is still on Pleasantville, NJ 08232. It Isomil. is an enzyme and digests cannot digest lactose. tion, New York, N .Y. will lose body fat all over, Lutz plans activities drawing of our Doll House Raffle. Hemlock St., gives the giant Easter bunny a big hug. The bunny, You mentioned in your the lactose in the milk if Then the undigested 10019. not just over your hips. May 11 — 5th annual Senior • Monday: 9:30 a.m. ceramics Lutz Children’s Museum, 247 S. Main St. has planned special Betty Gorman, Bryan’s mother in disguise, is promoting the column a product you you leave the milk stand­ sugar ferments, causing A better solution would Citizen's Fishing Derby at Saut­ class; 10 a.m. bingo; 12:15 p.m. could add to milk to break ing with the enzyme in it. these symptoms. DEAR DR. LAMB: I be real bumps and grinds. activities for next week during the school vacation. ter's Pond at 6 a.m. There will be "Principles of Exercise and Its Easter Bunny lunch scheduled for April 21 from 11 a.m .tol p.m. On Tuesday the museum will sponsor a bus trip to the Auer prizes. Big Week dance, 7:30 p.m. down the lactose but I It literally replaces the Adults are particularly am 23 years old. I had two These exercises will Effect on Your Blood Pressure"; Farm in Bloomfield. The cost for museum members is $4 for at St. Bridget Church, 80 Main St., sponsored by the Manchester didn’t copy down the action of enzymes in the sons born 11 months tighten the muscles in the with Lou Joubert and his 12:30 p.m. pinochle games: 1 to prone to lactose intoler­ children and $3.50 for adults. For non-members it’s $5.50 for Junior Women’s Club. The hotdog lunch, for children, is $1.75. name or how to get it. I ’m digestive system which apart. Now the younger pelvic area and that may Orchestra. 3:30 p.m. IRS; bus pick up at 8 ance. But infants and children and $5 for adults. finding it very frustrating normally does the same son is 4 years old. I weigh help. I mean the classic a.m.; return (rips at 12 and 3; 15 It will include a visit from the Easter bunny. Parents should bring young children may be The bus trip will leave the museum at 9 a.m. and return at 2 to cook and bake now that thing. This enables us to 110 pounds and after he rotation of the hips, first in MEN GOLFERS are reminded p.m. their cameras. allergic to milk. Adults p.m. The museum will also be open from noon to 4 p.m. for I cannot use milk. I never use lactose. was bom my hips looked one direction and then in that the 1984 golf season will begin • Tuesday: 9 a.m. shopping bus; can be, but that is rare those who want to see some visiting farm animals. realized how much we Lactose intolerance is wider. the other, and the back­ on April 23 at Manchester Country 10 a.m. square dancing: 12:30 p.m. compared to lactose intol­ On Wednesday there will be two morning workshops. The really used. J not an allergy. It is caused ward and forward pelvic Club. Starting times for "opening bus returns from shopping: 1:30 erance. Children or adults first, from 11 a.m. to noon, will be for kindergarteners and d ay" will be posted on the sports by an enzyme deficiency. I started bumping my thrust. Using the muscles p.m. exercise with Cleo. who have an actual milk children in grade 1. This will be about the farm. A workshop on page of both local newspapers on High school course DEAR READER: The Many adults have it and it allergy cannot use milk hips and legs against the over the hips and buttocks • Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Peggy gardening, for children in Grades 2 through 6, will be heldat the April 16. Golfers are reminded to product is Lact-Aid and often causes gaseous dis­ wall, 100 times on each will help tighten them and Kelly, pharmacist: lOa.m. Friend­ .that has been treated to same time. report to the course 15 minutes you can get it or find out tention, diarrhea and di­ side. Will that hurt my that may be all you really ship Circle: pinochle games: 12:30 break down the lactose. The fee for both workshops is $1 for members and $2 for before their tee time and bring $13. more about it from Su- gestive complaints. Peo­ They are usually allergic hips or my bones? Does it need. p.m. bridge games: 1p.m. arts and teaches its students non-members. Those visiting the museum in the afternoon will for the first quarterly payment for crafts class: bus pick up at 8 a.m.: be able to make an animal finger puppet if they wish. green fees and dues. Remember, return trips at noon and 3; 15 p.m. On Thursday the museum has planned an afternoon of checks are preferred. • Thursday; 9:30 to 11 a.m. old-fashioned farm fun from noon to 4 p.m.. At this "H oe Down Now, concerning trips, seniors Ukranian egg painting class: 10 to deal with stress Uncover the truth about your son Happening, ’’ participants will celebrate life on the farm — past are reminded that there will be a a.m. to 12 noon, legal aid by and present. registration for the Julie Andrews appointment: orchestra rehear­ By Dan Sussman Friday will be Country Crafts Day with five different concert on April 19 at 9:30 a.m. The sal. Bus pick up for those attending DEAR DR. BLAKER: ago he took my girlfriend United Press woman, she might fall for workshops to be held. Raffia basketry for Grades 1 through 3 price of the affair is $17. which class. About a year ago, the away from me. It was a International him considering that your from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Woodpile Wonders will beheld forthose includes transportation and ad­ • Friday: Good Friday. Closed school psychologist sent bad situation but we relationship is so new. in Grades 3 through 6, at the same time. Leather Crafts for mission. The trip is slated for May for holiday weekend. me a letter saying that my Ask talked it out and our W YOM ING, Ohio - Why not put off his Grades 2 through 6 will be conducted from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 23 at 8 p.m. son had a learning dis­ friendship survived. request until you feel a p.m. and during the same hours, for the same age group, there There are stiM openings for the One myth says carefree order called dyslexia. I Dr. Blaker BRIDGE SCORES: Carl Lom­ Now I have fallen for a little more secure in this will be a workshop on making corn husk dolls. The charge for trip to the United Nations Building bardo. 5,510: Annette Hillery, high school years are was shocked by this news new beautiful woman. Be­ relationship, or until he members, for any workshop, is $3 and $4 for non-members. and World Trade Center slated for 4,820: Irene Foisey, 4,410: Kay chock full of adolescent because to me my son has Karen Blaker, Ph.D. cause I talk about her so has a steady girlfriend The workshop on Tip Top Toys, for kindergarteners and May 9. The cost of the trip is $18.50 Nutter, 4,260: Marge McLain. frivolities such as beach always seemed to be such i , , much, he wants to meet himself? first-graders, will be Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The cost is which includes transportation, a 4,130: Kay Bennett. 4.130: Ruth parties, class plays, a bright student. I never harmless pranks and 1 her. This simple request $1.50 for members and $2.50 for non-members. guided tour and shopping tour. Search. 4,030. contacted the psycholo­ has me very upset. I know Down in the dumps? Get To wind up the week, the musuem will host Jim Douglas, a Lunch will be on your own. For hamburgers. gist because I was af raid I it is utterly irrational, but help from Dr. Blaker’s traditional folksinger, Saturday at 2 p.m. This participatory more information, contact Arrow PINOCHLE SCORES: Robert In fact, says Wyoming would be blamed. High School teacher I am afraid the same thing newsletter “ Fighting De­ program will feature songs about farms and farmers. Tickets Tours at 528-9961. Schubert, 656; Bess Moonan, 616: Lately I have begun to have switched names on Kathy Ryan, they're filled with the psychologist. See will happen again. He is a pression.” Send 50 cents for $1 do not include the cost of museum admission. Harry Pospisil. 612; Floyd Post, wonder what is going on in the letter or there might There are still openings for the with pressure to get good if you can straighten this very handsome man and I and a stamped, self- Pre-registration is required for all workshops during 593; Mabel Loomis. 576; Arvid that school. Since the even be two children by Accident Prevention Course for grades, strained relation­ out. can’t hold a candle to his addressed envelope to Dr. vacation week. The museum phone is 643-0949. Peterson, 574; Ada Rojas, 570; psychologist’s letter, my the same name in your Mature Drivers slated for April 23 ships with peers and fam ­ Even if your son did seductive charm. What if Blaker in care o f the Bert Turner, 561; Sol Cohen. 558; son’s grades have never son’s school. Another pos­ Parents to meet and 24. The fee for the course is $10. ily, doubts about the fu­ have a learning disorder, I lose her to him? Manchester Herald, P.O. Carl Popple, 553; Maude Custer. been better. His teachers sibility might be that the Individuals must be at least 62 ture and worries about 1 would advise you in the I could never keep him Box 475, Radio City Sta­ Manchester Chapter 469, Parents without Partners, will 553. consistently send him school psychologist made years of age and residents of college. same way. Trying to as a friend. I would also tion, New York, N .Y. have an orientation meeting for prospective members on home with the most com­ a clinical e r r o r in cover up the problem will probably have to leave my 10019. Manchester. The course is State Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Shop Rite Community Hall, East approved. Individuals completing BOWLING SCORES: Women hi Ms. Ryan and several plimentary remarks. He diagnosis. only hurt the child. job because I coulcln’t Write to Dr. Blaker at Middle Turnpike. the course will receive a 5 percent triple — Ginger Yourkas, 467; other teachers and school is even on the dean’s list. Whatever the cause, stand to see him every the above address. The For more information about the organization or the meeting, reduction in their insurance premi­ Edna Christensen, 450. Men hi administrators in this Cin­ (^ Id that letter have your son’s performance DEAR DR. BLAKER: day. volume of mail prohibits call 646-8643. ums as mandated by State Law. If single — Wendell Poucher, 210; cinnati suburb have es­ been a mistake? makra one immediately My friend and I are both DEAR READER: Your personal replies, but ques­ interested, please stop by the front Tony Golas, 206; Frank Wotruba, tablished a iO-SQsciop,- suspicious about that let­ divorced and work to­ fears may not be entirely tions of generai interest Herald photo by Pinto Harvey’s fashions In show office and fill out a short registra­ 205; Dick Colbert, 204. Men hi non-credit course in stress D EAR READER: Most ter. Call immediately and gether in the same insu­ irrational. While he might wilt be discussed in future Harvey’s of Manchester, located in the Caldor’s Shopping tion form. triple — Wendell Poucher, 578; management for all the certainly. They could make an appointment rance agency. Two years not go after your new columns. Tea for two a nd.... Center, will have its fashions featured in the spring fashion Andy Lorenzen, 547; Frank Wo­ school’s freshmen. show of the Barbizon School of Modeling. DON’T FORGET, the Hyperten­ truba, 534; Lou Sulots. 529; Ed Nancy Roserof 24 Buckingham St., left, and Marilyn Neumayer Lithwin, 527; Tony Golas, 506; Each week, small The show will be Saturday from noon to 4 p.m., at the school, sion Program, sponsored by the of 134 Timrod Road, talk over plans for a membership tea Harvey Duplin. 501. groups meet with a UPi plK>tO Births and will feature spring and summer fashions from Harvey’s. Health Department, is having its teacher to discuss such planned by the Manchester Junior Women's Club, at the home topics as communication Biology teacher Marie Johnson in­ of Mrs. Neumayer.They are chairmen of the Membership Lettuce get and coping techniques, structs a group of high school freshmen Stone. Nicole Christine Committee. The tea will be on Tuesday. Anyone interested in the biological effects of parents are Mr. and Mrs. tal. His maternal grand­ March 27 at Manchester was bora March 27 at togethef? on the physical effects of stress during a and Thomas Franklin, FRIENDSHIP LODGE stress, self-esteem, school Robert N. Bartoo of Mer­ parents are Saverio and Memorial Hospital. His Manchester Memorial attending the tea or joining the club should contact Mrs. class at Wyoming High School in the twin daughter and twin and family issues and iden. Her paternal grand­ Anna Pascale of Hamden. maternal grandparents Hospital. His maternal Neumayer or any club member. URBANA, III. (U P I) - son bom to Randall and peer relationships. Cincinnati suburb of Wyoming. mother is Mrs. Mary His paternal grandpar­ are Mr. and Mrs. Donald grandparents are Mr. and Gardeners who consider Ann Guffey Stone of Mor- #145, A.F. & A.M. "P art of it is that you Rocco of West Haven. She ents are Louis and Lillian H. Perreault of Vernon. Mrs. Edward Olbrias of their gardens a labor of enough that she wound up re'stown, N. J. on April 6 in may be under stress and esteem and felt in better has two brothers, Philip, Gubitosi of Hamden. He His paternal grandpar- 53A School St., Coventry. love are closer to the truth taking first place.” control of themselves Tampa, Fla. Their mater­ y ou' re not recognizing it," 8, and Adam, 6; a sister, has a brother, Louis enU are Mr. and Mrs. His paternal grandpar­ than they realize, says a Annual nal grandparents are Mr. Doctors warn of alcohol Ms. Ryan said. “ You may than those who didn't, she Rebecca, 5. Adam, 11 months old. Robert S. Muirbead of ents are Mr. and Mrs. University of Illinois THE STRESS course and Mrs. Lester Guffey of be slamming doors at said. Silvia, Kaitlin Ame. Mairhead, Robert Do­ New Hope, Minn agronomist who has been was conceived after a Tampa, Fla. Their pater- Leslie Brookes of 35 Bi­ home. You may be kick­ daughter of Clarence and nald, son o f Robert Scott Brookes, Andrew Ro­ gelow St. He has a half- studying the historical meeting of students and nat grandparents are Mr. ing the dog." IT APPEARS to be a big Joan Madden Silvia of 122 and Susan Dolorps P er­ bert, son of Leslie A . and brother, Raymond, 19, In children’s medications link between lettuce and school counselors to dis­ and Mrs. Robert F. Stone PANCAKE FESTIVAL hit with the 230 freshmen Bissell St., was born reault Muirfaead Jr., of ITS Debra Cooper Brookes of love. Students are taught cuss pressures on the of Waterbury. Their and a sister, Christina, who have taken it. March 25 at Manchester Henry St., was bora 53B School St., Coventry, 4W. techniques for easing students. EVANSTON, III. (UPI) — Children's "Continued efforts should be made to David Herd, student great-grandparents are Memorial Hospital. Her The Egyptians consi­ APRIL 15, 1984 (Palm Sunday) stress and calming down. medications, such as teething prepara­ have alcohol removed from liquid "Some of it was per­ editor of the school news­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. matemai grandmother is dered lettuce a potent In one, they lie on their tions, decongestants and cough medi­ preparations for children,” the acade­ sonal, some of it was paper, said many upper­ Warren of Princeton Francis C. Madden of 128 aphrodisiac, said agrono­ backs on the floor while because of the high aca­ cines, often contain alcohol that could m y’s Committee on Drags said in the 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M. classmen at first scoffed Street, Mrs. Frank Stone Bissell St. Her paternal mist and National soft music plays. They demic nature of the of East Center Street, Mr. A Passover story cause harmful reactions, the American journal Pediatrics. a t th e course as grandparents are Clar­ Academy of Sciences spend about IS minutes in Academy of Pediatrics says. "In those instances in which alcohol school," Ms. Ryan said. unnecessary. and Mrs. Rene DeTaeye ence and Mary Silvia of member Jack Harlan. MASONIC TEMPLE that position tensing and A grant obtained of Tampa and Mrs. Harry ConUnned frotn page 11 The alcohol — ethanol — is present in is a necessary solvent, preparations Gradually, he said, East Hartford. She has a World War 1, and never lived and loved and raised relaxing small groups of through the University of McCandless of Illinois. more than 700 prescribed medications should be packaged in small volumes many said they wished brother, Timothy, 21 came back to America. families and served in muscles from tiKir feet to Cincinnati, and help from Jaworski, Matthew most of which are marketed for use by with safety closures.” 25 East Center Street they'd had the opportun­ months. older brother and his Our grandmother ana their communities. their beads. psychiatric experts there, Leonard, son of Michael Children, the academy said. Alcohol The committee said several drag ity to take it. SimM, MitcheU Ernest, father had come earlier. four children younger Wouldn’t it be fascinating In another, mental re­ enabled the high school to R. and Mary Wilson Ja­ became a common in p ^ e n t of many companies have removed alcohol from Participation is volun­ son of Walter C. and iJim Although there mutt than our mother, never to know who they were, SUPER (Next To Post Office) hearsal, students tell launch a pilot course in worski of 160 High St., liquid preparations because it dis­ children’s inedicines or reduced its tary, Ms. Ryan said, but Rose Simon Jr., of 135 have b e « some contact came to America either. what they accomplish^, OPPORTUNITY themselves they can en­ 1983. It now is a perman- Coventry, was born solves drugs water cannot. content, but there are still too many (nuNCHiii) no student has refused the Brandy St.. Bolton, was with other members of the We lost contact with the bow they survived, what Manchester, Conn. dure stress, and then e n t part of the March 31 at Hartford When taken with other drugs, how­ alcohol-saturated preparations on the course. bom March 27 at Man­ family, of our grandpar­ family in 1941 when Ger- their p r^en u were, bow EXCLUSIVE. envision themselves in curriculum. Hospital. His matemai ever, medicines containing alcohol can market. There is no homework chester Memorial Hospi­ ents’ generation, we have nnany invaded Poland. they solved them, what HIGH FASHION stressful situations. The students were first grandparents are Mr. and cause unpleasant side effects, as well Pharmacological studies show child­ and no exam. tal. His matemai g ia ^ no recollection of them, Consequently, we can they liked to eat, and bow M l THE PANCAKES AND SAUSAGE In countdown brea­ polled about their biggest Mrs. Kenneth Wilson of 17 as interfering with drag absorption or ren’s bodies process ethanol more NAIL SOUTIQUE Teachers provide some parents are Richard and and nowhere that I know trace our roots only as far they celebrated their thing, they consciously worries. Washington St. His pater­ impairing the breakdown of other rapidly than adults and are thus more texts and an outside read­ Maryanne Rose of 18 is there any record of our back as our grandparents bolidaysT •rULLM RM Ct slow their breathing to "Overwhelmingly it ing list. nal grandparents are Mr. drags. susceptible to its effects. •MMMNMT-CKUIlirUTUM Steeles Crossing Road, Blassberg grawhiarents’ — two generations. Write your own story. •UlCflATIVI ■low their heartbeat. was peer relationships, and Mrs. Raymond Pin- In high doses, the m ajor toxic effect The committee said it also was Ms. Ryan said the grow­ Bolton. His paternal precedents. U you are like me, you Put it on paper or en tape. "One girl just wrote us a fam ily and grades in kin of 263 Burnham St. He of alcohol-saturated ntedicines is cen­ concerned with the long-term use of ing number of teaching grandparents are Walter would as I would, like to Sometime in the future, letter to tell us about a school,” Ms. Ryan said. aids on the subject reflect has a sister, M a i^ , 3Vk Our mother arrived know more about my tral nervous system impairment, in­ such medications but had insufficient YOU CAN EAT and Roberta Simon of 281 your progeny will lillan to piano recital she had at "A fter that, we ran into cluding d ecrea ^ reaction time, mus­ evidence linking chronic alcohol inges­ Wr StWmWSm mm increasing societal inter­ and a brother, Mark, 2. Hebron Road, Bolton. He with her father, Moshe ancestry, between the ex­ it or read it and feel a C a l laiM r M i the University of Cincin­ money, sports, weight — cle incoordination and behavioral tion to harmful blood ethanol concen- est in controlling stress. Rocco, Sarah Elisa- has a sister, AngMa, 2W. lipkunski, in New Yorfcin odus from Egypt and, say strong sense of beloMing nati," Ms. Ryan said. the normal adolescent changes, the committee said. tratiofu in children. $.25 Savings With This Coupon On Aii Tickets ■ “ We couldn’t And mate­ heth. daughter of Philip Gnbitosi, Matthew 1997. There were relatives 1998. We might know more to a special and unique “ Before the recital she did problems." Severe reactions such as nausea, 721-7232 rial on the subject to save N. and Denise B. Rocco of Alaa, son of Alan Nicholas in New York and in if we had recorded the fam ily. You m ay tMnit The committee has made the follow­ the countdown breathing vomiting, irregular heartbeat, cardio­ Rr. Gray A survey of freshmen at our souls two years ago. 128 Campfield Road, was and Maria Pascals GuM- Springfield at the time — stories our grandparents, ing recoirunendations to the Food and Adults ^2.50 Children (Under 12) ^1.25| technique. Before that she your lifestyle is dull or vascular collapse, respiratory depres­ the end of the first year Now there are at least IS bom March 25 at Man- tosi of 91 Bridge St, was first and second cousins. and later our parents, told Drug Administration: Out of Town was shaking. But the uninteresting, but your sion and convulsions can sometimes showed those who took the films for classroom use," diester Memorial Hospi­ bom March 27 at Man­ Our grandfather went us. • Over-the-counter liquid prepara­ CoNColoct technique calmed her grandchildren may think occur in people who take antibacterial u w II1I.HIMIIII iim n«iMni ______course had greater self­ she said. tal. Her matemai grand­ chester Memorial H ovL back to Poland before We bad ancestors who tions should be limited to a maximum otherwise. drugs with alcoholic beverages. of 5 percent ethanol. 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. April 14, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, April 14. 1984 - 15 -MAcc News- Genesis has helpejd those who need rebirth SPORTS wants m e," and reflecting back over-and-overin or so, and each time they were discharged, they Editor's note: this column is prepared by the abandon our open-door policy. Doesn't that mean countless different ways our firm belief that “ God were back in the same boat with the same large NL roundup staff of the Manchester Area Conference of that we just take in more people but help each of doesn't make junk” but men and women made in hole in it — no place to live, no place to go, no Churches. them less? Yep! That's about what it means. But His image, each of us_ (and you, too) of infinite money to live on. it also means that there is a place for isolated and As a partial answer, our newest staffer, Linda, shaky men and women to go. value. For some clients, counseling may be as direct now spends one morning each week at Cedarcrest By Nancy Carr, No waiting list — no appointments necessary as sitting side-by-side with the newspaper. “ How visiting hospitalized clients, establishing rapport AflACC director (though, if you show up and tell Linda you need to does that ad look? Now when the landlord with both old and new clients and getting a jump Rose joins Ty Cobb in 4,000-hit dub talk, you may have to wait until the four other answers the phone, what are you going to say? I'll on the release day, in hopes we can have Genesis — beginning of life (creation blossom­ people already there have had their chance). On something in place when they are discharged. ing under the hand of the Creator) — hope the other hand, if you show up in really shaky be the landlord and you call me — B rrrring." Unfortunately, no amount of discharge planning MONTREAL (DPI) - Pete Rose singles in a five-run fourth inning Davis' two-run shot in the bottom regenerated by the promise of new opportunities shape and need help now, Linda will drop Networking is important in trying to put the Rose, a 16-time All-Star, has had will create available housing for men and women got the 4,000th hit of his career to lead the Cubs to a 11-2 victory half of the inning. to be and become. All these aspirations and hopes everything and tell those waiting to hang-in th er^ pieces of a life back together again — housing, a steady string of records and is on without good references or credit ratings. Friday — a fourth-inning double — over the New York Mets in the Astros I, Reds 0 were entwined in our decision to name our with a cup of coffee, or come back in the^ employment when possible, some kind of steady the verge of adding two others. He In an effort to begin to solve the problem of Cubs’ home opener, snapping the At Houston, Joe Niekro and program to help mental health patients return to afternoon. Since most of the clients realize that . income when it is not, continuing medical to join Ty Cobb as baseball's only needs 60 singles to become the treatment. '£laine spent alrnost 400 hours last housing for returning mental health patients, players to reach that figure as the Mets' six-game winning streak. Frank DiPino combined on a their community — Project Genesis. they would get the same kind of priority all-time leader in that department Elaine has helped us develop and institute a new five-hitter and Kevin Bass scored Four years later, our goats remain intact, but treatment if they were in sore need — they are year consulting with social workers in other Montreal Expos won their home and 50 more games to be the Ron Cey hit a solo homer in the pilot program - New Start. It’s her brainchild, so fifth inning, Jody Davis added a an unearned run, helping the we are considerably wiser (and sadder?) willing to wait. agencies. opener 5-1 over the Philadelphia all-time leader in that category. Elaine herself will tell you what New Start is and Phillies. Astros snap a five-game losing concerning our abilities both as professionals and What kind of services do our Genesis One of the nicest things about Manchester is the Rose has reached or surpassed two-run seventh-inning homer and how it’s working, in next week’s column. I ’ll just streak with a 1-0 victory over the as caring volunteers to help our brothers and coordinator, Elaine Stancliffe, and new case way in which staff in the helping human services, Rose, who will celebrate his 43rd the 200-hit plateau in 10 different Gary Matthews hit a solo shot in throw in the fact that it's one terrific idea and Cincinnati Reds. sisters with mental health problems to success­ worker, Linda Thompson, provide? A lot of both public and private, live up to their name. birthday Saturday, doubled off seasons — a major league record the eighth for the Cubs, who she's worked hard to make it possible. Niekro, 1-2, went 7 2-3 innings, fully re-enter the community, and to help them counseling for one thing. Seven hundred and They really put their heads together and work losing pitcher Jerry Koosman (1-1) — fwith the last coming in 1979 in pounded out 14 hits. allowing five hits, walking one and transform their dreams of a new start into thirty five hours last year to be exact, and Linda hard matching and sharing resources for the good to reach the 4,000-hit mark. It was Philadelphia when he pounded out Steve Trout, 1-1, allowed seven of the client. NOTICE exactly 21 years ago, on April 13, hits in pitching the first complete striking out three. DiPino entered reality. was only with us the last two months of the year. 208 hits for a .331 average. Just a reminder that the Hunger Walk, being the game in the top of the eighth For one thing, there are so many who come in However, when resources aren't there, no 1963, that Rose got his first major The 1973 campaign was his most game of the season for Chicago. sponsored by the Bolton Ecumenical Council, will with runners on first and second for help. Four years ago, we contracted with the NOW, COUNSELING ISN’T therapy and it isn't amount of networking will fill in the gap. league hit, a triple off Pittsburgh's productive in terms of hits as he Bowa ended an O-for-13 slump by start from the town green tomorrow afternoon at Department of Mental Health for funding for one treatment. Counseling Genesis style, involves Although Elaine was able to secure permanent Bob Friend. managed 230 in 680 at bats, while lining an opposite field, bases and got pinch hitter Cesar Cedeno 1:30 p.m. The Bolton Ecumenical Council is made to ground out to end the threat. staff person to work with 30 mental health everything from explaining what resources arc housing for 33 of her clients last year, all too many In the fourth inning, winning his best average was .348 in 1969. loaded single off Dwight Gooden, up of the four major Bolton churches: St. George patients a year. Last year, 1983, with 1>A staff in available in the community, to gently and ended up in the shelter, or when the shelter wasn't pitcher Charlie Lea (2-1) led off Both figures were achieved while 1-1, who was making his second DiPino recorded his first save of Episcopal, Bolton Congregational, Bolton United Genesis, we worked with, not 30 clients, but 123, carefully suggesting that you may have a much open, on the street. with a single. Rose; who failed to he played at Cincinnati. major league start. Chicago had the year. Methodist and St. Maurice R.C. Seventy-five An additional 50 persons received what we call better chance of finding a job if your face is reach the 4,000-hit mark in his In the second inning, Montreal loaded the bases when Cey and Mel Mario Soto, 1-1, took a no-hitter percent of the proceeds will go to Church World minimal services. Truly, many more clients than washed, clothes clean and hair brushed. For FOR TH AT M ATTER , all tco many clients end hometown of Cincinnati on Wed­ scored two unearned runs. Tim Hall walked and Davis reached on into the seventh inning when Bass Services CROP Hunger appeal; the remaining 25 led off with a double to right field. we had anticipated. some Genesis clients, counseling means being up back in the hospital — the revolving door nesday, lined an opposite field Wallach singled, Bobby Ramos a wind- blown single with none out. Why so many? Who not limit the program to 30 firmly supportive day-after-day while listening to you've heard about. In fact, several of the clients percent wilt be split between the MACC Food double to right, putting runners at was safe on a fielder’s choice and Cey and Hail scored on Bowa's After one out, Jerry Mumphrey or 40 or even 50 clients a year? We're reluctant to the recital of "I'm worthless, no good, nobody were in and out of the hospital every three months Pantry and Meals on Wheels. second and third. One out lafer, 'Lea was safe on a throwing error single after Bowa had unsuccess­ singled to left and when left fielder Tim Raines hit a bloop single to by shortstop Ivan DeJesus. fully tried to execute a squeeze Duane Walker mishandled the shallow center field scoring Lea bunt. bail, Bass scored. and Rose and giving the Expos a Dejesus attempted to make a Trout reached on a buht single to Cardinals 4, Pirates 1 4-1 lead. force-out at second base but threw again load the bases and Bob At St. Louis, Ozzie Smith hit a Calendars Montreal went ahead 5-1 in the the ball to the right field. Ramos Dernier forced Trout, scoring three-run homer with two outs in seventh inning on a triple by Andre scored on the play. Rose was safe Davis. Dernier stole second — one the seventh inning to break a 1-1 tie on a throwing error to first by and spark the St. Louis Cardinals Thursday — 7:30 p.m., Maundy Thursday combined Dawson and double by Gary of four Chicago stolen bases in the Koosman and then Bryan Little game — and Sandberg's single to a home opening 4-1 triumph over Corps hosts brigade Meal in the upper room Gather for prayer service with South United Methodist. Carter. singled Lea home to make the. scored Bowa and Dernier. the Pittsburgh Pirates. Friday — 7:30 p.m., combined worship at North. Rose, who got a standing ovation The following events have been scheduled at South The following events have been scheduled at the score 2-0. Trout, 1-1, struck out four and The blast gave Dave LaPoint his The Salvation Army Manchester Citadel Corps will United Methodist Church for the coming week: Church of the Nazarene for the coming week: from the crowd of nearly 50,000 Glenn Wilson hit a one-out double walked none in pitching the first first victory of the year and evened host a brigade of cadets from the School for Officers' Monday — 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., prayer vigil; 6 p.m., Tuesday — 2 p.m., service at Crestfield Convales­ fans after his hit, needed three in the fourth inning and scored on a complete game of the season for his record at 1-1. LaPoint scattered Training in Suffern, N.Y. meal in the upper room. cent Home; 3 p.m., service at Vernon Manor; 7:30 C h O ir tO perfO riTI at-bats to reach the 4,000-hit mark. single by Bo Diaz for Philadel­ the Cubs. six hits, struck out five and walked Beginning on Sunday, the brigade will conduct Tuesday — 7:30 p.m., slides of Holy Land. p.m., Sams and Sals business meeting. ^ He grounded out to second base on phia's only run. Philadelphia Chicago took a 1-0 lead in the first two in seven innings. Bruce Sutter meetings through April 22. The meetings, open to the Wednesday — 6:55 p.m., Wesley Bell Ringers; 7:30 Wednesday — 6 a.m., prayer gathering for The following events have been scheduled at Trinity his first appearance and was safe loaded the bases in the ninth before when Sandberg doubled and pitched the final two innings to public, will begin at 7 p.m. each evening, with the p.m.. Chancel Choir; adult Bible study. 277 Spring St. Cornerstone Christian School. Covenant Church for the coming week: on an error by Koosman in the Gary Lucas relieved Lea and got scored on Matthews' single. Chi­ earn his second save. exception of Tue.sday, when the meeting opens at 6 Thursday — 9 a.m., quilters: noon, senior Thursday — counseling available, call 646-8599; Sunday — 6:15 a.m.. Palm Sunday men’s and boy’s second inning. The double was his pinch- hitter John Wockenfuss on cago added another run in the sixth Candelaria, 1-1,allowedjust four UPi photo p.m.. and Easter Sunday when the meeting opens at 4 Methodists; 7:30 p.m., Maundy Thursday communi- 7:30 p.m., Maundy Thursday communion. breakfast; 7 p.m., Heartsong concert. only hit in four at-bats. an infield out to end the game. when Matthews walked and scored hits and struck out 11 in suffering Pete Rose leaves home plate after stroking a double off p.m. omn, joint service with North United M'ethodist. Saturday — 1 p.m., egg hunt for children Tuesday — 6 a.m., men's prayer breakfast at Rose, who had a lifetime aver­ on a triple by Leon Durham. the loss. Cadets will conduct neighborhood open airs during Phillies’ Jerry Koosman for his 4,000th career hit. The F rid a y — 10 a.m., Al-Anon; 7:30 p.m., Good Friday kindergarten through grade 3. LaStrada; 4 p.m., confirmation class; 7:30 p.m., age of .306 entering this season, is Cubs 11, Mets 2 The Mets scored in the seventh A crowd of 45,453. second largest the day. along with the children’s meetings at 2 p.m. worship at North United Methodist. covenant board at Phyllis Nelson’s. now 191 hits behind Ty Cobb’s At Chicago, Lari^ Bowa and on George Foster's two-run oppo­ for a Cardinal season opener, historic hit came Friday afternoon in Rose’s home debut on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They will visit Wednesday — 7 p.m., prayer meeting; Boy’s all-time mark of 4,191. Ryne Sandberg lined two-run site field homer to right before attended the contest. as a Montreal Expo. area nursing homes and shut-ins as part pf the Army's Seven words noted Brigade; Pioneer Girls; youth groups; 7:30 p.m., Easter ministry. Joint cantata pianned VERNON — The churches of the Greater Rockville Chancel Choir; men’s seminar. Manchester will be the only community in Area Clery Council will sponsor a Good Friday - Connecticut which will have cadets in the spring. The following events are seheduled at Emanuel servipe, including sermons on the seven words from Thursday — 6:30 a.m., women’s prayer at NHL roundup Lutheran Chureh for thhe coming week: the cross, Friday from noon to 3 p.m. at St. John's LaStrada; 6:30 p.m., AG APE: 7:30 p.m., Maundy Corps hosts brigade Sunday — 4 p.m., joint cantata at Marlborough Episcopal Church, Route 30. Thursday communion service. Congregational Church; 6:30 p.m.. youth group, egg The service will be read by the Rev. Robert H. Friday — 7:30 p.m., choir concert: “Service of decorating. Wellner of St. John's Episcopal Church. Other Darkness” by Dale Wood. The Salvation Army Manchester Citadel Corps will Monday — 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., fair workshop in members of the clery speaking will be the Rev. John Kallur’s overtime goal host a brigade of cadets from the School for Officers’ Luther Hall; 3:30 p.m., staff meeting. White, The Rev. Robert Tallent, the Rev. Douglas Saturday — 6:30 a.m., boy’s discipleship at LaStrada; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., practice sunrise service, Training in Suffern, N.Y. Tuesday — 10 a.m., Beethoven Chorus; 1:30 p.m., MacLean, the Rev. Eugene Mitchell, the Rev. Beginning on Sunday, the brigade will conduct Lydia Circle; 4 p.m., youth and cherub chojrs; 7:30 Thomas Doyle, the Rev. David Eusden and the Rev. youth. meetings through April 22. The meetings, open to the p.m., concert committee; mission and ministry. Paul Lutz. public, will begin at 7 p.m. each evening, with the Wednesday — 7:30 p.m., Emanuel Choir. gives Isles series tie exception of Tuesday, when the meeting opens at 6 Thursday — 7 a.m., worship with communion; 10 p.m., and Easter Sunday when the meeting opens at 4 a.m, prayer group; 11 a.m., worship with commun­ H e re ’s N o r th ’s w e e k Passion play presented UNIONDALE, N.Y. (UPI) - shoulder, is expected lo miss 5-to-7 Bryan Trotlier made it 2-0 at p.m. ion; 3:45 p.m.. Belle Choir; 7:30 p.m., worship with ■The following events have been scheduled at North days. 5:51, scoring from the left faceoff Cadets will conduct neighborhood open airs during communion. WEST HARTFORD — St. Timothy’s Women’s Club Anders Kallur, dressed because of United Methodist Church for the coming week: After trailing 3-0 and 4-2, the circle on a rush with Tomas the day, along with the children’s meetings at 2 p.m. will sponsor a performance of “ Live on in M y Love,” an injury to Bob Bourne, scored at Friday — 7:30 p.m., joint cantata with Marlborough Sunday — 6:30 a.m., worship and communion; 7:15 Jonsson. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They will visit an original passion play, Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. at 7:35 of overtime Friday night to Capitals rebounded and eventually Congregational Church; 9 p.m., prayer vigil until 8 a.m.. men's Palm Sunday breakfast, Clifford Green, tied the score late in the third Pat Flalley put New York up by area nursing homes and shut-ins as part pf the Army's p.m. Saturday. Northwest Catholic High School, 29 Wampanoag help the struggling New York speaker. period on Mike Gartner's power- three goals at 9:49 when Washing­ Blaster ministry. Drive. Islanders even their Stanley Cup Saturday — 10 a.m., Easter egg hunt for children Wednesday — 10 a.m., pastor's class; 12:15 p.m., play score at 12:55 of the third ton’s starting golaie, Al Jensen, Manchester will be the only community in playoff quarter-final series with a through grade 4; 8 p.m., Easter vigil service with brown bag lunch, Bible study and communion; 6:30 The play is a musical version of the passion of Jesus period. < lost a looping, high shot and Connecticut which will have cadets in the spring. communion. 5-4 victory over the Washington p.m., upper room meal. Christ, according to the Gospel of John. Call 232-3708. Capitals. Gartner picked up the rebound of allowed it to go over his shoulder. Kallur’s goal evened the series a shot by Dave Christian that beat Gustafsson’s two power-play ef­ at one victory apiece and helped New York goalie Billy Smith and forts followed at 11:02 and 11:50. the Islanders avoid going to bounced off the post into the slot. the first being the result of three Relisious Services Washington for Games 3 and 4 with The Washington wing then back- rebounds before Gustafsson finally a 2-0 deficit. handed the puck 10 feet for the beat Billy Smith. Bossy scored a Dave Langevin started the play tying score. soft 10- footer at 13:39 for the Simpson, pastor emeritus; Mullen, pastor. Meeting Sun­ minister of youth. 9:30 a.m., a.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., Hebron Road, Bolton. The in the Islander end, passing up to It was Washington’s fourth Islanders' fourth goal. Assemblies of God Methodist Sunday school: 10:45 a.m., St. Bridget Church, 70 Main Michael C. Thornton, asso­ days, 10 to 11:30a.m. Nursery Bible study and fellowship. Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, pas­ center ice to Mike Bossy, who power-play score in the contest, After Bossy’s fourth goal, Wa­ ciate pastor. 10a.m., worship and Sunday school. worship, children's church Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., St., Manchester. Rev. Philip tor. Saturday moss at 5 p.m.; Calvary Church (Assem* Bolton United Methodist and nursery; 6:30 p.m., even­ A. Sheridan and Rev. Emilio compared to one for New York. shington coach Bryan Murray biles of God), 400 Bucklond service, sanctuary; 10 a.m. Full Gospel Interdenomi­ Church, 1041 Boston Turn­ prayer meeting. (742-7222) Sundav masses at 7:30, 9:15 skated to the blueline and sent the church school. (647-9941) national Church, 745 Main ing praise service, nursery. Presbyterian Church of P. Podelll, co-postors. Satur­ and 11 a.m. (643-4466) puck into the Washington zone. At 8:32 of the third period, removed Jensen in favor of Riggin, Rood, South Windsor. Rev. pike, Bolton. Rev. Stewart (646-8599) day mass 5 p.m.; Sunday Kenneth L. Gustafson, pas­ First Congregational St., Manchester. Rev. Philip Lanier, pastor, 9:30 o.m., Manchester, 43 Spruce St., referee Bryan Lewis’ apparent who had won the first two games of Church of Andover, Route 6, P. Saunders. Sundav, 10:30 Manchester. Rev. Richard masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and Kallur entered the zone, picked up tor. 9:30 a.m., Sunday church school: 11 a.m., wor­ noon. (643-2403) quick whistle blew dead an Is­ the preliminary series then suf­ school; 10:30 a.m., worship, Andover. Rev. Richard H. a.m., adult Bible study and ship service, nursery. (649- Pentecostal Gray, pastor. 10:30 a.m., the carom off the boards and sent a child-care and nursery; 7:00 Taylor, pastor. Sunday wor­ Sundav school; 7 p.m., wor­ 3472) worship service, nursery, UPl photo 10-foot wristshot high past goalie lander goal by the Isdianders' fered a hand injury. ship: 11 a.m., nursery care ship service. Tuesdov at 7:30 United Pentecostal 9:15 a.m., Sundav school; 7 St. James Church, 896 Main Salvation Army p.m., evening service of North United Methodist Church, 187 Woodbridge St., Pat Riggin. Greg Gilbert. Lewis thought that New York’s .fatigue became praise and Bible preaching. provided. Church school: p.m., special Bible studles; Church, 300 Parker St., Man­ p.m., Informol worship. (643- St., Manchester. Rev. Fran­ Aim y, 661 Main Pistons' center Bill Laimbeer (40) falls Johnson of Boston Friday night in 9:30 a.m., Sunday. (742-7696) Wednesdav at 7:30 p.m., Manchester. Rev. Marvin 0906) cis V. KrukowskI, Rev. Ro­ It was the sixth straight Islander goaltender Riggin had covered the evident by its 2 second-period (644-1102) chester. Richard W. Dupee, Stuart, minister. 10 a.m., St., Manchester. Capt. and Pontiac, Mich. The Pistons won in First Congregational worship service. Praver line, pastor. Schedule: 8:45 a.m., bert Burbank, Rev. Richard Mrs. Rondall Davis. 9:30 over backward as teammate Isiah overtime victory and they have puck but it was still loose. shots, but the Islander summoned Church ol Coventry, 1171 646-8731, 24 hours. Sundov school; 11 o.m., A. Lamore, team ministry. worship, adult Bible class, morning worship; 6 p.m., o.m., Sunday school; 10:45 Thomas uses a pick to drive past Dennis overtime. won 10 of their last 11. New York opened fast, scoring ' enough strength to win the over­ Baptist Main St., Coventry. Rev. Gospel Hall, Center Street, nursery; 10:15 a.m., worship, Roman Catholic Rev. Edward J. Reardon. a.m., holiness meeting; 7 Bruce Johnson, pastor, 11 Manchester. 10 o.m., break­ evening worship; 7:30 p.m., Soturdoy masses at 4 and 6:30 The Islanders are bidding to join four goals in the first jjeriod, but time. church school for age 3 bible study (Tuesday); 7 Church of the Assumption, salvation meeting. Baptiit Bible Church of a.m., worship; 9:30 a.m., ing bread; 11:45 a.m., Sun­ through 6 grade, nursery; p.m.; Sunday massesot7:30, the 1956-00 Montreal Canadians as also allowed two first-period, Canadiens 4, Nordiques I Coventry, the Grange build­ church school In Church dav school; 7 p.m., gospel p.m.. Ladles' prayer (Thurs­ Adams Street at Thompson 9,10:30 a.m., noon.andSp.m. 5:30 p.m.. Senior Methodist day); 7 p.m.. Men's praver Road, Manchester. Rev. Ed­ NBA roundup the only teams to win five straight power-play goals by Bengt Gus- At Quebec. Mats Naslund and ing, Route 44, Coventry. Ste­ Lane House. Nursery care meeting. Youth Fellowship at church: (643-4129) phen Smith, pastor. Worship provided. (742-8487) (Thursday); 7 p.m.. Youth ward S. Pepin, pastor. Satur­ Stanley Cups. tafsson 48 seconds apart in the Steve Shutt scored third-period 7 p.m. sacred dance rehear­ service (Fridoy). (649-9848) day mass at 5; Sundav services Sunday at 11 a.m. Second Congregational Jehovah’s sal. (649-3696) St. Mary Church, 1600 Main middle of the second period. Scott goals 1:22 apart Friday night to and 7 p.m. All ore welcome. Church, 385 N. Main St., masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 and Unitarian They entered the game without South United Methodist noon. (643-2195) St., Coventry. Father James forwards Brent Sutter and Bourne, Stevens pulled Washington within support the superb netminding of (742-7937) Manchester. The Rev. V. Witnesses Church, 1226 Main St., Man­ Presbyterian J. Williamson, pastor. Universalist Community Baptist Joseph Milton, pastor. 10 chester. Dr. Shephard S. St. Bartholomew’s Church, Masses Saturday at 5:15 Celtics fall in overtime both injured in the series opener 4-3 in the second period. rookie Steve Penney, helping the Church, 585 E. Center St., a.m. worship service and Jehovah’s Witnesses, 647 Johnsan, Dr. Paul Kroll, Coventry Presbyterian 741 E. MlddleTurnplke,Man- p.m.; Sundav 9:30 and 10:45 Unitarian Universalist againsat Washington. Sutter, who Butch opened the scoring at 4:43 Montreal Canadiens even their Manchester. Rev. James I. church school; 11 a.m., fel­ Tolland Turnpike, Manches­ pastors. 9 ond 10:45 o.m., Church, Route 44A and Trow­ chester. Rev. Martin J. Meek, minister. 9:15 o.m., lowship hour. (649-2863) ter. Tuesday, Congregation a.m.; holydays, 5:30and 7:30 f«*l8»V-E0St, 153 W. Vernon has a bruised left knee, is on a day- of the first jieriod, converting feeds Stanley Cup quarter-final series worship; 9 a.m., church bridge Road, Coventry. Rev. Scholsky, pastor. Saturday P.m. Confessions 4:30 to 5 St., Manchester. Rev. Arnold PONTIAC, Mich. (U P I) - Isiah Thomas' driving layup with six Knicks 107, Cavaliers 98 church school for all ages, Second Congregational Bible Study, 7 p.m.: Thurs­ schoal, nursery through se­ Brad Evans, pastor. Sundov, mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday P.m. (742-6655) to-day basis. Bourne, with a mild from Clark Gillies and Kallur 12 with 4-1 victory over the Quebec kindergarten through Grade Church of CoventrVj,^46 day, Theocrotic School Westwood, minister. 10:30 Thomas, whose basket with six seconds left tied the score 114-114* At Richfield, Ohio, Bernard nior high; 10:45 a.m ., 9:30 o.m., worship; 10:45 mosses at 8:30, 10 and 11:30 Church of St. Maurice, 32 a.m., service. (646-5151) Grade 1 separation of the left feet out in the slot. Nordiques. 4 continuing during the ser­ Boston Turnpike, Country. (speaklhg course), 7:30 p.m. ; nursery; 6 p.m. United Meth­ seconds to play forced an over­ and he hit a IS-footer at the start of King, hitting on 11 of 16 shots from vice; 10:30 am ., morning Rev. David Jarvis, minister. Service meeting (ministry odist Youth Fellowship; 7:30 time. scored six points in the extra the overtime to put Detroit ahead the field, poured in 28 points to worship. Nursery provided. Regular schedule: 10 a.m., training),8:15 p.m,; Sundoy, p.m., Bible, song, praver period and helped forward Cliff for good. spark the New York Knicks to a (643-0537) worship; 8 a.m., DIal-A-Rlde Public Bible Lecture, 9:30 fellowship. (647-9141) Faith Baptist Church, 52 lo church; 8:45 a.m., church a.m.: Wdtehtower Study, THE Levingston also get six Friday 107-98 NBA victory over the AL roundup Lake St., Manchester. Rev. school, nursery to grade 10:25. (646-1490) night, enabling the Detroit Pistons Pacers 119, Bullets 115 Cleveland Cavaliers. James Bellosov, pastor. 9:30 eight, odult discussion; 11 Mormon BIBU ART CARNEY to move within one victory of their At Indianapolis, Clark Kellogg The victory, only the second in a.m., Sunday school: 10:30 a.m., coffee and fellowship; IN O. HENRY’S SPEAKS a.m., worship service; 7 11:15 a.m., junior choir; 4 Jewish — Church of Jesus Christ ol first divisional championship ever hit two key baskets in the final 90 the last nine road games for New Latter Day Saints (M or­ »>» p.m., evening service. (646- p.m., Jr. pilgrim fellowship,* _ seconds to break a tie and lead York, clinched the fifth playoff 5316) 6 p.m., senior church school Conservative mon), 30 Woodside St., Man­ Euggn# with a 128-120 victory over the chester. Wayne S. Taylar, Brewer Indiana to a 119-115 victory over spot in the Eastern Division as the Tigers spoil Sox’s opener First Baptist Church, 240 and Pilgrim fellowship. (742- Boston Celtics. Hlllstown Road, Manchester. 6234) Temple Beth Sholom, 400 bishop, 9:15a.m., socrament E. Middle Turnpike, Man­ meeting; 10:15 a.m., Sundav Boston lost for only the 20th time the Washington Bullets. New Jersey Nets lost to the Atlanta Dr. C. Conley, pastor. (649- Talcoitville Congrego- The rlebig rate of H au/Ifc By Frederick Waterman Mike Easier singled home another, 7509) tlonol Church, Moln Street chester. Richard J. Plavin, school and primary; 11:25 youthful eulelde In iMe this season and had a nine-game The triumph was the first of the Black scattered five hits over rabbi; Israel Tabatsky, can­ a.m., priesthood and relief UPI Sports Writer a fourth run scored as Tony Armas First Baptist Chapel of the and Elm Hill Rood, Talcot- nation hee been leceMng winning streak snapped while season for the Pacers against Hawks 118, Nets 112 seven innings to join Detroit’s Jack Deal, 240 Hlllstown Rood, tvllle. Rev. Kenneth E. Knox, tor: Dr. Leon Wind, rabbi saclety. (643-4003) hit into a double play and Rich emeritus. Services, 8:15 p.m. a greal deal of attention. Detroit won its 11th in its last 13 and Washington and also snapped a At East Rutherfosd, N.J., Domi­ el Morris with a 3-0 record. He also Manchester. Rev. K. poster. 10 a.m., worship ser­ BOSTON — Detroit’s Lou Gedman’s solo home run produced Kreutzer, pastor. (643-7543) vice and church school. (649- Friday and 9:45 a.m. Satur- National Catholic Between IBBO and liBO can clinch the NBA Central Div­ six-game losing streak. nique Wilkins scored 30 points and walked two and struck out two 0815) doy. (643-9563) the rale lor aaoe 18.B4 el- ision championship by beating the Dan Roundfield added 19 points Whitaker says his team has talent the fifth run. before giving way to ace Dan St. John’s Polish National moel tripled. WliyT Hawks Saturday night in Atlanta. Kellogg finished with a game- and 17 rebounds Friday night, but needs to prove it. They The 13-run first inning lasted 49 Quisinberry, who picked up his Christian Science Lutheran Catholic Church, 23 Golwov In e reeenl Interview In St., Manchester. Rev. Stan­ high 35 points while his former leading the Atlanta Hawks to an certainly proved it to the Boston minutes, with 22 batters going to Covenant Concordia Lutheran U.8. NEWS « WOULD The Pistons have never won a fourth save. , First Church of Christ, ley M. Lancala, pastor. 9 conference or division champion­ Ohio State teammate Herb Willi­ 118-112 victory over the New Red Sox Friday by beating them the plate. Scientist, 447 N. Main St., Trinity Covenant Church, Church (LCA), 40 Pitkin St., a.m., moss. (643-5906) RBPOHT, a eodotaolal Monchester. 10:30 a.m., 302 Hackmatack St., Man­ Manchester. Rev. Burton D. wee aehed Ihle quasMon. ship in their 27-year- history. ams added 19. Jersey Nets. 13-9 for their eighth straight Dwight Evans scored Boston’s Twins 4, Mariners 3 church service, Sundov Strand, pastor. Schedule: 8 He mentioned high sixth run in the second on a solo ■ At Minneapolis, Tom Brunansky chester. Rev. Norman Swen­ o.m.. Holy Communion, Nazarene victory without a loss. school, and care for small son, 8 a.m., worship; 9:25 unemployment among Whitaker said the Tigers are homer. Reid Nichols drove in two singled home the game-winning children. (649-1446) Reading o.m., Sundav school; 10:25 nursery; 9:15 o.m., church Church of the Nazarene, school and Christian Growth the young. He then to. winning because they are hustling Boston runs in the eighth with a run over a drawn-in outfield with Room, 656A Center St., Man­ a.m., coffee and fellowship: 236 Main St., Manchester. cueed on the dteervay In chester. (649-8982) 11 a.m., worship. (649-2855) hour, nursery; 10:30 a.m., Rev. Neale McLain, senior and playing aggresively. Detroit bases loaded double and Jerry one out in the ninth inning to cap a Holy Communion, nursery. pastor; Rev. Herb Newell, lamNy IHe relleeled In the Milton has lead heading (649-5311) high dhroreo rale and em - quickly ruined the Red Sox’ Remy followed with an RBI single. two-run rally that gave the Minne­ Church of Christ Episcopal Emanuel Lutheran pleymanl ol both pofMte opening day by tallying eight runs The Tigers turned in six double sota Twins a 4-3 victory that Church, 60 Church St., oulalde the home. He plays. snapped the Seattle Mariners’ Church of Christ, Lvdall St. G eorge's Episcopal Manchester. Rev. Dale H. in the first iinning, seven off Gustafson, pastor; Steven P. potnled out, Burt young starter Bruce Hurst, who left the White Sox 5, Yankees 3 five-game winning streak. and Vernon streets, Man­ Church, 1150 Boston Turn­ people see Ihreole to the chester. Eugene Brewer, pike, Bolton. Sunday 8 a.m., Sabin, Intern: Rev. C. Henry A New Into final of Hartford Open game with just one out recorded. At New York, Greg Walker two INngalhal Proud eoM minister. Sundav services: 9 Eucharist; 10 a.m. Holy Anderson, pastor emeritus. Blue Jays 3, Rangers 2 a.m., Bible classes; 10 o.m., Eucharist, Rev. John Hol- Sundav schedule: 8:30 a.m., ware moel Imperlmil to In the first inning, Detroit’s first slammed a three-run first inning worship; 6 p.m., worship. llger, vicar. 1) a.m., fellow­ worship In the sanctuary; mental health-love and WINDSOR LOCKS — Tommy New Haven) beginning at 3:30 p.m. championship. two hitters, Lou Whitaker and Alan homer to lift the Chicago White Sox At Arlington, Texas, Dave Col­ 9:45 a.m., church school, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible ship hour. Monday through You” worlL Milton won seven of eight games The competition will feature the Trammell, walked and Barbaro to a 5-3 triumph over the Yankees. lins’ two out RBI single drove study. Nursery provided for Friday, 4:45 p.m.; Wednes- Bible study, coffee In Luther But Ihia aoetotogM alao all services. (646-2903) day, 9 a.m.. Holy Hall; 11 a.m., worship In the Friday evening at the Bradley five bowlers with the top scores Mike Stinbach of Alsip, III. shot Garbey was safe on an error. After Floyd Bannister, 1-1, lasted six home the go-ahead run in the top of sanctuary, nursery, child­ Call: peintod to another faetor- innings to get the victory despite the ninth inning to lead the Toronto Eucharist. (643-9203) •lha deellne to teHgtoue Bowl, to move into first place following the 42-game preliminary 268 and 258 in his sixth and seventh Lance Parrish struck out, Larry St. Mary’s Episcopal ren’s chapel.(643-1193) games Friday night to move into, Herndon walked, forcing in Whi­ allowing a second-inning homer to Blue Jays to a 3-2 victory over the Congregational Church, Park and Church Latvion Lutheran Church A N EASTER PARABLE tmipaa. Hettoleue entering this afternoon's final competition. streets, Manchester. Rev. of Manchester, 21 Garden St., Maa^^tom m B vIn ^ w m aI av v m a^w^BPIb Imeb m b * round of the Professional Bowlers In second place is Sam Flanagan fourth place. In the final cham­ taker with the first Detroit run. Don Baylor and two runs in the Texas Rangers. Bolton ConBreaatlonal Stephen K. Jacobson, rector; Manchester. (643-2051) ' A poignant tale of ' vent eulelde. yet Hde la a Association’s - Greater Hartford of Parkersburg, W. V., who won six pionship round position is Butch Chet Lemon followed with a sixth when he contributed a walk, a Damaso Gracia reached base in Church, 228 Bolton Center Rev. Frederick P. Moser, Prince of Pence Lutheran 647-8301 p e riM In ertilBh H la love and sacrifice. of eight games Friday by averag­ Soper of Newport Beach, Calif. single, driving in two runs. Rod hit batsman and two wild pithces to the ninth on a throwing error by Rood, at the Green, Bolton. associate rector. 7:30 a.m.. Church, Route 31 and North for an Important hoidar to be raRgleua,’* be Open. Rev. Charles H. Ericson, Holy Eucharist; 9 a.m., Holy River Rood, Coventry. Rev. An American classic. Milton, who lost the tournament ing 208. In third place is local Soper got a double in the 10th Allen singled in a run and Rusty the Yankees. Don Mattingly’s Texas shortstop Curtis Wilkerson Minister. 9:30 a.m., worship recorded meseage eald. g earty cite el the Eucharist and Church School W.H. Wllkens, pastor. 9a.m., favorite Jimmie Pritts of Law­ frame of his last game to edge Kuntz singled in another. Tom single with the bases loaded drove and advanced to second on a service, nursery, church Sundav school; 10:15 a.m., bssi mNIs pspsfilscsiiMlvM lead Friday morning, stormed with childcare: 11 a.m.,Holy A PRESENTATION OF BMa I w k -g g -e sacrifice bunt by Dane lorg. school: 10:30 a.m., fellow­ Eucharist. (649-4583) worship service. (742-7548) m tw OTHOTwn ■ ■ sons back into the top spot by rolling a rence, Mass. Pritts made the final Gary Skidmore by seven pins. Brookens’ ground-rule double pro­ in both runs. ship; 10:45 a.m., forum pro­ Zion Evangelical Luther on THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST taHh In Ood. Road Ha- duced another run and Trammell Royals 6, Brewers 3 Garcia reached third when Lloyd OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 219 average in the eight games. He by averaging 215 with scores of gram. 1649-7077 office or Church (Missouri Synod), b r a w ll. Milton, who is from St. Peters­ drove in the last Detroit run of the At Kansas City, Jorge Orta’s Moseby bounced out. After Willie 647-8878 parsonage. Gospel Cooper and High streets, will need to win only one match this 215-227-189-188-217-246-209-235 in Center Cenaregatlenni Manchester. Rev. Charles W. CHANNEL 30 SAT. APRIL 14 afternoon to capture the tourna­ the final eight games. He won four burg, Fla., said he took two weeks inning with a double. two-run double capped a three-run Upshaw was intentionally walked, Church, 11 Center St., Man­ Church et the Living Oed, Kuhl, pastor. 9 a.m.. Divine 7:30 P.M. off to practice for the tournament, Detroit’s starting pitcher. Milt fifth inning that lifted Bud Black of Collins, who pinch ran for Cliff chester. Rev. Newell H. Cur­ ment championship and its $16,000 of those games, to make his fourth an evangelical, full-gospel worship; 10:15 a.m. Sundav CHURCH OF CHRIST bowling two or three hours a day. Wilcox, lasted only two outs, giving the Kansas City Royals a 6-3 Johnson in the eighth, ripped a line tis Jr., senior pastor; Rev. church, Robertson School, school and Youth Forum. FeellBE doed M eet Cable CHANNEL 38 SUN. AfRIL 18 8:80 P.M. first prize. PBA final in a row. He said his Robert J. Bills, minister of North School Street, Man­ Lydoll and Vomon BIroala Today's final will be televised entire family will be present today He said he felt nervous Friday, but up five runs. Jim Rice’s bases- victory over the Milwaukee drive past Ranger third baseman Holy Communion first and V e a i ^ visitations; Rev. Clifford O. chester. Rev. David W. third Sundav. (649-4243) Phono; e«B 4Na nationally by ABC (Channel 8 in to watch him attempt to win a that he “ got good breaks." loaded single produced two runs. Brewers. Buddy Bell to score Garcia. U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. April 14. 19M MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday, April 14, 1984 — 17 Scholastic roundup A living legend Is missing iScoreboard 1 was excited as I pulled into the already- Cheney hitters fail jammed pariung lot at the Bradley Bowl. Both the T^iailaiSM l ExpM 5^ HriMts 1 front and back lots were packed with cars. vaiB. B o i n t o r ’s pickups and the usual high number of expensive {Scholastic PNMJWaHLPNIA MONTREAL motor homes associated with the nomads of the •brU M ObrbM oBrbM obrhM pro bowlers tour. WhHotur 3b5220 I >» 5131 Samuel 2h 4 0 I 0 Rose It 4110 W orld TmaiM » 4 2 2 a I rt 321 1 Motszk lb 4 0 0 8 Thomas It, 0 0 0 g 1 cpiick^ pulled into what appeared to be the Gaihev 1b I I I a I 3b 3188 wckixb nb 1 0 g 0 uttie 2b 4 g 2 1 laM parkinK space and with high expiations John Jenkins ■ersBwi Ib4 1 1 I I $122 Schmidl 384 0 1 g Roln4s ct 4 g I 2 in loss to Cromwell Ponbb e $222 1 db $ 1 4 1 sprinted to the entrance. With the anticipatioa of Letebvr rt 2 0 0 g Dawson rt 3 1.1 g : Jw iir varsity ssN M I LamfV e la a a , Ct 4 118 WUsen It 4 12 0 Wohlird rt g 0 0 g CROMW ELL — Some Cheney a bridegroom opening the door of his honeymoon tbnMSiB H 4 I 22 ( » C 32)1 the sixth, did he get the side in It was such a breeze that coach { H i* Monclmtev H M i twUor vorstty Hayes ct 4 0 0 0 Csrier lb 4 0 11 Tech basenjnners will be seeing suite, f yanked open the front door. Liiwew cl $ 1 2 2 1 I » 3 8 1 8 Oiox c 30 1 I Waltach 3040 30 order. Fresh off his five^inning Bob Plaster took out his starter, • wttttou Itailt won bv lolilit ThufoODV AISh i 4b I I 1 1 I ss 2888 Upon entering. I felt the same thrill I had 18 • when EntteM High MUtO to tiiM a OeJesus ss4 0 0 0 Romos c 4 10 0 some close plays in their sleep (or no-hitter against Bolton Tuesday. Jody Morton, after five innings a part othunselfthere. Analmost-eeriepres«i«» Evow db 4aai ( eb 1880 Keasmn g 1 0 0 0 Sotazor ss 4 0 e o years ago. when I attended my first Professtonal • team. The iMhotBare^a KueSi rt $ 1 1 1 ( t SS8888 the next few nights. Gigliotti was gutsy again. even though the youth had a remained of the one most call the greatest of all GGross eh I 0 0 0 L40 p 3 2 0 0 Cromwell’s right fielder. Cony Bowlers Association event. Located to the left, BraokBs » $ I 2 I I gb 1 8 1 2 KGress p 0 0 00 "Every time we threatened." no-hitter. Plaster said be wanted to time. ta 8888 Caso, helped cut down some staixling tall against the wall, were the leader and Maddox g h ) 0 0 0 Baccaro said, "he would rise to the save him for some crucial games 1 never thought the feeUng would be s« M n w . I T a M i St n M n ' 389MS (Uangbll p 0 0 O 0 Beaver baserunners at crucial total boards — disiriaying who was hot and who I MS 8(8-13 occasion. He got some big stri­ in the future and brought in Ron began to seree the same depression as when Ya i Aedtrsn p 0 0 0 0 moments, and John Gigliotti out- was not for the Greater Hartford Open, the last Bowling 8818888-9 Corcern ghOOOO keouts when be needed them." Williams to hnish up. He yielded a reUred last fall. The P B A wouldn t - couWn l - »( 2). TMjds 38 1 51 Ttle k 34_$»e dueled Cheney's Rick Gonzalez as stop before the Firestone Tournament of Such an occasion was the fourth pair of doubles in the sixth for the be the same without him. the naan who rewrote mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the Beavers dropped their third inning. Trailing 2-1. Cheney’sGary Champions. Baden 1. LO B-Celroilt. Bestan A 2C— m S S S ^ gaoMowS^s lone Portland run. the record book. game in as many starts Friday. Glancing at the total board. 1 was glad to see Biemkens. T raenmelt. Hernden 2. MV (tame-wkning RSI — None. Warren reached on an infield Peter Palmer and Mike Green­ He had the m o^ Firsts, most Mconds. won tte tibdL E—Dejesus, Koosmon. Salozor. 4-2. that Marshall Holman was doing well, so he'd be Whitaker. HR— Gedman (1). Dw.E- single and scored on yet another wood paced the offensive attack most money, most this, most that; it didn’t D »^ The Beavers out-hit Cromwell. in a good mood for our interview. The old vets. ygns PhUoddeMa I. Montreal 0. LOB— long double, this one by Ron Nese. with three hits and two RBI.'s matter what it was, he probably had the record I NaiMay Cabm s (1). Perridi (1). 8-7. but two attempts to turn Mike Durbin and Larry Laub. also were doing Philadelphia 10, Montreal 10. 2B— apiece. Morton. Mark Berkowitz. • Dot Kcllcv 121k Carol Lewie U S -m - 8P N RBRMSO Soenud, doubles into triples (ailed. In the Baccaro praised sophom*ore well. ftit. there was one score missing. for it. Jim Beaulieu and Devin McCon­ Earl said Holman has the best gam e on tour, ; 347. Dorothy Mathes IZS-iat-Ua. Wikon2 Rosa Cwter. 3S—Dawson. first inning. Cheney grabbed a Gonzalez for the "excellent" pitch­ I-strolled between the wooden bleachers which WUcoat 23 4 5 5 I 0 IP H RERBBSO nell each added two hits. All but but Holman insisted no one could touch An tho^. Bair (W V « 4V3 3 1115 quick 1-0 lead when Mike Mancini ing performance against Crom­ stood six h i ^ and spanned the length of a Morton had two runns batted in. The tour has a lot of greatbowlers. but none with Abbeit 2 2 8 8 1 8 Koaomon (L \0}} 4 6 4 2 3 2 singled and scored on a long double well. He walked only two batters previously wide-open concourse area. I still was ILS. M ixti Hereewdee 2 5 3 3 2 2 Palm er had a double and a K G ro» 2 a 0 Ol 2 \ into right field by Gonzalez. and struck out four. One tyalk psyched, but something was not right. 1 tried to the impact of Earl Anthony. It was said he • * '«»* «* 179511. Jenny Fean CamcbcM 1 3 t 1 0 3 triple, the only extra base blows for Hurst (LV2) V33753I However, the sophom*ore pitcher came back to haunt him in the fifth. ignore the feeling but couldn't. autonoatically had a Ift-pin advantage over any ■JEA?*' 9®** WMbS, Terry Andtryn 1 0 0 0 0 1 Coventry. He hit a leadoff triple in Sue Cole 474. Brown 513 7 2 2 ) 3 was thrown out in a close play at After the free pass, a stolen base There were the usual crriorful banners opponent because of his reputation. No one can aonley 2V3 5 4 4 0 2 the third and scored on Morton's * Sbeilo Price 454. EdHb SSoion 4$l. Lto (1M 21) 8 2-3 5 X 1 4 6 third on a good relay from Caso to and a single broke the tie. displaying the well-known names: Roth. Hand- replace Earl. juM as no one could replace Babe , S u r a ^ Fcitinan 414. Sue Hide 175-177- Clear 1)0012 Luern (S 2) 1-3 0 0 8 0 0 RBI gropundout. In the wild . $18. Moroe DeLble 2K52S4$52. L M a H 1 » — by WUcox (Evans). Bair the second baseman to the third Cromwell added an unearned ley. Holman. Cook — all past champions. One Ruth. No one can r ^ la c e a legend. HBP-bv Lea (Somud) T— 244 fourth, he rapped a two-run double •fromwoO 17MHL Sboron «Soitixre (Armos). WP— Brown. T— 3:11. A — 480(01 baseman. It hurt even more insurance run in the sixth. name was notkable in its absence. For anyone 35179. to help rout the starter Bill Flood { KoikkI 28528440$. Jim because center fielder Bob Elliott Warren was the only Cheney following the tour, it was obvious. Next Saturday is the night for the muscular ; Poole 2 % Dove Fenn 2B9$». Vernon batter with two hits, both of them and two other Portland relievers. dystrophy doubles match at Parkade Lanes. . Pecker 285. Rkb Pecker 201. Bob followed with a single and stolen I watched some of the qualifying round, and . Skoolund 2IS. Bob Cromwelt 280. Ciite11.Mals2 base. He got to third on a long fly singles. The Beavers will host With the game scoreless in the then decided to make my way to the press room. Former pro Tony Marine teams up with Joto second. Morton. Greenwood and Myers, and another form er pro. Jim CorneUe. WkNaSaxSiYaMtaasS but was stranded there. unbeaten Coventry on Tuesday at The room looked as though the Incredible Hulk NEW V08U( CHtCACO Lightning struck again in the 11 a.m. Beaulieu singled for one run. had taken a stroll through it. Papers, files, will pair up with this writer. m r h M e b rh M McConnell had an RBI groundnut, F CmCACO NEW YOKK Grdnhr 2b 4 0 0 0 Dernier ct 5 I 0 I next inning. Bruce Carpenter led Cheney 100 100 0 2-8-2 scoresheets and other assorted items were eBrbM ObrbM OOMCnd ss 20 0 0 Sondbrg 2b4 1 22 off for Cheney with another double, Cromwell 002 011 x 4-7-0 and Berkowitz singled home scattered about, as if another hurricane had Once again, a Parkade house record for Baseball RLow cl 4220 Moreno ct 5000 Jorws ss 2 0 0 0 Motlhws It 4 2 3 2 Ftctchr ss 3 I 1 2 RndkPb 2b 4 0 0 0 but he lo o was gunned down trying Gigliotti & Webster; Gonzalez t, another run. The Patriots never struck Windsor Locks. bantam bowlers UO to 12-years-oM) has been Hmndz 1b 4)40 Durhm 1b 401) Pelletier looked back. broken. Heidi Maguire roIM a 4CH »iie s . whidi HMrsin nblOOO Pinidto U .4 0 20 Fostar It 4 1 1 2 Ctv 3b 4 2 1) to stretch it into a triple. Still, WP-Gigliottl; LP-Gonzolez After checking the tally sheets for the Dybznsk ssO 0 0 0 Boylor db 4 2 3 1 Sbwbrr rt 4 0 1 0 Holl rt 3 2 ) 0 coach Bill Baccaro had no regrets. first-round leaders. I e n te r^ the paddock the beat Ken Saunders’ 434. Ken shot his set just two Boints rt saee WinllcM rt2100 Wikon ct 4 0 10 Dovk c 3 2 3 2 Coventry will be at Tolland : Nalianal Laafiia stanitafs Luzkisk db 4 1 2 0 Horroh 3b 3 0 0 0 “ 1 can't criticize my base bowlers' version of a locker room. That is where 1 months ago. Brooks 3b 3 0 0 0 Bowo ss 4 112 Coventry romps today. Portland drops to 2-1 on the, Woker lb 4 1 1 3 Mltaaly 1b 20 1 2 Gtttbons c 3 0 0 0 Trout p 40 20 coachesm ’ he said. "It took good season. was to meet Holman. The paddock, which looked (WsttCaortC Paclor4k U4000 Ctrone c 3000 Gooden p 10 0 0 throws to get us. and they were COVENTRY - Coventry- like something Ruby Vine had bought from a Stegmon it 1 8 8 0 Wyntsor c 1 0 0 0 LvmJt 0000 John Jenkins is a m em ber af the ConaecticM VLow 3b SOIOFoUss 2000 Ortiz 9 1000 extremely close plays. slammed three Portland hurlers Portland 000 001 0 1-2-8 bowling wholesaler, brought back memories of W L PCL CB Hid c 4 0 3 0 Snndtiy ss 2 0 1 0 Coventry 032 1211 x 19-17-0 Bowling Assncialinn. His bl-wcekly enimnn New York 4 2 .no — Swan p 0 0 0 0 After Carpenter was thrown out. for 17 hits and a big 12-run fourth the many tournaments which proceeded this one. rfnfCMKfllllSO 5 3 42$ I Crux 2b 30 20 Fttzgrtd eh 1 0 0 0 Morton. WilliomsIO) 8i Fowler; Flood, appears Saiardays in the HernM. T4lak 38SU5TaMk 3237 3 Gigliotti retired the next two inning to claim its third straight ClorklX). Dinatoe(4) & O'Neill; One memory — one spirit from the past — had left Monlrcol $ 4 J54 m TUkow p 0 0 0 0 Chicooo 4 4 J R 2 TeteN 33 2 7 2 T< k 35 II M 1) batters. In only one other inning. win without a loss Friday. 19-1. WP-Morton; LP-Flood NmYwfe 018812888-3 New Verb oat too 280—2 St. Louis 4 4 JOB 2 Gomewknlna RBI— Ftutdier (2). Pittsburgh 3 S J2S 3 C88tnae MBS)l21n— II E— Monlclusco.SMrlty. DP-CMcogo Gome-wInnIng RBI — MoHhews Son DIego 7 1 47$ — 2. ( 1). CincinaaH 4 5 .444 »<> New York 1. LOB-CMcoao 11. New York DP New York 1. LOB— New York 4 Los Anodes 3 4 .429 »(> 8 2B-Bavlor 2 3B— (RLow 2 HR— Chkogo A 2B— Sandberg, Hail. 38— Sports in Newcomer Lye shoots 6-under 66 Son Francisco 3 4 .429 3V% Woktr (2). Boylor (1). S— FMctwr. Durham. HR— Cev (2), Foster it), Dovk IP H RBIBBSO (1). Motthews (1). SS— (Matthews (1>, Atlanta 2 4 $ UPl photo Houston 2 4 450 S Sandberg (2). Cev (I), Dernier (2). BowtSr (W VI) 4 5 3 3 3 2 IP H R E R B S S O FVMey’s Reams Boroias V3 2 8 0 1 0 Baseball registration set iMuiiii cui Ob inti***ninio i 88iw Verk Red Sox first baseman Dave Stapleton ball during Boston's home opener Chicoeo 11. New York 2 ttaaO (S 2) 223 0 0 0 1 1 (taoden (L V I) 3V3 7 4 4 3 4 The MunAlkter Recreation Department will SI. Louk 4. Pittsburgh I Lynch 123 3 I t ) 1 falls to the ground while chasing a fly Friday afternoon. to lead Masters by three strokes Homton 1. CIncinnaliO MontetusoD (L 8111 3 4 4 1 0 Swan 2 3 3 3 1 ) hold Alumni Jr. Baseball registration (ages SNrIev 423 5 1 1 2 2 Atlanta ol Son Diego, night Howdi 2V3 3 0 0 0 4 Lorry Nelson 7440— 145 13-14) at the Mahoney Recreation Center his career oo the SSS-yard ‘declared emphatically Son FVonciscoal Los Angeles, dght By M artin Lader emotional Mark Lye. a Friday to take a three- 69. two shots behind Rilo 1 1 0 0 1 2 TroM (W VI) 9 7 2 2 0 4 Calvin Pede 7944— )tf Ma|or League leaders (formerly West Side Rec). 110 Cedar St.. April leader Ben Crenshaw, the second bole when be when asked if he had shot Sakkrasyl Coates HBP— by Bannister (Horroh). Gorv Koch 70-75— 145 UPl Sports Writer rank outsider playing in shot lead over Tom Kite (A U T h M S B T ) T— 2:31. A— 33.43A 16-20 from 6 to 8 p.m. backed away from a 5- himself back into contm- WP—' Curtis Strange 71-74—145 his first Masters, shot a after the second round, 31-year-old Lye eagled the PMtadetahta (Cartten 1-8) AAontreol Bonnister 2. Howell. T— 2:59. A— Don Pohl 7471— 145 I gtayed Thursday, AgrU Hockey Youths who have not reached their fifteenth second hole, th«a ran off iron. then hit it into tbe left tion for a third Masters - . (GulUckson (72). 14$ pjn. Tom Wekkopt 7471— 145 13 AUGUSTA. Ga. - An sizzling 6-under-par 66 After starting the day at New York (Leary 1-8) <8 Chicago 15.145. birthday by Aug. 1. 1984 are eligible to play. five birdies against a bunker 20 feet from tbe crown. “ This makes me Jock Nicklaus 73-73— 146 AMERICAN LEAGUE Everyone must register, whether they played last tffvthven L8). 3:28 gin. Greg Normon 7571— 146 IndividuatbaltiBg single bogey for a 36-hoIe cup. He knocked it in from feel a beckuva lot better Son Francisco (Davk 8-2) at Let A-Clork BurrouNis 72-74— 146 pldver, clbaB r h tb Ib lirrM ov« canadiens 4. Nordiques 1 year or not. and the registration must be Score of 9-under 135. there for his eagle-3. than I did yesterday.” Anodes (Pena 0-1). 3:28gjn. Golf Ctavid Ogrin 73-73—146 Gontner, Mil 30 4 14 0 0 0 2.467 Pmsburgh (Rhoden V I) St. Louk completed in person. The selected players are Kite, with a superb “ That got my adrraalin Jack Nicklaus. holder of DidiiaigMaiilv Bell, Tor 29 3 13 4 0 1 3.446 MOAtrtol 0 1 3—4 required to pay a registration fee and purchase a (Cox 18). 8:05 gns. Pot McGowan 72-75— 147 Upshaw, Tor 16 6 7 1 0 2 6.438 record of consistency at flowing and it never a record flve Masters Cindnnall (Poslore 0-1) at Houston Goettil, Mnn 26 4 11 3 0 0 4.423 QMbtC 00 V-1 Recreation Membership card. Tennis Seve Ballesteros 7574— 147 First period— None. Penoltles— the Masters, although he stopped bubbling all crowns, barely survived ... (Rnegger 0-1). 8:3Spjn. Hoi Sutton 7473— M7 Trommll, Dt 26 9 11 1 1 2 3.423 Green. Attanto (Comp 00) at Son Diego Gait Rttults Peter CXkterhuis 7473— 147 Bernzrd, Civ 19 3 8 1 0 0 4.421 never has won it. came day.” said Lye. who the cut of the low 44 and " (ThurmondO-1). WJISixm. Mtl. 1:26; Sleigher, Que. 7:47; Shutt. Mtt. BC senior plans run Bill Rogers ^71— 147 Oglivie, MU 24 4 H) 3 1 0 2.417 14:43; Hunter. Que. 15:44; Carbonneau, through with a 68 to move scored his only PGA vic­ ties with his second con­ Saadav’sCeetet Chorlm Coodv 7572— 147 Brown, Minn 20 4 8 2 0 0 3.400 PMIoddphiaot Kkontreal Mtl. 19:58; Poiement. Que. 19:58. BOSTON — Jeff Keith doesn't think of himself into second place at 138. tory at Boston last year, secutive round of 73 for John Cook 7574— 147 Remv, Bos 31 1 12 0 1 0 2.387 Second period— 1, Montreal. Mondou 2 .New York at Chkogo FeaeBv COrcta Cog John Fought 7574— W Perconte, Se 26 7 10 3 1 0 3.385 as handicapped or disabled, but "physically Crenshaw, picking up and has done no better 146. vptttsburgh at SI. Louk At Augusta. Go., Asrtns (unassisted). 9:41. Penoltles— AtHa8eal^ liN w d .S .C ..AgrUl3 Lennie Ciemenk 7573— 148 (tarcio. Tor 32 4 12 3 0 0 7.^5 MePhee. challenged." his fifth bogey of the day than 22nd in 12 tourna­ However, defending n ' SonFrortckcoolLasAneelm (P o rn ) Kdth Fergus 7474— 148 McRae, KC 24 6 9 1 0 0 3.375 .. . Atlanta at Son Oiero Mtl. 2:39; Poiement. Que. 2:39; Hunter. The 21-year-old Boston College senior from on thefinal hole, settled ments this year. champion Seve Balleste­ CTirk EvorVLtayd deteoltd Sylvio Cov Brewer 7474— MB ToMer. Clev 16 4 6 2 0 0 1 .375 Mtl. 10:47; Nllon. Mtl. misconduct. 20:00; Cincinnati at Houston, night Hanika AB.81; (jorttaig Bossolt deteoltd Mark Lye 69^46-135 John Moholfev 7575— 148 Hendrsn, Ok 30 7 11 2 0 2 3.367 Fairfield, who lost his right leg above the knee to for a 72 and fell back to Lye, who said he had ros missed the cut the Tom Ktta 7&48-I38 11 4 1 2.364 Monn. Que. misconduct. 20:00. Kalhktn Horvath 44. 24. 7-4 (7-2); 69-70— U9 Chip Beck 7474— 148 Wiltona Col 2 0 0 Third period—Z Quebec. A. Stasntv 2 cancer, will take on the biggest challenge of his third place at 139, where been told he would do well hard way. being assessed Ctoudlo Kohde-KIkeh deNoted Chrktv OavM Graham Johnny Miller 7475— 149 BonneO, Sea 14 3 5 0 0 0 3.357 Cardinals 4 Piralas 1 Ben Crenshaw 67-72— 139 17 1 6 0 0 0 0.353 (M.Stostnv). 0:36. 3. Montreal. Walter 1 life this summer when he begins a six-month run he was tied with Briton at Augusta because of his a two-shot penalty on tbe Nick FoMo 7— 142 AAorois. Que. 8:12; Hunter. Mtl. moior- Otk It 4 0 11 (keen 1b 4 2 10 AiuieHobbsand Sharon Wokhdtttdttd Blllv Casper 7578— 151 Teufel. Minn 24 6 8 2 0 1 3.333 minor. 13:05; Moller. Que. moior-minor. a string of three consecu­ a birdie. Peter Jacobsen 72-70-M2 capped Sports and Recreation Association. This marks the second . ,Rav 2b 3 0 0 0 Howe 3b 1 1 0 1 Kathy Jordon and Mima Jousovec 04.4 Scott Simpson 72-70-M2 Lonnv Wodkins 7477— 151 13:05; Robinson. Mtl, 14:13; Hunter.Que. Keith, who has already competed in three tive birdies on the back " I had my own bal- Pena c 3 0 ) 0 Porter c 3000 243. . Tom Purtzer ^74_M 3 A-Phlllo Parkin 7578— 151 14:13; Smith. Mtl. nraior. 19:53; Cote. consecutive time that Bal­ BeiTO ss 3 0 10 OSmIth ss 3 1 1 3 A-Jomes Holtgrive 7873— 151 Que. maior. 19:53. triathlons. will leave Boston June 4. He will run nine for a 70 and Faldo Igame going out there, my Wayne Levi 71-72-143 Tommy Aaron 7474—152 lesteros missed tbe Mas­ Condetar p 2 0 1 0 LoPohil p 3 0 0 0 Bernhard Longer 73-70-M3 NATIONAL LEAGUE Shots on oool— Montreal 12*5-7— the first mile accompanied by Ted Kennedy. Jr., shot 69 thanks to a closing own tournament,” he ters cut the year alter , Morrkn ph 0 0 0 0 Sutler p 0 0 0 0 Roy Rovd 70-73— 143 Mike Nicoldte 7474-152 24. the son of Sen. Edward Kennedy. D-Mass.. who birdie. said. Mozzllli ph 1 0 0 0 Bob (taolbv 79-73— 152 ptayr, db Nk r b»3blw rbiouR. Quebec 10-8-5— 23. winning the A-Richord Fehr 7^7Y— 143 A-Dovid Tenik 7478— 152 also lost a leg to cancer. Lye’s 66 equalled the Kite, no worse than Tekulve pOOOO Tamis rasults Danny Edwards 72-71— 143 RoineSr Mil 32 7 M 4 0 1 6.438 Goalies— Montreal, Penney. Qu­ championship. TMok 38 I 7 1 Totok 4 4 Gory Plover 71-72— M3 Bob Gilder 7874— 152 Milner, CIn 23 4 10 1 0 1 6.435 ebec. “ I also want to promote the message that best second round score sixth in the Masters the PtiHbwab A-Robert Lewk 73^70— 143 Arnold Palmer 77-76— 153 Wilson. NY 21 1 9 1 0 0 4.429 Bouchard. A— 15,397. 'physically handicapped is the wrong term — that ever by a Masters rookie last five years, said the Equalling Lye’s round SI. Louk 8N8I83IX— 4 Jock Renner 71-73-M4 Nick Price 77-76— 153 Roy Pitt 29 6 12 2 0 0 3 .414 (tame-wInnlng RBI — O. Smith (2). By UMtadlNaw leNtgkllegN Mark Haves 7478— 154 M 5 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• it sets restrictions and closes doors. I want to and his total of 135 shat­ key tp his round was of 66 was Calvin Peete, UongWaarg Broad Prix (Worrk ttatakkv 73-71— M4 Little. Mtl 35 6 0 3.400 ’ ' E— Berro. DP— Pittsburgh 1. SI. Louk Croig Stadler 74-70— M4 A-Willlom Tuten 8875—155 Tmpitn. SD 30 4 12 1 0 0 2.400 replace that term with physically challenged, tered by four shots the getting birdies on all four except that Peete had shot '2. LOB— Pittsburgh A SI. Louk 4 2B— A-Jay Sigel 79-74— 155 Trlllo. SF » 5 12 1 0 3 6.400 At LemeeBwy^Airil 13 Andy North 7460-M4 Doug Ford 77-78—155 because challenge brings opportunities and opens 36-hole record by a first- of tbe par-S's. an opening round 79, and ..Conddorla. 3B— Groan. HR— O. Smith (taorge Archer 70-74— M4 Wynne. Pitt » 4 12 3 1 0 0.400 Calendar (1).SB— McGoedl.Sr— Howe. Fred Couples 71-73— 144 Corter. Mil 33 7 13 4 0 1 9.394 doors." timer. Tom Watson, admit­ this left him at 145. Prior IP H R « BB SO Ivon (jendl, Czechoslovakia, dd. Wtallv Sox. LA 26 1 10 1 0 0 Mosur, Austrqdo. 3 4 .4 2 4 ). Gil AAorgon 73.7I_U4 1 .385 ••••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Since 1935. the only man tedly aimoyed at talk that to his incredible turna­ pmsburgh , Mark MicCumber 73-71— 144 Gwvnn. SD 29 7 11 2 1 0 5.379 . Conddarta (L VI) 7 4 4 1 1 11 to win the Masters in his he may be past his glory bout. Peete had totaled a Lendl del. Jooo Soares. Brazil,44.43; Ronnie Block 71-74— MS McRynIds. 29 7 11 2 1 2 6.379 Judge rules for Hopkins Tokulve 1 0 0 0 2 0 Fuzzy Zoeller 72-73-145 Transactions C.DovIs. SF 24 2 9 2 0 0 0.375 Today first appearance at Au­ days, responded with a 67 cumulative score of 30- St. Louk Mike Bauer. U.Sm del. Steve Denton. Herr. StI 27 5 10 0 0 1 2.370 U.S.. 44. 41; (tant Mavtr, U.Sm del. Bruce Lletike 7S-70-MS aaaaaggagaggaaagagggag Bosxball BALTIM ORE — The NCAA cannot impose any gusta National was Fuzzy for l-under 141, where he over-par in his previous UPoInt (W VI) Z * 1 1 * ? Joy Hoos 74-71— 14$ Kenndv. SO 27 6 20 4 0 0 6.470 Xavier at East Catholic, 11 a.m. i Sutter (S 2) 2 1 0 0 0 1 Anders Jonyd. Sweden. 7-S, 42; Tomas Clorti. SF 30 3 11 0 1 1 6.367 sanctions against the Johns Hopkins lacrosse Zoeller in 1979. was tied with L m Trevino three rounds at Augusta Povne Stewart 7460— MS Coventry ot Tolland, 11 o.m. LaPoint pitched to 1 batter In Sth. Smid. Czechoslovakia, del. E rk Jelen. Footaoil Bllordll, Cn 22 6 8 1 0 0 3.364 “ I know you guys are as (73), Andy Bean (70), National. PB-Pena.T— 2:09. A— 45.453. MMst Germany, 1-A 43,41. Tommy Nokollma 75-70— MS Dean Junior College at MCC, 1:30 team for playing two players recently ruled Chicogo (NFL) — SIgiied place kicker Mtthws. Ch 22 6 8 1 0 0 1 .364 Track ineligible, a circuit judge ruled Friday. UPl photo su^rised as I am,” Lye David Edwards (70), local “ I didn’t find a secret,” Vince Abbott. Bckfnn. NY 14 4 5 1 0 0 0.357 Manchester and East Catholic at said to the media imme­ Dollos (NFL) — Traded wide reedver Driessn. Cn 17 4 6 4 0 0 2.353 Eastern Relays Circuit Judge Thomas Ward ruled the NCAA Mark Lye doubles up with delight as he birdies the sixth hole in Augustan Larry Mize Peete said. “ I just went ■y V* - Butch Johnson to the Houston Oilers tor Thon. Hou 17 3 6 0 1 0 1 .353 may not invoke Section 10 .of the association's diately following his (70), Hale Irwin (71) and out and played the golf wide reedver Mike Renfro. Porter. StI 20 4 7 1 1 2 5.350 Sunday guidelines, which says it may impose sanctions the second round of Masters play Friday. Lye shot a 6-under-par round. He said he made Japan's Isao Aoki (72). course and made some Seattle (NFL) — Slgn^ defensive Dovb. Chi 23 1 8 2 0 0 7.348 Baseball Motszk. Phi 23 5 6 1 0 1 4.348 should it eventually win the eligibility case in the most important shot of "Y ou bet I did,” Watson putts.” lineman Mike Fonnlna to o Vyeor MCC at Housotonlc Community 66 to lead Tom Kite by three strokes. contract. Somul. Phi 26 6 9 0 0 0 2.346 College (2), noon June. "This says basically, if Hopkins wins the championship, they can keep the championship," Castino Ward said. “ The NCAA has almost unlimited WILLIMANTIC DATSUN • DODGE power if they eventually win this case. Veteran East team set to defend crown disabled

Entering his eighth season as coach of the East Grimaldi, junior outfielders Sara Rodriquez, Christy Catholic inside where only hitting could be practiced MINNEAPOLIS (UPl) Bearse and Sue Wallace, senior pitchers Karen 8 8 FINANCING 48 MONTHS Garden faces suspension Catholic High School softball team, Jay McConville to any extent. The drills with the hitting machine — Minnesota Twins’ in- . % finds himself in the enviable position of fielding a Kaufhold and Mary Gail Przby, and two sophom*ores, produced 30 runs in the first three.gam es, and (ielder John Castino, who ON ALL DATSUN PICKUP TRUCKS iN STOCK BOSTON — Boston Garden officials have 20 defending Hartford County Conference championship Chris Raffin and Andrea Ryan. Baffin is a reserve McConville said some of his better hitters have yet to has been sidelined with an days to decide whether to pay about $50,000 in team with nearly all of the starters returning. Even first baseman while Ryan plays the outfield. bust loose. Until then, he’ll stress the defense and ailing lower back for two "Your Supermarket ot New & Used Car Values" fines or have the facility's liquor license with a modicum of hitting, he expects the team to be Other members of the team include senior Janet pitching, which hopefully will reap another HCC weeks, Friday was placed championship. suspended as a penalty for serving minors beer at competitive through its defense and pitching, the true Charizione, an outfielder, sophom*ores Karen Vaughn, in a body cast. a college hockey tournament, an attorney for the (actors in softball success. Castino will wear the M NEW DATSUN •4 NEW DODGE •4 NEW DODGE Debbie Sulzinski and Tracy Rohan, and one IDRSENTRA COLT OMNI garden's concession holder said Friday. "We have a very good defense,” McConville said. freshman, Katy Fisher. The latter was used as a- Schedule: (home games at at 3:15 p.m. at cast (or 10 days, after • I.M. 4Ww.Me.tUi.. If the licensee, Mass. Sportsservice Inc., "The girls really hustle out there and they’re not designated hitter against Rockville Wednesday. Robertson Park unless noted otherwise) ApiB 6 — which time the cast will be decides not to pay the'fine — equal to half the afraid to get dirty.” N F A (L8-7): 10 - Aquinas (W 9-1): 11 — at Rockville removed and his back •5795* *6495* *6195* He noted that the infield has been gaining The team gets a much needed break after playing (W 13-11): 12 — at NF A ( L 17-2); 24 - South CathoUc, Mt 4 profits from liquor sales— the license will be examined. M NEW DODGE 84 NEW DATSUN 83 NEW DODGE experience over the last four years, playing most of four contests in six days. The Eagles defeat^ Nike Field; 25 — at Mercy; 27 — South Windsor; 28 — suspended May 12, said attorney Ken Felter. The treatment is sim­ 050 PICKUP ■ f r^iyi^ ARIES the time as a unit. McConville said he has no worries Aquinas and Rockville, but lost twice to Norwich Free Northwest Catholic, 10:30 a.m.; 30 — at St. Paul. ilar to that used on Roy TRUCK 4 4gw. iGGrtOJ about the infield performance. Academy, including a 17-2 drubbing on Thursday. May 2 — at Northwest Catholic; 4 — at South Smalley when he was •6195* •1li|695* •7695* That unit includes first baseman Jill Gardiner, McConville is heading for a Florida vacation and the Windsor, 7 p.m.; 7—at St. Bernard; 9 — Mercy; 12— having lower back prob­ •4 DODGE W100 •ZOAT8UN88NTIU Cowboys trade Johnson second baseman Liz Palmer, third baseman Martha girls will have their spring break. The team returns to St. Bernard, 11 a.m., 14 — St. Paul, 3 p.m., Nike •4 NEW DODGE lems while with the Twins PICKUP 050 4WO PICKUP NSUFM- DALLAS — The Dallas Cowboys traded Barder and shortstop Stacey Simmons. All are seniors action April 24 when it hosts South Catholic at Nike Field); 19 — Sleeping Giant Tournament; 21 — at . several seasons ago. The GUlG.,Pe.M AuiA >«.•*• aeaBieGiiGw. disgruntled wide receiver Butch Johnson to the and returning lettermen. Field. Aquinas; 22 — at South Catholic; 24— RockvUle,Nlke cast treatment proved •9695* •8695* •6695* Houston Oilers for wide receiver Mike Renfro, the Other returnees include junior catcher Geri The poor weather earlier this month kept East Field. extremely effective on •4 NEW DATSUN MNtWOATtUN 03 DODGE club announced Friday. Smalley. MUTRAMeO PICKUP TRUCK * *.

MANCHESTER — Gar­ DESIGN KITCHENS by USED REFRIGERA­ DOG TRAINING — Obe­ 6 4 t 3 2711 Adjacent to Tennit Court*, Pool, Park, J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, Classified.... age available imme­ TORS, WASHERS, dience classes starting Shopping Center and Busline... Business Opportunities 22 Store/Office Space 44 Household Goods 62 For advertisem*nts to be diately. Strictly for stor­ vanities, formica, Wilson Ranges - clean, guaran­ April 23rd and 24th In Rates art, Corion counter tops, Notices Situation W o n te d ...... 23 Resort Property 45 Misc. for Sole ...... 63 published Monday, the dead­ age. $35 a month. Call teed, ports and service. Bolton. Coll 643-9839 for Home and Garden ...... 64 Minimum Charge; line is 2:30 p.m . on Fridoy. 649-1003. kitchen cabinet fronts, registration. Lost/Found...... 01 Empiovment Info...... 24 Misc. for R e n t ...... 46 WELLSWEEP Low prices. B.D. Pearl & Wanted to Rent 47 P e t s ...... 65 S2.25 for one day •••••••••••••••«••••••• complete woodworking Son, 649 Main Street, •••••••••••«••••••••••• Personals...... 02 Instruction...... 25 service, custom made Roommates Wanted...... 48 Musical Items ...... 66 P er W o rd : 643-2171. Announcements ...... 03 . CONDOMINIUMS 400 NORTH MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Wanted to Rent «r furniture, colonial repro­ Antiques 68 Recreational Item s ...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« Read Your Ad Auctions...... 04 ductions In wood, 9 varie­ M e n -F r l Real Estate Antiques...... 68 3-5 days ...... 14c Classified advertisem*nts ' Phisi II ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR S A LE; Household ties ot hardwood and/ goods - two single beds, ta-s • bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Services Ta g Soles...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13c are taken by telephone os a New t Bedraoms, Falbi Applaaced Kltchaie, Paperbacks + Comics gaii0:« Homes for Sale ...... 31 PROFESSIONAL COU­ veneers NOW IN STOCK old round kitchen toble, COUNTRY BARN COL­ Wanted to Buy • 70 26 d a y s ...... 12c W/Casiom Wood C ab u el^. Choice of Carpet Financial Condominiums...... 32 Services Offered 51 conveni,ence. * Viayl Floor. Andersen Windows. IW Baths. P LE WISHES T O R E N T - Call 649-9658 or evenings, girl's one-speed bicycle, 2 for 1 Said gn All Paatrlndii. A l Hanl$- LE C TA B LE S - Crocks, Lots/Land for Sole 33 Pointing/Papering . 52 H appy Ads: The Monchester Herald is house within 20 mlnufes 2S^7D10. stand-up freezer, televi­ cotrgr* S0 ( aach. NO YIADBS. CASH ONIY. baskets, kitchen collecta­ Mortgages...... 1 > IndlvldHal Baaements. Electric Radiant Heat. Investment Propert^v 34 Building/Contracting 53 S3.00 per colum n inch responsible only for oneincor- |St,40Sw of Bolton-Manchester. sion test eouipment; lots SAU STARTS AprH 7th thru April 19th. bles, country crafts, can­ Personal Loans...... 12 Excellent references. 647- Business Property ...... 35 Roofing/Siding ...... 54 rect insertion and then only JOiKHIUN to look at. Owner Moving _3 9 PeraeB WiKe M a -Y lf S Beacbeftef dles, potpurrie, pine fur­ Insurance...... 13 Heating/Plumbing 55 Automotive Deadlines for the size of the original OPEN HOUSE 0264 after 6PM. Home ttemaOdhg to Florida. Coll 521-7237 niture and much more! Resort Property 36 MjtailiWi Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 F lo o rin g ...... 56 Cars/Trucks for Sale ...... 71 For classified odvertise- insertion. ooowooooooooooooooooooo after 6pm. Join us for coffee. Open Sunday 12-4 p.m . CHILDREN'S SUMMER Income Tax Service ., .57 Motorcycles/Bicycles 72 ments to be.published Tues­ E rro rs which do not lessen offer ajjordebie houaing without aacrificing AH Home H»p»k» 12 GALLON CROCK with every Saturday and Sun­ •WmewewrW CLO TH IN G — SlzeO-3T, cover. Mode In 1932 for day 8 to 5. 644-2826. 1135 Rentals Services W anted...... 58 Rec Vehicles...... - ...... 73 day through Saturday, the the value of the advertisem*nt jqumHty. Stop fry mnd compere!) Services TWO RED VELVET UP­ Employment .2S« to $3.00. Overall sets, anniversary of Pfalzgraff Sullivan Avenue, South Auto Services...... 74 will not be corrected by on HOLSTERED CHAIRS. Rooms for Rent ...... 41 For Sale deadline Is noon on the day ••••••••••••••••••••••• Frw EftlnitM-Sm Mint condition. $75 each. shorts, shirts, dresses, Co. $65, Coll 649-0557. Windsor. & Education Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease 75 before publication. additional insertion. ______PETEimiAN BlDG CO. 643-6654. shoes, etc. Coll Lorri, Holiday/Seasonal...... 61 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 Services Offered 51 644-3084. Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... 43 MJ-IMO M «-«M LEON CIESZYNSKI ALUMINUM STORM Tog Sales 49 B U ILO E R — New homes, KENMORE FREEZER - WINDOWS — Size 32 X 38. 23 cu. ft., chest type. 5 FOUR STORM WIN­ $5 each. Call 649-4152 otter •••••••••••••MM* additions, remodeling, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• eeee##e»eeeee DOWS — 38" wide, SAW' 4 p m . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••OOOOOOOOOOO BRICKS, BLOCKS, rec rooms, garages, kit­ baskets. 4 years old. Ex­ Help Wanted 21 Homes for Sole 31.3 iPrepartv 35 Apartments tor Rent 42 STONE — Concrete. cellent condition. Call long with screens. Good Help Wonted 21 Help Wonted It Help wanted 11 Help wanted 21 0 W o n ta d 21 chens remodeled, ceil­ SPRING IS NOW, and the Chimney repairs. No lob 643M80. for green house. $8 each. FI REW OOD— More than Eastern Connecticut Flea Notices oooooooo ••••••••••••••••••••••a ings, both tile, dormers, Call 649-0173. half o cord. $20. Call too small. Call 644-8356. roofing. Residential or KITCHEN SET - Couch. Market (Jet. 31 a 32, COVENTRY — Spacious . MANCHESTER — Mod­ 649-1300. Mansfield) Is OPEN for LEARN THE INSU­ MANCHESTER — 39.000 commercial. 649-4291. Odds and ends furniture. G O LF CLUBS — Ladies RANCE BUSINESS! Gor­ 1700 sq. ft., 6 room Cope so. ft. Industrial building. ern 4 room apartment. ODD JOBS, Trucking. Reosonable. For further the season. No reserva­ Lost/Found 01 Home repairs. You name starter set. Four irons, CAMP STOVE, 2 burner. man Insurance Agency on nearly one acre treed.?, Roil siding, plenty ot $350 monthly plus utili­ ANCHOR ELECTRICAL Information coll 643-9407. tions needed. Seller's ■URGER KING GAS S TA TIO N A T T E N D ­ lot with white birch,_ ties. Call 647-1113 after It, we do It. Free esti­ two woods and putter, Comes with propane spaces available for eve­ seeks personable, self parking, city utilities. CONTRACTORS — Do cartbag and balls. Good Is now hiring for im­ A N T — 2nd and 3rd shift. Brick walk to a oold" 6pm. mates. Insured. 643-0004. tank, hose adapter or ryone. Coll 423-9890. WANTED motivated individual in­ $775,000. F .J. SplleckI any size or type of work. SOFA - Excellent condi­ condition. $75. Call 649- regular gas tank. $25. Coll LOST — Young Seol mediate openings. Neat appearance neces­ aluminum home, in terested in career in insu­ Realtors, 643-2121. Fully Insured. Free esti­ tion. Herculon. Perfect 1794. 643-6367. Point Siamese cat. Vicin­ rance. Position includes Evenings 5 to 8 or sary. Call 875-5450. private, desirable neigh­ COVENTRY — Large, LIGHT TRUCKING. mates. Call 647-0293. for den or rec room. TAG SALE — Two toml- ity of 802 Bolton Road, processing applications, 10 p.m. Closing 7: borhood. One car drive remodeled, one bedroom Spring clean up. Yards, lies. Saturdov and Sun­ INDEPENDENT BOOKKEEPER — Full 643-8422. BRAND NEW — Never Vernon. Coll Roberts, under garage. First flooc'; apartment. Located cellars, etc. General CARPENTER — Expe­ AQUARIUS COMPUTER day, 14th a 15th. 9am to amending policies and 30 til closing. Uni­ charge with some exped­ Rentals been worn Gunne Sax, 643-8584. REWARD. ossistlng clients. Individ­ laundry and many ex­ walking distance to' cen­ handyman. Call Roy, 646- rienced in all phases ot WITH Expander, four 5pm. 130 Glenwood form and meals iting responsibility. Coll 7973. DRESSER — Four draw­ peach, satin gown, size 9. ual expected to work tras! Asking $87,500. Call.. ter. Separate entrance in remodeling. Call Robert game cartridges. Excel­ Street, Manchester. HOME DEIIVERY AGENTS provided free! Lance Valves, Inc., 528- ers with full swing-type Greqt for High School lent condition. Used IM POUNDED — Sheltle. towards Insurance li­ 742-6319. Victorian home. Very Jarvis, 643-6712. m irror. Has 6" legs. Kerosene Heater, 5' Apply in person 9155 for appointment, Rooms for Rent ROTOTILLING — Ac­ Prom. Asking $50. Call three months. $200 value female, black, brown and Need extra cash? Part time delivery cense. Competetive sa- 41 ..privote setting. Heat, hot Needs some work. $50. electric baseboard white. Call Andover Dog 467 Caatar Straat 9am - 5pm. cepting appointments 643-7929. for $95. Call anytime heater, aquarium, cur­ lory, pleasant working Condoniinhiim water, stove, refrigera­ EXPERIENCED CAR­ Coll 643-2880. Warden, 742-7194. tor, parking, garbage now for late March or 646-4495. tains, puzzles, 19" color and collection agent, greater Man­ conditions and benefits. P E N TE R — Remodeling, SCREEN HOUSE — 12' x Call Gorman Insurance ROOM WITH KITCHEN removol Included. Adults early April. Very reaso­ additions, roofs and TV, crib, high chair, preferred. No pets. $390 nable rates. Call after 12' camel. Excellent con­ books, trumpet, 5 guitars, chester area, for USA TODAY, the na­ Agency, 643-1139. PRIVILEGES — Cen­ decks. Free estimates. Home and Garden Personals 02 MOTHER'S HELPER — VERNON — One bec|- trally located. Cleon, per month plus security. 4:30pm, 647-0784. Call Mike, 871-2559. dition. Outside frame, puzzles, dishes, tools, PART TIME HELP Misc. for Sole 63 one year old. Used only LEARN THE INSU­ Mature person wanted to room plus garage. All oulet. After 5pm, coll Coll 742-6412. toys, 12 X IS L T tires, tion’s newspaper. For details call: assist in core of newborn WANTED — Mornings, once. $65, negotiable. RANCE BUSINESS! Gor­ bogging and carrying out appliances, dishwasher,.., 646- 2210. ADDITONS, GARAGES, chevy chrome rims. 643- twins, 20 hours per week. air conditioner. Recently Coll 742-5050. man Insurance Agency groceries. Apply in per­ MANCHESTER— 6 room ROOFS, sundecks. No lob GARjOENS ROTO- 9438 659-3535 Coll 649-8023. decorated. $40,400, $800 . M AN CH ES TER — Clean opartment, 3 bedrooms, too small. Fully Insured. FOR SALE... Canon FD T IL L E D — Small garden seeks personable, self son: Highland Park SCHWINN ONE SPEED, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. motivoted Individual in­ down, assume mortgage. and quiet room on bus 1st floor. Basem*nt. May LAWN MOWERS RE­ Coll 875-3902 • days, 875- 135mm F/3.5 lens, $70. trac'tor with rear Market, 317 Highland Canon F02X Type A ex­ 26" man's bike. $20. $75 REWARD FOR CA­ terested in career in insu­ PRODUCTION MA­ 872-8318. line. Parking available. st. Security. $475 plus PAIRED— Quick, Expert 3183 - evenings. mounted tiller. Satisfoc- Street. 1 tender, $90. Both in excel­ Phone 646-7636. MERA missing from rance. Position includes CHINE OPERATOR — Coll 647-1119. utilities. Call 646-0754. Service! Senior Dis­ tion guaranteed. Call 647- lent condition, used very Manchester Herald, processing applications, Trainee position. M A N C H ES TE R — Wells?' ' count! Free Pick Up and ROBERT E. JARVIS — 0530 or 872-4106. MULTI FAMILY — 24 maintenance — Part DISH 8. POT WASHER Delivery! E C O N O M Y little. Call 643-2711 be­ Wednesday March 28th. NURSE time pool and yard work. amending policies and Individual with mechani­ weep Condos, 400 North . MANCHESTER - Unfur­ LUXURIOUS CONDOM I­ Building 8, Remodeling AMERICAN STANDARD Farm Drive, off Pros­ Needed full and part time MOW ER, 647-3660. tween 9am and 4pm, ask AE-1 with brown strap. Flexible hours. Retired AAA ossistlng clients. Individ­ cal experience or educa­ Main Street. Fully op-, nished room.KItchen and NIUM - new 2 bedroom, Specldlist. Additions, OIL BURNER — Com­ TO P SOIL — Clean, rich pect. Books, gloss, china, RN tion needed to operate nights. Call G M rge at for Mark. plete. Ready for installa­ No questions asked. Cali 11-7. Part Time person preferred. Call tmiweBia te 0|W «infs ual expected to work 643-2751. plianced kitchen with.- pool privileges. Non­ IV^ baths, appliances, air garages, roofing, siding, stone-free loom. Any toys, boys clothes, coats, 64 3.-2711 with any 649-5201 between 8am and towards insurance li­ and maintain machinery custom wood cabinets.,, smoking. $55 weekly. Tel. conditioned, carpeted, 2 G Si J WINDOWCLEAN-' kitchens, bothrooms, re­ tion. Good running condi­ amount delivered. Call furs, dolls, baskets, le- CANnnUtY VlUA in production environ­ choice of corpet and ING — We'll clean win­ DELIVERING RICH tion. $S0. Call 649-2048. 872-1400, anytime. information. WWImonUc 12 noon, ask for Dot. Part time cense. Competetive so- PERSON TO DO 647- 1724. floors plus full basem*nt, placem ent windows- welry, gold ring ond larv, pleasant working ment. Forklift expe­ vinyl. Anderson win^. end unit. Handy to bus dows, wash walls, flush /doors. Call 643-6712. LOAM — 5 yards, $62 plus more. 10am Saturday. 423-2597 rience a plus. Apply in LAUNDRY — Full time, 6 gutters at reasonable tox. Sand, gravel and I.B.M. ELECTRIC TY­ IMMEDIATE OPEN­ TELEPHONE SALES conditions and benefits. days per week. Medical dows, 2 bedrooms, IVIt.. MANCHESTER - Unfur­ and shopping. $550 plus DELIVERING RICH person: PillowtexCorpo- rotes. Call Now For Free stone. Call 643-9504. PEW R ITER — Antique. LOAM — 5 yards, $62 plus ' Employment INGS For Port Time Call Gormon Insurance and retirement benefits. baths, individual base-. • nished room.KItchen and utilities. 646-4320. GENERAL CARPEN­ T A G SALE — Saturday a Housecleaning — We REPRESENTATIVE Agency, 643-1139. rotion, 49 Regent Street, ment, radiant heat,. . Estimates., 568-7686. TRY 8i REPAIRS — Rec Will accept best offer, tax. Sand, gravel and Sunday April 14th a 15th. BOOKKEEPER / SE­ Please call LeRov Sauc­ pool privileges. Non­ HOME COMPUTER — offer flexible hours and Manchester, CT. $58,400. Rent with option smoking. $55 weekly. Tel. C O V EN TR Y — One bed­ rooms, family rooms and $85. Good condition. Call stone. Call 643-9504. Rain or Shine. 9am to CR ETAR Y — Smoll, East 9am to 1pm ier for an appointment, HIGHLAND LANDS­ Timex Sinclair Input key­ 643-7160. & Education of the River office. Diver­ good hourly rotes. Must DENTAL RECEPTION­ 633-4681. to buy available. Peter-.» 647-1724. room apartment. Good ceilings are our spe­ 4pm. IS French Road, man Building Co. 649- location. Excellent con-, CAPIN G — Spring clean cialty. Concrete work bo ard , 16k memory HEALTH RUBBER Manchester. Children's sified duties, bookkeep­ be neat and reliable. Call IST W A N TE D — 21 hours TH IS IS YOUR OPPOR­ module 3. Program types Mon. thru Fri. per week. No experience ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9404, 649-4064, 647-1340. ditlon. Facility for up, mowing and mainte­ done. One day service on TO W BLONDE S TEP end P LA N T over 5 feet toll, clothes, toys, household ing, typing, etc. Auto Maid To Order, 659-2953. T U N IT Y to train as on MANCHESTER — Room nance. Fertilizing, heavy never used. Ideal gift or Help Wanted 21 necessary. Resumes only •eeseeeeeeeeeeeeesBes## for rent. $60 a week plus horses. Coll 742-7603. smaller repairs. Discount tables. Excellent condi­ wide wing span. Needs and miscellaneous items. required. 5 day week, optician. Only career or­ Instruction 25 and light trucking. starter unit. $50. Call to: Dr. Battaro, 162 Senior Citizens. Coll otter tion. $30 each. Call 646- loving care. $50. Coll 9am to 5pm. Benefits. Salary plus iented people need apply. Lots/Umd for Solo 31' security. Coll 643-2659. Landscape experts in 643-6777. 1625. Spencer Street, Man­ •aaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee MANCHESTER — Four 3pm, 649-8007. 649-3045. S275 a week to start. commission. 763 Main Street, ••••eeeeaeeeeeeMaaeMO S rock formations and spe­ T A G SALE — 19 Benton Please submit resume In chester, C T 06040. Manchester. EA ST H A R TFO R D — Pri­ room apartment. One Street, April 14th a 15th, bedroom, appliances, cial design. Mulch, top FOR APPLE COMPU­ O FFIC E DESK size 30" x DO YOU have a bicycle confidence to Box F, c/o PART TIME/FULL We will train. FREE CATALOG — Ot • vate entrance, carpeted, T E R — Replay II copy 60" wood with four draw­ 9am to 5om. T V , bikes, the Manchester Herald. HIGHLY EXPE- land bargains, 5 acres to yard, porch, parking. .soil, trees, shrubs and Roofing/Siding lio one rides? Why not T IM E — Wendy'S Restau­ CLERICAL — Order de­ non-smoker, porking. Se­ 'stone available. Free Es­ cord. Good buy, $55. Call ers and a pull out board. books and lots of rant on 260 Brood Street RIENCED RESIDEN­ 500 acres, covering Ver- - curity. Rent, $50. Call $510 per month, utilities offer It for sale with a BOY S & GIRL'S WHO Coll 647-1748 partment position. Gen- A R T LESSONS — Adults. timates. Call 649M85 or 649-6642. $35. Call 649-1187. miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED FORD in Manchester is now TIAL Interior Painter — mont and the Berkshires- 568-1990. Included. Call 649-3379. want ad? CAN SELL — Earn $20 a between 9am-1 pm erol office duties Beginners and advanced. 643-7712. week ond more by selling TECH N IC IAN — Strong hiring for part time and With own transportation. including good typing at lowest Imaginable p ri-.. BIDWELL HOME Im­ electrical and diagnostic full time SUMMER Mrs. Nagy for appt. Can work without super­ Small classes. Tuesday MANCHESTER — Five new subscriptions to this and sharp communica­ evenings. Located near ces. Write: C A TA LO G TRUCKING — Small provement Company — area's best newspaper. abilities. Top hourly JOBS. Openings exist on vision. Please Note - tions skills. Call 522-9006. OFFICE, P.O. Box 938.- Agnrtments for Rent 42 room duplex. Private Roofing , siding, altera­ Experience means good Bolton/Colchester exit of driveway. Fenced-in loads, ploysand, track- You most be able to talk wage plus incentive pro­ ALL SHIFTS. Excellent 1-84. Beverly Kaiser. B. North Adams, Moss. rock, brick chips, cow tions, additions: Same gram and benefits. Apply pay and benefits. Apply overage speed in cutting e##ee#e#e#ee#eeeeeeeeee yard. References needed. to adults - no experience PERSONAL CARE AT­ Fine Arts, M. Ed. 6464B31. 01247. manure. Also cellars and number for over 30 years. necessary - we will show to Superior Auto, 646- to the Manager only, sashes and trim with TENDANT — For dis­ By appointment only. No 649-6495. neatness. References re­ AAANCHESTER — Avail­ ottics cleaned. Coll 644- you how to succeed. 0563. Monday thru Friday be­ EXPERIENCED BUL­ abled young man. 2 hours V T — M a n c h e s t e r " able immediately. Extra pets. Security required. quired. Cell 649-9027. 1775. CALL NOW: Frank, after tween 3 and 5pm. EOE. LDOZER OPERATOR. a.m. hourly rote or 4 AREA — 20 ACRES large one bedroom apart­ $450 plus utilities. Coll PERSON FRIDAY — Call 647-9153. 643-7113; 646-0228. Heofing/Plunibing 55 7:30pm, 228-4268. hours per day, in ex­ Real Estate S12,900. Beautifully. , ment. Heat and hot water C H ILD CARE — Days. Work one day weekly. BANKING — South wAimss wANm change for room and wooded property on so- .> included. $400. Coll 649- Breakfast and lunch pro­ South Windsor residence. Windsor Bank & Trust THREE ROOM APART­ Mature adult. 7pm to mid­ board. Coll 643-0805. •eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eluded country road... vided. References. Coll MMTU Duties: Cleaning, Co. has full and port time night. 2-3 nights per Only 5 minutes from M E N T — With refrigera­ ■ICimONICT hom*os lo r Solo 31 646-5803. FOGARTY BROTHERS laundry, light typing. openings in their book­ week. . . charming Vermont VlP!I tor and stove. In quiet — Bathroom remodel­ 1984 COUGAR IS 2-DR. A re Y o u : Apply ------•A versatile, experienced References required. keeping department. COOK - Port time posi­ RECEPTIONIST — Posi­ loge. Excellent financing 2 MANCHESTER neighborhood. $260 ing; installation water tion for line cook. Expe­ MR. DONUT ••••••eeeeaeeeeeeeeeeee month, plus heat and GARDEN TILLING — dental receptioniat? Good pay to responsible Good figure aptitude and tion available for rK e o - available. Call 802-6M-- BENNET ELDERLY Manchester area. Lowest heaters, garbage dispo­ •A meticulous book­ person. 644-4055 10 key machine skill re­ rienced preferred. Good 255 W. Middle TpKa.. MANCHESTER — Cali­ utilities. Security deposit _____ Manchester tionist with some typing, 1581. ; rotes. Senior citizen dis­ sals; foucet repairs. 649- U s t keeper? evenings. quired. Call Warren Mat- starting hourly rate. Coll fornia style contempor­ H0U8IN6 required. No pets. Coll •Energetic and people filing and general office count. Coll for Free Estl- 7657. VIsa/MasterCard $14625 oriented? teson, 289-6061 for 649-5271, ask for chef. ary ranch. Featuring SOUTH VERMONT — I2Z ' 646-8439 from' 10am to $ 1 3 0 9 6 work In aggressive me­ GbiwibI Houalno DBVBtopmBnt mote. Today. 643-9307 af­ accepted. If to our orrice is sssrcrring tor a appointment. unique coversatlon pit, 2 5pm, after 5:30pm 649- lf#ck #4€I0 SANDBLASTER — Expe­ chanical and electrical forested acres, minutes* BOW tOUflB OppHCOffOBBe 1 GR ter 5pm. Islia crwrga parson who Iras inaia- D E N TA L H Y G IE N IS T -1 rience Is a must. Imme­ fireplaces, 2 cor garage. to molor ski areas and« it. CRS to sm. Two GG opt. 9417. Mourk* MBriortys ForsoMl Dgaie! FUU NIW CAR WARRANTY Iiva and a sansa ot irumor contracting firm. Neat S0 to 1470. Rtnl indudot FAMILY DAY C A R E or 2 days a week. In diate employment. Call S149,900. Evenings, call beautiful lake. Town" OalBr6 wrliN*. R— l Vhufl Roar HaN Iweary. S.O I V t V I itifina, WiwAihigM Wiyasi Ifiterval, ladiinp Fwal N l Or W/Ram. Ral. Awta«natk Ov#»*twa Trans. Please call Ginny at RURGER KING appearance ond good Boot* hot wotor* W/W oorpot- GARDENS ROTO- Flooring /4/ R I9S/7Sill4 W tW Taaa, OaiA Wertignii Oifital. lni|s»Casttarinf, Staisim Wliaat-Tlk. S^aaN CanWal finpgtWp. Iaat>9awar 6>Way Orivar. Dafrastat- S E TTIN G DESIRED for 4 Manchester office. Call. 643-2659. communications skills a Armond Colello, 667-4169, road frontage, survey: > lop* ran pa* rofrlp.* ditpoaol. FOUR ROOM APART­ WnWif 0 M T WInOaw. Alt Caw4.. Alan. Tam^. Cantial, AM /FM 4*$^a^ar Ataiaa. VanI WinAgws fivatirn Franl, Whggti Palytast Raoa, Antanrw^Rewar. Is now hiring for im­ coll for old tvflifn* olovotof* TILLED — Lawns Saaml Syiiasa FtatnAwa. U flil OtauA. ladi OtauR ^ w a t. Aavrar l^ant Diet Rnikas, Oval Nat# Natn. O w Fwr Ram Cantral M im rt, RRT Rachat Fanal month old and 4 year old. 649-5675. must. Send resumes to Century 21 Village Green Terms. Will sacrifice..-:: M E N T — Stove, refriger­ mediate openings. loundry* community room mowed. Reasonable MaUbioe, Raarf wmd 0aO|ai4a SsriRae, Dual SaalbacA Radinan. Carr tar Cannia, tuswrv Carpat Orawp, Bactra luminisfant Ceartilamps, Iwppapa Beginning September. HAIR STYLIST ot Glastonbury, 633-8336. $11,500.413-458-8002. * ond ttoropt oroo. Unlfg ovoll* ator. No utilities. 1st Caaipartaiaal UaM . Trip (MataaNv, Aawat Staarinp, SfaaHaNeri Radial Tkaa, Vbifl Iweatt l/ S Ma4Rn|i. Iwmpar Rwb Strips W /iifans, Tintad Qiau. Freedom Mechanical & rotes. Pleose coll Ken at FLOORSANDING — Breakfast 8 a.m. to Three days per week. Call SALES PERSON - Full W A N TE D — Manchester Electrical, Inc., P.O. Box oMo offer MorcB IS, 1104. Per floor. No pets, adults 40/40 ladM dam SaaSt. luRwq) Saat and Daat Trim, Waadpnrin If f Appliqvas, Fawat W indawi, Saat R ^ Ramlrtdar Chitna, Calat-Kayad Dwiwia 0aN$. OBeppHcaflon coll: 649-9407 or 643-8156. Floors like new. Special­ VIeer VeaNy AWaar______. 3 p.m. Days 11 a.m. 643-2303. time for local furniture salon. Call for interview, 2109, Hartford, C T 06144. only. 1st and lost month to 4 p.m. Uniform business. Salaried posi­ 643-4227. and security. $325 a izing In older floors, natu­ HAIR S TYLIS T — Full EO E, M/F. 528-6522 ral and stained floors. No and meals provided NURSERY SCHOOL tion. Excellent working OPEN HOUSE month. Available May INGRAHAM — Lawn a 1984 CONTINENTAl MARp( VII time and port time stylist SUBSTITUTE conditions. 646-7237. CLERK HARDWARE 1st. Coll otter 5pm, 649- Odd Jobs. Dethatchlng, waxing anymore. John free! SRRday —1-4 MANCHESTER — 400 needed immediately due TEACH ER S — For suc­ STORE — Full time. Ex­ 7850. Raking, Spring Clean­ Verfaille. Call 646-5750. Apply in person: PART TIME — Monday, North AAoln Street. New to the expanding of our cessful progrom in Man­ RN - 11pm-7am, Supervi­ perience preferred. Call ups, Fertilizing. Lime, List staff. Ideal working con­ Center Street Wednesday and Thurs­ two bedroom townhouse. Roto Tilling, Mowing 467 chester. Half and full day sor. Sunday through 569-2440. , newer $26072 ditions and benefits. Coll day. Answering phone Raised Ranch. Vinyl sided, large lot, 2 Appllanced kitchen, con­ Store/Office Space (Commercial a Residen­ $ 2 3 1 1 6 MaMcketter substituting. Prefer some Thursday. Call Hannah 643-8339, ask for Carol. requests for Investment venient to bus line and tial) a Painting. Special Income Tax Service 57 Slsdi«4V22 eorly childhood back­ Douville, 423-2597. brochures ond logging in car garage. 8 rooms, 2V& baths and ground. For application shopping. $575 plus utili­ Senior Citizen Discount. Matt Mariarly's Farsatral Daiiial FUU NEW CAR WARRANTY AVON same on computer term!-' extrasi Asking $101,900.— •••••••••••••••••••••** call 646-4864. CLERICAL — Expe­ ties. Option to buy availa­ OFFICE SPACE AVAIL­ Coll anytime, 871-0651. . Rnpina S, 01/901,V t V I, Ultia-FIm li Catpatad Int and Lu ff. Campt, Awta Oeardriva Trans, Air Cand Macltfittlc Act. TUt Staarinp WKaal, Pw? 0*. nol. Pleasant phone Directions: Hillstown Rd., 1st right after Wether- ...... , — Saarch, Mat Instrumanl Panal, 6W Orivat Saat, 3.87-t Aula Radia, MandBnf Sutpaniian. Patfatmatn i viffds orsd rienced In accounts re- YOUR TIME IS WORTH ble. Peterman Building ABLE — Ample parking, CELEBRITY CIPHER MONEVI manner, typing and or­ . ell St. Is Stillfield NEED BOOKKEEPER- Tiras. 4-Wliaal Fw r OIh V M iis , Tia* Olaw/Aw«a F w r Ant.. Haatad iatkRplH, W/S W ipan • Intarval, Dual Fawar R/C Mbrass. WSW Tkas. latkinp Fwal Cvtabrity Cipft6r cryptogrBrns ar« crMt«d from quolationt by famout pooplo. pail Co., 649-9404 or 647-1340. good location. One 4 GARDEN TILLING — Oaar, Maclraidt Alt Saspaasiaa, Or ated Fast latRnati . UatNai and Qatti Trhn. M A RR Maat Alats. laathw W iappid Strp. Whaal, Uncain Cammitmant, andprasant Each latlar In tftacfpfiar standi for anottiar ro^'acAw Paguafaf • BAKERS ceivobles and ganization needed. On /ACCOUNTANT? Spe­ collections. Good pay Earn good money, aet STRANO REAL ESTATE room office suite with 610 Reasonable Rotes. Call Kawlw I nNy SfUam, Ikaaga Flala Ftamai, Mtadtomp Canvanlanta Systam, Tkas^RIIS/ASRIS Fgrfarmanta, Saat-4W/AW W /Oval Fawar cializing In tax area. • M k AAI/FM W/CaM, O adiM Fw ld»w n Fawss. FAku r i MgaM d Owfslda Dual Mum VtS VanNy. Saund Systam • Ftamlwm, C am pass/Tli^^ CASHIERS bus line, downtown Hart­ M a n c h e s t e r — Two by CONNIE WIENER and health benefits. Call your own hours. so. ft.; another with 210 for Free Estimate, 447- Prompt and accurate ser­ ford. $5 per hour. Call 647-7653 AKA4L m CLERKS 522-9006. ca»523-S401 or 278-2841. tfOdroom modern apart­ sq. ft. Call 649-2891. yufo* “ N IM N R WDPEPAWUA YNW DKP SHIFT LEADERS Mrs. Spillane at 525-1421. ment. Excellent location. vice. Coll 646-4350. 1984 lUNIINIIIIAI MARR VU New store opening on Available Immediately. SOUTH W INDSOR— 1000 LICENSED DAY CARE SRAI UJ NTPCRONA DKND Main St. in Manchester. t5 plus gas heat. ERA sq. ft., $200 monthly. 300 — Done In my Manches­ Need tull time and part onchord & Rosetto, 646- sq. ft., $100 monthly. Am ­ ter home. Call Cathy, U s t time hard working, relia­ g 647-1658. $24350 NTPCf^ONAW DKPTWPMEPW YUXMI ble. honest Individuals. a m - ______ple parking, olr. 236-6021, $ 2 1 6 8 5 Sth. IMV20 Apply: 706 Main St. bet- 444-3977. ween 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. THREE ROOMS FOR MRSP DU OKRAS NTPCRONAW R E N T to a responsible Pointing/Paporliig S2 Raa Fronds, Oar Salas Manafar's Cori FUU NEW CAR WARRANTY SOUTH W INDSOR— SuU la|lam S.0i/9O l/VR V I, UNia FlusFi Carpsisd Int., And ta f f . Camps, Awta Ovardriva Trans. Ak Caad Msrtrsnk Act., TIN Staarinp Whaal, Ftstt Dr ilder gentleman pre- livon Avenue. 1,600 so. ft. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Uk/Dach Ud M / W d a , ta M a 4 b c Staraa tsarch, Mac Insirwmant FanaE, 4W Ortvar Saoi, Unwin CammNmant, 4>Wliaal Fw r Okc Iralias, Tint Olass/AwSa NCP.” — YNMDPC HRBBTNAA. LPN N E E D E D for tem- »rred. Coll 643^1. prime retail space, ample Haa6ad OodMaltS, W / f W ip m • InSarwal, Owol Fawrar R/C IMktars, WSW Tkas, lacUnp Fwal D w , Mactrartk 'Ak Swsaanslan, Ot and Faw 'porarv, part time posi­ ...... 6CaaS Ahrm wKaidi. TikadaoSkar Flaar lAats Fiaat CorpaS, flaar Mots, Raor Coraal. Naylaw Intry Systam. Ucansa Plata Framas, I tssilap PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “There are so many crazy things in the parking. $800. Coll 236- PAINTING AND PAPER WfcaaSlaosKar Vkappad, Saal^MF W/Dwol Manual Rad., iadla^Mac AM /FM W /CdU, D iiA ld Fwiaswn Fswsr, Mkrars haassd awHida dwal, wlissis tion as Treatment Nurse. HOUSEWIVES tax law. II we had a more comprehensible tax system, people A 149 OAKLAND STREE1 HANGING — Exterior 6021 or 644-3977. would probably have more respect for it." — David Bradford. May Sth to July 1st. — Tw o room, heated t------and Interior, ceilings're­ Senrice Excellent per diem rate. itFSe suutAyil EftAUfilUA f-DR. (D tsax by NEA. Inc. dportment. First floor. paired. References, fully Call Connie Gibbs, RN, |300. No appliances. No Insured. Quality work. INCOME TAX SERVICE BAsem*nT OF COM­ — Individual or Business DNS at Meadow Manor, pets. Security. Phone646- MERCIAL BUILDING — Martin Mottsson, even­ KIT N' CARLYLE ® by Larry Wright 647-9191. $426. 9om to 5pm 1300 so. ft. $300 per month. ings 649-4431. Tax Preparation. Dis­ U s t count for senior citizens. Earn Extra Money weekdays. Immediate occupancy. $11584 $ 1 0 2 9 7 Your Business Office, 164 TV ATTENDANT - Fe­ Call 646-7647. CEILINGS REPAIRED male part time position. A L L AREAS — 1. 2, 3, 4 or REPLACED with dry- East Center St., 647-9780. FUU NEW cu t WARRANTY Responsible, mature. Bedrooms. Prices to fit wall. Call evenings. Gory SSaal Naltad R adM Tkas. U s u ry 0/S Msldlwp. U ft Hand Ramata Mkrar. Oas Skack Aksarkats. Oalwsa Raks, Oaar Map Fatkatt, Day/NipM Mkrar, U s u ry Flexible weekends and our budget. Housing Un- McHugh, 643^1. INCOM E TAXES — Pro? 1 Canml Trka, S ^ Randi Saots, Dual Nata Mam. Fawar Staarinp. Fawar Rrakas, Autamatk Tranimisiian. FraM Rumpw O u m ^ Maad A R/S week doys. Afternoon A M 'ls r ip a s . Daap W a l Trunk, M aliilm anti Fraa Rattary. W om kif Odmas. Dual Saat ■ • d ^ . Auta 9.R ^ V4 With Your Own mlted. Call 724-1967 FOKIfASI pored by CPA. Business a Mm., w m lk lild W ^ . Inttual. Aula lam p Dalay SyWam. FftS/FSdlld WSW, Camarinp U m p s Frant. S Om/ON ^ hours. Call 324-1972 after IC hg.).______NAME YOUR OWN Individual. Coll John, Uortiar Wropaad, Spaad Csnlrsl FlnpsrNp, Saat l inpla Ca n kil Fawar. Oafcasiar Mac. Raor Wtndaw. A k CandNianlnp ManuM, AM /FM 4>Saoafcw Sia 7pm., Martha Batles. MANCNiSflK P R IC E— Father and son. 659-3069. ANnai RH RpawM Canvas. Wladsws F awsr SIda, Van* WIndaws, FIralkif Want, W kaals Ni>sast. Mkrars Owal Hhtm Vlsar, O U m • Tkitad O m p la la , I L MANCHESTER— Newer Fast, dependable ser­ HAIR DRESSER — Full 7,000 iquara KhM Indua- n e Iw o bedroom, second ria. k M MacMne SlMqi. vice. Painting, Paper­ time. Experienced with Part Time JobI lloor wtth carpeting, olr Overhead door, oHIcee. hanging a Removal. Coll 1983 CAFM RS 3-DOOR 1 following. Vacation and Conditioning and dls- AvallaMo May m . 000 ^ 6444)585 or 64441036. aaivloa. ' sick pay. Coll Ultimate I mothBra tlwm awosher. No pets. $425 TAX PREPARATIONS — List Beauty Salon, 643-2103: . and with young ohHdron, bring 647-0137 In the convenience of It you and save on baby sitting oosts. Bionthlv, plus security. Flndltia a cosh buyer tor $10935 //■ after 7pm call 647-1315 - your home. Reliable- Slh.«3P« $ 8 9 9 9 Coll 646-1379. the Items you'd like to sell 1" ask for Diana or Judy. Is easy. Just let our reasonable. Coll Norm ONE YEAR WARRANTY readers know what you Marshall. 643-9044. ' / SECRET ARY/RECEP­ Elderly Housing Complsx-- hove for sole with on ad in It Mactr lanMan, A and Flalan Staarinp, Fawar Staarinp, MondRna Iwipandan. Carpa Cavar/IS 4 O al Tank. Tractian TIO N 1ST — Doctor's of­ Twenty-three Houre per week. Selery plue Classified. 643-2711. ZINGLER'S INCOME I. U M m 2 . Tlikd I FuR kestrumant W /Todi. 4-Spaao Manual Trans, Maad Scaap/Canaalt. Dual RC Mkrars, Itta- fice. East Hartford, 4 day TAX SERVICE — Filing W tM p sd Stra W M. Trastiaa U k Asia. S .O i4 R 0 i laa. Trim-Awanl dstk W/Vkryl. /4/ FMS/70R14 t$W iadlak. Dakastw B id Raar Wladaw. Ak r ^ gas allowance. Call Now rural setting--24 cottage ^^sst^Rtiarsarril^atrualRndM AM /FM Staraa W/CaisiWs. Saund t ysNm M am lum . Qian TIntad. ______week. Includes light personal and business re­ bookkeeping. Reply to SOUND INTeRMSTIMQ? style units. Maximum ■glldiBg/CeBtroctiBg S3 turns In your home since Box G, c/o The Manches­ You can bo a Herald Area Ailvissr and handia and auparvlae 1974. Also bookkesplng aUYIIIOREllEWaDEmSMTeOietRMBLESAmS annual income limit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ter Herald. our carrier boya & girla. If you Hhe kMs — want a Wtle In­ servlets available. Call 647-9946 ,$23,500. Walt at 646-5346.' ri^Ul-i 6lDtst LIIICOlN.i0ERCURY-MAZPA"piAli dependence and your own Incomo. . . FARRAND REMODEL­ PART TIME OPERA­ or TbMm i ■ppIlMfiaiii. CaN ING — Cabinets, roofing, TORS — Edward's Ans­ 647-S947 llMrgdBya «r gutters, room additions, NEED BOOKKEEPER- decks, all types of romo- /ACCOUNTANT? Spt- IIIIIIMI wering Service. Early Ask for Jeanne Promarth SIRVKI. mornings, one day of the wrHt llvar U* deMng and repairs. FREE clollzlns In tax area. CU^RA^IIII weekend. No experience ggnMt MttB, Sm thw, a m XSN estimotes. Fully insured. Prompt oiKt accurate ser-: i n necessary. Paid training. s a i i i . ______Telephone 6434017, after vice. Coll 646-4350. m,Cna4b»NEA.lnc,TMRBy U.B PBI.6TMOff Coll 646-S0S1. 6pm, 647-8509. ZO - MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, April 14, 1984

Tew Solct (It Motorcycles/Bicycles 72

TAG SALE — Furniture 1979 HONDA 750 — 10th Wilder called- ‘demon, Here’s how to write ‘Shortfall’ can and miscellaneous Items. Anniversary Limited 19 Division Street, Mon- Edition. Backrest, crash be a ‘windfall’ dov, April 16th thru Fri­ bor, high pegs, cruise someone not human’ fob-winner of a letter day, April 20th, 9am to control. $1500. Call 646- 6pm, Call 646-8149. 7615. ... page 9 ... page 16 ... page 20 GARAGE SALE — April MOTORCYCLE INSU­ 14 - 15, 9am - 4pm. Chair, RANCE — Competetive bicycle, clothes, much rotes, big bike rates miscellaneous! 228 Lv- available. Call Clarice, doll Street, Monchester. Clarke Insurance, 643- No previews. 1126.

Wanted to Buy 70 Rec Vehicles 73 Drizzle tonight; Manchester, Conn. th e cloudy Tuesday Monday, April 16, 1984 1967 SHASTA CAMPER — See page 2 Single copy: 254 BOOKS WANTED TR AILER — Sleeps6, ice box, stove, sink. $600. Call lEanrlj^atf r Hard Cover U m lh Paperbacks Down, 569-4658. All Kinds: ••■••••■••••••••••••••• Misc. Automotive 76 Fiction, Non-FIctlon. Poetry, Children's Books, Cookbooks, TIR E — Firestone Deluxe Encyclopedias, etc. Champion 670-15, white B fa th Ten found wail with rim. Excellent a«ar Mrt Vmit SMktlMlvn S tread, $25. Call 875-6736 M l I* CiarM C»w>»l»**‘»** Ctanli, 11 Cmmtm St, ■ u t iiittr, after 6pm. m U l M 7-I94I H r t k k - t r INVITATION TO BIO slaughtered The Manchester Public Schools solicits bids tor Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 TEACHING SUPPLIES tor the 1984-1985 school year. Sealed bids will be received until April 25,1984,2:00 P.M., 1976 VEGA HATCHBACK at which time they will be in Brooklyn publicly opened. The right Is — New tires, brakes, re se rv^ to relect any and oil needs minor repair. Ask­ bids. Specltlcotlons and bid .V forms may be secured at the ing $475. Call 643-8646, Business Office, 45 North Frank Spotnitz 649-7948 after 6pm. By Detectives worked into the early School Street, Manchester, United Press International morning hours interviewing rela­ Connecticut, Raymond E. GMC STEP VAN, 1974 — Demers, Business Manager. tives and the common-law hus­ Full self contained. Grill, 035-04 NEW YORK — A baby girl found band of one of the slain women, hope crawling on the bl(xxiy fliwr was refrigerator, coffee pot who discovered the bodies shortly and steam table operate the only survivor of the worst after 7 p.m., LeSchack said. by propane gas. Has hot INVITATION TO BID massacre in city history where 10 Police declined to identify the and cold running water. The Eighth Utilities District, p ^p le — seven of them children — man but said he was believed to be Manchester, Connecticut Phone 643-5970 after 5pm, seeks bids for the enclosure were shot to death in a barren the father of some of the children. 643-2711 8:30am to of a building frame at the Brooklyn apartment. They would not say if he was a 5:30pm, leave message. Public Works Department, “ It was a horror picture. That's suspect. 357 Hilliard Street, Manches­ ter, Connecticut. what it was like," said Carmine Neighbors said the slain women 1971 L TD — Power steer­ Bids specifications and blue­ Rossi, owner of a bakery next door and children had moved into the ing, power brakes, new print may be obtained during to the murder scene. apartment only a month ago. It transmission. Call 649- business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Monday through Police today said they had few was reported the victims were all 3308 after 6pm, ask for Saturdoy, from the dis­ clues but said more than one killer members of the same family, but Joe. patcher at the Eighth Utili­ ties District Firehouse, 32 apparently was responsible be­ police today would not says if the i ’ 1979 CHEVY MALIBU Main St., Manchester, Conn. cause bodies were found in three dead were related. 06040. separate rooms and there was no There was no sign of a struggle CLASSIC SPORT COUPE Sealed bids will be recelyed — V 8, automatic, power at the above address until evidence the victims tried to or panic just before the close-range steering, air condition­ 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 14, escape. shootings. 1984, at which time they will Seven victims were found in the “ There appears to be no distur­ ing, AM /FM , vinyl top. be publicly opened, read Call 643-2880. aloud and recorded at the living room, where the television bance in the house whatsoever,” Eighth utilities District Fire­ was still on. Six victims were found Deputy Commissioner Patrick house, 32 Main St., Manches­ GOV’T SURPLUS CARS ter, Conn. 06040. seated on a couch and two chairs Murphy said. & TRUCKS under $100. The Eighth Utilities District around the television and another Now available In your reseryes the right to relect S o A / tH body was on the floor. Rossi told police he was sitting in Herald photo by Tarqutnio area. Call 1-(619)-569- any or all bids tor any reason ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Two other bodies were in a his car when a man who lived in the 0241. 24 hours. deemed to be Int the Interest of the District. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT bedroom and the 10th was disco­ house ran to him screaming for Coventry resident, witnessed some tense moments EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT VOU. OA.& vered in a second bedroom. help. At times, Sunday’s Hockanum River Canoe Race FIESTA , 1978 — Runs Samuel Longest during the race. More pictures on page 15. Public Works rndbaomz to join m Police said they had no weapon The man had his 9-year-old son in provided apprehension for spectator and participant good. Asking $1595. Call Commissioner or motive. Autopsies were sche­ tow and was hysterical, Rossi said. 455-0352, 621-4433. alike. Patty Sobol, left, of Bolton, and her sister, Lynn, a 0264)4 EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES FUM. g p SPEL duled for today. The baker said he ran into the HOLY WEEK SERVICES Each of the seven children and two-story duplex and found bodies JEEPWAGONEER4WD, INTERDEWOMIMATIONAL strewn throughout the ground- 1977 — Very good condi­ three women was shot in the head PM.M IIMOkY L 8410. IlflO AM. IMT [ w MiM 780 A*. IMy EwkirM OraMBtOllMM and when police first entered the floor apartment. Andrette and Olsen set course record tion. Low mileage. First mVITATION TO BID Wi Bih Mii IMyEKMrM 080 AN. Htiy EMtorM GlMlnM8iaSl4C« CHURCH “ The first thing 1 came to was a $3800 takes it! Coll 646- Sealed bids will be received TiHrMiT 730MI BMiiil TMirrtw l-Hwf» 1180 AN. IMTEiidBrlit Cliiln bM Niibm five-room apartment the surviving In the Office of fhe Director little bed. There was a little boy 6388 after 5pm. FrMn IZHORMe__ J RMII ( m 4 FrMiy Utarir Ptuton: Rev. V h itip V. Samde/u baby was so covered in blood they of General Services, 41 Cen­ IriiriiT 1080-tU O -TktleitMhr thought she too was a victim. The - laid down in there with blood all ter Street, Manchester, Con­ EacMrMtifl 1977 VOLKSWAGEN necticut, until Miy 1,1884 at 080 8.M Om UmmI UMm 745 Main St. MMMdieiter child was examined at a hospital over the floor,” Rossi said. 11:00 a.m. for the following: “ I looked in and there was a Canoeists brave the rapids RABBIT - 2 door hatch­ 7:00 AM^Coimiiunion Service and then turned over to the city’s (1) DATA PROCES8INQ STOCK woman with her head up. I saw a back. 4 speed. Excellent FORMS 7:00 PM...EvMi«eli«tic Service Office of Special Services for condition. $1950. Coll af­ (2) FURNI8HINO WATERTIQHT Children. bullet hole right here," he said, Bv Charles Maynard ter 5pm 646-2246. MANHOLE COVERS Please contact the parish office (649-4583) to arrange Easter Communions fo r 24 HOUR PRAYER TOWER The seven dead children ranged pointing to the center of his Special to the Herald The Town of Manchester Is forehead. “ I looked over and saw an equal opportunity enr, those unable to come to church. in age from 2 to teenagers. Four 1978 FORD GRANADA - 6 plover, and requires an offlr were boys and three were girls. more bodies." For all the over-achievers who cylinder, 4 door, air con­ mative action policy for all af No identities were immediately Mayor Edward Koch arrived at Its Contractors and Vendors didn’t have a Mount Everest to ditioned. Very clean. No WORSHIP AT THE available, but the victims were the home around 10:30 p.m. rust. Low mileage. $2950. as a condition of doing busi­ SAINT BRIDGET CHURCH CONCORDIA climb or a Boston Marathon to run, ness with the Town, as per CHURCH IN THE CENTER Puerto Rican, Sgt. Ed LeSchack “ It obviously is a massacre," he there was the canoe race. 643-4470. Federal Order 11246. 70 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER said. said. Asked whether he had ever Bid forms.'plans and specifi­ PAIM SUNDAY SERVICES LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCA) Ninety-one entrants braved PAIM SUNDAY It was the worst mass murder in seen anything like it, the mayor 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS cations are available at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. swift currents and the threat of General Services Office, 41 SATURDAY, April 14 - 5 p.m. 40 Pitkin S t, MandiBBtBr New York City history and the quietly answered. “ Never.” WAGON. 350 V-8. Auto­ SUNDAY. April 15 - 7:30, 9, 10:30 A 12 noon Child care provided rains Sunday in the eighth annual Center Street, Manchester, at each ^rvlce The apartment is located in a matic. Posl-tractlon. Connecticut. 4 p.m. - Special Holy Week Concert Maundy Thursday -12 noon and 7:30 p.m. worst in the United States since 13 Hockanum River canoe race. The MAUNDY THURSDAY predominantly commerical dis­ " ' O f rack, radio, de- TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Holy Communion Chinese-American businessmen 6.2-mile course ran from the CONNECTICUT CONFESSIONS: The Lord's Supper and togger, more. Original TUESDAY. A^rij 17 - 4-5 p.m. Ii 7-7:30 p.m. and gambling dealers were killed trict of the low-income neighbor­ Vernon-Manchestex town line into ROBERT B. WEISS, WEDNESDA April 18 - 7-7:30 p.m. The Office of tenebrae in a Seattle Chinatown gambling' hood near the Brooklyn-Queens owner. 643-2880. GENERAL MANAGER 7:30 p.m. Good Friday - 7 p.m. The Good Friday East Hartfiord along a river that 032-04 GOOD FRIDAYFRID ' , April 20 - 7:30 p.m., club Feb. 19, 1983. border. onlyly untili all are heard EASTER SUNDAY Liturgy was sometimes calm and some­ CHEVY CITATION, 1981 HOLY SATURDAY, April 21. II a m. -12 noon 6 a.m. Sunrise Service on the East Lawn followed by FEAST OF THE RESURRECTION times brutal. — 4 door hatchback. MASSES breakfaat A course record was established Automatic transmission, Worship Celebrations MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY - 6:45 li 9 a m. at 8:30 and 10 a.m. 7:00 a.m.Easter Vigil, Nursery by a team in the mixed event. Sue air conditioning, power HOLY THURSDAY - April 19 - 6:45 a m. 4 7:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast Andrette of Mansfield Center and steering, power brakes, 7:30 p.m. - MASS OFTHE LORD'S SUPPER AND ADORA­ ____Child care provided at each Service Here’s why Lotto TION (until 10 p.m.) N«w«a H. Cinis. 3r.. p m e H if Scott Olsen of East Providence, AM/FM radio, cruise AMMi«e Ftum 9:30 a.m. Children’s Service, Nursery GOOD FRIDAY. April 20 - 3 p.m. LITURGY OF THE 1W Rev. Raken J. Mile. MlelMcT W VWtallH R.I. recorded a time of 58:32, control. 32,000 miles. A LORD'S PASSION AND HOLY COMMUNION 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion, Nursery real cream puff. $4500. HOLY SATURDAY. April 21 - 7:30 p.m. (NO S p.m.) CENTO) GONCIIEUIIONIIICNUNCN Special Music breaking the old mark by 48 Call 646-3782. EASTER VIGIL SERVICE AND MASS spreads out prize seconds. EASTER SUNDAY - MASSES: 7:30. 8, 10:30 CornBT Of Main and Canlar SIfsb Ib , Rev. Burton D. Strand, (Church It Auditorium), 12 noon. ManchaBtar Pastor TH E R E A L TEST came behind 1976 CAPRI — 2.3 cc's, David Almond, AAGO - By Bruno V. Ranniello spreads out large winnings over 20 STATIONS OF THE CROSS Economy Electric where the most new paint, new tires, new GOOD FRIDAY - 7 p.m. “The Church ut^le Center" .'United Press International years, Lewis said in an interview. Organist, Choir Director formidable rapids of the Hocka­ muffler and more. Must First, if a winner receives $1 num awaited the canoeists. Before be seen. $2300. Call after HARTFORD — So you've won a million in one sum, Uncle Sam will 4pm, 649-1584. the race, coordinator Lee Watkins million dollars in the state lottery be right behind him collecting COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH EASTER AT SOUTH CHURCH wanted the canoeists to stick to the PALM SUNDAY - April 15th and you want to know why you almost half of it for taxes. “The 1979CHEVETTE— 4door An American Baptist Church HE IS RISEN INDEED right of the rocks and an obtrusive «:XA.M. Communlon/Brsaklast In Cooper HaN can’t collect the whole thing right person is better off because it hatchback, low mileage, S8S East Center Street, Manchester Tickets: 13.50 concrete structure. Most of them Celobrate wHh u$ away instead of over 20 years. protects him or her from a large excellent condition. Call 8:00 A.M. Church School Worship Dty - Ssrmon: did, although the more expe­ 'Tragedy and Triumph' After all, why should the state tax bite,” said Lewis. 643-2840. REV. JAMES MEEK, Pastor rienced ones took the left and still Maundy Thursday-Communion 7:30 p.m. 0 and 10:45 A.M. Wonhlp torvIcas/Nunaty .collect the interest over 20 yea rs on Secondly, the state doesn’t have 7:30 P.M. beat the rapids. Choir Festival of Lenten and Eaalar Muale :the money you’ve won. Right? that $1 million you won, at least up Herald photo by Tarqumio TOYOTA, 1981 COROLLA MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:30 p.m. Even still, enough entrants Easter Sunday- Sunrise service with Salvation MONDAY - April 16th ■ Wrong. front. But don’t panic. — Excellent condition. found the water too much to handle Army at Center Park, 1-22 '••y Pnyar Vigil In sanahiaiy - Gambling fever has been run­ “Winnings are actuglly paid Al Skinner of South Windsor found the pray for luck. He and his partner made it Air, 4 door. 25,000 miles. GOOD FRIDAY 6:45 a.m. 0:W P.M. MtaFui-lha Upper Room - TIehals: $3.00 and capsized in the chilly river, $4800. Call 569-0595 before ning high in Connecticut since an through annuities, which the state best way to pass through the rapids on through and went on to finish the eighth Faces o f the Cross - 7:30 p.m. Bible Studies for all ages 0:30 flowing not so merrily down the 5pm. MAUNDY THURSDAY - April IMh aircraft swing-shift worker re­ ‘buys’ from financial institutions You may not find a a.m. 7:30 P.M. Holy Communion stream. Others simply avoided the the Hockanum River was to lie flat and annual event. EASTER SUNDAY cently won $7.8 million in the that submit the lowest bid,” Lewis sousaphone listed among Worship service 10:45 a.m. North snd South Churchsa - Poston current by walking their canoes 1979 HONDA CIVIC — Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m. at R isley Reser­ Johnson, Kroll and Dupaa paitldpal- state’s Lotto game, which has said. the many ads featured Evening celebration 6:00 p.m. Ing around the swift waters. swift waters, but Pranky gave a Before the race began, Watkins Burton Meisner 92,000 miles. Radial tires. voir, Lake St., Manchester. drawn in thousands of people who “ It’s no secret, if we give away in today's Classified sec­ QOOD FRIDAY - April 20th One brave twosome consisted of mighty war whoop as they avoided said the water level had risen E group: 1. Sue Andrette & Scott No rust. AM /FM radio. Breakfast at 8: OO a.m. in Fellowhip Hall The never laid a bet before. $50,000 for 20 years, it doesn’t cost tion, but you can be 7:30 PM. Bsnlca at North Church - Poaton Bill Prandy and Al Skinner. a rock and raced on downstream. almost five inches overnight. The Olsen, 58:32; Brenda & Michael $2500 or best offer. After Body of Believers celebrate the Lord’s resur­ Dupaw Johnson and Kroll portldpat- The would-be millionaires have us that much. That million dollar sure, if there are any for Sunday was the first canoe race the For their efforts, Skinner and morning was chilly, but heavy Beattie. 6pm, til 9pm, 429-3473. rection together. OF THE NAZARENE been asking how the state pays off prize doesn’t cost us a million,” he sale, they would be EASTER22nd pair had ever entered. Prandy finished seventh in their rains held off until after the race. F group: 1. Doris Robotto & Church S(inool Classes for all age;es, 9 :15 a.m. 236 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER and in particular, why they can’t said. there! 9 and 10:4S AM. “ AI called me last Monday and division among 20 entrants. Their The racers had to portage Kathy Scranton, 90:34; Jean 1979 VW SCIROCCO— Air Easter Worship - 10:30 a.m. “ Hle is Risen” All are welcome Neal McLain, Pastor WonMp soivloaa/Nuraary collect all of their instant bonanza Lewis said the state has carried conditioning, AM/FM You'll find lots of un­ said ‘We’re in the canoe race,’’’ time: 74:53. around the dam at Union Pond, and McQuinn & Lynn Hartwell. Dr. Shwhord 8. Johnson preaching in a lump sum. out the practice since lotteries stereo. 77,000 miles. Ex­ For “GOOD NEWS” Every Day, Hanary cora pravldad Family Worship Day - no Church School said Prandy, an East Hartford even that became treacherous. G group: 1. Earle Roberts & usual, hard-to-find items Not to worry, says L. Blaine began in 1973. “ We annuitize large cellent gas mileage. ______Phone 646-0595______»ia>si«ksk|«riM:8Hfoihasmishih|wl>sisusf resident. “ I told him I ’d go out and ANOTHER PAIR of novices was The Eighth District Fire Depart­ Wendy Messenger, 67:40; 2. Peas- listed in the Classified hakihsrrn Lewis Jr., lottery unit chief in the prizes, anything from about $75,000 $4000. Call 742-8965. buy the canoe. We practiced last Al Ricci of Vernon and Gerald ment volunteers had a sturdy, long lee & Jeanne Colston; Richard & Ads. And if you have state Division of Special Revenue, up. (Saturday) night and were ready Keene of Tolland, both of them rope awaiting the racers to help Judy Snarski. an article or two around NORTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH which oversees the lottery and The purchase of an annuity for $1 1975 RABBIT — Runs Ea$ter at to go.” competing in their first canoe race them down the mud-slickened H group; 1. John & Adam Driggs, the house that you have Saint James Catholic Church 300 Parker SL, Monchaalar o t h e r legal gambling in million over 20 years may cost the well. Gobd transporta­ Skinner, a South Windsor resi­ ever. banks and back into the water. The 72:14; 2. James & Shawn O'Dea; felt no one else would 806 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER, CONN. Ife Invite you to cefebrole Hoty ITeek tvith lu. 1984 WELCOME Connecticut. state from $300,000 to $400,000, tion. $475. Call 643-9251. Soaday, April IHh - PALM SUNDAY Apr. 15 MATODY THURSDAY - Wc^WBuchorist dent who coaches tennis at Howell Ricci said they got by the rushing canoeists were rewarded with a James Thompson & Billy Driggs. be interested in, you There are two reasons the state Lewis said. 8:30 A.M. 31il Annual Palm Sunday Hen'a Breakfaat and 7:50411 a.m., 7:55 p.m. - Cheney Regional Vocational Tech­ waters behind Economy Electric, final mile of mostly flat water I group: 1. Rich Malchow & VOLVO, 1970 — Two door might be pleasantly sur­ HOLY WEEK SERVICES Communion The annuities are bid on by Apr. a GOOD FRIDAY-Cantata-7;Mp.m. "PasfhmMS nical School, said they capsized in but two miles from the finish line a paddling with little current to shoot George Grade, 64:43; 2. Paul sedan. Must Sell! Best prised at how many of ^ , Monday (April 16) 7: IS A.M., Speaker, Dr. Clifford Green, Hartford Semi­ R^rracUoa,’ ’ RlUiagi Bmaauel It Hartborcusli numerous firms, including insur­ nary ••••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa their practice run and decided to low-hanging branch claimed him. them along. It was the “ Heart­ Healy & Russ Croft; 3. John Bock & offer. Good transporta­ our readers may be 7:30 P.M. Penance Service - Includlog private Conteidons. Coog. cholfs ers like Prudential and Travelers, 8:45 A.M.-Worrhip. Adult Bible SUidy. Nunery Apr. a -11 PRAYER VIGIL - Friday 5 p.m. - keep trying until they got it right. He caught it in the chest and break Hill” of the race, Watkins Jim Hayes. tion. Call 649-7971. looking for just such an ^ W e d n e sd a y (April 18) 8:45 A.M.-CoHee Fellowship. ^ along with Canadian companies. 7:30 P. M. Tenebrae Service - fmlowed by ConfeMlonf Saturday I p.m. The results were good on toppled into the chilly waters. It said. J group; Eklwin Johansar & Don article' 10; IS A.H.-Worshlp. Church School. Nunery for children Inside Today 'The annuities are paid to the state, Holy Thursday (April 18) 5 years old and younger. EASTER VIOIL/EuCharfot Sunday. was an ignomonious end to a strong Hart, 65:07; 2. John Onthank & a p.m. • 15 p.m. which in turn mails the winners ^ M P. M. Liturgy of the Lord'! Supper (only Mali on Holy w A insday, day, April 20 page*, 2 factions “We stayed afloat," Pranky beginner’s race. THE T O P TH R EE finishers in John Campbell; 3. Dave Malchow Thuraday) 6:30 P.M., Meal f ' —UPPER R(ROOM. Reservations re- Apr. a FESTIVE EASTER WORSHIP their yearly checks. quired. Cost: $4. insisited. “ We got some water in In fact, entering the race was each group were: & Paul Brazeau. 5:M A 11 a.m., nunary at II . 1 In the case of the $7.8 million , „ , Good Friday (April 20) - IMh - MAUNDY THURSDAY Advice ...... 17 the boat, but we stayed afloat.” almost an afterthought for him. A group: 1. John Scoville & Rick K group: Ted Packard & Law­ 1971 GT6 MARK III TRI­ Cal 3:00 P.M. CeIcbraUon of the Lord's Paiilon. To keep the ...... 20 jackpot, a bid of 2.8 percent was UMPH — 6 cylinder. Jolat service at South Unittd Bufinats...... Pranky said he had been driving “ Gerry called me the other day Sagan, 59:33; 2. Robert Nichols & rence Linders, 72; 12; 2. Greg Hoch three sacred hours, there will be a short Prayer Service in M eth o d Church. The Rev. Richard W. Dupee parUdpat- CIcntIflad...... J8-19 accepted, which means it cost the Reasonable. Good condi­ the church at 12:00 Noon, 1:00P.M., and 2:00P.M. past the rapids last year when he and said, ‘I just entered us in the Ernest Linders. & Bruce Hokomb; 3. Steve Aiudi & Herad Iw With Dt- Sherphard Johnson and Dr. Paul V. Kroll. Com­ Comic*...... state approximately $2.1 million, tion. Classic for the 7:30 P.M. Stations of the Cross followed by ConfearidBa. bined choln. Entartalnnwnt...... noticed all the cars and decided to race.’ I said ‘Fine.’’’ Ricci re­ B group: 1. Jeff Dickson & Jeff Mike Gareau. fotlmti said Lewis. sports cor fan. Call 742- Holy Saturday (April 21) GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL MIh DMH.anatafo(B Lottarv...... 2 watch the race himself. He said called. “ Our boat filled up with Krug, 66:59; 2. tean & Chris L group: Keith Wohllebe & Joe 10:00-11::30 A.M. - Sacrament of RecondliawIon (Confet- 7 : » P.M. • Joint service at North United Methodist As for the Lotto game, sales have 7923. Classified aionsl Church. Dr. Sbeptard Johnson and Dr. Paul Kroll partic­ C. Htaiy Aadsnea, ObUuori**...... 10 that he wanted to be in it, and water, but we never went over.” Malone; 3. Ted Cummings & Lee Firetto, 68:05; Paul Zucco & Steve EaMrilM Opinion...... 6 surpassed all expectations, Lewis 8:30am-Sjl0pm 7:30 P.M. Eaiter Vigil Service (only Man on Holy Satur­ ipating with Rev. Richard Dudm. Combined choln. faremi Skinner helped fulfill that wish by Ricci and Keene placed 14th Bogli. Davis; 3. Mark Brazeau li Scott day) - , ^ BAtTERteNDAY Paoplatalk ...... 2 said. Mon-Frl. StavaaP.Sahta entering them only days before the among 21 competitors in their C group: 1. Bob Allen, 59:41; 2. Beatie. FIN D IN G A cosh buyer Wonblp servicea at i:4S A 18:15 A.M. NO Church School. qrmmUf/Chmlrmotttr: $porl*...... 11-14 “We’re very pleased. We’re Easter Sunday Masses (April 22) Cpffn Fellowtiiip between servloei. Nunery will be pro­ ...... race was scheduled. division wit)i a time of 75:29. ‘ Geoff Latsha. M group; Scott Hanson k Brian for sporting goods eoulp- ^30A.H.,9:00A.M..10:WA.M.,U:80Noaa!f(oi:90P.U.on P. Molvhi . Telaviflon ...... s selling almost $2 million a week. 643-2711 Easter Sunday. vided. Rev. Richard DupM preaching. . CkrU E

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.