8A 8A Construction Continues on Andrews Institute (2024)

A W A R One D ● Year W Later I N N I N G 88AA 50¢ July 6, 2006 Panera Bread to

in the State! join Publix Gulf Breeze News center Florida Press Association “Best Overall Graphic Design” BY VICI PAPAJOHN Gulf Breeze News [emailprotected] Inside in Publix Supermarkets offi- PAGE cially announced its lease in 1B the Sea Shell Collections Shopping Center, and rumors abound about tenants in the surrounding area and out parcels. Panera Bread employ- ■ Utilities ees said that the restaurant will grounded on beach soon announce its lease, though official public notice ■ New Pensacola has not yet been made. “Publix moving in to Gulf Beach Resort Breeze is a great thing,” says proposed Gulf Breeze City Manager Edwin “Buz” Eddy. “It is the ■ Bubba’s Beach culmination of three years of work by developers and city Dry conditions spark Plantation Hill fire council members to redevelop positively. It began with the Franklin Hayes/Gulf Breeze News Moulton's land swap of the Area firefighters responded to a brush fire last Friday afternoon. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. No homes or WEEKEND individuals were harmed. Full story on 2A property by the Beach over- Weather pass which opened the door THURSDAY 7/6 for the Andrews Institute. And now the Sea Shell Collections Iso. T-Storms property will be an asset to the high 90O Construction continues community as well.” low 76O St. Ann Church recently sold a 70-foot strip of unused FRIDAY 7/7 land on the southside of church property to the Scattered T-Storms on Andrews Institute Moultons for the construction high 87O of a long wall and landscaping BY LISA NEWELL low 74O between the two properties. Gulf Breeze News “It’s another example of [emailprotected] cooperation which allows for SATURDAY positive redevelopment,” 7/8 A state of the art medical, Eddy says. “Everybody wins Iso. T-Storms training and research facility is with this recent transaction; O getting closer to opening in high 90 funds are generated for the O Gulf Breeze. The lack of rain low 73 ongoing mission work of the this summer is keeping con- church, and necessary proper- struction on the Andrews ty is made available to do Sea SUNDAY 7/9 Institute for Orthopedic and Shell Collections right.” Sports Medicine ahead of Iso. T-Storms In the triangle opposite the O schedule. high 91 Daniel Drive entrance to the Joe Felkner, Senior Vice O shopping center, a two-story low 75 President of Baptist office building and bank are Healthcare, says everything is planned, and there are approx- on track for a December 1 imately 40,000 sq. ft. of addi- opening for the first phase of tional small shop space adjoin- the project, a clinical facility INSIDE ing the 90,000 sq. ft. Publix encompassing an ambulatory anchor building. Classifieds 4-6 D surgery center, imaging center “There is a lot of interest in and rehabilitation, or physical Community 4,5,7A these projects," says Mary therapy, center. The second Crossword/Movies 5B Moulton, vice president of floor of the building will be Editorial 6A Lisa Newell/Gulf Breeze News physician’s offices. See DEVELOPMENT, Pg. 2A6 Entertainment 4,5B The Andrews Institute is expected to open in early December, bringing world class athletes, “The weather’s been weekend warriors and physicians to Gulf Breeze for surgery, rehabilitation, performance Island News 1,2B See ANDREWS, Page 2A6 enhancement, continuing education and research. School News 6, 7 D City to Sports 1-6C offer sewer Talk of the Town 5A GBHS rated ‘B’ for first time in 6 years TV LISTINGS 3B in low-lying BY B.J. DAVIS better than the best. GBHS’s percentage of the lowest quar- “We are going to get them “Mailing Statement is Gulf Breeze News slipping from an “A” score to a tile in learning gains in reading, structured to get them studying on Editorial Page” [emailprotected] “B” score has much to do with this year GBHS scored 46 per- like they need to. It will be areas the scoring facet of “Adequate cent, four points shy of the important to set the groundwork FOUR SECTIONS Although Gulf Breeze High Yearly Progress” (AYP). required 50 percent in improve- for ninth graders to make the BY FRANKLIN HAYES VOL. 5, NO. 24 School (GBHS) dropped a letter “Scoring is getting tougher ment. Ladner feels that the transition easier for them,” he Gulf Breeze News JULY 6, 2006 grade after this year’s Florida and tougher every year,” said answer to rising standards is to added. [emailprotected] Comprehensive Assessment GBHS principal Sylvan Ladner. groom incoming freshmen to According to the Florida Test (FCAT), scores and educa- Although GBHS has tradi- aid in their transition into high Department of Education A plan in the works at city tors are saying it’s hard being tionally scored adequately in the school. hall may give some residents See FCAT, Page 2A6 the option of sewer service by the end of 2006. The City of Gulf Breeze recently received Cyclists conquer first leg of cross country trip a $1 million federal grant for hurricane mitigation that city home! BY FRANKLIN HAYES ever been on is about 30 miles officials plan to divide among Gulf Breeze News … so this should be quite an several needs, including sewer [emailprotected] experience,” Norberg said. service for low lying areas,

your Norberg will be departing two 5,000 gallon fuel tanks Gulf Breeze High School from Jacksonville on June 14 and stormwater pump genera- alumnus Michelle Norberg will with 29 other young adults from tors. bicycle from Jacksonville to across the country. The group According to a memo from San Francisco this summer with will be traveling for more than city staff, residents on Beach Bike & Build, a nonprofit orga- two months and will spend a Road, McLane Road, Eufuala nization that mobilizes young week in New Orleans doing a Avenue, portions of Highpoint people to raise money and blitz build to help the area Drive and North Sunset awareness for the affordable recover from Hurricanes last Boulevard may have the Call 932-8986 today Call 932-8986 today housing cause. All together, the year. In order to participate in option for sewer service by team of 32 participants will ride the trip, each rider must raise at this fall. City Manager Edwin 3700 miles, and build houses 11 least $4,000 to help fund stu- “Buz” Eddy said that under Enjoy your community paper community your Enjoy mailed directly to mailed directly days out of their 75 day trip. dent-led affordable housing Franklin Hayes/Gulf Breeze News this program, homeowners “I started biking about a year efforts nationwide. From left, Laura Bishop, Mike Luciano and Kevin Davidson ago, but the longest ride I have See BIKE, Page 2A6 rest after biking from DeFuniak Springs to Gulf Breeze. See SEWER, Page 7A6

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 2A July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS No one inj ured in Today, July 6 Santa Rosa Island Authority Committee Meeting, 5 p.m., SRIA Santa Rosa County Zoning Board of Adjustments, Plantation Hill fire administrative office, 1 Via De Luna, 5:30 p.m., Commissioner's Board Room, 6495 Caroline Pensacola Beach BY FRANKLIN HAYES called, and that the fire depart- from Gulf Breeze Fire and Street, Milton Gulf Breeze News ment was on the way,” Rescue were in route in less than Thursday, July 13 [emailprotected] Livingston said. three minutes. Friday, July 7 Santa Rosa County Commission As neighbors scrambled to No meetings scheduled as of press time Gulf Breeze Firefighters Regular Meeting, 9 a.m., A voluminous plume of smoke their phones to call authorities, arrived first on the scene and Commissioner's Board Room, 6495 was visible from Pensacola Bay tree care specialists David established an incident command Saturday, July 8 Caroline Street, Milton when a wooded lot in the Whitley and Ronnie Simpson structure to quickly subdue the No meetings scheduled as of press time Plantation Hill subdivision noticed the column of smoke rapidly combusting vegetation. The Santa Rosa Quilt Guild will caught fire Friday, June 30. The while on their way to Pensacola “The first person on the scene Sunday, July 9 meet on Thursday, July 13 at 9:30 a.m. in lot, encircled by Plantation Hill Beach. Several residents com- the fellowship hall at St. Paul United No meetings scheduled as of press time Road, is north of the subdivi- mented that the arborists were takes control and begins to devel- Methodist Church, 4901 Gulf Breeze sion’s retention pond, contains crucial to keeping the fire from op a plan of attack. A fire doubles Parkway. A program on preparing for and approximately 1.5 acres of natur- spreading as they advised neigh- in size every 60 seconds, so we Monday, July 10 attending Large Quilt Shows (specifically al vegetation and is surrounded bors to turn on their sprinkler sys- have to act quickly in order to Membership Committee Meeting, 8 a.m., Gulf Houston, TX and Paducah, KY) will be pre- by homes on three sides. The tems and keep a watchful eye. counter act that growth,” said Breeze Chamber of Commerce conference room, 409 sented by Anita Heady and Gail Gentzel. cause of the blaze is still under “They just jumped right in Gulf Breeze firefighter Casey Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze Everyone interested in quilting is invited to attend, regardless of their level of expertise. investigation, and there were no with chainsaws. They really are Martin. Santa Rosa County Commission Committee For further information call 939-5196 injuries. The fire was contained Good Samaritans,” said Rob Escambia county Firefighters Meeting, 9 a.m., Commissioner's Board Room, 6495 before any homes were severely Butner, who also said the fire attacked the blaze from an empty Caroline Street, Milton damaged. department had done an excellent lot west of the wooded area, Same Time, Same Place Ann Livingston’s home is one job extinguishing the blaze. while Gulf Breeze firefighters The South Santa Rosa Writers meet each sec- of several on Plantation Hill Firefighters and paramedics Tuesday, July 11 closed in from the north and No meetings scheduled as of press time ond and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Road that border the vacant lot. from Gulf Breeze Fire and Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 7810 Navarre Parkway, Midway Fire District personnel Livingston said she noticed Rescue, Midway Fire District, Navarre, west of Highway 87 adjacent to the Lewis smoke around 1:30 p.m. while Escambia County and the Florida advanced from the east. Wednesday, July 12 Funeral Home. working in her office that over- Division of Forestry responded to All together three fire engines, Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Gulf For further information, contact Nancy at (850) 936- looks her back yard and the the emergency call placed at 1:33 one from each department and Breeze City Hall, 1070 Shoreline Drive, Gulf Breeze 6889 or email [emailprotected]. wooded property. p.m. and subdued a majority of one quick attack pumper from the “I called 9-1-1 and they told the fire by 1:45 p.m. According Gulf Breeze Department me my neighbor had already to dispatch reports, apparatus responded to the call. FCAT: County shows improvement DEVELOPMENT: Vacant Delchamps Continued from page 1A site could soon be redeveloped (FDOE), The Florida Continued from page 1A across from Whisper Bay on center, which struggled to find Comprehensive Assessment Test Highway 98. tenants after Delchamps, then (FCAT) is the primary measure Moulton Properties, "from both “We are actively marketing Eckerd, closed. of students’ achievement of the local and regional businesses. the site,’ says Moulton. “We are Efforts are ongoing to place a Sunshine State Standards. We expect to open full in the looking for the right retail stop light on Highway 98 at the Student scores are classified into fall of 2007, probably opportunity.” entrance to the shopping center five achievement levels, with 1 The building has been vacant and Whisper Bay which would November." being the lowest and 5 being the since Hurricane Dennis severe- provide safe access and make highest. Schools are awarded one Outside city limits, Moulton ly damaged the roof, forcing out the shopping center, theater and point for each percent of students Properties is also actively work- tenants Niki’s Pizza and The Club more accessible. who score high on the FCAT ing to redevelop the old Martinizing Dry Cleaners. The “I’m sure things will move and/or make annual learning Delchamps shopping center, two businesses were the last forward positively,” says gains. Santa Rosa Shopping Center, two remaining in the shopping Moulton As for GBHS, writing perfor- mance was the primary reason : for the slip in letter grade with a ANDREWS Opening set for December total of 94 percent proficiency. However, in addition to that facet Bay Devil Rays, and the The Research and Education we have been able to maintain “These scores, in my opinion, Continued from page 1A of scoring, schools are required to Washington Redskins and con- Institute will attract doctors and our standing with some improve- come from dedicated teachers show an increase of at least 50 sults with many others teams, ment,” said Emerson. According who are will to go above and extremely cooperative,” said executives from medical equip- percent in improvement. Gulf athletes and their physicians. to Emerson, at the beginning of beyond,” she said. Felkner. “Morette’s doing an ment manufacturers to demon- Breeze Elementary scored 70 excellent job keeping construc- The second phase of the pro- strate surgical techniques. the NHS 2005-06 school year, 50 For a second year, a science percent in this AYP putting them to 60 percent of the ninth and section was implemented within tion on track.” ject, an athletic performance “Physicians will come here well above the requirements. tenth graders were in levels one FCAT testing. According to The Andrews Institute, a pro- center and research and educa- from all over the country,” for Gulf Breeze Middle School and two in reading or math. FDOE officials, next year school ject of Baptist Healthcare, is tion institute, is expected to open this type of training, Felkner scored 77 percent, up seven Those students were placed in grading in science will begin expected to attract world class Feb. 1, 2007, in time for gradu- said, because of Dr. Andrews’ points from last year. Both remediation programs and the after what they consider “field athletes for “prehab,” or pre- ating college seniors to come reputation plus the world class schools received an “A” grade for results show that only 41 percent testing” with the subject. surgery therapy, surgery, rehabil- down for training before the facility being constructed, “and the 2006 FCAT. of the current ninth graders and However, schools still have the itation, and performance National Football League com- you’re at the beach,” he added. In Navarre, reactions to scor- 32 percent of the current tenth opportunity to view the scores to enhancement. The facility takes bines occur in March. “That’ll be big for the hospi- ing were mixed. graders will need remediation for prepare for official scoring. “The athletic performance its name from famous orthope- tality industry locally,” Felkner “An initial reaction to this FCAT next year. “If you look at our fifth grade center will offer programs for dic surgeon Jim Andrews, M.D., said because many of the year’s FCAT results may not be “It took hard work by our stu- science scores, you will find out elite athletes all the way down to who is renowned for his surgical patients will stay in the area to entirely positive,” said Navarre dents and staff to make those that we scored extremely well. In skill in sports medicine. Dr. weekend warriors,” Felkner complete surgical rehabilitation. High School (NHS) principal Bill gains. It would not have hap- fact, from the data I have, we Andrews is affiliated with the said. Executives from the Felkner said the Andrews Emerson. “It appears that NHS pened otherwise,” said Emerson. score number one in [Santa Rosa, institute and is expected to Andrews Institute are in contact Institute will also offer molecu- slipped in tenth grade reading and Reading scores were addition- Escambia and Okaloosa divide his time between this with many different athletes lar analysis, a high-tech writing while improving slightly ally on the rise for Holly-Navarre Counties],” said Bagley. “HNIS facility and his home base in from many different sports to in tenth grade math. The ninth approach to nutrition that ana- Intermediate School (HNIS). has 75 percent of our fifth grade Birmingham, Ala. Meanwhile, schedule team activities or indi- grade results appear to show an lyzes an individual’s needs and “This year our overall reading students scoring at or above local surgeons affiliated with Dr. vidual program. increase in reading and a one- scores showed that an average of grade level. This year’s state tailors an eating and supplement Andrews are already being “We’re engaged in some pret- point decrease in math.” Emerson 90 percent of our students are average was 35 percent.” schedule to enhance the body’s assembled and seeing patients in ty significant conversations with also feels the effects of ever-ris- scoring at or above grad level,” Santa Rosa County has main- performance level. the various office sites while professional athletes. I can ing standards, but feels NHS has said HNIS principal Debbie tained an overall “A” score for construction on the new building almost guarantee some big These three components: clin- been able to stay ahead of the Bagley. “This is an increase of the past three years with 73 per- is underway. names” will be coming to ical, athletic performance and curve. about two percent from last year.” cent of schools in the district “Dr. Andrews has significant Andrews for surgery or perfor- research and education make the “Overall, I look at the fact that Bagley contributes the increase to receiving an “A” score for 2005- relationships in many sports all mance enhancement, Felkner Andrews Institute unique. the FCAT standards are always the efforts of the faculty. 06. over the country, whether it’s said. “Sport wise, it’s wide open. “You’re not going to find any- on the rise. In spite of this fact, clinically related or educational- We’ll have a turf field outside where that has these three pro- ly,” Felkner said. Dr. Andrews is for football, baseball … it’s not gram components,” Felkner the team doctor for the Tampa just one sport specific.” said. Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Report BIKE: Youth learn about housing needs Information provided by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. FELONIES 2100 block of Register Lane, W/M, 3100 block of Lynn Drive, ticipating in the triathlon. hand the affordable housing need Navarre, sexual assault Navarre, DUI and property dam- Continued from page 1A 6/26/06 age “I started running and biking in this country and meet with Burge, Thomas Wayne, 37, 7/01/06 “The money we raise for the when I met Josh because he was local officials and community W/M, 2200 block of Kerra Lane, Schiavo, Bobby Dale, 26, W/M, 6/27/06 trip goes toward our food for the a runner,” Norberg said in refer- Navarre, violation of probation 5500 block of Hummingbird Court, Bobenrieth, Keneth John, 37, members along the way. Gulf Breeze, burglary ride, and also the continuing mis- ence to her Southern US Bike & W/M, 9600 block of Parker Lake Based in New York City, Bike 6/27/06 Circle, DUI and serious bodily sion of Bike & Build,” Norberg Build 2005 teammate Joshua & Build is a non-profit organiza- Petty, Ian Nathaniel, 22, W/M, 7/02/06 injury to another said. “Being from the Gulf coast West. tion that encourages young 3200 block of Fernwood Drive, McLaughlin, Karen Danette, 37, region myself and having seen “Bike & Build is an innova- Gulf Breeze, violation of probation W/F, 8100 block of Calle Mio, 6/28/06 adults to address the country’s Navarre, insufficient funds check the hurricane damage first hand tive organization that encourages Correa, Christopher Ramon, affordable housing crisis through 6/29/06 over $150 20, W/M, 1600 block of Stanford makes this trip and its cause that young adults to get involved in Gray, Scott Joseph, 23, W/M, organizing cross-country bicycle Road, Gulf Breeze, DUI much closer to my heart. I am the affordable housing cause in 7300 block of Blackjack Circle, Mathis, Daniel Jason, 32, W/M, trips. Trip participants support Navarre, violation of probation 4300 block of Lisa Court, Gulf 7/01/06 looking forward to not only bik- an exciting way. Our riders are Breeze, possession of a controlled the affordable housing cause Haynes, John, 52, W/M, 2100 ing across the country and con- motivated and driven to succeed, Kemper, Cheryl Lynn, 32, W/F, substance without a prescription block of Jeannie Street, Navarre, through fundraising and building 2600 block of Hidden Estates, structing homes, but also spread- and these are just the type of DUI ing the word about the affordable young people we need leading efforts. Since 2001, Bike & Navarre, fraud less than $50,000 Rabren, Jennifer Louise, 29, W/F, 4300 block of Lisa Court, pos- Build has contributed $442,804 Taylor, Samuel Sulden, 40, housing issues that exist all over the way to eradicate poverty Lowers, Randall Scott, 42,W/M, session of a controlled substance to housing groups to fund pro- W/M, 2600 block of Weeping this country” said Norberg. “I housing,” said Executive 1600 block of Lahaina Court, Gulf without a prescription Willow Lane, Navarre, DUI can not think of a better way to Director Amelia Hanley jects planned and executed by Breeze, contracting without certifi- cation Schiavo, Bobby Dale, 26, W/M, spend my summer and am count- The program offers five trips young adults in the US, and 7/02/06 motivated over 200 young adult 5500 block of Hummingbird Court, ing down the days until we begin each summer all departing from Wolf, Kevin, 27, W/M, 2100 Gulf Breeze, burglary Lake, Celestia Harris, 53, W/F, this adventure.” cities on the Eastern Seaboard volunteers. For more informa- block of Seagrape Drive, Navarre, 700 block of Mound Circle, Gulf Norberg has been a swimmer and ending in four West Coast tion, visit violation of probation DUI Breeze, DUI since before she started middle destinations. On bicycles, the 18 www.bikeandbuild.org, or call 6/30/06 6/25/06 Benson, Jeremy Charles, 23, school, and recently began par- to 25-year-olds will see first- (718) 599-5925. McLaughlin, Walter Kirk, 48, Tuskan, Veronica, 40, W/F, W/M, 7000 block of Flintwood W/M, 3300 block of Highway 87, 3200 block of Cypress Lane, Gulf Street, Navarre, DUI Navarre, sexual assault, lewd and Breeze, DUI lascivious behavior Steckley, Justin Matthew, 25, 6/26/06 W/M, 5700 block of Government www.gulfbreezenews.com Cudney, David, Lloyd, 26, W/M, Brashear, Michael Dean, 47, Drive, Gulf Breeze, DUI

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 3A Faith Gulf Breeze NEWS Camp Happy Sands makes a comeback

BY ANITA DOBERMAN Church. It was eventually participants. Alice Dillard, Special to Gulf Breeze News turned over to the Episcopal camp director, praised the staff [emailprotected] diocese of Florida in 1966. efforts and tireless work. During this time, Jones “I want to acknowledge my Few community efforts to worked with Ila Roose for the staff for their invaluable work,” provide recreation for low- City Recreation Department income families are as success- and together they made plans to said Dillard. “Especially Chris ful as Camp Happy Sands. start Happy Sands. They met Grier, our everything man with- Located across from Johnson’s with the bishop of the out whom we could not operate Beach, on the Gulf Island Episcopal Diocese of Florida the camp.” Grier has been with National Seashore, the camp who agreed to fund the camp. the camp for several years and offers activities five days a In the following years, several serves many functions, includ- week as the result of a partner- churches became involved, ship between local churches, ing being a life guard. including St. Francis Episcopal “It was very difficult to find volunteer efforts and donors’ Church, St. Anthony Catholic a life guard,” explained Charlie support. Church, Lutheran and Baptist When Hurricane Ivan com- Church who offered financial Roose. “We are so lucky to pletely destroyed Happy Sands support and a bus: all while have Chris.” Dillard commend- in September 2004, the camp providing lunch for the chil- ed Mary Rankins, craft director had been in operation for over dren. Directors of the camp for 18 years, and Miss “J” for 38 years and served more than came from different churches their time and dedication to the 5,000 children. While the camp and support expanded across children. physically ceased to function, denominations. Camp Happy Sands partici- those who started it fought to Jones continued to help with pants who were present at the bring it back. the camp until she started hav- On Saturday, June 24, their ing health problems and even- ceremony showed their enthusi- efforts and hard work were rec- Submitted Photo tually passed away in 1991. In asm. Asked whether she likes ognized during the re-dedica- Camp Happy Sands participants and supporters filled the newly named “Ila Roose” pavilion 1978 the camp land became the camp, Nadiera, an attendee, tion and blessing ceremony for during the re-opening following renovations after Hurricane Ivan. part of Gulf National Seashore, answered, “I have a great time the new facilities. Participants and an agreement was reached here. I love to swim and make greater Pensacola area.” his wife Brenda Roose now port the camp. celebrated the success of com- so that the staff could continue new friends.” munity partnership and efforts - Ila Roose, Charlie Roose’s manage Happy Sands, Inc. with “We could not be here today to use the camp for children of Since its inception, the camp hallmark of what kept the camp mother and Gulf Breeze resi- a six-member executive board. without the help of our friends low-income families. was the result of ecumenical going for so many years. dent, was honored during the Sponsors, friends and guests and supporters,” said Roose. “It To attest to this long partner- During the ceremony, Gulf ceremony when the pavilion filled the seats of the new Ila took a lot hard work and ship, Nina Kelson, Gulf Island efforts and community support; Breeze resident Charlie Roose, was dedicated to her. Mrs. Roose pavilion. The Rev. prayers to rebuild Happy Sands National Sea Shores deputy, it is this same effort that Happy Sands Executive Roose had been instrumental in Canon Mark Dunham blessed but we succeeded.” spoke at the celebration. brought it back after Ivan. At Director, thanked those present the creation of the camp. the facility and expressed his At the gathering, Roose “We are thrilled to have Happy Sands, kids swim twice Charlie Roose recounted how enthusiasm for the event made recounted the beginning of for their support. Happy Sands’ new facilities a day, do arts and crafts projects “It was a long and difficult his mother had originally possible by the generosity of Happy Sands. In the early and happy to continue one of named the camp. supporters. In attendance were 1960’s, Corrine Jones had the and gain knowledge of wildlife. road to keep the camp going. the longest and successful part- They hear from speakers about After Ivan, it was impossible to “There was a lot of sand and members from Gulf Breeze idea of creating a camp for low- nerships here on Gulf Island natural surroundings and dis- find a contractor,” said Roose. she wanted to make the chil- United Methodist Church income children while walking National Seashore,” said cuss the importance of protect- “But we persisted and had a lot dren happy, so she thought of Women’s Group, Gulf Breeze on the sound side of Johnson’s Kelson. calling it ‘Happy Sands’.” Mrs. Presbyterian Church, St Francis Beach in Perdido Key. Jones of support from individuals and Members from the board of ing the environment while Roose who was director of the of Assisi Episcopalian Church raised funds and purchased the local churches. Today, we are directors were also present at learning about plant and animal camp for 20 years retired in and many others who donated land, which she then gave to her able to offer camp activities for the celebration together with identification, playing games 2002, and Charlie Roose and time, money and efforts to sup- church, St. Cyprian Episcopal over 130 children from the camp staff and several camp and listening to music. GB First Baptist has ‘ Global Focus’ GBUMC to host On May 6, First Baptist served in backpacking ministry Church Gulf Breeze held a at Big Bend National Park and Leadership Summit kickoff party celebrating Global Guadalupe Mountains National Focus. For the past year, mem- Park. He has some great bear Gulf Breeze United provides those with leadership bers had prepared for this event. stories to tell. Methodist Church will he host- abilities and responsibilities an Missionaries were contacted From Michigan, Nick Ruffer, ing the only venue on the Gulf unchanging space in the min- from our neighborhood, across pastor of Highland Community Coast for The Leadership the nation and around the Church was presented. They Summit 2006, Thursday - istry year to grow a leadership world. Right in this area, Tad started this church and the Saturday, August 10-12, where core that is dedicated to help- and Kathy Ramey are devoted growth is incredible. participants will gather to gain ing change their church, com- to church planting in Navarre. Terri Milhollin through the inspiration for the potential of a munity, and even the world. In Century, Pastor Irvin International Mission Board better reality. Experience the Summit live Stallworth has started a new represented East Asia. She is Expert communicators and via satellite at GBUMC, one of church. Sheila Green is with the working in a large urban city leaders including Bill Hybels, Christian Women's Job Corps building relationships with peo- Andy Stanley, Jim Collins, more than 130 locations across who's purpose is to reach young ple and telling them about Patrick Lencioni, Bono and North America. mothers and help them achieve Christ. We had several mission- others will provide break- Closer to home, satellite a GED, computer training and aries from Indonesia. This through ideas and inject fresh locations are ideal for larger develop a relationship with country has been devastated by motivation into your leader- teams with affordable pricing Jesus Christ. Sandy and Trish natural disasters. People here ship. Toomer joined the celebration are eager to hear about Jesus. and ease of travel. Submitted Photo The Leadership Summit representing Mission Aviation Keith and Tracy Richards states, “We all take hits in lead- There’s still time to register. Fellowship. He is a pilot and work in Southern Thailand. Laura Harrison leads the KidzConnect children's program. Here, even the kids are involved in missions. ership. We all get shaky.” Groups of 10+ can attend for as mechanic flying mission trips They have four school age chil- That’s why every 12 months into Ecuador. The Baptist dren. You might think they are low as $165 per person at all retelling events in their life that trip to Peru will take place. In the Willow Creek Association Builders Association was repre- missing out on American cul- satellite locations! Special dis- many just read about in adven- 2007 they’ll kick things off with gathers leaders for one event to sented by Randy Creamer. ture, but the kids were eager to ture novels. a trip to Israel (including a day help get redialed, recalibrated, counts are also available for Their efforts rebuild homes go back! The last participants Do you want to take part in in Greece and Turkey). First and recentered. students, faculty, and active after disasters. were Marvin and Linda Leech, hands on experiences to places Baptist Gulf Breeze - taking Each August, the Summit military personnel. From Yosemite National retired from the Pacific Rim. around the world? First Baptist Jesus across the street and Park, Steve Hughes shared his They are not sitting back Gulf Breeze is taking Jesus to around the world. current mission assignment rockin'; they work with Mexico on July 29. In You'll have adventures like “Crossway Tribe of Jesus.” This Unreached People Focus mobi- November, a mission group will you read about! is and Adventure Wilderness lization, specifically in travel to Indonesia. In Call 932-2207 for more Ministry in the park. He also Indonesia. They are fascinating December, the church’s second information. St. Francis of Assisi VBS a ‘ Treasure’ BY BETTY ALLEN ARCHER they would eat. Each day they Gulf Breeze News learned more about expressions [emailprotected] of God’s love in the world. The vigor, laughter, love and song June 19-23 was the week of of VBS spread throughout the Vacation Bible School at St. church and parish hall. Francis of Assisi under the The morning began and leadership of Jackie ended with prayer. At the Manderson. The theme of the beginning of the day, the chil- week was “Son Treasure dren composed a prayer, each Island; Where Kids discover contributing what he or she the treasure of Gods Love wanted to say to God that through the Bible.” morning. Their words were The kids rotated from class simple but spoken from the with Joy McLaurine and Susan heart. Moore to snack with the volun- At the Sunday service the Check out our... teer of the day to a day at the Submitted Photo children shared many of these ● JEWELRY ● LOTIONS & SOAPS beach with Caitlin Sacco and Children who attended St. Francis’ Vacation Bible School songs with the congregation. ● and OTHER GREAT ITEMS! Elizabeth Kenworthy. started each day with a treasure hunt, the theme of this year’s They were aided and abetted by Each morning fifteen to six- program. the people who had helped (850) 934-0492 teen children and six to eight ● them all week; Jean Gibson, M - F 10AM - 6 PM SAT 10 AM - 5 PM adults arrived ready for another The children appeared to be anticipate the games they ● full of energy and enthusiasm would play, the things they Sara Lee Menzer, Jackie, Joy Harbourtown Suite 27 day of “looking for treasure.” 913 G.B.Pkwy. ● Gulf Breeze, FL for the day’s activities and to would make and the snacks and Bonnie Candella.

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 4A July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS Community Gulf Breeze NEWS Christian Surfers bridge gap between beach, God skateboarding accident nearly a BY FRANKLIN HAYES Franklin Hayes/Gulf Breeze News decade ago. Christian Surfers Gulf Breeze News organizer Buck Waters said the [emailprotected] contest will be “a wonderful Pensacola Christian Surfers community event with free announced last Thursday With their toes in the sand drinks and food.” that the Matt Martin Surf and their hands in God’s work, As an outreach program, Contest has been resched- Pensacola Christian Surfers is uled for Aug. 19. Pensacola Christian Surfers is no stranger an outreach program that brings Christian Surfers meet every the Gospel to places that brick to good causes. According to Thursday on Pensacola and mortar churches may over- Waters, the group eagerly has Beach, west of the pier look. taken over where the Calvary underneath their signature “We are a bridge between the Boardriders left off, conducting dark blue tent. Despite rela- beach and God. God takes care local events and international tively calm surf, approxi- of everything and we are just the missions. mately 25 Christian Surfers tools,” said long-time Pensacola “The fire was never out from of all ages showed up to Beach surfer Mark Anderson. their work and Christian Surfers praise God and fellowship. Now in their fifth year, kind of picked up where they Meetings also include an Pensacola Christian Surfers can left off,” Waters said. “This is a inspirational message by be seen lending a helping hand practical application of Christ. various guest speakers. in a plethora of events, every- Kids today need to hear a prac- feature a screening of the to Waters, Pensacola Christian thing from GraceFest to the tical message to help them Skateboarding film Surfers is not under the jurisdic- Matt Martin Surf Contest. After avoid the landmines of life. The “Kaleidoscope,” skateboard tion of any particular church. being delayed due to lack of kids aren’t always seeking the demonstration, best trick con- “At any given event, there surf, the Matt Martin Surf church. The church needs to test, live DJ, testimonies from could be around 25 local Contest has now been resched- seek them and repackage the athletes and a message from churches represented. Where uled for Aug. 19 on Pensacola message to reach them.” Ben Cerullo. you go to church is not really Beach, weather permitting. The In addition to the Matt Martin Christian Surfers is a local emphasized. It’s a small compo- contest is sponsored by Surf Contest, Christian Surfers chapter of the national organiza- nent of what we’re doing. The Innerlight Surf Shop, and all is currently promoting a local tion Christian Surfers United big draw is serving the commu- proceeds benefit the Matt stop of the Reveal Tour States, and the international nity. Our members are looking Martin Memorial fund, whose September 16 at the Pensacola umbrella organization Christian to do something worthwhile,” namesake was killed in a tragic Saenger Theatre. The tour will Surfers International. According Waters said.

COMMUNITY BRIEFS 916-1979 ● Maritime Park holds pep rally Harbourtown 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy.- Suite 8 John Cavanaugh, Quint vides an informative prosecution, medical and Studer and Nancy Fetterman overview of the concepts and mental health professionals. WILLIAM A. ZIMMERN, JR., M.D. will be holding a Community processes of the Kid's House An abused child referred to Maritime Park Pep Rally mission, including a tour of GCKH can receive care from KAREN A. PENNINGTON, M.D. today, July 6 from 5-6 p.m. at the cheerful, child-friendly the team at one location. This Seville Quarter Heritage Hall. facility. This is a free event "one-house" concept helps to DAVID P. KELLEN, M.D. and refreshments will be ensure that children who are JANICE M. HUDSON, M.D. Gulf Coast Kid's House served. Gulf Coast Kid's victims of abuse will not be holds Healing Hearts tour House is located at 3201 N further traumatized by the JULIE BALTZ, MHS, PA-C Gulf Coast Kid's House 12th Ave in Pensacola. system that is intended to help invites the public to our The Gulf Coast Kid's and protect them. SUSANNE MEANEY, MSN, ARNP Healing Hearts Tour House has a dedicated team For more information or to Thursday, July 13 at 8:30 a.m. consisting of child protective reserve your seat, please call The Healing Hearts Tour pro- services, law enforcement, (850) 595-5800. ● School and Sports Physicals NEWS ABOUT OUR TROOPS ● New Patients Welcome ● Same Day Appointments Cmdr. Karl J. Greene deployed Available Navy Cmdr. Karl J. Greene region and enhance the long- He is the son of Guy and ● has deployed to eastern Africa term stability in the Horn of Jeanelle Greene of Greenview Admits to Gulf Breeze to serve as member of the Africa as part of the Global Drive, Hospital Combined Joint Task Force- War on Terrorism by using Griffin, Ga. His wife, Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) unconventional methods to Lynn, is the daughter of at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti combat terrorism. Tasks Charlie and Jean Popikas of Tel: (850) 932-2203 as part of Operation Enduring involve working with citi- Longwood Circle, Gulf Fax: (850) 934-0050 Freedom. zens, governments and securi- Breeze. Greene graduated in 2896 Gulf Breeze Parkway CJTF-HOA includes ser- ty forces to help improve eco- 1979 from Griffin High Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563 vice members from all nomic opportunity, promote School. branches of the U.S. military stability and security, and cre- and allied coalition partners. ate an environment that deters Together they detect, disrupt transnational terrorists from and defeat transnational ter- operating in the Horn of rorist groups operating in the Africa.

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GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 5A Community Gulf Breeze NEWS From Welcome Wagon to Gulf Coast Friends The Gulf Coast Friends Rosa Animal Shelter and Water Girls that meets on Wednesday (GFC) began as a Welcome Front Mission Women’s Shelter mornings at 8:30 a.m. at the Gulf Wagon and evolved into the The club has two social Breeze Presbyterian Church largest civic/social club in the events a year; one in December gym. It is a fun group of ladies area. It is not only the largest but and one in the spring. The (men are welcome too) who it has also spawned two other Christmas dinner and dance will want to exercise and have fun civic/social clubs. How did this be on December 15 at the doing it. Age is no limit, the happen? I met with two delight- Pensacola Yacht Club and anoth- group ages range from 53 to 84 ful ladies, Joan Strange and Gail er social event will be held in the years young. These girls also Welch, at the Tea Time spring. accept gigs for entertaining Restaurant to learn the answer to And that is the saga of how groups. They have performed this question. this Club began as a Welcome this past year at the Bay Breeze The club was begun for resi- Wagon and became The Gulf Nursing Home, The Villas in dents who had lived in the area Coast Friends (GFC) and grew Gulf Breeze and the Homestead for less than two years. In 1989, to become the largest Village and the Methodist the local Welcome Wagon civic/social club in the area. Wesley Haven Retirement Representative, Linda Home in Pensacola. They also Radomski, met with Vickie Gail’s Girls did a “gig” for Gulf Coast Walden, Judi Purcell and Marion Betty Archer Allen/Gulf Breeze News You want to learn to line Friends (GIN) in January. Gail Soper at the Bay Window Deli Gulf Coast Friends officers, from left, Peggy Hipple, 1992-3; Barb Borik, 2000-1; Louise dance or maybe just have fun Welch is the instructor and you (no longer in existence) to dis- Rosinski, 2004-5; Gail Welch, 2005-66 and Kathy Andrews, 2006-7. The total officer slate for watching someone else perform- can contact her at 291-5024 to cuss organizing a newcomers 2006-2007 include Kathy Andrews, President; Dottie Antis, first Vice President; Peggy ing? Gail Welch is some one you join our fun group, or just drop club. Hodges, Second Vice President; Peggy Gaertner, Secretary and Alice Hall, Treasurer. need to get to know. She leads a by the gym. At that meeting the four line dancing group called Gail’s ladies decided to have a coffee ber who moved out of the Gulf on October 3, 1989 at the home Breeze area the option of of Judi Purcell. They placed an remaining a member. In May of article in the Sentinel (the local 2003, Interfaith Ministries of newspaper at that time) inviting South Santa Rosa County was REMA the ladies who had resided in the N selected to replace Manna Food FI Gulf Breeze, Midway, Navarre, Bank as the on-going charity. Navarre Beach and Pensacola With rapid growth in the Gulf Termite & Pest Control Beach area for less than two By Betty Archer Allen Ed.D Breeze area, by 1995 the ladies “To The Rescue Since 1977” years. The purpose was to deter- in the Holley by the Sea, clubs to contribute to national continued for April and May. mine the feasibility of forming Navarre and Navarre Beach area charities. The new club mem- Then in September 1991, the Gulf Breeze of a Newcomers Club. There formed a sister club, Emerald bers did not want to be forced club decided to have an “Annual was indeed enough interest at Coast Woman’s Club. Their first 932-9288 ! out of the club after two years Craft Fair”. The first fair was the October coffee to proceed. meeting was September 1995. and they preferred any contribu- held on the general meeting date So these ladies held a luncheon GCF’s immediate past president, tions be given to local charities. in November. The craft fair on November 9, 1989 where Ann Seager, attended the meet- In June 1990, the group dropped proved to be tremendous fund- they adopted The National ing to install their officers. the national affiliation with raiser and continues the present Welcome Wagon Club’s bylaws, In January 1996, several Welcome Wagon, adopted new day. The first two years, this collected dues, elected officers members of Gulf Coast Friends bylaws and gave birth to the event was held at Tiger Point and gave birth to “The Welcome were instrumental in the forma- “Gulf Coast Friends.” The GCF Country Club. The third fair was Wagon Club of Gulf Breeze.” tion of yet another club, Gulf held an election of officers in held at the Holiday Inn, Navarre Twenty-one ladies joined the Isle Neighbors. Gulf Coast November and an installation in Beach. The following year it new club that day. Friends is proud that from the December. was moved to the Holiday Inn, In the beginning, monthly establishment of one club there One of the first order of busi- Gulf Breeze, where it remained meetings were held at the are now three organizations ness for he newly elected until the year 2000. In 2001, the Holiday Inn, Gulf Breeze or serving the community. MLS# 298298 President, Jan Mayo, was to rec- fair location was moved to New Tiger Point Country Club. Membership in Gulf Coast ommend that the club fiscal year World Landing in Pensacola. Eventually Tiger Point Country Friends has grown to over 240 be changed to September More than 50 club members $395,000 Club became the club’s perma- members with 18 special interest $395,000 through May with a summer worked to ensure its success nent meeting facility. In April groups which consist of Bunco, Dennis W. Remesch break. The membership voted to with 321 ladies in attendance. In the club selected the Manna Poker, Pinochle, Bridge, book Cell: 850.384.7607 accept the change and all board order to raise additional funds in Website: www.denrem.com Food Bank in Gulf Breeze as the discussion clubs, a travel club members agreed to serve for 18 1996, they held a raffle and a clubs on-going charity. and a supper club. The general Email: [emailprotected] months to accommodate the recycled book sale at each gen- Members brought canned goods meeting is now held at the New change. eral meeting. or donated cash for this charity World Landing on the second Until 1990 the GCF was pri- The club has grown in num- at the general meeting. Thursday of each month. The marily a social club with the ber and made changes to keep up In April, 1990 the newly meeting includes an entertaining exception of the monthly Manna with the times. In October 1996, formed club learned more about program. So they have fun along Food Bank donations. The annu- Gulf Coast Friends membership the parent clubs rules and regu- with providing numerous ser- al dues covered expenses and voted to delete the two-year res- lations. They found that the vices to the community. there were no fundraisers. But idency requirement and in National Welcome Wagon Club The craft fair held once a year in March 1991 they started a October 2000 the bylaws were rules only allowed membership is GCF biggest fundraiser. All White Elephant Sale that was also changed to allow any mem- for two years and required local the crafters are members; how- ever, the public is invited to attend. Tickets go on sale in September. The fair will be held this year on November 9 at the New World Landing. As of June, Gulf Coast Friends has donated over $78,000 to the community. The charities chosen for this year’s approximately $8,000 donations include Good Samaritan Clinic, Gulf Breeze Library (audio tapes and large print books), Navarre Library, Hospice of Northwest Florida, Salvation Army, Gulf Coast Kids House, Favor House of South Santa Rosa County, Santa

Submitted Photo “Gail’s Girls” entertains a group at the New World Landing. The “Girls” meet on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at the Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church gym.

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www.gulfbreezenews.com (850) 932-8986 GULF BREEZE NEWS 6A July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS Opinion Gulf Breeze NEWS On the Spot:

P.O. Box 1414 913 Gulf Breeze Parkway Harbourtown Unit #35 Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 WHERE WE PUT PEOPLE “ON THE SPOT” TO Office: (850) 932-8986 ANSWER A QUESTION “ON THE SPOT.” Fax: (850) 932-8794 By Franklin Hayes www.gulfbreezenews.com

2004 Florida Press Association “Better Weekly Newspaper What is your opinion on Award” Winner of: ★ Overall Graphic Design emergency response times in ★ Individual Graphic GBN locks down with GBFR ★ Sports Picture I consider myself to be a Gulf Breeze and Midway? pretty competent person, and I love to try new things, but I Publishers’ found myself totally humbled and incapable when I volun- Pen teered to ride with the Gulf "They're always on the ball Breeze Fire and Rescue on when we call them. The fire Saturday night. Vici Papaj ohn department is really fast." CO-PUBLISHERS: I entered Gulf Breeze Fire and Rescue with both excite- were impossibly heavy. refused care, I asked “Does it Lisa Newell -Cheryl Whisman ment and trepidation. I smug- It was made very clear I bug you that a drunk driver Victoria Papajohn Gulf Breeze gled in my favorite pillow, a was not allowed to approach interrupted your sleep?” One EDITOR: change of dry clothes and a fires or administer care, but I of the Explorers said, “No, B.J. Davis determined bravado as I was on board for the night. No ma’am, we’re here for whoev- joined the team for a 13-hour matter what happened. er needs our help.” SPORTS EDITOR: tour of duty. On average, three to four Once nestled back in our Jason Thompson It was life as usual for the calls come in each day, and beds, I quipped “At least y’all volunteer firefighters, and I Murphy’s Law dictates that can sleep all day tomorrow.” STAFF WRITER: was amazed to discover all they will come in during the Every volunteer responded Franklin Hayes they do in support of commu- middle of the night. Our first with job, church or family “I work out here [in nity safety and health. call was at 2:50 a.m. and I was commitments which would Midway] and we deal with ADVERTISING SALES: Immediately upon my arrival I literally stumbling around the keep them awake and busy on EMS and the fire department quite a bit.” Robyn Philips was introduced to my “bunker bunk room trying to remember Sunday. And on top of that, Pam Randall gear,” or protective gear, and how to pull up my fire pants GBFR answered more than was taught to put on and oper- while the rest of the team was five calls for accidents, emer- -Karen Canady Pensacola OFFICE MANAGER: ate my emergency breathing already in the emergency gencies and medical calls Karen Murphy mask in case we encountered vehicle. After we arrived on Sunday day for “whoever hazardous or noxious fumes. scene to find drunk drivers needs ‘em.” Neither was easy, and both injured in a car wreck who No matter what. GRAPHICS / PRODUCTION: Nikola Stamenkovich Art Director Summer a patriotic time of year “They're fantastic. I work at CONTRIBUTORS: One of my very favorite things Asbury Place, we have a lot of about summer both at home and calls for ambulances and they Column Writers in Washington , is the prevalence Word from are right on. Midway Fire usu- of the American flag. It seems T. “Bubba” Bechtol ally has it taken care of before that American’s fly their flags Bette Boyle Washingt on the ambulance arrives.” Chuck Randle with pride during the summer Grant Corbin more than any other season. -Rich Johnston Indeed, the colors of the summer U.S.Congressman Jeff Miller Gulf Breeze Nancy Cooey Intern seem to be red, white, and blue. Michelle Stuckey Intern There are many traditions associated with our flag. One of shadow of death, that we might latures believe the flag should be PHOTOGRAPHY: my favorites was found in a mili- see the light of day. The ninth protected. Paul Stefon tary journal titled CAN DO from fold is a tribute to womanhood, Almost twenty years ago the and Mothers. For it has been Supreme Court essentially ruled www.paulstefon.com the Navy Seabee Veterans of “I work [in Midway] too. America, Inc. Have you ever through their faith, their love, loy- in favor of allowing flag burning When we call, the fire depart- noticed how the honor guard pays alty and devotion that the charac- here at home. In a 1989 decision ment normally gets there first.” Member: meticulous attention to correctly ter of the men and women who that overturned 200 years of have made this country great has precedent, the court struck down Florida Press Association folding the American flag 13 times? Like me, you probably been molded. The tenth fold is a all laws that prohibit flag desecra- -Pamela Adams National Newspaper Assn. thought it was to symbolize the tribute to the father, for he, too, tion. Given the misguided Pensacola original 13 colonies, but it turns has given his sons and daughters Supreme Court ruling, the only Gulf Breeze Area Chamber out that the reason behind this act for defense of our country since way we can protect this great of Commerce is much more symbolic and they were first born. The American symbol is through meaningful. eleventh fold represents the lower amending the Constitution. (“2003 Small Business of the Year”) The first fold of our flag is a portion of the seal of King David Opponents of the measure symbol of life. The second fold is and King Solomon and glorifies claim flag burning should be pro- Pensacola Beach Chamber a symbol of our belief in eternal in the Hebrews eyes, the God of tected as an exercise of free of Commerce life. The third fold is made in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The speech. To these individuals I twelfth fold represents an emblem would argue that burning the flag Pensacola Chamber honor and remembrance of the of eternity and glorifies, in the is not a form of constructive Still ‘in one peace’ of Commerce veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for Christians eyes, God the Father, speech but an act of physical Following Hurricane Navarre Tourist the defense of our country to the Son, and Holy Spirit. The assault. The American Bald Eagle Katrina, I've spent more than LETTERS TO Development Council attain peace throughout the thirteenth fold, or when the flag is is another great symbol of nine months in a hotel room, world. The fourth fold represents completely folded, the stars are American pride and freedom, yet 500 miles from home; and one THE EDITOR Gulf Breeze News is committed our weaker nature, for as uppermost reminding us of our shooting one of these magnificent of my greatest regrets is that I to accuracy and wants to hear American citizens trusting in nation’s motto, In God We Trust. birds is illegal, even in the name didn't find out about Harry's from you if we need to make a God, it is to Him we turn in times After the flag is completely of free speech. America is the passing until yesterday...thanks correction or clarification. of peace as well as in time of war folded and tucked in, it takes on freest country in the world, and its to a yahoo search...and finding This is after a $200 increase Please email us at for His divine guidance. The fifth the appearance of a co*cked hat, citizens have the right to express "Bubba's" article online in the last year and an $800 increase [emailprotected] fold is a tribute to our country, for ever reminding us of the soldiers dissent in myriad ways. GBN. the year before that. My month- with the subject line in the words of Stephen Decaur, who served under General Exercising one’s right to free Be sure to tell "Bubba" of ly payment is now about 50/50 CORRECTION or Our Country, in dealing with George Washington, and the speech by destroying one of the my gratitude for how he vivid- meaning 50 percent of the CLARIFICATION. Or, call other countries, may she always Sailors and Marines who served very icons of that right need not ly expressed such fond memo- check I send to the bank each (850) 932-8986 during be right; but it is still our country, under Captain John Paul Jones, be one of them. ries of my great and dear month covers taxes and insur- office hours and ask for right or wrong. The sixth fold is who were followed by their com- For more than 200 years, the friend, Harry Gowens. ance. I feel like there is some- news or sports departments. for where our hearts lie. It is with rades and shipmates in the Armed American flag has been the sym- Thanks, again! I'm...Still in thing wrong with that picture. our heart that We pledge alle- Forces of the United States, pre- bol of our nation's strength and One Peace! As a teacher for Santa Rosa Gulf Breeze News is published giance to the flag of the United serving for us the rights, privi- unity. It's been a source of pride Buddy Mathis County, I know that my annual weekly on Thursdays for $30 States of America, and to the leges and freedoms we enjoy and inspiration for millions of cit- Gulfport, Miss. pay increase will not come per year by Gulf Breeze News republic for which it stands, one today. izens. Today it is a reminder of close to $1000. How can I Publishing, Inc. Periodical Nation under God, Indivisible, For Americans, the flag is a times of crisis when American’s Insurance payment make up the difference? Is the postage paid at Gulf Breeze, increase leaves few insurance industry trying to run Florida. USPS # 021819. with Liberty and Justice for all. prideful representation of the have persevered though wars and The seventh fold is a tribute to our blessings that have been attacks on our soil. It is a sign of choices the common man out of Sorry, no refunds on subscrip- Generally, I am not one to Florida? I would hate to leave tions. POSTMASTER: Please Armed Forces, for it is through bestowed on our country. It the strength and resolve of the the Armed Forces that we protect reminds us that freedom isn’t and American people who have lost complain, (okay, I complain but my home, but if I can't afford to send address changes to insure my home, what other our country and our flag against hasn’t ever been free and that it is loved ones for the ideals symbol- it doesn't usually get me any- Gulf Breeze News, P.O. Box choice do I have? What can all her enemies, whether they be our obligation to share our bless- ized in those 50 stars and 13 where). I received my new 1414, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562. "We The People" do about this? All content is copyrighted found within or without the ings and promote freedom to all stripes. The American flag recog- State Farm homeowners insur- 2006. Advertising rates are boundaries of our republic. The corners of the world. The vast nized throughout the globe as a ance policy in the mail yester- Mike Rodgerson available upon request. eighth fold is a tribute to the one majority of Americans, 80 per- symbol of hope, justice, freedom, day which had a gut wrenching Gulf Breeze who entered into the valley of the cent, and all 50 of our state legis- and democracy. $1000 increase over last year.

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 7A Community Gulf Breeze NEWS Fire departments maintain readiness during drought Midway Fire Gulf Breeze Fire and trains for success Rescue prepared and course that covers fire service BY FRANKLIN HAYES hydraulics and apparatus oper- Gulf Breeze News ations. committed [emailprotected] cially the fourth Tuesday of each Explorers must be 18 to enter In addition to learning the BY VICI PAPAJOHN science behind the equipment month. building fires, but they may be To some, there may be mis- Gulf Breeze News they use, firefighters must Gulf Breeze Fire and Rescue fully qualified prior to that. conceptions about what hap- cency in their job, knowing [emailprotected] hone their driving skills during was the first in Santa Rosa coun- "We hope these ladies and men pens when firefighters and exactly what to expect day in the certification. Although the ty signed off by the Medical go on from Explorers and chose a paramedics are not responding and day out at their place of large vehicle handles much Saturday morning the Fire Director to administer LMA, career in public safety," says to calls. We’ve all seen movies work. Then, there are those better than expected, the tran- Station on Fairpoint Dr. was spic laryngeal mask airways, in the Carmichael. "They perform a and TV shows where on duty who work in emergency sition from civilian automo- and span, despite department case of cardiac arrest. great service to their community fire-personnel lounge on sec- response. bile to 40,000-pound fire involvement in fighting a brush The department is made up of and they enjoy a close cama- ond-hand couches waiting for “My strangest calls were engine is like going from rid- fire in Plantation Hills behind 39 firefighters including an aver- raderie as well. This is a great the emergency call siren to probably while I was still ing a donkey to riding an ele- Andrew's Institute Friday after- age of 10 to 12 Explorers accord- group of kids with excellent train- break their monotonous watch. working in Escambia County,” phant. Imagine the small two- noon. ing to Carmichael. ing and a great commitment to Fortunately for the people said firefighter/emergency door sedan from driver’s ed "Every foot of hose from the Explorers meet Thursdays, for their community.One benefit to of Midway, that is not how the medical technician James replaced by a 32 foot, 20 ton pump truck was used," explains three hours. Training includes them is that they see up close and Midway Fire District does Madarena, who has been with fire engine. In one exercise firefighter Jim Custred. "And official Firefighter 1 and First personal what drinking and dri- business. The professional Midway Fire for nine months. called the serpentine, opera- every inch that goes out, has to be Responder Emergency Response ving can do. And I’m sure they’ll firefighters assigned to both “We responded to a call where tors had to weave the lengthy scrubbed clean and laid out to dry training, and many choose to tell their peers, too.” stations in the district, station a man with no pants and no apparatus through cones in front of the blowers before they attend PJC for EMT qualification. one at 1322 College Parkway shirt on had tobacco stains all spaced several feet apart with- are returned to the trucks." and station two at 1801 over his chest. He told me he out knocking them over and The same is true for all tools Abercrombie Road, participate was John Lennon. I had anoth- without using brakes. That used and bunker gear, or personal in continuous training rou- er call where a lady told me was the easy part. Then drivers protective equipment. On Friday tines, programs and exercises that Jesus came to her that day. had to repeat the process in night, that meant 1,200 ft of 2.5" dvantage to provide optimal services to She was dancing all around in reverse using their mirrors to hose along with special forked their customers: the citizens of her yard and told everyone that guide them through the cones. fire rakes, saws and claws which southern Santa Rosa County. she had a 150-year-old angel ppraisal Easier said than done. were cleaned, oiled and back in A inside of her and she was A “Firefighters must constant- “There is constant retrain- their storage spaces within the ly train to be proficient in their dancing for Jesus,” Madarena ing of old skills occurring on a trucks, ready for the next call. S E R V I C E S craft. Some folks believe fire- said. “In those situations, the daily basis,” Chief Demeter Sheriff’s Office will come and Everything has its place and the ❖ Residential AA fighters only squirt hoses, said. “Since many of the skills order remains the same day in, Property Appraisal however modern firefighters take them to Lakeview or the a firefighter needs are psy- day out. are highly skilled in many E.R. to have a medical exami- ❖ Experienced in the Patricia “Tish” Leahy chom*otor in nature, it is neces- "Response must be routine in areas of firefighting,” said nation.” Luxury Home Market State Certified sary to maintain proficiency the event of an emergency," says Midway Fire Chief Steven While not every call can be ❖ Residential Real Estate Appraiser by actually practicing those Casey Martin, firefighter. Short turn-around RD 3862 Demeter. on the job entertainment, skills on a regular basis.” "Training is continuous, both Currently, several members every call is equally important. ❖ Unmatched client Demeter also said his new updating current procedures and of the Midway Fire District During the week of June 21 service and follow-up (850) 936-8217 firefighters are required to reinforcing existing ones." team are undergoing a certifi- through June 28, Midway Fire complete the 160 hour According to Fire Chief Shane cation process to enhance their District responded to 40 calls, Hazardous Material Carmichael, firefighters meet at knowledge of firefighting 27 of which involved para- Technician Certification, least two hours once each week techniques. The certification medics providing life saving which is considered voluntary on Tuesdays, with training on the program, referred to as services to members of the by the Florida State Fire Apparatus Operations southern Santa Rosa commu- first and third Tuesday. College. Certification, is an 80-hour nity. Equipment checks are performed Some people enjoy compla- after each fire or rescue and offi-

at Gulf Breeze

· 110 Bed Assisted Living/Retirement Community · Locally Owned and Operated · Home Cooked Meals · Linen and Housekeeping Service · 24 Hour Staff and Security · Activities Program Conveniently · Respite & Day Care located in the heart of McCullough Plastic Surgery hosts open house Gulf Breeze 934-1061 Pam Randall/Gulf Breeze News behind Members of the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber of Commerce joined E. Gaylon McCullough and staff for the plastic surgery office’s Cancun’s www.villasgulfbreeze.com grand opening last Thursday. McCullough Institute has offices in Gulf Breeze, Biloxi, Miss., Montgomery, Ala., Gulf Shores, Ala., Tuscaloosa, Ala., Birmingham, Ala. and Destin, FL. Restaurant AL#9664

SEWERS: City to charge for hookup Continued from page 1A a new septic tank installation As for the remaining grant usually averages between funding, city officials plan to “Buz” Eddy said that under $2,000 and $3,500. However, install two 5,000 fuel tanks at this program, homeowners for low- the South Santa Rosa Utilities would pay $4,500 to be con- lying areas System (SSRUS) field opera- nected to the sewer line. close to the tions facility, located behind Max Jordan, a 47-year resi- water, state Gulf Breeze Ford on U.S. 98. dent of Gulf Breeze, says he law requires U-Fuel Inc. is building the may opt to connect his proper- homeown- tanks at a cost of $82,815. ty to the municipal sewer. ers install a According to Eddy, the tanks A Wynnestorm Company Jordan said his septic tank was mounded will store separate supplies of crushed when contractors septic tank. gasoline and diesel fuel for the worked to level his Ivan-dam- These tanks, city’s back up generators. Locally Owned & Operated aged home on Beach Drive, built into an Jordan “This will help us be more and is considering the cost of elevated self sufficient with fuel. installing a replacement system mound of During Ivan it was a real has- 3035 Westfield Rd #3 versus connecting to the dirt, are designed to get septic sle, and this will help,” Eddy municipal sewer system. runoff away from the high said. Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 “Count me in at $4,500, water seasonal table. A repre- This project also includes that’s a bargain,” Jordan said in sentative with Thompson’s four generators for SSRUS Phone: 850-934-6040 reference to the city’s connec- Septic Inc. in Pace said a new wastewater pumps, four gener- Fax: 850-934-0057 tion charge. Jordan also added, mounded systems vary in cost ators for municipal wastewater “I have two properties out between $8,000 and $12,000, pumps and one generator to [emailprotected] here, so that would be a good depending on environmental supply power for half of the deal.” permit requirements. South Santa Rosa County A representative from Eddy said that a little over Recreation Center. Hinote Septic Tank half of city residents currently Installations in Pensacola said use municipal sewer services. For ALL of your BROADBAND Needs

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 8A July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS

Second hurricane in 10 months hits July 10, 2005 was relief. BY LISA NEWELL “First of all, of course we Gulf Breeze News wanted the beach air show to [emailprotected] take place on the 10th or 15th,” Lee said. However, the booking Just when we thought we had agents for the US Navy Blue our ticket punched for the hun- Angels flight team scheduled dred-year storm and it was safe the show for the Fourth of July to rebuild and resume our nor- weekend. mal day-to-day lives, Gulf “It was a double whammy. It Breeze residents got a reality would have been nice to spread check in the form of Hurricane them out,” Lee said, because Dennis. Island businesses, trying to “It doesn’t quite work like recover from Hurricane Ivan in that,” said Don Chinery, Santa 2004, needed two big tourist Rosa County Public weekends rather than one. Information Officer. “You never “July 10th came and Dennis know where it’s going to go. hit, and we said, ‘thank God we Submitted photo You have to hope for the best Above, on Pensacola Beach, a lifeguard stand was destroyed had the air show the same week- and prepare for the worst.” by high winds from Hurricane Dennis, a category four storm end as July 4,” Lee said. Dennis formed from a tropi- that made landfall July 10, 2005. Some say that what Ivan did- cal wave that moved westward n’t destroy, Dennis finished off. from the coast of Africa on June “The back side is what got 29, 2005, eventually strengthen- us,” Lee said. “Once it passed, ing to a hurricane that passed the intracoastal and bay washed over Cuba before taking aim at up on Pensacola Beach. The Northwest Florida. businesses and homes that Dennis made landfall on weren’t hurt by Ivan pretty Santa Rosa Island between Gulf much got destroyed.” Breeze and Navarre on July 10, Dennis, a large but fast mov- after intensifying to 143 mile ing storm, brought widespread per hour winds and dropping 37 destruction to the mainland as millibars in pressure. The storm Good Shepherd Lutheran School finished well. the year in the 90th percentile nationally on its most recent Iowa Basic Skills test. weakened to 120 mile per hour “It came through pretty fast; This is the fifth consecutive year. Good Shepherd Lutheran School seeks to pre- winds and 946 mb of pressure it didn’t linger like Ivan,” pare a student for a responsible role in the community through intellectual, moral, Buck Lee, just four weeks physical and spiritual development in a caring, ethical, Christ-centered environ- Chinery said. into his job as General Manager ment, which is supportive of both the child and family. Dennis put a halt to the for the Santa Rosa Island Good Shepherd provides small classes with a focus on an individual education recovery process from Authority, said his first thought plan for each student. The school is proud to serve the community with a quality Hurricane Ivan. Submitted photo when he heard that Dennis was education. “It set us back another year, High winds from Hurricane Dennis ripped the facade off For further information regarding the school, please contact us at aiming for Northwest Florida South Harbor condominiums. Scaffolding erected to repair (850) 932-9127 or visit our website-www.goodshepherdgulfbreeze.org. damage from Hurricane Ivan collapsed and fell on the Pensacola Beach Visitor’s Center. 932-9127 4257 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 or maybe two,” Lee said. the National Hurricane Center Carole Bayer was one of the website, the American many local residents who Insurance Services Group esti- worked to restore their homes mates the insured property dam- from Hurricane Ivan damage, age in the United States at only to see their work undone in $1.115 billion. Based on a dou- one day by Hurricane Dennis. bling of this figure to account “We had worked so hard to for uninsured property damage, get back in our home following the total U. S. damage estimate the damage from Ivan. And, for Dennis is $2.23 billion. Ivan, as you well know, wasn’t “I’ve been to three hurricane an easy storm to recover from. conferences this year,” Lee said, It was the enormity of the dam- where many different scenarios age from Ivan I think that really were discussed. “It’s hard to say made it so tough for us,” Bayer it could have been worse, but it said. “You couldn’t go any- could have.” where close to get away from it. Chinery says storms are Then after six months of living unpredictable. within it and working towards “It’s a reminder that every- getting back to our home only to body has to be ready,” he said. have the top of it blown away by Hurricane Dennis, well, it was Lisa Newell/Gulf Breeze News Tornadoes spawned by Hurricane Dennis felled many trees in devastating. the area. According to information on HURRICANE PROTECTION Long term recovery group Featuring: StormStorm pools community resources WindowWindow to bring programs to the atten- expanded to encompass resi- Protection CDAC offers free tion of local leaders and their dents affected by Hurricanes Protection, Co. hurricane stress related publics. One such pro- Dennis and Katrina as well. For TM LOW COST gram is Project Recovery pre- now, the program will be avail- LOWCOST counseling sented by Community Drug and able through December 2006, HIGHHIGH Alcohol Council (CDAC) Inc. but Honea is optimistic that BY FRANKLIN HAYES QUALITY The program offers free coun- their contract will be extended No Broken Windows after Hurricane Wilma! QUALITY Gulf Breeze News seling to residents of Escambia, to meet the needs of future dis- [emailprotected] Lab Impact Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and asters. Walton Counties, and offers a According to literature pro- TestedLAB The Santa Rosa County Long variety of mental health ser- vided by CDAC, residents must to Repel Term Recovery Organization IMPACT vices to assist children, meet one of the following crite- Lets in lots of light! Looks great! (LTRO) met recently in their Lets in lots of light! Windborne teenagers and adults with hurri- ria to qualify for this free ser- Customers should request proof of: TESTED continuing effort to align vice: ✔ Debris in cane related post-traumatic ● Independent certified lab impact testing resources and share information Daily interruption of nor- ✔ ✔ TOREPEL to assist the community in dis- stress. Product liablity insurance Media coverage Wind Zones “We want to help people with mal abilities ✔General liability insurance ✔Business licenses aster recovery. The organiza- ●Abnormal levels of anxiety, 1,WINDBORNE 2, 3 & 4 stress related problems cope ✔Easily self-installed by homeowner tion was coordinated by FEMA depression or stress with storms. We can help people ✔ (Winds above 140 mph) in response to Hurricane Ivan. ●Increased substance abuse Outstanding customer service DEBRIS with a whole gamut of prob- ✔ The organization, which ●Decreased ability to man- Customer testimonials & references www.storm-stoppers.com lems, everything from severe meets every third Tuesday, is age relationships in a construc- depression to substance abuse,” currently an amalgamation of tive or non-violent manner FREE QUOTE Mike Moran CDR, USN, Ret county officials, church leaders said CDAC Executive Director ●Children with school and various non-profit organi- Gail Honea. “We have a really Storm Window Protection, Co. behavior or attendance concerns An Authorized Storm Stoppers® Retail Dealer zations such as United Way and great group of people who are ●Children with emotional Red Cross. good at outreach. [Interested challenges “This forum’s working right residents] don’t have to come to Residents interested in get- 850850-- 221221- 8024 now. We’re bringing together all us, we’ll go to them,” Honea ting involved with the Project EMAIL [emailprotected] the facets of the community and said. Recovery are encouraged to call I think it’s a great forum,” said Honea explained that the pro- (850) 434-2724 or visit with window sizes or I will be Stirling Boomhower, adminis- gram was initially designed to CDAC’s website at trative coordinator for LTRO. focus on victims of Hurricane www.cdac.info. glad to come and measure. One function of the LTRO is Ivan, but its scope of work was

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com Inside: TV Listingsnew! 3B Entertainment 4, 5B Crossword 5B Sudoku 5B Seniors 6B

Section B GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006

Bubba’s Beach Island utilities go six feet under BY B.J. DAVIS in place to further protect the utility Gulf Breeze News from the elements. [emailprotected] “We’re building them so we can T. “ Bubba” Bechtol access them easily,” said Erickson. Gulf Power officials say under- According to Erickson, only trained ground utility placement on Pensacola professionals are able to repair the Beach is on schedule to place their underground utilities in the event of an power lines six feet under. outage and with the limited space in “The project is on schedule. There which the utilities are encased, such as Ties ! are actually two phases to the project, in Downtown Pensacola, this task is and work on Via de Luna will begin very difficult. In order to mitigate that I have been watching the soon,” said Gulf Power spokesperson difficulty, the utility on Pensacola World Cup Championships. Lynn Erickson. beach will be designed so that workers Now, I don’t totally under- The two-and-a-half mile project can fix problems through a series of stand soccer and don’t want to from the hub of Pensacola Beach to Ft. flush-mounted entries. Erickson learn much about it, but any Pickens is scheduled to take six explained that this process makes it Bubba will watch the World months, then work will begin placing easier to find issues with the line, but Championships of Anything! the power utility under each street it’s not as easy for workers to simply Any sport where the ball along Via de Luna. patrol a line to find a problem. hits you in the head on purpose “The purpose of this project is to In addition to the comprehensive is just stupid to me! Lots of place all the existing primary overhead process of burying a utility, officials little men with big legs, little circuit underground from the hub of are looking at ways to utilize the natur- alligator arms and yellow Pensacola Beach to Ft. Pickens,” said al terrain to use to their advantage. cards – it’s a hoot. How can a Webb Electric project manager Danny “We’re doing a lot of things to miti- team be “offsides” when Webb. Webb Electric is the company gate the effects of being on a coastal everyone is moving? If teams contracted by SRIA to perform the pro- area. We’re also trying to use the sand don’t “huddle up” and they ject. According to Webb, the six-month dunes as natural barriers around regula- ain’t got cheerleaders, it ain’t a project is complex because of the tor stations,” said Erickson. sport to Bubba! simultaneous roadway work along Ft. The project is going to cost just over Now, ‘Lishous is different. Pickens Road. $4 million and include an additional She was a big-time athletic According to Erickson, area resi- hero in high school soccer. running of the underground utility from dents felt the affects of power outages the sewage plant on Pensacola Beach While she played fast pitch during hurricanes; however she said down Via de Luna. However, instead of softball and actually joined the that the underground utility is more the lines being placed entirely under- boy’s weight lifting team, soc- than just for the threat of storms. ground, they will be buried beneath the cer was her sport. She loves it. “Under normal conditions, if you side streets off the arterial thorough- She actually played in a local don’t have a storm surge, some of the adult soccer league until one biggest causes for outages are lighting, fare, which numbers 45 crossings. day when she pulled a ham- trees and animals. There are a lot of Erickson said a factor in deciding string and walked funny for six good reasons, its not just aesthetics,” exactly how much utility is placed months. She discovered she she said. The entire above-ground underground has to do with economics, was way beyond those high electric infrastructure was completely and Gulf Power will give an estimate school years, a bit older and a destroyed after Hurricane Ivan and on whatever length is requested. As for bit slower. severely damaged by Hurricane Dennis the cost-effectiveness of underground She was a goalie. Now less than a year later. utilities, Erickson said the cost can be goalies are weird folks, they anywhere from three times the amount Traditionally, underground utility is Paul Stefon/Gulf Breeze News don’t wear the team uniform, buried along roadways using a system of above-ground utilities and up. don’t have a number assigned of conduits that house the wiring. “It really depends on the project,” to them and wear big Mickey Because of the nature of the water table Erickson said. With new developments, Workers for Webb Electric dig trenches along Ft. Pickens Road to place the Mouse gloves that you could- on Pensacola Beach beginning only six underground utility costs are absorbed existing power underground. The project will take approximately six months to n’t pick up a basketball with! feet from the ground surface, an addi- by the development as a whole, then complete and cost $4.1 million. They look like cartoon charac- tional cement casing, or vaulting, is put passed along to buyers. ters that just escaped from a net! This, of course, fits her perfectly! But that is not the point of this article. While watching the World Cup, (sounds like a extra large athletic supporter, don’t it?), I became disgusted at the American Team. Not only were they not ready to play at this level, they didn’t even score a goal until the fourth game and they lost that one! I was sitting on my couch, beer in hand, trying to under- stand what they were doing running around out there and when the game ended in a tie, the American team began to celebrate! Now you don’t have ABOVE: to fully understand any game SRIA to see plans for 3-pphase resort the pro- to become appalled at a tie posed game and one team celebrates BY LISA NEWELL soon as approval can be done,” for the upscale resort. Pensacola it! Gulf Breeze News Shawn Keenan, assistant trea- “It’s going to be a lot differ- Beach What happened to the good [emailprotected] surer for American Fidelity, ent from the Holiday Inn Resort will old American Spirit of win- which owns Little Sabine Inc., Express,” Keenan said. offer 620 ning? I would have been more The developers of a resort on said. One of the later phases rooms. When complete, Pensacola includes a proposed water impressed if they had gone the site of the former Holiday LEFT: the over to the winning team, Inn Express were expected to Beach Resort, will offer 620 theme park on the sound side of resort will shook their hands and said, present conceptual plans for a hotel rooms, heated pools, the property. be built in “thanks for the butt whipping,” three-phase project for approval whirlpools, a pool bar , spa, fit- Architects for the project are three took their medicine and went to the Santa Rosa Island ness center as well as 20,000 Adache Group Architects, Inc, phases. to the locker room. But Authority Wednesday night. square feet of meeting space. A the firm that also designed Franchise hasn’t been designed Portofino Resort. Submitted NOOOOO, they stood out “We’re going to start it as artwork their and hugged each other until they looked like a bunch of gay men at a Love Fest! Americans don’t celebrate Beach kids learn cultures at VBS ties! Children from the Pensacola Americans don’t rejoice Beach Community Church and when they don’t win! the beach community enjoyed a Americans can take a loss, and week of learning in our Casting a tie is a loss to Bubba! It ain’t Vacation Bible School, about a win, so whatever else it is, it five different countries of the Net s is not a thing to jump up and world – their cultures, customs, look stupid for. and even a few words of the I say change the rules, play language. off the ties with free kicks or Chuck Randle Katie Collins, head butts on the goal post, but Superintendent of the Sunday don’t let ties happen to grown were served by Marilyn Jesus which make a difference School, served as leader for the men on worldwide television, McDonald and Tracey as they are applied to our lives. week. Delicious foods from the especially American men! I Pinkston. The theme, “Jesus The last day, always a fun day, Submitted photo various countries were enjoyed don’t care if they meet at the Makes a World of Difference,” found the children enjoying the Kids have a great time on an inflatable water slide during by most of the children, and shared the various teachings of water slide and obstacle course. Vacation Bible School at the Community Church. See BUBBA, Page 2B6

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 2B July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS GULF BREEZE NEWS

Game Day at Our Lady Our Lady of the StAnnGulfBreeze.org for Assumption Mission, more info. Pensacola Beach announced Sunday, July 16 – 9:45 events: a.m. Mass Sunday, July 9 – 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, July 19, 10 Mass a.m.-2 p.m. Game Day Party Monday-Friday, July 10- to benefit Pensacola Beach 14, 9 a.m.-noon – “Stories Elementary. $15 admission by the Seashore” VBS/Day to play Bridge, Canasta, Camp. $30 per child, spaces Mah jongg, Bunco, board limited. Call (850)932-4215 games and more. RSVP: or visit 934-2845.

Lisa Newell/Gulf Breeze News Violet Varns is one of the many people who gladly take Submitted Photo your toll at the Bob Sikes Friends gathered on the 65-ft. “Island Spirit” last weekend with Captain Chuck Nichsolon at bridge. She’s been on the job the helm to celebrate his daughter Brandy’s 24th birthday. for four months. BUBBA: Celebrating a tie is a crock Continued from page 1B the game of soccer under their game.” What a stupid concept want winners and not wimpy 57 yard line circle and fight it wing and created this PC tie … just run around and get all children that think a “tie” is out with leg kicks to each others thing. I used to say that soccer sweaty, then go have pizza! OK? heads, anything but a tie! was a game for boys and girls Soccer moms, wake up, your I’m just glad I didn’t grow up Geeeze! that can’t make the basketball, children are celebrating TIES! with this attitude. I would have I won’t become a soccer fan baseball or football teams. But Do you want this to carry over never amounted to anything in for this reason. Play to win. Can I gave it a watch, a chance, an into their careers? Do you want life! you imagine a football game even opinion, however now I’m them to think that a tie is a win? What a crock – celebrating a with no goal line, a basketball more convinced of it than ever. Are you afraid they can’t take tie game! I’m going to have game with no goal, or a tennis After all, they have to have a losing and grow from it? Don’t another beer and cut my wrists! match with no net? The sport that “winning is not you believe that losing builds Just thought you’d like to Politically Corrects have taken important, but how you play the character at times? Don’t you know... Webcams keeping eye on beach A picture may be worth a spectives of the beach and the thousand words, but a picture of beach restoration. These two the beach is priceless! cameras can be viewed at Imagine watching the beach Corbin’s www.navarrebeachphotos.com . live from anywhere in the To me, the cameras are fasci- world. This is possible, and all Corner nating; they are great devices you need is an Internet connec- that give us the ability to keep tion. tabs on the world. Many tourists Webcams are becoming Grant Corbin love them, especially when it’s extremely popular all around snowing outside and you have the world, and believe it or not, labeachtoday.com) the image One is a stationary camera that the ability to see a live image of this area is loaded with cameras. updates every ten seconds and points west providing a great a place you’d much rather be. There are cameras that send shows the hustle and bustle in view of the beach. The second All of the area cameras can an image to a web server every front of Peg Leg’s, road con- camera is a movable robotic be viewed on couple seconds, and cameras struction and the beach. I plan to camera that periodically moves www.PensacolaBeachToday.com. that broadcast a live streaming add more cameras soon around and gives many different per- video. Webcams can be used to Pensacola Beach. promote tourism, security, aid Navarre Beach also has its surfers in checking surf condi- fair share of cameras. There are tions, to name just a few of the a total of three cameras on many uses. Navarre Beach as well. These There are a total of three cameras have been extremely webcams on Pensacola Beach popular during their beach alone (to my knowledge), and restoration. Mike Martino, Your agent for 45 years. more will appear soon. owner of the Eco-Beach store has a webcam that has been As many of us probably Mr. Dot Waldon know there’s one on top of the operational for almost a year South Harbor condo that some- now, providing residence and 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. times airs live on Channel 3 tourists with a great view of the Harbourtown, Suite 42 News. This camera also sends beach and the beach restoration Gulf Breeze, FL an image to a web server every project. This camera can be Grant Corbin/Gulf Breeze News 932-9394 once and awhile which can be viewed at www.navarrebeach- This webcam, located at Peg Leg Pete’s, is the first of more Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there® viewed on the Internet. webcams.com . that will be added to assist visitors and locals alike on what is Piercam is an amazing cam- Kenny Wilder has two web- happening on the beach. State Farm Insurance Companies ● Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois era. It is a movable live camera cams at his Belle Mer condo. stationed at Tiffany’s and broad- casts live video of the Pensacola Beach Pier during the day, then turns and shows a live video of the pavilion during the night hours (www.piercam.net). CONFLICT RESOLUTIONS Just recently, I installed high quality camera at Peg Leg Pete’s presents for my website (www.pensaco- Training in Mediation DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, COUNTY COURT AND/OR A COMMERCIAL MEDIATOR?

The FLORIDA SUPREME COURT COUNTY COURT MEDIATOR PROGRAM is scheduled for July 13th - 14th & 15th. Registration and payment is required by July 6th, 2006. The next COMMERCIAL MEDIATOR'S CLASS is scheduled for Crossword Answer July 21st & 22nd, 2006. Registration and payment is required by July 13th, 2006. This is your opportunity to learn the art of mediation and build your market and we also provide pre-filing mediation in divorce EEOC cases and other conflicts. To register for one or both classes- Call Al Tarvin at: (850) 626-22700, Fax: (850) 626-77040, or e-mmail: [emailprotected] . To learn more about mediation visit our web site: www.mediationicm.com

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 3 B


PRIME-TIME TV / A WEEK AT A GLANCE MOVIES Thursday, July 6, 2006 AABC BCBS DPBS EFOX CNBC A&E ABCFAM COM DISN E! ESPN HBO LIFE MAX MTV SPIKE TBS TNT USA Master of Big Brother 7: Community That ’70s My Name Is The First 48 ››› Willy Daily Show ››› Tarzan Demi Moore: MLB Baseball ›› Alien vs. Cheater’s ››› Spider- Making the CSI: Crime MLB Baseball ››› The Law & Order: :00 Champions All-Stars (N) Show ’ Earl (CC) Detectives in- Wonka and (1999, Musi- The E! True St. Louis Car- Predator Club (2006, Man 2 (2004, Band 3 ’ Scene Inves- Cincinnati Mummy Special Vic- 7 :30 (N) ’ (CC) (CC) Food for That ’70s The Office ’ vestigate a the Chocolate The Colbert cal) Voices of Hollywood dinals at Hous- Lucky Louie Drama) (CC) Action) Tobey Making the tigation ’ Reds at At- (1999) Bren- tims Unit Thought Show ’ (CC) stabbing. Factory Report Tony Goldwyn, Story Ex-Brat ton Astros. “Pilot” ’ Maguire, Band 3 ’ (CC) lanta Braves. dan Fraser, “Honor” ’ ’ (1971, Fanta- Glenn Close, Packer be- From Minute Kirsten Dunst, From Turner Rachel Weisz. Grey’s Anato- Rock Star: This Old So You Think The Office The First 48 sy) Gene Mind of Men- Minnie Driver. comes the Maid Park in Lucky Louie Caught in the James Franco. Making the UFC Un- Field in At- A mummy Monk Monk :00 my “A Hard Supernova House (CC) You Can (CC) Double homi- cia (CC) ’ “Kim’s O” Act (2004, ’ Band 3 (N) leashed has amnesia. ’ Wilder, Jack (CC) highest paid Houston. (CC) lanta. (Subject seeks revenge 8 :30 Day’s Night” (N) (CC) This Old Dance Voting The Office ’ cide. (N) (CC) Albertson. South Park actress. ’ (Subject to Lucky Louie Drama) Lauren Run’s House to Blackout) for a 3,000- (CC) (CC) House (CC) off. (CC) (CC) (CC) Blackout) ’ (CC) Holly. A house- (N) ’ (Live) (CC) year-old curse. (Live) wife becomes ››› (CC) (DVS) “Mr. Grey’s Anato- CSI: Crime Antiques News Windfall Dallas SWAT Whose Line? Mind of Men- Emperor Child Star Lucky Louie a private in- Robots Pimp My Ride The Dudes- Monk :00 my “The First Scene Inves- Roadshow “Money Suspected cia Confidential ’ (CC) (2005) Voices (N) ’ ons (N) Monk Gets Ju- Cut Is the “Tampa, FL” Changers” (N) crack-dealers. vestigator. of Ewan Mc- ry Duty” (CC) 9 :30 tigation Whose Line? Reno 911! American Child Star Cook-Tour- (CC) Wild ’n Out ’ Raising the ›› Dickie ››› The Deepest” “Rashomama” (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Drgn Confidential gasm Gregor. Pre- Roofs (N) Roberts: For- Mummy miere. ’ (CC) News News Soundstage Everybody- News Cold Case The 700 Club Daily Show Zack & Cody E! News SportsCenter Cathouse: Will & Grace Real World- TNA iMPACT! mer Child (1999) Bren- House “Poi- :00 “Garbage” (N) Raymond Files (CC) (CC) (Live) (CC) The Series ’ (CC) Road Rules (N) ’ (CC) Star (2003) dan Fraser, son” ’ (CC) :30 ’ (CC) Sexual tech- David Spade. Rachel Weisz. 10 News Late Show- Everybody- Wimbledon The Colbert That’s So Saturday Will & Grace Hollywood Real World- (CC) (CC) (DVS) Letterman Raymond Update (N) Report Raven Night Live ’ niques. (CC) ’ (CC) Sexcapades Road Rules Friday, July 7, 2006 America’s NCIS “Un- Washington 24 “Day 5: Dateline NBC Biography Whose Line? Daily Show Phil of the Fu- Uncovered: Baseball ›› I, Robot (6:00) ›› (6:45) ›› The The Real CSI: Crime Friends ’ ›› Lara Croft Law & Order: :00 Funniest touchable” Week (N) 1:00PM - ’ (CC) “Robin ture (N) Hidden Lives Tonight (Live) (2004) Will Awake to Ring Two World (CC) Scene Inves- (CC) Tomb Raider: Special Vic- 7 :30 Home Videos (iTV) ’ (CC) NOW (N) ’ 2:00PM” ’ Williams” Robin Whose Line? The Colbert Zack & Cody of Miss USA MLB Baseball Smith. A homi- Danger (1995) (2005, Horror) The Real tigation ’ Friends ’ The Cradle of tims Unit ’ (CC) (CC) (PA) (CC) Williams. (N) Report Boston Red cide detective (CC) Naomi Watts, World (CC) (CC) (CC) Life (2003, Ad- (CC) tracks a dan- Simon Baker, venture) An- Kyle XY The Unit “Se- Open Forum 24 “Day 5: Las Vegas Biography Whose Line? Mind of Men- ››› Mon- Simple Life: Sox at Chica- Hush (2005) The Real CSI: Crime ›› Stuck on Monk “Mr. ’ go White Sox. gerous robot in David Dorf- gelina Jolie, :00 “Sleepless in curity” (CC) July 2006 4:00PM- “The Real Mc- “Chris Farley: cia (CC) sters, Inc. ’Til Death 2035. ’ (CC) Tori Spelling. A man. ’ (CC) World (CC) Scene Inves- You (2003) Gerard Butler. Monk and the :30 Seattle” ’ 5:00PM” ’ Coy” ’ (CC) Reckless (2001, Come- From U.S. Cel- married man tigation ’ Matt Damon. Actor” (CC) 8 Whose Line? Mind of Men- Simple Life: lular Field in The Real Premiere. (CC) (CC) (PA) (CC) Laughter” cia (CC) dy) Voices of ’Til Death deals with an World (CC) (CC) Premiere. John Good- Chicago. (Sub- obsessive for- Conjoined 20/20 (CC) NUMB3RS Bill Moyers News Law & Order American Whose Line? South Park The Soup (N) ject to Black- Deadwood Al- ›› Un- Where My The Shield (:01) Psych ’ man, Billy mer girlfriend. ’ twins star on a :00 “Protest” (iTV) on Faith & “Red Ball” Justice “Mur- (CC) ’ out) (Live) ma opens leashed Dogs At “Bottom Bitch” “Pilot” (Series ’ (CC) (N) (CC) der Online” ’ Crystal. Deadwood’s (CC) (2005, Action) ’ (CC) TV show with Premiere) (N) 9 :30 Reason Whose Line? South Park (CC) Handler Show Celebrity Cher. ›› Under- (CC) (CC) (CC) first bank. Jet Li, Bob Deathmatch world (2003, (CC) ’ Hoskins. ›› Horror) Kate News News Tavis Smiley Everybody- News American The 700 Club South Park Zack & Cody E! News Lucky Louie Will & Grace (CC) Blowin’ Up Blade: The (:10) Na- :00 ’ (CC) Raymond Justice: John (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) Series “Death tional Securi- Beckinsale, :30 Wayne Gacy ’ ’ Goes On” ’ ty (2003) (PA) Scott Speed- 10 (:35) News Late Show- Legends of Everybody- Wimbledon Reno 911! That’s So Saturday SportsCenter Entourage Will & Grace Sex Games Fast Inc. man. (CC) House “DNR” Letterman Jazz With Raymond Update (N) (CC) Raven Night Live ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Cancun (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) Saturday, July 8, 2006 ›› The 48 Hours The Lawrence Cops “Coast Dateline NBC Cold Case ›› Uptown (6:00) › The That’s So THS Investi- Paintball U.S. ››› The 40- (6:00) 12 (6:45) ››› Making the World’s Most (6:00) MLB Lara Croft ›› 50 First :00 Princess Di- Mystery “Ter- Welk Show to Coast” ’ (CC) Files (CC) Girls (2003) Sweetest Raven gates Deadly Champi- Year-Old Vir- Hours to Live Midnight Run Band 3 ’ Amazing Baseball Tomb Raider: Dates (2004, 7 :30 aries (2001, ror at the Cops “Coast Brittany Mur- Thing (2002) Naturally, Waters Naval onships. From gin (2005) (2006) Ione (1988, Come- Making the Videos ’ Cincinnati The Cradle of Romance- Comedy) Julie Morgue” (CC) to Coast” phy. A carefree (CC) Sadie (N) tragedies. Miami. Steve Carell, Skye. (CC) dy) Robert De Band 3 ’ (CC) Reds at Atlanta Life Comedy) Andrews, ››› woman be- ›› Catherine Niro, Charles Braves. From ›› Adam Sandler, Anne Hath- Mission: Keeping Up America’s Law & Order: Cold Case comes a nan- Zoolander American Paintball U.S. Keener. Pre- Deadly En- Grodin, Yaphet Real World- Disorderly Turner Field in Blade II Drew Barry- :00 away, Hector Impossible 2 Most Wanted: Criminal In- Files (N) (CC) ny to an up- (2001, Come- Drgn Champi- miere. ’ (CC) counter Kotto. ’ Road Rules Conduct: Atlanta. (Live) (2002) Wesley more. Pre- 8 :30 Elizondo. ’ (2000) Tom As Time Goes America tent “Scared tight girl. dy) Ben Stiller, Emperor New onships. From (2004) Laura Real World- Video on Pa- (CC) Snipes. A vam- miere. (CC) Cruise. Ethan By Fights Back Crazy” Owen Wilson, Miami. Leighton. A Road Rules trol ’ pire hunter Hunt must re- ››› Will Ferrell. stalker terror- ››› › unites with his ›› The Evidence trieve a deadly Are You Be- News Law & Order American Ever Af- (CC) Phil of the Fu- Saturday Baseball Countdown izes a woman Wedding The Real Fans: Over Son-in-Law prey against a 50 First :00 “Borrowed ing Served? “Ghosts” ’ Justice “Dan- ter: A Cin- ture Night Live ’ Tonight (Live) Crashers World (CC) the Edge (1993) Pauly Dates (2004, ’ virus from ene- and her young new threat. 9 :30 Time” (CC) ’ The Vicar of CSI: Crime (CC) gerous Medi- derella Story Life With (CC) Entourage ’ (2005, Come- The Real Sports brawls. Shore. A coed Romance- my hands. cine?” ’ (1998, Ro- son. (CC) dy) Owen Wil- (N) ’ brings her Comedy) (CC) Dibley ’ Scene Inves- Derek (CC) World (CC) tigation mance) Drew ››› ›› son, Vince ’ surf-minded › Adam Sandler, News Monty Python News American Barrymore, An- Dave Chap- Zack & Cody Handler Show SportsCenter Batman Best Laid Vaughn. Pre- Fast Inc. TNA iMPACT! pal home to Dream- Drew Barry- “Suckers” ’ “Justi- Comic. (Live) (CC) (2005) (1999) ’ (CC) :00 Justice jelica Huston. pelle Begins Plans miere. ’ (CC) the farm. (CC) catcher more. (CC) 10 :30 (:35) Farscape (:38) News Monty Python Mad TV ’ Saturday fiable Homi- (CC) (CC) That’s So The Soup Christian Bale. Alessandro Fast Inc. ’ (2003) Morgan (CC) (CC) Night Live ’ cide?” (CC) Raven Nivola. Freeman. (CC) Sunday, July 9, 2006 Extreme Cold Case Nature ’ The Simp- (6:00) Date- Flip This Best Man, (6:00) ›› Zo- Viewers’ Hip Hop MLB Baseball The Wire (6:00) Final (:15) ››› Real World- (6:00) UFC’s American Pie (6:00) ››› (6:00) ›› 50 :00 Makeover: “Honor” ’ (CC) (DVS) sons ’ line NBC ’ House (CC) Worst Friend olander Choice Wives: The E! St. Louis Car- “Straight and Jeopardy Singles Road Rules Ultimate Fight Presents: Gladiator First Dates 7 :30 Home Edition (CC) American (CC) (2005, Ro- (2001) Ben True Holly- dinals at Hous- True” ’ (CC) (2001) Dana (1992) Bridget Real World- Night ’ (Live) Band Camp (2000, Histori- (2004) (CC) ’ (CC) Dad (CC) mance-Come- Stiller. (CC) wood Story ton Astros. Delany. (CC) Fonda. Ro- Road Rules (2005) Tad cal Drama) dy) Stuart From Minute mantic crises Hilgenbrinck, Russell Crowe, Desperate Saving Milly Mystery! (N) Family Guy Law & Order: Meth in the Chappelle’s The Girls Deadwood “A Identity Theft: The Real Blade: The The 4400 Is- ’ Townsend, Maid Park in abound for ’ Arielle Kebbel. Joaquin :00 Housewives (2005) (Part 1 of 2) (CC) Criminal In- City Use of Amy Smart. Show Next Door Houston. Two-Headed The Michelle World (CC) Series (CC) Premiere. (CC) abelle seeks ’ (CC) Madeleine (CC) (DVS) “Vacancy” meth. (N) (CC) Beast” (N) young adults Phoenix. (CC) retribution. (N) 8 :30 The War at tent Premiere. (CC) Chappelle’s The Girls (Live) (CC) Brown Story in Seattle. The Real Stowe. Jour- Home (CC) Show Next Door (CC) (2004) Kimber- World (CC) (CC) nalist Morton ly Williams- ’ (N) ›› ››› Grey’s Anato- Kondracke Mystery! News Crossing Jor- Intervention Best Man, Mind of Men- Phil of the Fu- Simple Life: Entourage Paisley, Constan- The Real American Pie Gladia- (:01) The :00 my “Thanks cares for his (Part 1 of 2) dan “Code of “John” (N) Worst Friend cia (CC) ture ’Til Death (CC) Annabella tine (2005, World (CC) Presents: tor (2000) Dead Zone for the Memo- (CC) (DVS) Ethics” ’ (CC) (2005, Ro- Fantasy) Russell Crowe. “Article of 9 :30 ailing wife. ’ Yes, Dear ’ (CC) Reno 911! Life With Simple Life: Lucky Louie Sciorra. (CC) The Hills Ja- Band Camp ries” ’ (CC) mance-Come- (CC) Derek ’Til Death “Control” Keanu son visits. (2005, Come- A fugitive gen- Faith” (N) dy) Stuart Reeves, dy) Tad eral becomes “Pen- ’ News News As Time Goes Everybody- News CSI: Miami Townsend, South Park Zack & Cody Hip Hop SportsCenter Cook-Tour- Medium Rachel Weisz, The Hills Blade: The Hilgenbrinck, a gladiator in Law & Order: :00 By Raymond “One Night Amy Smart. (CC) Wives: The E! (Live) (CC) gasm ny for Your Shia LaBeouf. Series “Death Arielle Kebbel. ancient Rome. Special Vic- Stand” ’ Thoughts” ’ Goes On” ’ 10 :30 (:35) Extra (N) The Andy The Vicar of CSI: Crime Sports Ma- (CC) (CC) Chappelle’s That’s So True Holly- ›› Must Love ’ (CC) The Hills ’ (CC) tims Unit (CC) Griffith Show Dibley ’ Scn chine Show Raven wood Story Dogs (CC) (CC) “Rockabye” Monday, July 10, 2006 Wife Swap The King of Antiques Hell’s Kitchen Treasure Dog the Boun- Kyle XY “The (6:00) ›› ›› The Even Uncovered: 2006 Home ››› Cin- (6:00) ›› Odd ››› Wedding Next ’ CSI: Crime Friends (CC) Law & Order Law & Order: :00 “Mayfield/Was- Queens ’ Roadshow ’ (CC) Hunters ’ ty Hunter Lies That Coneheads Stevens Hidden Lives Run Derby derella Man Girl Out Crashers Scene Inves- “The Wheel” Special Vic- 7 :30 din” ’ (CC) How I Met “Tampa, FL” (CC) Dog the Boun- Bind” (N) (CC) (1993) Dan Movie (2003, of Miss USA From PNC (2005) Russell (2005) Alexa (2005, Come- Next ’ tigation ’ Friends (CC) ’ (CC) (DVS) tims Unit ’ Your Mother (CC) ty Hunter Aykroyd. Comedy) Shia Park in Pitts- Crowe. Down- Vega. dy) Owen Wil- (CC) (CC) LaBeouf, Nick burgh. (Live) and-out boxer son, Vince ’ Supernanny Two and a History De- Hell’s Kitchen Treasure Dog the Falcon Beach Chappelle’s Simple Life: Not Like ’ Real World- CSI: Crime Friends The Closer WWE Monday ’ ’ Spano, Tom (CC) Jim Braddock Vaughn. ’ :00 “Amaral Fami- Half Men tectives (N) “7 Chefs” (N) Hunters (N) Bounty “Wake Jam” Show ’ ’Til Death Everyone Road Rules Scene Inves- (CC) “To Protect & Night Raw ly” ’ ’ “This (N) ’ Virtue. (CC) makes a dra- (2006, (CC) Serve” (N) 8 :30 (CC) How I Met (CC) (CC) (CC) Hunter (CC) South Park Simple Life: matic come- Else Real World- tigation Friends ’ (Live) (CC) Dog Can Hunt” Docudrama) Il- “Blood Drops” (CC) Your Mother “Butt Out” ’Til Death back. ’ (CC) Road Rules (CC) “Too 2006 leana Douglas, ››› ’ “Fami- How to Get CSI: Miami How Art Made News Medium Red Light Whose Line? Blue Collar Naturally, Hollywood Softball Alia Shawkat. Dodge- Real World- Blade: The Family Guy Saved (N) ’ “From the (N) Close to Call” Pros- “Aging” (CC) All-Star “Death (CC) ly” (N) (CC) :00 the Guy the World Districts TV Sadie Sins Premiere. (CC) ball: A True Road Rules Series 9 :30 (CC) Grave” (iTV) (CC) ’ (CC) titution. Whose Line? Blue Collar American The Soup Celebrity BOFFO! Tin- Underdog Fast Inc. (N) Goes On” ’ Family Guy ’ ’ (CC) TV “Lying” Drgn Game. (Taped) seltown’s Story (2004) ’ (CC) (CC) Bombs and Vince Vaughn. News News Globe Trekker Everybody- News The 700 Club Daily Show Zack & Cody E! News SportsCenter Lovespring ’ The Real The Shield American Pie The Closer (:05) Psych :00 “Indian Ocean Raymond (CC) (Live) (CC) Blockbusters World (CC) “Quick Fix” ’ Presents: “To Protect & (CC) ’ (CC) 10 :30 (:35) News Late Show- Islands” ’ Everybody- Tonight Show The Colbert That’s So Saturday Will & Grace (:40) Mr. & The Real (CC) Band Camp Serve” (CC) Letterman Raymond Report (N) Raven Night Live ’ ’ (CC) Mrs. Smith World (CC) (2005) (CC) Tuesday, July 11, 2006 According to Big Brother 7: Nova “Elegant MLB Baseball Fear Factor Death Detec- ›› Chasing Daily Show ›› Miracle in THS Investi- 2005 U.S. (5:45) ›› (6:00) › Bad ››› Raising Real World- CSI: Crime Friends ’ Law & Order Law & Order: :00 Jim ’ All-Stars (N) Universe” “Ein- All-Star Game. “Family Fear tives: The Liberty (2004) Lane 2 (2000, gates Deadly Poker Cham- Elektra Seed (2000) Arizona Road Rules Scene Inves- (CC) “Shrunk” ’ Special Vic- 7 :30 According to ’ (CC) stein’s Dream” From PNC Factor” (N) ’ L.A. County Mandy Moore, The Colbert Drama) Waters Naval pionships (N) Countdown Luke Wilson. (1987) Nicolas Real World- tigation Friends ’ (CC) (DVS) tims Unit “Se- Jim ’ ’ Park in Pitts- (CC) Coroner Matthew Report Frankie Muniz, tragedies. (CC) (CC) Cage, Holly Road Rules “Anonymous” (CC) crets” ’ ’ burgh. Goode. A Patrick Levis, ››› › Hunter. ››› Primetime Rock Star: The Pacific (Live) (CC) Last Comic Dog the Boun- Briton and the Chappelle’s Rick Rosso- 2005 U.S. The 40- Plain Dirty (CC) The Real Top Gun Sex and the Law & Order Law & Order: :00 “Secrets & Supernova War: They Standing Fri- ty Hunter Show ’ Poker Cham- Year-Old Vir- (2003) Do- World (CC) (1986, Adven- City (CC) “In God We Criminal In- ’ president’s vich. (CC) ’ 8 :30 Lies: An Amer- (N) (CC) Filmed the ars Club roast. Dog the Boun- daughter travel South Park pionships (N) gin (2005) minique The Male The Real ture) Tom Sex and the Trust” (CC) tent (CC) ican Imposter” War in Color (N) ’ ty Hunter (CC) (CC) Steve Carell, Swain. A Groupie ’ World (CC) Cruise, Kelly City (CC) (DVS) ’ Europe. (CC) (N) (CC) (CC) (DVS) Catherine woman tries to ››› McGillis. A hot- ’ 48 Hours Law & Order: King of Cars Chappelle’s American Sexiest “Euro- Boxing The Keener, Paul escape from In Good The Real shot Navy jet Seinfeld Law & Order Law & Order: (N) (CC) pean Stars” Contender -- (N) ’ (CC) “Obsession” ’ :00 Mystery Special Vic- Show Drgn Rudd. ’ (CC) her abusive Company World pilot downs Criminal In- 9 :30 “Deadly Ride” Wide Angle tims Unit King of Cars Whose Line? Reno 911! American European Latin Warriors. husband. (CC) (2004, Come- My Super MiGs and Seinfeld “The (CC) (DVS) tent “Gemini” ’ (CC) “Storm” ’ celebrities. (CC) dy-Drama) (CC) “18 With a Bul- (CC) (CC) Drgn Sweet 16 (N) loves an astro- Voice” Dennis Quaid, News News let” ’ (CC) News News Crossing Jor- The 700 Club Daily Show Zack & Cody E! News Deadwood “A Will & Grace Made ’ physicist. ’ ››› The Ma- Cold Case Law & Order: “He Said, (CC) Two-Headed ’ Topher Grace. (1999) “Hubris” ’ :00 dan (CC) ’ (CC) trix Criminal In- 10 :30 (:35) News Late Show- Raids of WWII Tonight Show She Said” ’ The Colbert That’s So Saturday SportsCenter Beast” ’ (CC) Will & Grace (PA) Keanu (CC) tent “Zoonotic” Letterman (CC) Report (N) Raven Night Live ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Reeves. (CC) Wednesday, July 12, 2006 George Lopez Rock Star: Jean-Michel Bones “The Outrageous Dog the Boun- › Spring Daily Show Zenon: Girl of Hip Hop (6:30) WNBA (4:30) Titanic (6:00) ›› (6:15) ››› Made ’ CSI: Crime Everybody- Without a Law & Order: :00 (CC) Supernova Cousteau: Woman in the Moments ty Hunter Break Shark the 21st Cen- Wives: The E! Basketball All- (1997) First Degree Troy (2004) Scene Inves- Raymond Trace “Vol- Special Vic- 7 :30 Freddie ’ (N) ’ (CC) Ocean Adven- Car” ’ (PA) Outrageous Dog the Boun- Attack (2005, The Colbert tury (1999, True Holly- Star Game. Lady in Water (1995) Rob Brad Pitt. tigation ’ Everybody- cano” ’ (CC) tims Unit (CC) tures (N) (CC) Moments ty Hunter Suspense) Report Science Fic- wood Story (Live) (CC) Lowe. Achilles leads (CC) Raymond “Abuse” ’ Shannon Lu- tion) Kirsten Greek forces Lost The first Criminal When Sharks So You Think America’s Inked (N) (CC) Chappelle’s The Girls Deadwood “A ›› Amber The Hills ’ Ultimate Everybody- Nightmares & Law & Order: 48 days on the “Some- ’ (CC) (N) cio, Riley Storms, Raven- Two-Headed in the Trojan ’ :00 Minds Attack You Can Got Talent Show ’ Next Door Frey: Witness War. ’ (CC) Knockouts Raymond Dream- Special Vic- island. ’ (CC) body’s Watch- Top 12. ’ (CC) Smith, Justin Symone. Beast” ’ (CC) “Pix- 8 :30 Dance Inked (CC) Baldoni. (CC) South Park (CC) The Girls Boxing for the Prose- The Hills ’ Everybody- scapes: tims Unit ing” (CC) (N) ’ “Towelie” Next Door Wednesday cution (2005) Raymond Stephen King ies” ’ Janel Moloney, “The “Bad Night Fights. ››› (N) Lost CSI: NY American News Law & Order Criss Angel Whose Line? South Park Life With Simple Life: Lucky Louie Terry Kinney. Wedding The Hills Blade: The Sex and the Nightmares & Law & Order: :00 23rd Psalm” ’ Beat” ’ (CC) Masters “Family Friend” Mindfreak (CC) Derek ’Til Death From Holly- “Control” Crashers ’ Series “De- City (CC) Dream- Special Vic- wood, Calif. (CC) :30 (CC) “Woody ’ (CC) ’ (2005, Come- (N) scent” (N) ’ scapes: tims Unit ’ 9 Criss Angel Whose Line? Dog Bites American Simple Life: (Same-day Entourage Cheyenne Sex and the Guthrie: Ain’t (CC) (CC) dy) Owen Wil- ’ (CC) (CC) Stephen King (CC) Mindfreak Man Drgn ’Til Death Tape) City Got No Home” ›› son, Vince ›› News News (N) ’ Everybody- News Criss Angel The 700 Club Daily Show Zack & Cody E! News Must Love Will & Grace Vaughn. ’ Making the Blade: The Divine Se- Saved “Fami- Law & Order: (CC) (CC) (2005) ’ ’ “De- ly” (CC) :00 Raymond Mindfreak Dogs (CC) (CC) Band 3 Series crets of the Criminal In- 10 :30 (:35) News Late Show- Wild Chroni- Everybody- Tonight Show Criss Angel The Colbert That’s So Saturday SportsCenter Diane Lane. ’ Will & Grace Making the scent” ’ (CC) Ya-Ya Sister- tent “Saving Letterman cles (CC) Raymond Mindfreak Report (N) Raven Night Live ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Band 3 ’ hood Face” ’ pictures with his father and offers to pay her medical bills 9 p.m. on MAX (Kevin James) and the guys rent an apartment over their — against the advice of Mike and Mary (James Lesure, Wedding Crashers: Nobody likes these type of guys favorite restaurant as a big boys clubhouse, but soon Weekly Best Bets Nikki Cox). Speaking of mystery women, Danny becomes in reality, but apparently, movie versions are great. Last everyone but Doug gets bored, and he takes a busboy suspicious of Penny (Rachel Leigh Cook) when he drops year’s top comedy “sleeper,” this bawdy tale casts Vince job to hang on to the place. Boys will be boys. Thursday by to see her and finds a plane ticket. Sam (Vanessa Vaughn and Owen Wilson as lawyers who attend wed- Tuesday 7 p.m. on CBS Marcil) isn’t happy to discover why her brother is still in dings to which they haven’t been invited — to meet 8 p.m. on A&E town. women. The rules change when Wilson’s character finds Big Brother 7: All-Stars: The competition may be love with the daughter (Rachel McAdams) of a politician Dog the Bounty Hunter: We’re betting you didn’t more intense in this seventh season of the reality series, 8 p.m. on USA (Christopher Walken). have a bounty hunter speak at career day when you as all the housemates have been there and done that. Monk: Our favorite obsessive-compulsive detective is were in elementary school. But since there’s big money Sunday in catching fugitives, especially if you do it with a TV crew Twenty alumni from past seasons will learn tonight which back for what promises to be a fun-filled fifth season — 12 — some of them selected by viewer voting — will be 7 p.m. on ABCFAM in tow, more moms might see it as an acceptable career well, for us, anyway. Monk (Tony Shalhoub) will have to housemates in this “All-Star” edition. They know the drill, Stuart Townsend stars in path for their little ones. Speaking of moms, when Dog is deal with blindness, a temporary gig as a basketball Best Man, Worst Friend: as do you: Cameras are on them 24/7, and each week, this 2005 romantic comedy as a novelist who’s fallen out done with the career-day kids, he and Beth persuade a coach, the threatened loss of his psychiatrist, and the one person is voted out, with $500,000 going to the last of favor with the publishing industry. He’s shaken out of woman with drug connections to cooperate with the feds one standing. Julie Chen hosts. presence of an annoying actor tailing him to research a his despondency by an encounter with an attrac- and start a new life for her family. Sweet. role. You want guest stars? How about Peter Weller, 8:30 p.m. on NBC tive stranger ... who turns out to be engaged Wednesday Sharon Lawrence, Steven Weber and Alice Cooper, for to a friend of his. He knows her fiance isn’t The Office: Series star Steve Carell, who plays clue- 7 p.m. on FOX starters? the right guy for her ... but guess who is. less manager Michael, wrote this excellent episode, Bones: The crime of the week, a woman’s Saturday Now all he has to do is convince her of that. proving that he’s not clueless; he only plays it on TV. The Amy Smart and Seth Green also star. murder and her child’s abduction, is compelling — Dunder Mifflin staff turns the warehouse into a casino for 5 p.m. on A&E topical, even. But watch it for the subplot, which Monday a charity fundraising event, and more is gambled than Teen Wilderness Camps: Therapy or Punish- has Bones (Emily Deschanel) and her colleagues money and chips. Yes, Jim (John Krasinski) finally puts ment?: This special examines one of the fastest-growing 7 p.m. on CBS getting security reviews. Angela (Michaela Conlin) has some odd skeletons, but Hodgins (T.J. his feelings for Pam (Jenna Fischer) on the table. That areas of the psychology biz: camps for out-of-control kids The King of Queens: We’ll forgive Kirstie sound you hear is thousands of fans swooning. Thyne) is miffed that the agent doesn’t that promise to turn them around by forcing them to take Alley for beating her “Fat Actress” shtick into think he’s worth interviewing when, as he Friday responsibility. You’ll visit one such camp and hear from the ground — playing herself, she’s a client of Carrie’s (Leah Remini) with a weird re- puts it, he can tell her things that would parents who say the experience delivered as promised. 8 p.m. on NBC quest related to her weight-loss plan — be- curdle her blood — including a formula Las Vegas: Charity can only go so far. Danny (Josh But before you rush out to sign up your bratty Becky or cause the A plot is kind of cute. Doug for curdling blood. Duhamel) learns the identity of the woman he’s seen in defiant David, watch the whole hour. T.J. Thyne

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 4 B Arts & Entertainment Gulf Breeze NEWS Comedy Central comedian Henry Cho to headline Covenant Hospice evening of comedy Comedy Central comedian, as a Korean-American born and Attesting to Grant and Vince Gill on their other film credits include FOX’s cash bar and a whole lot of Henry Cho, will be bringing his raised in Tennessee. his versatility annual Christmas Tour and TV movie, Revenge of the Nerds laughter. Along with Cho’s comedy to Pensacola Saturday, In early 2006, you will be able as a performer, toured with them again in III: The Next Generation, comedic talent, this 70’s themed July 29 for the 12th Annual to see him in his own one hour in the summer December 2004. Universal’s McHale’s Navy and event promises to make you Evening of Comedy, which ben- comedy special entitled “What’s of 2003, Cho Henry’s other comedy credits the Farrelly brothers’ movie Say “catch the fever!” efits Covenant Hospice. That Clickin’ Noise?” on was the include NBC’s Bob Hope’s It Isn’t So. Tickets are $75 and proceeds “I’m an Asian with a Southern Comedy Central. WB Records keynote enter- Young Comedians Special, Tickets are now available for benefit Covenant Hospice, a accent,” remarks Cho. “To a lot will be releasing the DVD and tainer for The MTV’s ½ Hour Comedy Hour, the Evening of Comedy, which non-profit organization provid- 59th Annual of people, that right there is CD of the show in early 2006. Cho and several appearances on The will be held on Saturday, July 29 ing compassionate, quality care Radio & funny.” Always making the most You can catch Cho on the big Tonight Show. He also hosted at Hilton Garden Inn on for patients and loved ones fac- Television Correspondents’ of who he is, Cho recently inked screen as well, starring opposite NBC’s Friday Night Videos for Pensacola Beach. Hosted by Sue ing end-of-life issues. To partic- Dinner attended by the Bush a deal with ABC and Touchstone Hilary Duff and Angelica two years and had many guest Straughn, the evening includes a ipate in this event or for more Administration. Then, over the Studios to co-create and star in Houston in Material Girls also holiday season, Cho joined Amy roles on various sitcoms such as silent and live auction, hors information, contact Courtney his own sitcom based on his life due out this year. CBS’ Designing Women. Cho’s d’oeuvres, a gourmet dinner, a Humbaugh 438-9714. Jones & Company and Duncan McCall Pipe Band to www.gulfbreezenews.com entertain tonight at Evenings in Olde Seville Square Jones & Company will take note. The band started over a music while delivering inspiring filled evenings have become a you from dance to romance with decade ago, when husband-and- performances that include new tradition, recreating the 40% OFF STORE WIDE their versatile style and mix of wife team Cheryl and Denny strong melodies and beautiful popular concerts held in the smooth, sassy and soul-infused Jones hooked up with Al harmonies, soloists, duets, quar- city's park at the turn of the 19th music at the next Evenings in Alvarado, a Cuban-born saxo- tets and drumming fanfares. century. The 2006 summer sea- Olde Seville Square from 7- phonist. Brent Purcell, the When attending concerts, son features 14 concerts with a 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, July 6. band's percussionist, joined bring a lawn chair or a blanket wide variety of musical talents Hand Cleaning - Expert Repairs Duncan McCall Pipe Band will them about a year and a half for seating. Also, bring your and tastes each Thursday from Top quality padding · Appraisals open the evening. later. Purcell, originally from appetite! Located on Alcaniz 7-9:15 p.m. in historic Seville Eastgate Shopping Center · 477-9874 9th Ave. & Creighton · Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm Jones & Company know how Ireland, added yet one more Street, concession stands offer Square. The evenings are free to do it all - blues and reggae, international touch to this first- hot dogs, barbecue, nachos, thanks to our sponsors and are jazz and dance, oldies and the class band. snacks and the "Evening's" presented by the Pensacola latest chart busters. With their The Duncan McCall Pipe famous freshly popped popcorn Heritage Foundation in cooper- passion for music, Cheryl Jones Band is a young and exciting as well as frozen desserts, soft ation with the City of Pensacola and the boys make the audience group that features a full reper- drinks and bottled water. and the West Florida Historic feel the emotion behind every toire of Scottish and Celtic Since 1988, these music- Preservation.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BRIEFS for EVERYONE - YOUNG ANDOLD! Blue Angels to dazzle beach crowds July 12-15 Every TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Pensacola Beach Air Show Explorations lectures are free blowing studio! Take a class, mation. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. G Movie begins at 10:00 a.m. features the Navy’s Blue Angels and open to the public. rent studio time or just come Seating is limited so arrive early! Flight Demonstration Team. and watch beautiful works of Artel is a not-for-profit edu- Shop ‘til you drop for Starting at 8 a.m. on cational gallery providing a art being created right before July 5-6 ------Daddy Day Care and Are We There Yet Wednesday, July 12, the Blues venue for experimental, cut- your eyes. charity will amaze fans with circle and ting-edge art. Located at 505 Classes include: The Women's Board of July 11-13 ------Yours, Mine & Ours and Spongebob Squarepants ■ arrival maneuvers, followed by South Adams Street in Seville Glass Blowing with Baptist Health Care Foundation July 18-20 ------Shrek and Shrek 2 a practice session at 2 p.m. on Square, the gallery is open Pilchuck School Artist and will sponsor a $5 jewelry sale Thursday, July 13. Civilian Tuesday through Saturday from Belmont's Director of Glass, pilots and other military aircraft 10 am to 4 pm. For more infor- Joe Hobbs July 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. can be seen at a full dress mation call (850) 432-3080. ■ Pottery on the Wheel with and July 26 from 7 a.m. to 3 rehearsal starting at noon on UWF professor Steve Haworth p.m. at the Heritage Room in Friday, July 14, followed by the ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ not all or 4th Generation Master Potter Baptist Hospital and July 28 main event on Saturday, July wet at PJC Marty North from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the 15. Free admission. Come enjoy the funny, nos- ■ Hand built pottery with talgic musical "Singin' in the Steve Haworth Azalea Room in Baptist ¯ Chronic Cough Last chance for Michael Rain" - the grand finale of the ■ Raku! with Marty North Medical Park. Bublé 2006 Lyceum program at ■ Belly Dancing with Gulf ¯ Michael Bublé makes A variety of jewelry – Sneezing Pensacola Junior College. Coast's own Maria Gomez including rings, necklaces, Pensacola "Home" on Saturday, The musical is a PJC ■ "Songs and Stories" with ¯ July 8 at the Pensacola Civic Snoring Summer High School Onstage Mike Potters bracelets and earrings – will be Center in downtown Pensacola. Workshop production that runs Family Art Days! - Kids! sold for $5 to support The ¯ Wheezing ? Show begins at 8 pm. Tickets 7:30 p.m. Fridays and bring your parents and you can Women’s Board and its pro- on sale now. Ticket prices are Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. work as a team and play in clay $67 and $51.50, and additional grams. Cash, checks and all ...These May Be Sundays, July 28-30 and Aug. or make your own glass art- Frank fees may apply. Tickets are major credit cards will be Allergy Related 4-6, at the Ashmore Fine Arts work! Lachowsky, MD available at the Pensacola Civic Auditorium, Building 8, For more information please accepted. Center Box Office, Pensacola campus, 1000 contact the Belmont Arts Center For more information, con- Dr. Lachowsky Offers Comprehensive Ticketmaster outlets. Charge by College Blvd. at 850-429-1222 or email us at Evaluation & Treatment of Allergies and Asthma phone (434-7444), or tact The Women’s Board at Tickets cost is $10 and can [emailprotected] Ticketmaster.com, Contact: (850) 469-2248. The Women's Board Certified Allergy & Immunology be purchased at the Lyceum box 432-0800 or visit www.pen- To schedule an appointment at either office, please call: office in the Ashmore Belmont announces Open Board of Baptist Health Care sacolaciviccenter.com. Auditorium. VISA, Mic Night Foundation is dedicated to rais- PENSACOLA GULF BREEZE Swing dance every Friday MasterCard, cash or check Every Thursday night from 7 ing funds for community health 477-5656 932-9434 accepted. Reservations by to 10 p.m., Belmont Arts and 9400 University Pkwy 41 Fairpoint Dr.- Suite F night at Bayview programs, indigent care and In Baptist Medical Park phone are charged to a credit Cultural Center will host Open Learn to Swing dance with new medical technology. lessons at 8 p.m. and dance card at the time of order. Mic Night, 401 N. Reus St. (in from 9 to 11:30 p.m. Admission The story line: It's 1927 and the Window Factory located on is $5, and this is an alcohol and Don Lockwood and Lina the corner of Belmont and smoke-free, great family event. Lamont are the darlings of the Devilliers). No partners needed, but bring silent silver screen. Offscreen, All musical genres welcome. Support Community News ... friend anyway. Don, aided by his happy-go- Bring your instrument and/or Bayview Community Center, lucky friend and piano accom- voice and share your original panist, Cosmo Brown, has to music with other musicians and Subscribe! 2000 East Lloyd Street (in East Hill) 433-6287, www.pensaco- dodge Lina's romantic over- music lovers alike. Open to all laswing. net. tures, especially when he falls ages. There is no cost, but Yes! I want Gulf Breeze News mailed to the following address: for chorus girl Kathy Selden. donations are welcome. For Name ______Discussion and With the advent of sound in information, call Rick Kindle at Demonstration at Artel motion pictures, it is decided to 982-4466 or 457-4220. Street ______Gallery turn Don and Lina's new film Artel Gallery continues its into a "talkie" and a musical at Fundraiser to benefit City ______State ______Zip______educational lecture series, Art that. The only problem is Lina's Pensacola Beach Explorations, on Tuesday, July voice, which mere words can- Elementary Telephone (___)______18, with a discussion and not describe. Thus, Kathy is On July 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 demonstration by Lonnie Rich brought on to dub her speaking p.m. Our Lady of the Email ______entitled “The Colored Pencil as and singing voice in secret, and Assumption, 920 Vie de Luna, a Fine Art Medium.” Mr. Rich Don's on top of the world. But will be conducting a fundraiser $ is the former chair of The Art then Lina finds out... to benefit Pensacola Beach Send 30 for 52 Issues Program, a former art instructor For more information or to Elementary. Activities will and art gallery director at buy tickets, call 484-1847. include games of bridge, canas- to P.O. Box 1414 Lurleen B. Wallace Community ta, mahjong, bunco and spin- Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 College, Andalusia, Alabama. Fun for whole family at ners. There will also be door Doors open at 5 p.m. and the Belmont prizes including a gift basket or Subscribe by phone lecture begins promptly at 5:30 Sign up now for a full sum- with jewelry and gourmet food (850) 932-8986 p.m. A question and answer mer of creativity, fun and fami- items from Europe. $15 admis- period will follow the one hour ly at the Belmont Arts Center. sion includes light lunch. We accept VISA, MasterCard long presentation. Light Come and participate in Contact Beverly Ishol at & American Express refreshments will be served. Art Florida's only public glass (850)934-2845 for more infor-

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 5B Arts & Entertainment Gulf Breeze NEWS ‘ Nacho Libre’s’ Black is ‘ nacho’ best character fit ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR "Nacho Libre" Running time: 90 minutes p.m., 21 Via de Luna, Mighty Mudsharks, 3-7 p.m. MPAA rating: PG Today 7/6 Pensacola Beach, 916-5087 Bamboo Willie’s Beachside Bar In "Nacho Libre," Jack Black Banana Republic, 9 p.m., 400 Saturday 7/8 Monday 7/10 Bamboo Willie’s Beachside Bar Paradise Bar & Grill ("The School of Rock," Quietwater Beach Rd., 916- LMR2, 3 p.m., Banana Paradise Poker Texas Hold Tenacious D) teams up with 9888 Republic, 9 p.m. ’Em 4444 Fun at 7 p.m. "Napoleon Dynamite" director Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub Jared Hess to tell the story of a Traditional Irish Music, 49 Via Live Music, 8:30 p.m. Mexican friar who secretly de Luna, Pensacola Beach, 916- Tuesday 7/11 Sandshaker Lounge Bamboo Willie’s Beachside Bar disobeys his superiors to pur- 9808 Bikini Contest - registration H3O, 8 p.m. sue his lifelong dream of Sandshaker Lounge- Tim starts at 2 p.m., Homeskillet, Sandshaker Lounge being a luchadore, a masked Spencer, 7 p.m., 1/2 price 7 p.m. - until Karaoke with Jen, 8 p.m. wrestler. drinks with Shaker Shirt, Paradise Bar & Grill Blues on the Beach Black, of course, plays 731 Pensacola Beach Rd., Surprise Live Band, 6-10 p.m. Slim & Company, Gulfside Nacho the friar, a naive-yet- 932-2211 Pavilion, Pensacola Beach, 7 well-meaning fellow who p.m. spends his days scrounging for Sunday 7/9 Friday 7/7 Bamboo Willie’s Beachside Bar beans and stale nacho chips to Bamboo Willie’s Beachside Bar Buzz Cut, 3 p.m., Banana feed the orphans in the friars' Banana Republic, 9 p.m. Republic, 9 p.m. care. Nacho is not the best cook Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub To list your event, Paddy O’Leary’s in the world and frequently Richard Madden, 8:30 p.m. Mike Norris, 8:30 p.m. email news@gulf catches flak from his superiors Sandshaker Lounge Paradise Bar & Grill about the quality of the food. Karaoke, 8 p.m. breezenews.com Wildwood, 2-6 p.m. After an incident where Paradise Bar & Grill or call 932-8986 Sandshaker Lounge Nacho's cooking is soundly Surprise Live Band, 6-10 insulted, he storms off in a huff vowing to find a "duty" he is GULF good at. He hooks up with an Jack Black (High Fidelity, King Kong), plays a monk-slash- BREEZE OPEN DAILY emaciated beggar/thief named incognito wrestler who is in charge of the fate of the orphan- CINEMA 4 ● 12:30 pm Esqueleto (the hilarious Hector age where he is the cook. Critics feel Black’s performance Live Oak Plaza Hwy 98 Friday July 7th- Thursday July 13th (850) 934-3332 Jimenez), and they decide to try prevents “Nacho Libre” becoming a cult classic just as the Gulf Breeze, Hwy. 98 Coming July 14th ... An Inconvient Truth their luck at wrestling. movie’s director’s “Napoleon Dynamite” became in 2004. 3.7 miles east of Pens. Beach Exit In their first match they get iest. Jack Black does an OK job A Prairie Home Companion the stuffing beat out of them by (PG-13) Daily at 2:00 4:30 7:00 NOW SHOWING playing the innocent Nacho, but ------Friday July 7th through Thursday July 13th two hairy midgets who more there are too many times when Da Vinci Code resemble dogs than humans. To (PG-13) Daily at 2:00 7:00 Only ● Devil Wears Prada PG13 (1:46) ...... 1:30 4:20 7:05 9:35 he lapses into the same Jack ------Nacho and Esqueleto's surprise, Black schtick we've seen him do Over the Hedge ● Superman Returns PG13 (2:34) .. 1:00 2:30 4:15 5:45 7:30 9:00 the promoter pays them. They (PG) Daily at 2:00 4:30 7:00 over the years. It doesn't fit the ● Click PG13 (1:44) ...... 1:20 4:10 7:15 9:45 realize, win or lose, they'll get character of Nacho. ------paid. At first, Nacho uses his Keeping Up w/ Steins ● If Black were more secure (PG-13) Daily at 2:00 4:30 7:00 The Lake House PG ( 1:39) ...... 7:15 9:40 Only winnings to buy lavish food for events, Nacho eventually finds and confident in his acting, ● the orphanage, but when the ALTERNATIVE & MAINSTREAM Nacho Libre PG (1:31)...... 1:00 3:05 5:10 Only himself in a position to fight "Nacho Libre" would be des- FILMS Ÿber-hot Sister Encarnacion Mexico's greatest professional tined to be another cult classic BY THE BEACH ● Cars G (1:57) ...... 1:00 4:00 7:00 9:30 (Ana de la Reguera) joins the wrestler. He must make a 916-9402 like "Napoleon Dynamite" or www.gulfbreezecinema4.com ● Pirates/Caribean: Dead Man’s Chest (2:30).1:15 2:45 4:30 6:15 8:00 9:30 orphanage's staff, Nacho's prior- choice: Who or what is he fight- "The Big Lebowski." ities shift away from Good ing for? Fame? The Orphans? Unfortunately, the film ends up ● Fast & Furious: Tokyo DriftPG13 (1:44)...... 7:00 9:35 Only Works to Vanity as he begins The affections of a nun? being a lot less than it should've www.gulfbreezenews.com Buy tickets online @ www.MOVIESHOWTIME.NET buying ruffly shirts and fancy "Nacho Libre" is at times a been. white ankle boots to make him- very funny movie. It is also a GRADE: C+ self more attractive. surprisingly sweet film, which (c) 2006 King Features Synd., Inc. Through a bizarre series of is where the movie is the bump- Solution, 2B

Does your group NEEDNEED FUNDSFUNDS ?? Gulf Breeze News can make a donation to your group for each subscription you sell.

For more information about how to register your group in this fundraising effort, call Lisa Newell or Vici Papajohn at (850) 932-8986 Solution, 2B

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 6B July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS Health Gulf Breeze NEWS

Introduction to poetry at young age stayed with me It was in sixth grade, in Mr. ***** vertibles! was chosen to be on any team: Lieberman’s English class, that Here’s some happy news for ***** “Popularity is the hallmark I finally began to enjoy poetry. fellow seniors - the automotive This is a remark from some of mediocrity.” He introduced us to what, I sup- Senior industry has discovered us. unknown old grouch who never See you next week! pose, one would call “free Designing cars for those 50 and verse.” That’s when I first dis- Scene well above 50 has become criti- covered that poetry does not cal, since that age group has the necessarily have to rhyme. money to buy higher-end vehi- Each week we were given a Bette Boyle cles. Specializing in: poem to memorize, which began, “Somebody said it look forward to the monthly Auto industry studies show would be recited in our last couldn’t be done/ but he with a meeting held at the Gulf Breeze that 45% of car buyers over 50 ● Contact Lenses class on Friday afternoons. chuckle replied/ Maybe it Hospital. Many of us count on have incomes of $75,000 or After that the blessed school- couldn’t, but he wouldn’t be the monthly blood pressure and more, and by 2020, there could ● Family Eyecare free weekend would begin. one/ that would say so, ‘til he blood sugar screenings, and we be more than 116 MILLION car Most of us were able to escape tried./ So he buckled right in, also appreciate the varied top- buyers in that age group. ● being called on for a contribu- with a trace of a grin, and tack- ics, interesting speakers and You may think that baby Sports Vision tion if we slumped in our seat or led the thing that couldn’t be timely programs. boomers are the fastest-growing Suzanne Day, O.D. tried not to let the teacher catch done/And he did it.” Meetings are held in the hos- age group, but according to the Kenneth Deuel, O.D. our eyes. When I finished, the class pital cafeteria, and the screen- Census Bureau, the fastest As I looked and smiled stood up and clapped. I was ings take place from 7:30 to growing segment of our popula- toward a girlfriend across the thrilled. I’m not sure whether it 8:15 a.m., followed immediate- tion is folks over age 85. That 932-4184 room, Mr. Lieberman saw the was my rousing rendition or the ly by the meeting or speaker. A population group is expected to ● smile and promptly called on fact that school was over for the continental breakfast is always quadruple by the year 2040. 97 Baybridge Gulf Breeze, FL me. week. But I was sold on poetry served. Well folks, I don’t expect to “Bette, please come to the from that day on. There will be no July meet- be here then myself, but it’s front of the class and recite the ***** ing, but in August, they will nice to imagine those white last poem we have time for If you belong to Baptist begin the program again, so get hairs and bald heads gleaming before the dismissal bell rings.” Healthcare’s Golden Care Club ready. For more information, in the sunlight as they drive I stood before the class and for seniors, you know that you call 469-2356. away in their brand new con- Clearing up the ‘ hype’ on cosmetic surgery Dear Dr. McCollough: I am "worst" occurred in your contemplating a face-lift, and career? in my search for answers I ■ Are recovery facilities and went to the American Academy Dear trained personnel available for of Facial Plastic and me after surgery, or will I be Reconstructive Surgery web- Doct or: sent home? site (www.aafprs.org). They When it comes to plastic list some safety guidelines for surgery, informed consumers patients contemplating E. Gaylon McCollough, MD, LLC make better choices, which surgery. What more can you often lead to happier outcomes. tell me about how I should The New McCollough choose a surgeon? “While board-certification is one way Plastic Surgery Consumer Dear Reader: When it comes Information Center has offices to surgery designed to change to measure the exposure a surgeon has in Alabama, Mississippi and your appearance, there is no had in plastic surgical training, a passing Florida and provide consumers substitute for the surgeon's grade on an examination does not ensure with FREE information about experience. However, you will cosmetic surgery procedures. Has Re-Established also want to look at the doctor's competence.” Please call us at 1-877-TUCK Her Practice credentials. But, do you know UPS for information or to in Gulf Breeze what the term "board-certified" – E. Gaylon McCollough, M.D., LLC schedule a private consultation Now Accepting Accepts Most really means? at a location near you. New Patients Insurance Plans After graduating from med- The foregoing represents the ing boards might claim, it is this article with you. The fol- See our Website ical school and completing a professional opinions of the www.drjolitak.com likely that the least important lowing are questions you residency in a surgical specialty writer. If you would like infor- factor in choosing a doctor is should ask: of his or her own choosing, the mation or a FREE copy of Dr. which organization issued the ■ Of all the branches of plas- doctor pays a fee to take an McCollough's latest book, call 932-2000 diploma hanging on a doctor's tic surgery, which one(s) do you 932-2000 examination. The test is pre- 251-967-7000 or visit wall. specialize in? pared by a credentialing www.mccolloughinstitute.com. 85 Baybridge Drive So, what is the best way to ■ In your career, how many Gulf Breeze, Fl. 32561 "board" in the medical or surgi- choose a surgeon? Ask people of the procedures like the ones I cal specialty of his or her you trust to provide the names am considering have you per- choice. If the doctor passes the of leading surgeons, who per- sonally performed? examination, he or she receives ☛ form the particular operation ■ How many of the opera- ☛EVERYTHING ELSE ELSE IS IS JUST JUST AN AN EARPLUG! EARPLUG! a certificate indicating that that you are considering. Then inter- tions like the one you would he or she is "board-certified." view the doctors that top most recommend for me do you per- While board-certification is TRY THE INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT people's list. And, don't get in form in the average week? one way to measure the expo- too much of a rush. Many times ■ Who will perform my sure a surgeon has had in plas- SIEMENS LIFE “OPEN EAR” HEARING AIDS the fact that it might take a few surgery? (This is important, tic surgical training, a passing weeks to get an appointment because, in some university LOOK AND FEEL LIKE YOU’RE NOT WEARING ANYTHING grade on an examination does indicates that the doctor is in teaching centers one surgeon not ensure competence. The CALL 476-3644 to Arrange a Test Drive high demand. might do portions of the surgery training a doctor receives Remember, it is your body, and allow doctors in training to FORT WALTON BEACH CALL 244-0422 beyond residency and the expe- and you have the right to ask do other portions.) rience the doctor has in per- questions which concern it and ■ Tell me about your compli- ALL FLORIDA Hearing Aid Centers, Inc. forming a given procedure hun- your welfare. Write the ques- cation rate? What is the worst 40th Anniversary Serving Pensacola & NW Florida dreds-or thousands-of times are tions you intend to ask the doc- complication you have had? also important considerations. 217 Page Bacon Road, Suite A Medical Park between Brent & Airport tor on a piece of paper or carry How many times has the Contrary to what some certify- Adjacent to Mall Across from Belks 5528 N Davis next to American Carpets Mary Esther Call 244-0422 Pensacola Call 476-3644 Santa Rosa Libraries to Branching Out! close July 17 Now... In Gulf Breeze, Florida for two weeks McCollough Plastic Surgery Santa Rosa County Libraries in Gulf Breeze, Jay, Consumer Information Centers* Milton, and Navarre will close *A Division of E. Gaylon McCollough, MD, LLC "International Authority On Appearance Enhancement" from July 17- 31 to transfer to new circulation and library If You Are Considering Either catalog software, install new Before After Surgical or Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures equipment, and shelve new It Pays To Do The Research First ● books and materials. FREE EXAMINATION* Professional Consultationists Available At Our Offices In Any items checked out ● MASSAGE THERAPY FLORIDA ALABAMA before the closure will not be ● Saturday Appointments available Gulf Breeze Gulf Shores due back during the time ● Children under 7 FREE with a (850) 934-6880 (251)967-7600 closed, and beginning July 1, parent under care Destin Birmingham borrowers may check out addi- ● Exceptional Cash Packages (850) 622-0890 (205) 802-2520 tional items to ensure that they Dr. Shawna Speed Hogan available (some including Massage!) ● have plenty of reading and Most Insurance accepted For A Convenient, Informative Consultation ● Medicaid accepted other materials during the or a Free Copy Of closings. Libraries will re-open on Dr. McCollough's New Book Tuesday, August 1. THE IMAGE IN THE MIRROR New Santa Rosa County Call 1-877-TUCK UPS library cards will be issued as 850-437-0035 borrowers visit the library. 2045 N. 12th Avenue ● Pensacola, FL For more information please visit our website at Current WFRL cards can be *THOSE INVOLVED IN A MOTOR VEHICLE OR WORK-RELATED ACCIDENT WILL RECEIVE A FREE CONSULTATION IN LIEU OF FREE EXAM. OUR OFFICE POLICY IS: THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGTH TO REFUSE TO PAY, CAN- CEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED www.mccolloughplasticsurgeryinfo.com used for remote access activi- AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTIsem*nT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE OR REDUCED ties. FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT.

www.gulfbreezenews.com (850) 932-8986 GULF BREEZE NEWS Volleyball team goes 1-2 at PJC

55CC SectionSection CC YOURYOUR COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPERNEWSPAPER AprilJuly 13, 6, 2006 Sports Briefs Tigers 7U place second at state Tomey Dolphins to hold takes free youth football camp The Gulf Breeze High job at football program will hold a free football camp for all GBSA football players July Milton 17-20 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Field House. Softball coach the The first two days of the third in last two camp are for offensive and months to step defensive linemen, while the final two days are for ‘skill’ down at GBHS positions (quarterbacks, BY JASON THOMPSON running backs, wide receivers, defensive backs Gulf Breeze News and linebackers). [emailprotected] For more information, The coaching carousel email head coach Chris continued at Gulf Breeze Nemith at last week when softball [emailprotected] coach Sean Tomey took a 2.fl.us. coaching and teaching job at Milton High School. Quarterback “I just needed this change Club meeting in my life,” Tomey said after July 10 GBHS’ doubleheader win The Gulf Breeze High World Series bound over Pine Forest June 29 School Quarterback Club will The Tiger Point 7U All Stars took second place at the Dizzy (see related story). “He meet July 10 at 7 p.m. at the Dean State Tournament June 23-30 in St. Petersburg. (MHS coach Mike Top Row: Asst Coach Jeff Parsons, Head Coach Ken GBHS Media Center. McMillion) is giving me a Robinson, Asst Coach/Pitcher Jamie Philips and Asst Coach The meeting is open to all lot of responsibility.” Robert Toellner. Bottom Row: Kohl McConaghy, Dustin The move for Tomey, current and soon-to-be Rogers, James Parsons, Ron Jon “RJ” Philips, Trevor members. For more from teaching English to Robinson, Nico Ynostrosa, Jack Martin, Brian “T” Richards, physical education, is one information, call Shelley Stephen Huggins and Sean Toellner. Mann at the GBHS administration [emailprotected] knew he wanted. Tomey has Right: Nico Ynostrosa, Kohl McConaghy and James Parsons taught English for 10 years excelled in the Skills Competition prior to tournament start. and wanted a PE job, but Pelicans, McConaghy won the bunting competition, while Parsons won GBHS didn’t have any People’s First set the throwing accuracy competition. Ynostrosa was second in the Home Run Derby. available. up account for Photos submitted by Marilee Martin “I’m very confident that paralyzed player if we did have one, that (new Pelicans pitcher Rusty GBHS principal) Mr. Begnaud was seriously (Sylvan) Ladner would have injured in Tuesday, June 20 given it to him,” said GBHS from a diving accident which football coach Chris left him paralyzed from the Nemith. “They’re getting a chest down. The Pelicans quality coach and a quality have opened up the “Rusty man.” Begnaud Benefit Account” at The Milton slot opened People’s First Community up when Ed Rigby took a Bank. coaching job at Tate. Fans will be able to assist Tomey said he’ll be the Begnaud family during coaching football and Rusty’s recovery with baseball at Milton High. He donations at any People’s didn’t know as of last week First Bank location. Out-of- what specific duties he’ll town donations can be wired have. to the account by calling As for GBHS, it’s the People’s First Bank at 1- third head coaching job 800-807-7227 and asking athletic director Mark Kostic for the Gulf Breeze Branch. has had to fill this summer. Jarrod Denmon moved up Renew GBHS for the JV girls basketball team to varsity, while a boys stadium seats coach has been selected - he GBHS Quarterback Club just can’t be announced until members who have reserved their July 13 board meeting. seats last year may now The county is checking renew them for the upcom- the last of his three ing season by emailing references and can’t release Shelley Mann at his name until it has done so. [emailprotected] Kostic said the coach is from for information. Renewals the southern part of the state are due by July 15. and has four years of head Parents of seniors will coaching experience. have an opportunity to buy Tomey’s departure leaves seats from July 16-25. Seats two coaching spots open - sales will be open to all his softball slot, as well as Quarterback Club members an assistant football coach See Briefs, Page 2C 6 position. As for softball, Kostic is hoping to hire from within. As for his football opening, that could be more Tides difficult to fill. Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News As of last week, GBHS Tides for Pensacola Bay Entrance A swell summer had only two English spots July 6-12 The GBSA 10-year-old All Stars weren’t able to add to their impressive trophy case last week, but their fourth place finish at to fill. Otherwise, Nemith Th 6 High 5:52 AM, Low 5:49 PM the Dizzy Dean State Tournament was the best among Northwest Florida teams.They are (kneeling, from left). Ben Diaz, Andy and the Dolphins will enter F 7 High 6:33 AM, Low 6:46 PM Creech, Ben Davis, Nick Dugger and Tristen Hicks. Middle row (from left): David Alverson, Cooper Jones, Taylor Baynes, the 2006 season with one Sa 8 High 7:25 AM, Low 7:48 PM less coach. Su 9 High 8:22 AM, Low 8:47 PM Connor Crooke, Michael Hawkins and Brandon Aydelott. Standing (from left): Coaches Jimmy Crooke, Jay Baynes, Jim M 10 High 9:18 AM, Low 9:39 PM Creech and Randy Aydelott. As for the softball Tu 11 High 10:10 AM, Low 10:23 PM program, GBHS will have W 12 High 10:58 AM, Low 10:58 PM three new faces. Brett Tides for Navarre Beach July 6-12 Napier, a ninth grade foot- Th 6 High 5:08 AM, Low 3:57 PM ball coach and basketball F 7 High 5:49 AM, Low 4:54 PM GBSAtakes fourth at state tournament Sa 8 High 6:41 AM, Low 5:56 PM coach last year, will move Park won the tournament, Andy Creech singled with when Creech reached on a field- Su 9 High 7:38 AM, Low 6:55 PM BY JASON THOMPSON over to the softball program M 10 High 8:34 AM, Low 7:47 PM defeating the Bulldogs 7-2 in two outs in the fourth inning. er’s choice, while Cooper Jones Gulf Breeze News and won’t coach basketball. Tu 11 High 9:26 AM, Low 8:31 PM the championship game. After Nick Duggar singled and beat out a bunt single and scored [emailprotected] Denmon, who coached W 12 High 10:14 AM, Low 9:06 PM Gulf Breeze 5, Bill Bond 2 Connor Crooke walked, David on a single by Duggar. softball last year, will be the Tides for Milton, Blackwater River The Breakers used a three- July 6-12 Gulf Breeze took fourth out Alverson reached on an error to Bill Bond scored single runs new ninth grade volleyball Th 6 High 8:55 AM, Low 8:10 PM of 11 teams at the Dizzy Dean run fifth inning to get past Bill score Creech, making it 2-0. in the fifth and sixth innings. coach. F 7 High 9:36 AM, Low 9:07 PM 10 year old state tournament last Bond June 26. Baynes doubled to lead off Jake Brown reached on an error Erin Cosky, who coached Sa 8 High 10:28 AM, Low 10:09 PM week at Shoreline Park. Taylor Baynes, who went 2- the fifth inning and scored when and scored in the fifth, while JV girls soccer two years Su 9 High 11:25 AM, Low 11:08 PM The Tallahassee Nationals for-3 and scored twice, singled Michael Hawkins was hit by a Austin Broussard walked and M 10 High 12:21 AM, Low 9:39 PM ago, is back coaching that Tu 11 Low 12:00 AM, High 1:13 PM took third, the Tallahassee in the first inning and scored on pitch. Ben Davis reached on a scored in the sixth. team, replacing Katie Rudie. W 12 Low 12:44 AM, High 2:01 PM Bulldogs second and Pinellas a two-out single by Benji Diaz. fielder’s choice and scored See GBSA, Page 2C 6 See Coaches, Page 3C 6 www.gulfbreezenews.com (850) 932-8986 GULF BREEZE NEWS 2C July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS Sports NEWS Gulf Breeze Family-Owned and Operated since 1967! Patricia Wilson PFC squad goes 1-1-1 at Southern Regionals 115 North Palafox St. Pensacola, FL (850)438-4092 BY JASON THOMPSON Gulf Breeze News [emailprotected] The U-15 PFC Lady Wolves soccer team competed in the U.S. Soccer Southern Regionals for the second consecutive year. They went 1-1-1 for the second consecutive year. PFC 1, Norcross (Ga.) Gold 1: Jordan Pralow’s goal in injury time allowed PFC to salvage a tie in their first match. Gabby DeVries had the assist. PFC 1, Mountain Brook (Ala.) 0: GBHS sophom*omore Aubrey Curington scored off the rebound of a shot by DeVries as the Lady Wolves beat the Alabama state champs. Dallas Texans Red 3, PFC 0: Photos courtesy of Deanna Smith Last year’s Southern Regional Lovin’ Little Rock runners up scored two minutes Six GBHS students helped the U-15 PFC Lady Wolves to a 1-1-1 record at the US Soccer into the game and added an Southern Regionals last weekend in Little Rock, Ark. They are (from left): Amanda Green, insurance goal with three minutes Jesse Vickrey, Alyssa Smith, Aubrey Curington, Maggie Rodgers and Ashley Collins. left as the Texans shut out PFC. GBSA: Host team takes fourth in 11-team 10 year old state tournament

Continued from Page 1C The Nationals led 8-3 after three innings before Gulf Duggar, who went 2-for-3 at Breeze tacked on two more in the plate, pitched three innings the fourth. Aydelott led off with to get the win. He struck out a walk before Alverson drew a three. Davis pitched two base on balls. Both of them innings, while Brandon Aydelott scored on a double by Baynes. pitched the final inning for the But from there, it was all CITY OF GULF BREEZE save. Nationals as they scored six in Reclaimed Waterline Extension Tallahassee Bulldogs 13, the fourth and two in the fifth to Northwest 1 end the game on the 10-run The City of Gulf Breeze d/b/a South Santa Rosa Utility System The Bulldogs scored six in mercy rule. (Owner) will receive sealed bids from qualified contractors until 10:00A.M. (CDST) on August 2, 2006 at the office of the Consultant, the second inning, including a Baynes, Davis and Aydelott Jerry W. McGuire & Associates, P.A.. Bids received after this time will three-run homer by Jacob all had two hits and a run not be accepted. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at 4400 Dullworth, as they Bulldogs scored. Jackson Garter led the Bayou Blvd., Suite 26-B, Pensacola, Florida 32503. All interested par- eliminated Northwest. Nationals with four hits, includ- ties are invited to attend. Scope of Work: Work shall include, but not be limited to, the instal- Dullworth went 3-for-3, ing a double and four runs lation of approximately 3293 LF of 12" PVC Reclaimed Waterline with including a triple. Logan Smith scored. connection to an existing reclaimed waterline and termination with a went 3-for-4 with two doubles Jared Barnes had three hits, valve box and cap, including all appurtenances necessary for a com- and scored three times, while plete project. including a triple, and two runs Contract documents, including drawings and specifications relative Jared Barnes went 2-for-3 with scored, while Tyler Beal and thereto may be inspected at the Dodge Plan Room at 201 South F a double and scored twice. Smith and Dulworth all had two Street, Pensacola, Florida, and the office of the Consultant, Jerry W. Collin Harvell scored twice in hits. Jeffrey Robinson scored McGuire & Associates, P.A., 4400 Bayou Blvd., Suite 26-B, Pensacola, Florida 32503. Plans and specifications may be secured from the win. four times, while Parker Hamil theConsultant at a cost of $30.00 per set, which is non-refundable. Tallahassee Nationals 16, scored twice. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities in bids, to reject Gulf Breeze 5 Pinellas Park 12, any or all bids with or without cause and to accept the bid that in its The Nationals used a five run Tallahassee Nationals 1 judgment is in the best interest of the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida. Completion Time: The entire project shall be completed within 180 third and a six run fourth to pull Austin Berry had two hits days. away from the Breakers. and two runs scored as Pinellas Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News Questions regarding plans and specifications can be addressed via Gulf Breeze took a 3-0 lead Park advanced to the champi- Andy Creech runs to first during the Dizzy Dean State e-mail, Fax or mail to the Consultant at the following address: in the first inning. Baynes led onship game. Tournament last week. Jerry W. McGuire & Associates, P.A. off with an infield single and Clint Tonini had two hits and Mike Warnke scored on a wild pitch. Davis one run scored, while Brandon Nationals. finished the tournament unbeat- 4400 Bayou Blvd, Suite 26-B reached on a bunt single and Grisgby, Richardo Rivera and Pinellas Park 7, en to win the state tournament. Pensacola, FL 32503 (850) 479-4155 ext. 3 Telephone scored on a single by Tristan Phillip Atkinson all scored Tallahassee Bulldogs 2 Grigsby, Dylan Geri, Cory (850) 479-9141 Fax Hicks, while Jones reached on twice. Grigsby struck out 11 in five Hart and T.J. Frounfelter all [emailprotected] an error and scored on an infield Casey Crowe had the only hit innings, while Berry and Rivera scored once in the win. single by Aydelott. and run scored for the both homered as Pinellas Park Legal #0199 BRIEFS Please contact Mindy Bailey player Fraga DaRosa will hold Continued from Page 1C to sign up or for more a Back to School Indoor beginning July 26. information: (850) 293-4353. Soccer camp for kids ages 8-12 July 24-28 from 9 a.m.-noon at Surf Camp Sunday Tennis Fun First Baptist Church in Gulf underway Bunch plays at 5 Breeze. Cost is $55 per camper. Innerlight is sponsoring a p.m. Campers must register by July two-month long camp for The Sunday Tennis Fun 19. For more information, youth who want to learn how Bunch has reverted back to email [emailprotected]. to surf. summer hours at Shoreline Cost of the camp is $150 Park. Play will begin at 5 p.m. National Junior and is non-refundable and non- All ages & levels of tennis transferrable. play are welcome. No partner Disability The camp is on Mondays, required for this informal Championships Tuesdays, Thursdays and group of mixed doubles. Bring looking for Fridays, concluding on August a can of balls. 4. The camp will not take place For information, call Shae volunteers, sponsors on July 4, but will be on Kemerer at 934-9126 or 261- The Tampa Shriners Wednesday, July 5. 2113. Hospital will host the 2005 Surfboards will be provided, National Disability but campers are required to Summer Sizzler Championships July 22-29. bring water, sunscreen and a Tampa hosted the Games last snack. Campers must also be Baseball Tourney year and recently picked up eight years of age or older. July 21-23 this year’s Games, which were For more information, call The 15th annual Summer originally scheduled to be in 932-5134 or log on to Sizzler Baseball Tournament is Boston. www.innerlightsurf.com. July 21-23 at Shoreline Park. The Tampa Shriners have to Cost is $275 per team for raise between $80,000- GBTA looking for teams in the following age $100,000 before the event mixed doubles divisions: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and takes place in July in order for 13-14. For more information, the event to even happen. tennis players call 934-5140 or visit They are also looking for Tennis players of all levels www.gbsasports.com. over 700 volunteers to make of play are needed for daytime, the NJDC work. For mixed doubles quads at Back to School volunteering, call Lori Walker Shoreline Park in Gulf Breeze. indoor soccer 813-972-2250 x 7159. Subs are also needed. For sponsorship, call the Cost is $20 for six-week camp July 24-27 mail hospital number 813-972- sessions on either Mondays or at First Baptist 2250 and ask for the PR dept. Wednesdays, or both days. Former Brazilian soccer

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 3C Sports Gulf Breeze NEWS Dolphins go 2-2 at Gator Classic

BY JASON THOMPSON Gulf Breeze News [emailprotected] The Gulf Breeze baseball team went 2-2 in the Escambia Gator Summer Classic last weekend. Dolphins 12, Woodham 1 Gulf Breeze scored a run in every inning to beat Woodham at Woodham Friday. Brad McGuire doubled in his first two at bats, scoring runs in the first and second innings. Shane Dorlag and Tyler Schumacher both drove in runs in the Dolphins’ four-run second. Boomer Harrington drove in a run with a single in the fourth inning. GBHS took advantage TIGER POINT PARK of two errors in that inning and EAST OF LOWES ON HWY. 98 three hit batters, an error, a fielder’s choice, a catcher’s For Details Call 932-0771 interference and an infield Forms available at www.tigerpointpark.com single to score three more in the and can be mailed until July 30, 2006. fifth. Kyle Beauchamp, the son of Pelicans’ manager Kash Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News Beauchamp, reached base in all Tyler Schumacher looks on as Kolton Hanke bats Friday against Woodham. four plate appearances. Announcing Michael Thomas pitched four Jordan struck out two in the innings to get the win, including final two innings to get the save. Our striking out the side in the third. Mississippi Stars 11, NEWESTNEWEST Dolphins 6, Milton 1 Dolphins 3 Greg Tober struck out five in The Stars, with three five innings, while Schumacher Division I signees, needed a AdditionsAdditions... added a two-run single in a three three-run double and a three-run run sixth to give Gulf Breeze homer in a seven run sixth to get some insurance against the past the Dolphins Saturday at News Panthers Friday at West Florida West Florida Tech. Gullff BBrreeeezzee News Tech. Gulf Breeze scored one in the The Dolphins took a 1-0 lead fourth and two in the sixth. is now available at: in the first inning when Scott reached on a one out error McGuire was hit by a pitch and in the fourth and scored on a ● ● scored on a single by Brandon wild pitch, while Harrington Aegean Breeze Cancun’s Scott. and Vance hit RBI singles in the ● Kolton Hanke beat out an sixth. Gulf Breeze Hospital ER infield single in the fourth Vance’s was a squeeze bunt inning and scored on a double that brought in Harrington, who OTHER LOCATIONS by Thomas to make it 2-0. singled to score McGuire, who Gulf Breeze Proper Milton scored its lone run in also singled. ● McDonald’s ● BP Station ● Bruno’s ● CVS the fifth before the Dolphins Mark Waghalter struck out ● ● ● answered in the bottom half. three in five innings to get the Bay Beach Inn Whataburger Texaco McGuire singled with one out loss. He allowed only five hits. ● Parade Gas Station ● The Greenery Cafe and scored on a two out single McGill Toolen 3, by Scott. Dolphins 2 Tiger Point Area Gulf Breeze scored all three A solo walk-off homer in the ● Circle K ● CVS ● Texaco (OBE Road) ● IHOP of its sixth inning runs with two bottom of the seventh was the ● Winn Dixie ● McDonald’s ● Wal*Mart outs. Schmuacher’s single difference as McGill Toolen, a knocked in Hanke and Thomas 6A school in Mobile, edged Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News East Entrance Gulf Breeze Sunday at Catholic. Head coach Randy Renfroe talks with Greg Tober in between ● before T.J. Jordan singled to innings Friday against Milton. Wal*Mart score Schumacher. See Dolphins, Page 4C 6 West Entrance Pensacola Beach Lady Dolphins hammer Pine Forest twice ● Bagel Heads ● Circle K scored Catherine Horn and Megan Stone. Alverson’s two run double scored BY JASON THOMPSON Horn and Kathleen Kostic had RBI singles Atkinson and Wright before she scored on a Navarre Gulf Breeze News in the inning. double by Brown. Anndrea Marsh’s two run ● ● [emailprotected] Chevron Publix Kara Brown, who allowed six hits in the single scored Horn and Schundelmier. ● The Gulf Breeze Lady Dolphin softball win, singled and scored on a wild pitch in Newell walked and scored in the inning, Winn Dixie played its final two games under head coach the third inning. Gulf Breeze added four while Erin Powell reached on a fielder’s ● B.P.Hwy 98 Sean Tomey (see related story) with a 14-1 more in the fourth inning on a groundout by choice and scored. ● B.P.Hwy 399 and 11-0 wins June 29 at Pine Forest. Wright, a two-run single by Alverson and an Watson’s groundout in the second inning Lady Dolphins 14, Pine Forest 1 RBI double by Brown that bounced off the scored Sarah Munsch, who singled. Gulf Breeze scored nine runs in the first top of the fence and stayed in the park. Atkinson singled and scored on a double by inning on their way to an easy win over the Rosie Atkinson, Alverson, Brown and Brown, while Schundelmier’s single in the To DISTRIBUTE Lady Eagles. Jessica Watson all had two hits in the win. fourth scored Powell, who reached on an News Natalie Newell hit a two-run single in the Lady Dolphins 11, Pine Forest 0 error. Gulf Breeze inning, scoring Lyndsey Wright and Natalie Another big first inning (eight runs) Cori Linville threw a three-hit shutout at your business, CALL Alverson, who both singled. Anna propelled Gulf Breeze to completion of a with nine strikeouts as Gulf Breeze finished Schundelmier added a two-run double that sweep. summer league play with a 5-3 record. 932-8986 COACHES: Boys basketball coach to be announced next week Continued from Page 2C the school’s new varsity sport, joining Pete Della Ratta cheerleading advisor. A Ruston, Jr. (baseball) and Beth Mosley Kelsey Meeks, a 2000 La. native, Eskegren will teach (softball). Catholic High grad, will be the science at GBHS. Wiley went to school at the school’s new JV volleyball David Wiley, who recently University of North Carolina- coach. She taught Spanish for a got hired at Woodlawn Beach Wilmington and got his masters semester this past year at Middle School, will coach the degree at the University of GBHS. She attended college at ninth grade basketball team as Florida. A grad assistant while Southern Miss. well as coach softball. at UF, Wiley played football at Amy Eskegren, a 2005 Wiley is the third WBHS North Greenville College. graduate of Louisiana Tech, is teacher to be coaching a GBHS To Place Your Ad in the Next Issue of The Gulf Breeze News Call 850-9932-88986.

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 4C July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS Sports Gulf Breeze NEWS Currents Can Be Dangerous Even On Calm Days.

Watch area beaches for posted surf Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News Photo courtesy of Connie Randle Boomer Barrington (left) gets a lead off first base during the warning flags: Bayside Gray Dolphins’ win over Woodham. Bayside’s Gray team finished runner ups in the recent Disney Six n Sun Tournament. They are (front, from left): Cayla Platt, Anne Preston, Meghan Kirby, Chelsea Welch and Carly Loehr. Back (from left): assistant coach Rob Simon, Kim Begley, Ashley Schermerhorn, head coach Eric Miles, Emily Brooks, Taylor Sansom and assistant coach Ryan Williams. DOLPHINS: Baseball wins two, loses two at Gator Classic

Continued from Page 3C sixth. CALM CONDITIONS Scott and Harrington led the Swim with usual care The Yellow Jackets scored inning off with singles. Scott single runs in the fourth and scored on a wild pitch, while fifth innings, the fifth inning run Tober, running for Harrington, coming on a solo homer. The scored on a groundout by fourth inning run scored after a Thomas. Gulf Breeze would line drive deflected off the hand leave two runners on in that of first baseman Dane Monnin, inning. requiring a trip to the hospital. Thomas allowed only three Gulf Breeze, who left the hits in the first three innings, bases loaded with nobody out in while T.J. Jordan pitched the the first and two in the fourth, final three-plus innings to take tied the game in the top of the the loss. SWIM WITH CAUTION Rough surf or rip currents likely

Back Issues can be purchased Photo courtesy of Connie Randle Bayside Navy for: Bayside’s Navy team advanced to the semifinals of the recent Disney Six n Sun Tournament. $$ 0000 They are (front, from left): Noelle Robles, Megan Eastburn, Jenny Wells and Colleen 22 * For Subscribers Only Shipping not included Eastburn. Back (from left): Head coach Eric Miles, Lindsey Arnett, Kristi Lee, assistant coach Rob Simon, Bianca Takacs, Haley Gross, Kristen Barona and assistant coach Ryan Williams. DANGEROUS CONDITIONS Stay out of the water! NEW PRICE!!!

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Photo courtesy of Connie Randle Bayside White Bayside’s White team was eliminated in penalty kicks by Bayside Navy in the recent Disney Six n Sun Tournament. They are (front, from left): Jessica Majewski, Brynne Heatley, Katie Patterson and Lauren Fleming. Back (from left): Head coach Eric Miles, Brittany Pyle, assistant coach Rob Simon, Sarah Randle and assistant coach Ryan Williams. Not shown: Emily Tryon and Kayli Hanke. To Advertise In

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GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 5C Sports Gulf Breeze NEWS JV, ninth grade cheerleading squads go to camp at Auburn The Gulf Breeze junior varsity and freshman cheerleading squads recently spent four days at a Universal Cheerleading Association Camp recently at Auburn University. The squads learned stunts, dances and cheers and participated in team-building activities and competitions alongside 43 other squads. The JV squad was awarded numerous blue ribbons and won trophies for Xtreme Routine and second place for camp cheer. They also won a Spirit Stick. Maci deMahy was named a Submitted Photo The ninth grade cheerleaders get ready for a routine. UCA All Star cheerleader. The freshman team won squads was driven to the camp Jesse Richardson, Kady Reeves numerous blue ribbons and won a by Trish Droogsma. and Kari Stephenson. Superior trophy and a Spirit Stick. The JV cheerleading squad The ninth grade cheerleading Margaret Pagonis was named a were Amanda Bennett, squad were Alexa Booth, Erica UCA All Star cheerleader. Bayleigh Boles, Maggie Clark, Fillinger, Kayla James, Madison The squads were Maci deMahy, Arika Hurd, Lee, Margaret Pagonis, Ashley accompanied by sponsors Leslie Brittany Hurd, Megan Keene, Painter, Dylan Threadgill and Submitted Photo Skinner and Diana Hayden. The Elizabeth Niles, Casey Redish, Rachel Viglione. The JV cheerleaders all dressed up on ‘Retro Day’ at a recent UCA camp at Auburn. Girls hoops GBHS volleyball team drops two of three two game points against them in drops pair BY JASON THOMPSON game one before a kill by the Gulf Breeze News Lady Eagles gave them the BY JASON THOMPSON [emailprotected] game and eventually the match. Gulf Breeze News For the first time this summer, An ace by Macy Miller gave [emailprotected] the Gulf Breeze Lady Dolphin Gulf Breeze a 5-3 lead, but For the second straight week, volleyball team lost two of its that’s as big as lead as they’d the Gulf Breeze Lady Dolphin three matches in the PJC hold against Pine Forest. basketball team played a pair of Summer Volleyball League. The Lady Eagles led by as tough games, only to lose both. The Lady Dolphins (5-4 this many as five in the first game, GBHS lost their last four summer) lost close game ones to but Gulf Breeze hung tough, games in the Catholic High both Catholic and Pine Forest and getting to within one (24-23) Summer League by an average needed a third game to beat Milton. on an ace by Celia Eddy. of seven points. Catholic 25-25, A point on serve from Escambia 30, Gulf Breeze 23-14 Bridget Randall gave Gulf Lady Dolphins 24 The Lady Crusaders scored Breeze a 1-0 lead in game two. ! their final two points in game It would eventually be their !

Despite dominating the ! offensive glass, Gulf Breeze one off GBHS service errors as only lead of the game. couldn’t pull out a win over the they went on to beat the Lady Eddy led Gulf Breeze with Lady Gators. Dolphins for the second time in six kills, while Crooke had Gulf Breeze outrebounded as many weeks. three kills and 10 assists. Escambia 23-3 on the offensive A string of nine straight Lady Dolphins 25-18-15, boards, but only made one field serves gave Catholic a 16-7 Milton 10-25-5 over the final nine minutes. game one lead before a Tobie Six service errors in game two Tobie Bass led Gulf Breeze Bass kill forced a sideout. forced GBHS to work overtime with eight points and six But Gulf Breeze would claw to beat the Lady Panthers. rebounds. Celia Eddy had six their way back into the game, Five straight serves from points, 10 rebounds and three getting as close as one (23-22) Crooke gave Gulf Breeze an blocked shots, while Natalie before service errors cost them early lead in game one. Milton Newell had four and Jamie a chance to win. got to within three before three Beeler, Stephanie Wright and Gulf Breeze had five service serves from Amberly Dowell and Gabrielle Randal two each. errors in that game. four from Tristan Powers gave . . . Beeler also grabbed seven Catholic took an early lead Gulf Breeze a nine point lead. rebounds, while Christine Hay in game two before three The longest string of serves had five. straight Mary Kate Crooke in the game was three by Grace Pace 38, Lady Dolphins 25 serves tied the game at 4. Papajohn, the last of which was The Lady Patriots made But from there, it was all an ace, that got Gulf Breeze

seven of their first nine field Catholic as they outscored the within one (13-12). But from

Splash goals in the second half to pull Lady Dolphins 21-10. there, the Lady Dolphins only Splash away from Gulf Breeze. Lacie Brothers had three scored two points on serve. Bass had eight points, while kills in the match, while Gulf Breeze fell behind 3-0 in Munsch had five, Jamie Beeler Crooke had four assists and game three before forcing a three and Hay, Erin Powell and three digs. Bass led Gulf sideout. Randal scored seven Randal two each. Breeze with three blocks. straight points on serve to give the Eddy had five rebounds, Pine Forest 25-25, Lady Dolphins the lead for good. while Beeler had five boards Gulf Breeze 23-12 Eddy had six kills, while Jason Thompson/Gulf Breeze News and three assists. The Lady Dolphins staved off Crooke had nine assists. Bridget Randall sets the ball before a recent GBHS match. look at what’s in Plunge into everything the Gulf Coast has to offer

www.gulfbreezenews.com (850) 932-8986 GULF BREEZE NEWS 6C July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS

The Area’s Most Sports/Schools AAFFFFOORRDDAABBLLEE Gulf Breeze NEWS Employment Classified Ads are in Gulf Breeze Navarre Fun Fest draws crowds News! The celebration included a live entertainment, arts and crafts, 5K Prices start at Run/Walk, Fireworks, Food and Fun! $ 03 A children’s area, which was all- 11. encompassing had a rock climbing wall, a giant blow up slide, To-To Call (850) D’'Clown, and much more! A train helped shuttle passengers 932-8986 from one end of Fun to the other. This was a great event showcasing “The Now that’s Jewels of Navarre.” smart business!

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GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 7C Schools Gulf Breeze NEWS

Take the GBN 2006 Cram the Van visits local merchants Summer Reading Challenge Program to visit Thurs. July 6 - Office Depot Fri. July 14 - Office Depot in the van on site and they will be Gulf Breeze Wal in Gulf Breeze from 11AM- Pea Ridge from 11AM-2PM; donated to students who are Gulf Breeze News invites age appropriately challenging 2PM; Wal-Mart in Gulf Breeze Wal-Mart in Pea Ridge from 4- eligible. elementary-aged to high books and either e-mail or mail Mart today from 4-7PM 7PM Cash donations are also being school-aged students to reviews to Attn: GBN Summer Cram the Van, a United Way Fri. July 7 - Office Depot in Sat. July 15 - Publix Super accepted at Children's Services expand their literary horizons Reading Challenge; e-mail: program sponsored by WEAR - Pea Ridge from 11AM-2PM; Market in Navarre from 11AM- Center 983-5313 and the United beyond the classroom by tak- [emailprotected] / TV 3 and Sandy Sansing, will Wal-Mart in Pea Ridge from 4- 2PM; Winn Dixie in Navarre Way of Santa Rosa 623-4507. ing part in Gulf Breeze News 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy., be making stops at local busi- 7PM from 4PM- 7PM The Cram the Van program is a 2006 Summer Reading Harbourtown Suite #35, Gulf nesses to except donations of Sat. July 8 - Milton Big Lots Customers wishing to help collaborative effort through Challenge! This incentive- Breeze, FL 32561. school supplies for those unable 2-4PM ; K-Mart 4-7PM can purchase basic school United Way of Santa Rosa based challenge is FREE to all The Reward to afford them. The van is Thurs. July 13 - Office supplies like wide ruled note- County, Children's Services students and may even get you Each student who takes the scheduled to be at the following Depot in Gulf Breeze 11-2PM; book paper, crayons, folders, Center, and the Family published! challenge by reading a book, locations: Gulf Breeze Wal-Mart 4-7PM glue, and scissors bring them to Resource Program. Get Reading & Writing writing a review, and the Individual schools/teachers review is published in the Gulf may have assigned a number of Breeze News he/she will Meteorology books for you to read over the receive two tickets to The Children have lots to do summer... Gulf Breeze News ZOO of NW Florida. The Workshop wishes to help you reach your Gulf Breeze News reserves Summer Reading Goal with a the right to select reviews to at area libraries this week July 24-25 challenge. be printed. The Challenge At program end we will From age 1 to 16, there’s safety with County more! Cost is $29 During the summer, June also have an "Editor's Choice something for your child to Extension Agent Chris 1:00 PM Book Feast 22 - July 30, student partici- Award" drawing and students do this summer at you local Verlinde. Program for ages 5 to 12 A Basic Meterology class pants are encouraged to read will be rewarded with grand library. Navarre Branch Library, for middle school aged books and send in a 200-word prizes such as two tickets to For more information, Friday, July 7 8484 James M. Harvell Rd., students (10-13) will be (or less) written review to Sam's Fun City! Keep contact the Pensacola Public 10:30 AM Story Time for 936-6120 held July 24 and 25 from 9 Gulf Breeze News. Reading! Library at 436-5060. ages 1 to 5 Storyteller Pat Nease a.m.-2 p.m. at Gulf Breeze During the five-week period Thursday, July 6 Southwest Branch Library, helps us end the summer High School. parents may help students select 10:00 AM Story Time for 12248 Gulf Beach Hwy., with some delightfully deli- Cost is $29 and will be ages 1 to 5 453-7780 cious stories. conducted by former Tryon Branch Library, Enjoy stories, songs and military meteorlogist Bill 5740 N. Ninth Ave., 494- more! Wednesday, July 12 Randall. 7373 1:00 PM Summer Movie 10:00 AM Story Time for Topics of discussion are: Vicky Griffin, D.O. Enjoy stories, songs and Matinee ages 1 to 5 Pre-course Quiz, more! Pensacola Public Library, Pensacola Public Library, Temperature, Pressure & PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 10:30 AM Story Time for 200 W. Gregory St., 436- 200 W. Gregory St., 436- Humidity, Cloud Forms, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ages 1 to 5 5060 5060 Severe Weather, Hurricanes, Southwest Branch Library, Lady and the Tramp Enjoy stories, songs and Tracking The Weather, New Patients Welcome 12248 Gulf Beach Hwy., (1955, G, 76 min.) more! Internet Resources, Post- 453-7780 3:30 PM Book Feast 10:30 AM Story Time for course Quiz and Awarding IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE Enjoy stories, songs and Program for ages 5 to 12 ages 1 to 5 Course Certifications more! Pensacola Public Library, Southwest Branch Library, Kids can register at the 3261 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. 10:30 AM Story Time for 200 W. Gregory St., 436- 12248 Gulf Beach Hwy., Santa Rosa Community and Baptist ages 3 to 5 5060 453-7780 School or by calling (850) Medical Park Gulf Breeze Library, 1060 The Guide Dog Puppy Enjoy stories, songs and 934-4095. Net Proceeds Shoreline Dr., 932-5166 Program strut their stuff at more! from this Workshop will be Enjoy stories, songs and today’s program. 10:30 AM Story Time for distributed back to the 916-44300 more! ages 3 to 5 school system. 1:00 PM Book Feast Monday, July 10 Milton Branch Library, Program for ages 5 to 12 10:30 AM Story Time for 5541 Alabama St., 623-5565 Southwest Branch Library, ages 3 to 5 Enjoy stories, songs and 12248 Gulf Beach Hwy., Jay Branch Library, 5259 more! 453-7780 Booker Lane, 675-6293 1:00 PM Book Feast Spend the afternoon Enjoy stories, songs and Program for ages 5 to 12 enjoying art—Pennee Wilson more! Milton Branch Library, will put art on you face and 1:00 PM Book Feast 5541 Alabama St., 623-5565 librarian Marsha Weaver will Program for ages 5 to 12 Puppeteer David Stephens put music in your ear. Jay Branch Library, 5259 presents a Jack & the 2:00 PM B’twixt and Booker Lane, 675-6293 Beanstalk like you’ve never B’tween Book Club for ages Storyteller Pat Nease seen before—clever, witty, 10 – 12 helps us end the summer laugh-out-loud funny. Pensacola Public Library, with some delightfully deli- 3:30 PM Book Feast We Read a book. Write a review (200 words or less). 200 W. Gregory St., 436- cious stories. Program for ages 5 to 12 Send it to [emailprotected]. 5060 Tryon Branch Library, Discuss interesting books Tuesday, July 11 5740 N. Ninth Ave., 494- Support 932-8986 and meet new friends. 10:00 AM Story Time for 7373 3:30 PM Book Feast ages 3 to 5 Puppeteer David Stephens Program for ages 5 to 12 Navarre Branch Library, presents a Jack & the Our Gulf Breeze Library, 1060 8484 James M. Harvell Rd., Beanstalk like you’ve never Shoreline Dr., 932-5166 936-6120 seen before—clever, witty, Get the low down on water Enjoy stories, songs and laugh-out-loud funny. Troops

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 8C June 29, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS

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GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com SectionSection CC YOURYOUR COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY NEWSPAPERNEWSPAPER AprilJuly 13, 6, 2006 Modest facade conceals personal touches extraordinaire

BY JAY DEDRICK Scripps Hoeard News Service

From the street, the renovated home in Denver’s Hilltop neigh- borhood offers only hints at the surprises beyond the entrance. Stacked stone and blond brick. An etched-steel front door. A porthole window high on the second floor. Stylish details, for sure, but the modestly sized façade leads to a big variety of architectural fea- tures that must be seen from the Ellen Jaskol / Scripps Howard News Service inside. “We didn’t want a trophy The custom-tailored home of Ed Warner and Jacalyn Erickson in Denver, Colo., includes home,” says owner Ed Warner, stacked stone, blond brick and etched-steel that reveals stylish details. But the modestly sized who lives there with his wife, facade leads to a big variety of architectural features that must be seen from the inside. Jackie. “We wanted people to be invited into the house to see all the wondrous things, features that the public doesn’t get to see.” Consider yourself invited in, where a secluded courtyard spins off of a combi- monsters with the huge garage in front,” says villa,” Ed says. “A house that has interior priva- find in the Rocky Mountain region in recent nation fire pit and waterfall, perfect for elemen- architect Jeff Sheppard. “We wanted to respect cy, both indoors and outdoors. A central court- decades. tal conversation. Where a studio loft boasts a the scale of the neighborhood. There’s a lot of yard with three sides. A place we could do a lot The couple were so taken with the Roth + monolithic workstation that revolves to catch the square footage in that house, but from the front it of entertaining.” Sheppard design for the ‘96 renovation that they best natural light. Where a stainless-steel frame comes off as a much more modestly scaled Other key “musts” included a guest bedroom tapped the same firm to pick up where it left off surrounds a décor heavily reliant on rare stone. house.” suite, an art studio for Jackie, 51, who is a six years earlier. The home is a long way from its roots as a Ed and Jackie bought the residence in 2002, painter, and a study and wine cellar for Ed, 60, In the main home, old Jack-and-Jill bedrooms 1957-built ranch. Owners before the Warners ini- looking for more room than their town house who volunteers and teaches at his alma mater, were remodeled into the art studio, where floor- tiated the reinvention in 1996, enlisting to pop offered and the chance to dream up some cus- Colorado State University. A geologist, he retired ing is bamboo near bookcases, embossed rubber the top. That phase added a master suite. tom-tailored choices. from the oil-and-gas industry after discovering near the sink — both easy-to-clean choices. “We didn’t want it to turn into one of those “The intent of the house was to be an urban Wyoming’s Jonah Field, the biggest natural-gas See Facades, Page 2D 6


SOPHISTICATED SOUNDFRONT RESIDENCE BUY FROM ME, G Downstairs Master ! MLS 298198 LIST WITH ME, G Detached Guest Suite STAY FOR 911 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. G 83’ on the Sound G Outdoor Kitchen SOUND FRONT FREE! G 3,500 sq. ft. The Beach living space Great in a LET US LIST YOUR Relax is BACK! ! opportunity HOME TODAY! WATERFRONT home to invest in minutes from the PENSACOLA 3361 Edgewater Ln. beaches. Enjoy BEACH! Santa Rosa Shores - G.B. the beautiful sunsets $895,000 $1,200,000 after a day of MLS# 305525 viewing properties. 1107 Maldonado Dr. Call Connie for PENSACOLA BEACH Clare Reynolds Daryl Delgado details & bookings. (850)516-8397 (850) 393-1152 Connie Darr Broker Cell: (850) 748-22032 clarereynoldsexitrealty@ cox.net daryldelgado@ hotmail.com Cell: (850) 748-2032 ● Toll Free: 866-932-9388 ● Office: (850) 932-9388 TerriTerri DavidsonDavidson Cell: 380-3379 Seaside Charm ● 4 BD- 2.5 BA ● 2,368 SQ.FT. ● shore of Sugar Bowl Lake ● wonderful New Listing! views of the 425 Kenilworth Road Dune Preserve, Gulf Breeze, FL MLS# 294095 Gulf and 4 Bedrooms ● 3 Baths ● 3,926 sq.ft. Sound. JUST LIISTED!! $699,000 Beautiful updated Gulf Breeze Proper family home!…This is one of the most 2900SF desirable areas: close to downtown Gulf Breeze, excellent schools and only 3 miles DebbieDebbie CederquistCederquist from Pensacola. Mature oaks, magnolias and azaleas welcome nature lovers. Once WITH POOL inside the southern charm is reflected in the hardwood floors, spacious living areas, MLS #304889 Cell:850.375.3727 and tasteful decorating. The back yard is a family dream with large patio area and gorgeous new gunite pool. New palm trees enhance the Florida inspired landscap- [emailprotected] ing. This is truly one of the most beautiful lots in Gulf Breeze. There is a 460’ base- Pensacola Beach ment/workshop for the craftsman. This home has plenty of win- dows and is bright and cheerful. The property has been metic- $ ● 899,000 2 Sugar Bowl Lane ulously maintained over the years and has a new roof. www.FLACOASTALHOMES.com 850.572.5887 [emailprotected] Cell: 850-418-1111 Cell: 850-418-1112 [emailprotected] 643 BONILACE CIRCLE GULF BREEZE, FL. $649,900 SELLING COASTAL PENSACOLA

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www.gulfbreezenews.com (850) 932-8986 GULF BREEZE NEWS 2D July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS KOOL BREEZE of N.W.F. Lifestyles For Terrific Cooling Service Gulf Breeze NEWS 939-3325 CERTIFIED FACADES: TECHNICIANS Stone, brick, steel trim add beauty Ready to Serve You! Continued from Page 1D waterfall. Nearby, a stainless-steel trough is home to colorful koi. Inspired by a visit to a The original house and a $100 OFF Summer Install Special! Boulder, Colo., art studio, Jackie loggia connecting it with the requested an in-floor display original garage framed two case at the entrance of her work sides of the courtyard; its third space. The triangle of glass is boundary came with a new trimmed in black granite; on the guest suite/study space. In the stainless-steel bottom a few ground-floor suite, a pocket inches below the glass, door separates the bedroom BRAND whimsical turtle sculptures seem and the bath from a sitting area. to play a game of marbles. A Japanese bath capped by Your dog safe @ home.TM An unconventional display Lyons sandstone provides earthy case was introduced in the contrast to modernist details like 1-866-597-3647 kitchen dining nook, too. A iridescent glass tile, frosted-glass semicircular wooden booth door and glass bowl sink. A looks out onto the courtyard and second bowl sink — in artisan boasts built-in glass display bronze — features a nearby sign cases for small antique pots and gently warning guests that glassware. Rope lighting toothpaste and shaving cream 25 years experience illuminates the collection. that isn’t rinsed away will ruin Ellen Jaskol / Scripps Howard News Service “We wanted something fun the delicate finish. Ed Warner’s office is a studio loft that has a monolithic Reasonable Rates Fast Service that was a continuation of the Upstairs, the study has the workstation that revolves to catch natural light. circle feature in the courtyard,” look of a modern museum. Let us Help with your Jackie says of the booth. “Stone is important to me — pound, 7-foot-high piece of to similar ones in the main home’s As for that circle feature, it’s I’m a geologist,” says Ed, who vertical-grain fir hugs a kitchen and master bedroom. the centerpiece of the courtyard explored nine quarries and semicircular desk, and the entire “Sunlight is important to us,” LANDSCAPE that Ed and Jackie dreamed about. stone yards on a quest to find workstation sits on an 8-foot Jackie says. “I’m just thrilled & “I had sat around campfires all flagstone for the addition that turntable inset in the oak floor. with the lighting throughout the my life, since I was 10 years old,” matched the original paver With a strong push, Ed can rotate house. It’s about being in nature Ed says. Jackie grew up in the stairs on the front lawn. His the station — up to 240 degrees and bringing the outdoors inside IRRIGATION country, where creeks supplied treasure trove turned up in stone — until the light flowing with all the windows.” needs. the soundtrack. “I wanted the salvaged from the old Stapleton through the floor-to-ceiling Her own artistry is on sound of water,” she says. Airport passenger terminal. “I windows suits him perfectly. display at the front entrance: Locally owned & Operated Sheppard combined those should put a plaque out front.” Says Sheppard: “There are the steel-clad door is one of her Gulf Breeze, FL elements in a postmodern fire For a long, narrow map desk, some very personal things that creations. Yes, Ed got his wine pit. Slats of teak provide bench he found a piece of Brazilian respond to his background. Ed cellar, too: storage for 2,500 seating that radiates off a marble, crisscrossed with green probably doesn’t know this, bottles and a carpeted floor copper cauldron sitting in a veins and looking very much because we never told him, but because he admits to steel base. “This is a place to like a map itself. “When I saw the kinetic, turning aspect of that occasionally dropping a bottle. hold conversations,” Ed says. this,” Ed says, “it looked like the workstation is a metaphor for Given all the personal “We had eight or 10 people in view from when I was flying drilling — oil and gas drilling. expressions throughout the here for New Year’s, drinking over a stream in Wyoming.” His office is like a jewel sitting house and the unusual choice port and smoking cigars.” The circular theme from the up there above the courtyard.” to have only two bedrooms, it’s Under the bowl of fire sits a pool fire pit and kitchen booth An art niche is inset into the a custom-tailored residence of water. A stainless-steel column, continues at his study’s room’s far wall, which is that the couple plan to live in inset into the stone wall facing the workstation, which sits under an curved, inside and out. It pulls for a long, long time. pit, provides structure for a gentle 8-foot circular skylight. A 600- visitors out to a balcony “We’re not afraid of the overlooking a small Zen garden. staircases as we get older,” Jackie The view from those big says. “We ignored that. We look windows in the study looks across at it as a form of exercise.”

Ellen Jaskol / Scripps Howard News Service The guest suite has a Japanese bath capped by sandstone Ellen Jaskol / Scripps Howard News Service with other modernist bathroom details like iridescent glass Light-colored wood cabinets contrast with dark countertops tile, a frosted-glass door and a glass bowl sink. in the kitchen, which offers views of the central courtyard. UF's new website offers Solutions for Your Life Dive into BY THERESA FRIDAY guidelines to make the When planted under Santa Rosa County content accessible to users appropriate soil, light, and Extension Agent with disabilities. climatic conditions, most Solutions for Your Life generally require little The Internet is a global super- collects hundreds of how-to maintenance compared with warehouse of information. publications, educational other plants. Each plant’s More and more people use the programs, fact sheets and preferred growing conditions internet when trying to find an technical reports. It also links (soil pH, soil texture, relative answer to a question. to Web sites for state and drought tolerance, soil With that in mind, a team federal agencies, land-grant drainage/moisture, light from the University of Florida universities and professional range, light optimum, and salt has recently come up with a organizations. tolerance) are included as a new website to help people The site includes timely guide to choosing plants for quickly find answers to real feature articles, an events your specific site conditions. life problems, including lawn calendar, a database of Additional information is Northwest Florida’s and garden issues. frequently asked questions, given on growth rate, mature Located at www.solutions- employment opportunities, and height and spread, flowering Entertainment Magazine foryourlife.com and contact information for color and season, value to FREE sponsored by UF's Extension extension offices in each of wildlife, wind resistance and ● Dining Reviews Service, the site provides Florida’s 67 counties. It will be other characteristics helpful ● Calendar of Events Pick up consumers and industry updated continually with new for plant selection and ● professionals with a one-stop publications, links and photos. maintenance. Shopping / Sightseeing source of information on Above all, the Solutions for If you want to jump direct- ● Movie Reviews family life, gardening, Your Life website is focused ly to this informative list, go ● Kids Activity Page agriculture, the environment on getting you timely and rel- to● Recipes and other topics. evant solutions for improving http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/fyn/list ● Massive in size and scope, your life. .pdf. This list is meant as a Beach Activities at locations Solutions for Your Life is a Apart from advice and guide to start choosing plants ● Arts & Entertainment gateway to extension, information, Solutions for appropriate for your condi- ● Nature & Local Beauty all over research and education Your Life includes real-life tions. The absence of a plant resources from UF's Institute success stories showing how from this list does not imply and MORE ! Northwest of Food and Agricultural extension benefits the state that it is not well adapted to Sciences. and its residents. Florida landscape conditions. Florida. In development for more One of the gardening links Solutions for Your Life than a year, Solutions for you will find on the Solutions emphasizes material that Your Life was created to meet for Your Life webpage is a could be useful anywhere in To Advertise consumer demand for better new Florida-friendly plant the state. The Web site isn't online access to extension list. The plants on this list are meant to replace directcontact Call resources. The site was considered by UF/IFAS with local Extension offices, designed for ease of use and horticulture specialists to be but it's the next best thing, visual appeal. It also well adapted to growing in and it's available around the 850-932-8986 complies with federal Florida landscapes. clock.

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com GULF BREEZE NEWS July 6, 2006 3D Home & Garden Gulf Breeze NEWS

Coping with summer’s heat and humidity SAUL ULLMAN, M.D. Specializing in: BY DANIEL E. MULLINS the early morning or late much longer and cuttings are will keep longer. If picked in afternoon hours. Many cultural more likely to root because they the afternoon they will have Microincision Cataract Surgery Santa Rosa County ● Over 19,000 implants performed practices are best performed are not moisture stressed. built up what is known as “field Extension Agent ● The first to offer Multifocal IOL technology while it is cool anyway. Delay mowing until late heat” by commercial producers. in Pensacola My mother was conversing Sprays containing afternoon if grass is wet from When picked in this stage, the Visit www.UllmanEye.com with someone from one of the insecticides or fungicides rain or morning dew. It is quality and storage time is Read why over 100 Doctors have chosen northern states a few years ago should be applied during early always best to mow when the reduced. Dr. Ullman for their surgery. when the subject of weather morning hours. When applied grass blades are dry. You will Question of the Week: I have 9400 University Parkway, Suite 302 came up. She was asked if during the heat of the day, spray obtain a cleaner cut and there is purchased and planted a (850 ) 208-1900 those of us from the deep South droplets can burn foliage and less chance of clippings honeysuckle in my yard and became accustomed to the heat stems although a normally safe clumping together. There is also someone recently told me that it and humidity. The quick product is being used. Even a disease or two that can be is an invasive plant. Is this true? response was “no, we don’t get pure water, if sprayed on leaves spread when mowing under wet Answer: It depends upon used to it, we just cope as best during mid-day, can burn them. conditions. which honeysuckle that you that we can.” Plants are also more turgid Irrigate during early morning have. If you purchased it at a Gardeners learn to cope too, early in the morning, having all hours. Less water is lost to nursery, I suspect that it is the or they will experience a tough night to take up water from the evaporation when it is applied trumpet honeysuckle, Lonicera summer. Really high soil and recover from the before temperatures rise. The sempervirens, which is native to temperatures and humidity previous days wilt. They are water stays on target better much of the state. It is also a generally arrive in July and stay therefore less likely to be because there is normally less good plant for attracting with us for about 3 months. If damaged from handling, wind early in the day. Leaves hummingbirds. we ever return to normal rainfall pruning or other gardening and stems dry faster with The honeysuckle that you patterns – and we haven’t for activities. morning watering. This should avoid planting is the past three years, we will also With this in mind, early provides less opportunity for Lonicera japonica, or Japanese experience frequent afternoon morning is the best time to diseases to enter. honeysuckle. It is an exotic that thundershowers. gather cut flowers for the vase Harvest fruits and vegetables can become a pest due to its Make life easier this summer and for taking cuttings that are during early morning. They aggressive growth habit. CASHCASH NOWNOW by limiting gardening jobs to to be rooted. Flowers keep will be more plump, fresher and FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS For color in shady spots, choose plants carefully (800) 794-7310 for half of the day. flowering landscape plants having difficulty keeping my BY DANIEL E. MULLINS J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW The truly “dark” areas within suggested for trial in the darker Japanese maples looking good Santa Rosa County for Structured Settlements! Extension Agent a landscape can be extremely areas of the landscape: begonia, through the summer. When hot frustrating unless shade tolerant crossandra, impatiens, weather arrives, the leaves turn Dealing with deep shade is or shade-loving plants are used. streptoocarpus, Pachystachys brown around the edges and one of the gardener’s biggest When high light requiring (Cardinal’s Guard), some fall from the trees. What challenges when landscape species are planted where there Physostegia, hosta and can I do? WANT A COPY OF color is the goal. Many of the is inadequate light, they usually Jacobinia. Colorful shrubs: Answer: The symptoms that most colorful annual and grow taller, with thin stems, and acuba, mahonia, nandina, you describe are probably perennial flowering plants flowers are sparse, if they occur cleyera, oakleaf hydrangea and related to excessive heat and A GBN PHOTO? prefer bright light, leaving only at all. Though these plants sparkleberry. Ground covers: fluctuating soil moisture. a short list of those that perform might live for years in under Carolina yellow jessamine, Japanese maples are valuable, well in the shade. less than optimum light variegated liriope, partridge highly ornamental small Shady sites, in horticultural conditions, they can never reach berry, confederate jasmine and growing trees that are often used Photos e-mailed terms, are described as those their potential. vinca (periwinkle). as specimens in the landscape. locations that receive no direct When choosing plants for use Obtain more complete The northern Gulf Coast is at sunlight. Such a condition in deep shade, save time, money information before investing the southern extreme of their $5 exists beneath a thick canopy of and grief by eliminating many time and money in landscaping range of adaptability. As a trees or where a building, fence species that are known to shady areas. The University of result, our mild winters and hot, or other structure blocks all require exposure to high light Florida offers plant lists that bright summers result in stress. Photos on CD direct sunlight. conditions. Grasses, both turf include the light requirements They do best when planted in These areas should not be and ornamental, are generally of many plants. areas that receive part shade or confused with sites that receive poor performers where light is There is another option for filtered light through an $10 partial shade, where many limited. Many popular annuals those dark areas. Some can be overhead tree canopy. colorful plants can be and perennials also do not grow left in a natural state. Under Supplemental waterings Must be prepaid successfully grown. Examples well in the shade. Examples large trees leaves can be left throughout the spring and of partial shade include those include zinnia, celosia, crape where they fall to provide summer can also help. The areas that receive filtered myrtle, junipers, hibiscus, mulch. Bare soil in other areas Japanese maples seem to need sunlight through pines or salvia, rudbeckia, coleus and can be mulched with bark or irrigation more often than most 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. unit 40 scattered small broadleaf trees pentas. other attractive natural materials. commonly used landscape trees and areas that receive direct sun Following is a partial list of Question of the Week: I am and shrubs. 850.932.8986 Salvage ware grows in popularity

BY MICHAEL MELLO The Providence Journal

Not long after moving east from Arizona, Harry and Jeanine James stumbled upon 34 rundown homes, some dating to the late 1800s, slated to be torn down near a state prison in Bridgewater, Mass. “They were going to just throw it all away,” recalled James, a tall, friendly man with a bushy moustache and an eye for a deal. Having operated salvage businesses in the Phoenix area, he knew there was money to be made in the old woodwork, Photo by Sandor Bodo / The Providence Journal doors, windows, porch Owners Jeanine and Harry James, and their dog, Briggs, sit columns, tubs and radiators. He among salvaged bath tubs at New England Demolition & bought the salvage rights, rented Salvage in Wareham, Mass. containers and pulled as much stuff as he, his wife and friends “This stuff is becoming more colors, doors, windows and could from the houses. desirable. People are using it for other items rescued from demo- That was eight years ago. driveways, walkways and patios lition projects are strewn about Today the Jameses rent 40,000 for old homes and new, upscale the Grotto Avenue salvage yard. square feet in a Wareham, homes,” he said. The company has been in Mass., warehouse filled with “I sent 75,000 stones to business since 1963, said owner thousands of home and building Washington state four years Tom D’Agostino, 86. The sal- parts that once would have been ago. Someone from Microsoft vage part of the operation began ticketed for local dumps. was using it for their driveway about a decade ago, with most The business, New England ... Years ago, you could get it for business attracted by word of Demolition & Salvage, nothing,” he said. “But like a lot mouth. specializes in the resale of used of old things, it’s getting “Very few people know we architectural artifacts and tougher to find.” are here,” D’Agostino said. household items. Spurred by the For Ned Connors, the search He says there are only a few nostalgia, historical accuracy for an authentic sink for his other salvage businesses in the and potential cost savings asso- 1925 Craftsman-style bungalow area because they require a lot ciated with these often hard-to- “boiled down to convenience of space and a willingness to find items, homeowners and and money. It was cheaper (than hang onto items that, due to businesses now eagerly pursue trying to order a replica) and I poor condition and changing them for renovation projects. got a kick out of finding the real styles, aren’t guaranteed to sell. “It is a big business,” said thing.” D’Agostino says customers Peter Hill. Hill has made a liv- Connors, who also added can expect up to a 50-percent ing reselling handcrafted stone period radiators to his house, savings over buying something torn up from New England found his sink at National new, though he makes no streets. “It’s for people who Wrecking Co., in Pawtucket. want a unique look,” said Hill. Old sinks, tubs of various See Tubs, Page 6D 6

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com 4D July 6, 2006 GULF BREEZE NEWS CLASSIFIEDS LEGALS

110 –––––––––––––––––– issued thereon. The 2602 PG 1224 NEW ORLEANS ARNOLD R COLE NOTICE OF Certificate Number and Year of Issuance: 2004 Parcel ID: VEDIC SOCIETY JOSEPHINE G COLE In the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa County, Florida Probate Division GEN. MERCHANDISE - MISC. APPLICATION year of Issuance, the 19-2S-27-0190-00A00- D/B/A TOUCHSTONE FOR TAX DEED Description of property, 0040 DESIGNS All of the above prop- IN RE: ESTATE OF STANLEY and Name(s) in which it Description of Name in which All of the above proper- erty is located in Santa WILLIAM MEIER, Deceased Are you a fan of Tom Clancy? John Grisham? Michael Crichton? NOTICE IS HEREBY is assessed is as fol- Property: Assessed: ty is located in Santa Rosa County, In the Andy McNab? Ollie North? Joel Rosenberg? Then I have the books GIVEN THAT HEART- lows: PROPERTY SOUTHLAND MANU- Rosa County, In the State of Florida. File No.: 57-2006-CP-178 for you. Hardbacks $6, paperbacks $3. WOOD 88 LLC holder DESCRIBED IN OR FACTURED HOMES State of Florida. Unless such certificate Division: C Call 380-7267 or email [emailprotected]. of the following Tax Certificate Number: BK 2221 PG 286 INC shall be redeemed NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sale Certificate has 2537 Parcel ID: All of the above proper- Unless such certificate according to Law, the ———————— ———————— ———————— filed said Tax Year of Issuance: 1999 15-2S-26-0000-19400- ty is located in Santa shall be redeemed Property described in The administration of the estate of Two Mausoleum Certificate for the Tax 0000 Rosa County, In the according to Law, the such Certificate will be Stanley William Meier, deceased, Crypts- Type Two 207 207 Deed to be issued Description of Name in which State of Florida. Property described in sold to the Highest whose date of death was March 11, 2006, and whose Social Security Companions at EMPLOYMENT - EMPLOYMENT - thereon. The Property: Assessed: such Certificate will be Bidder, at the east end Rose Lawn, Gulf Certificate Number and OR BOOK 1158 PG JOHN MARK GREEN- Unless such certificate sold to the Highest lobby of the County Number is 087-05-9007, is pending in DRIVERS DRIVERS year of Issuance, the 424, LESS OR BK LEE shall be redeemed Bidder, at the east end Administrative the Circuit Court for Santa Rosa Breeze $5,000 (less County, Florida, Probate Division, the than pre- Description of property, 1699 PG 1009, LESS HELEN S GREENLEE according to Law, the lobby of the County Complex at 6495 and Name(s) in which it OR BK 1720 PG 1 All of the above proper- Property described in Administrative Caroline St., Milton, address of which is Mary Johnson, construction price) CAR HAULING. We're raising pay for is assessed is as fol- Parcel ID: ty is located in Santa such Certificate will be Complex at 6495 Florida on the 14th day Attn: Probate, P.O. Box 472, Milton, Call: (850) 939-1616 Southeast Region. Florida Regional lows: 36-1N-29-0000-00212- Rosa County, In the sold to the Highest Caroline St., Milton, of August, 2006 at Florida 32572. The names and ———————— addresses of the personal represen- $1,100+/WEEK! drivers! Home every Certificate Number: 0000 State of Florida. Bidder, at the east end Florida on the 21st day 12:00 noon. WOLFF TANNING tative and the personal representa- Great Home Time! weekend! Home 1015 Name in which lobby of the County of August, 2006 at BEDS Buy Direct Year of Issuance: 2004 Assessed: Unless such certificate Administrative 12:00 noon. Dated this the 22nd tive's attorney are set forth below. Company Paid during the week! and Save! Full Body EARNESTINE MACK shall be redeemed Complex at 6495 day of June, 2006. units from $22 a Benefits! PAID Solid weekly miles! Description of MCLAIN according to Law, the Caroline St., Milton, Dated this the 29th day All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or TRAINING FOR 95% no touch! Property: All of the above proper- Property described in Florida on the 21st day of June, 2006. Mary M. Johnson month! FREE Color demands against decedent's estate DRIVERS WITH Preplanned freight! PROPERTY ty is located in Santa such Certificate will be of August, 2006 at Clerk of the Circuit Catalog CALL on whom a copy of this notice is DESCRIBED IN OR Rosa County, In the sold to the Highest 12:00 noon. Mary M. Johnson Court of Santa Rosa TODAY! (800)842- MINIMUM 1 YEAR $.43 per mile required to be served must file their BK 732 PG 424 State of Florida. Bidder, at the east end Clerk of the Circuit County, Florida 1305OTR EXPERIENCE! HEARTLAND claims with this court WITHIN THE Parcel ID: lobby of the County Dated this the 29th day Court of Santa Rosa ______www.np.etstan.com. (912)571-9668 OR EXPRESS (800) LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE 36-1N-28-0000-00405- Unless such certificate Administrative of June, 2006. County, Florida NOTICE OF ———————— (866)413-3074. 441-4953 TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION 0000 shall be redeemed Complex at 6495 ______APPLICATION METAL ROOFING ———————— www.heartlandex- OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS Name in which according to Law, the Caroline St., Milton, Mary M. Johnson NOTICE OF FOR TAX DEED AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF SAVE $$$ Buy Direct DRIVERS: press.com. Assessed: Property described in Florida on the 21st day Clerk of the Circuit APPLICATION FOR From Manufacturer. A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON Expanding Fleet ———————— J KENNETH SMITH such Certificate will be of August, 2006 at Court of Santa Rosa TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY THEM. 20 colors in stock offering AMERICA'S All of the above proper- sold to the Highest 12:00 noon. County, Florida GIVEN THAT MTAG with all Accessories. Regional/OTR runs. DRIVING ty is located in Santa Bidder, at the east end NOTICE IS HEREBY CUST-COLORADO All other creditors of the decedent Quick turn around! Excellent Benefits, ACADEMY Start Rosa County, In the lobby of the County Dated this the 29th day –––––––––––––––––– GIVEN THAT MTAG ASSET holder of the and other persons having claims or Delivery Available State of Florida. Administrative of June, 2006. NOTICE OF CUST-COLORADO following Tax Sale Weekend your driving career! demands against decedent's estate Toll Free (888) 393- Unless such certificate Complex at 6495 APPLICATION ASSET holder of the Certificate has filed must file their claims with this court Hometime, Offering courses in 0335. shall be redeemed Caroline St., Milton, Mary M. Johnson FOR TAX DEED following Tax Sale said Tax Certificate for WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE ———————— Outstanding Pay CDL A. One tuition according to Law, the Florida on the 21st day Clerk of the Circuit Certificate has filed the Tax Deed to be DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION Package. Lease fee! Many payment Property described in of August, 2006 at Court of Santa Rosa NOTICE IS HEREBY said Tax Certificate for issued thereon. The OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT 200 Purchase on '07 options! No such Certificate will be 12:00 noon. County, Florida GIVEN THAT WILLIAM the Tax Deed to be Certificate Number SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER EMPLOYMENT Peterbilts. CDL-A registration fee! sold to the Highest –––––––––––––––––– OR CAROL CALFEE issued thereon. The and year of Issuance, BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE Required. (888) 808-5947 Bidder, at the east end Dated this the 29th day NOTICE OF holder of the following Certificate Number and the Description of TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, lobby of the County of June, 2006. APPLICATION Tax Sale Certificate year of Issuance, the property, and Name(s) ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS NATIONAL info@americas- Administrative FOR TAX DEED has filed said Tax Description of property, in which it is assessed OR MORE AFTER THE DECE- SENIORS - OVER CARRIERS drivingacademy. Complex at 6495 Mary M. Johnson Certificate for the Tax and Name(s) in which it is as follows: DENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS 55 - LOW INCOME (888)707-7729 com. Caroline St., Milton, Clerk of the Circuit NOTICE IS HEREBY Deed to be issued is assessed is as fol- BARRED. Need Money - A www.nationalcarri- ———————— Florida on the 21st day Court of Santa Rosa GIVEN THAT WILLIAM thereon. The lows: Certificate Number: Job - Training - Help ers.com. of August, 2006 at County, Florida OR CAROL CALFEE Certificate Number and 3022 The date of first publication of this If you are 55 and ———————— 209 12:00 noon. holder of the following year of Issuance, the Certificate Number: Year of Issuance: 2004 notice is June 29, 2006. older, with low, Driver-HIRING –––––––––––––––––– Tax Sale Certificate Description of property, 2992 Year EMPLOYMENT - Dated this the 29th day NOTICE OF has filed said Tax and Name(s) in which it of Issuance: 2004 Description of Attorney for Personal Representative: limited or no QUALIFIED GENERAL of June, 2006. APPLICATION Certificate for the Tax is assessed is as fol- Property: STEVEN E. QUINNELL income, we may DRIVERS for FOR TAX DEED Deed to be issued lows: Description of Attorney Florida Bar No. 586595 have FREE training Central Florida Mary M. Johnson thereon. The Property: PARCEL #2 FOUND Chase, Quinnell & Jackson, P.A. and employment Local & National A COOL TRAVEL Clerk of the Circuit NOTICE IS HEREBY Certificate Number and Certificate Number: IN DEED REC IN OR 101 E. Government St. Pensacola, opportunities that OTR positions. Food Job. Now hiring (18- Court of Santa Rosa GIVEN THAT BANKAT- year of Issuance, the 3456 W 27.22' OF LT 6 BLK BK 1467 PG 1607, Florida 32502 are just right for you. grade tanker, no 24 positions). County, Florida LANTIC holder of the Description of property, Year of Issuance: 2004 5, WEST NAVARRE, LESS OR 1549 PG Telephone: (850) 434_3601 Experience Works hazmat, no pumps, Guys/Gals to work –––––––––––––––––– following Tax Sale and Name(s) in which it AS DES IN OR 1061 1299 & OR 1549 PG NOTICE OF Certificate has filed is assessed is as fol- Description of PG 481, LESS S 1306 & OR 1596 PG Personal Representative: great benefits, and travel entire Now !! Contact: APPLICATION said Tax Certificate for lows: Property: 14.60' & LESS N 63' 381 Harry G. Meier Gail Brown at competitive pay & USA. Paid training, FOR TAX DEED the Tax Deed to be PROPERTY Parcel ID: Parcel ID: 409 Pelican Circle Chipola One Stop new equipment. transportation, issued thereon. The Certificate Number: DESCRIBED IN OR 20-2S-26-5770-00500- 21-2S-26-0780- Panama City Beach, FL 32413 (850) 718 - 0326 Need 2 years lodging furnished. NOTICE IS HEREBY Certificate Number and 3260 801 PG 283 & UNDIV 0067 x146 Experience experience. Call Call today, Start GIVEN THAT JENNY A year of Issuance, the Year of Issuance: 2004 INT IN OR 1375 PG Name in which See Page 6D Legal #0198 Works, Inc. Bynum Transport for today. (877) 646- OR JOLYNDA WEB- Description of property, 809 Assessed: Funded by State of your opportunity 5050. STER holder of the fol- and Name(s) in which it Description of Parcel ID: lowing Tax Sale is assessed is as fol- Property: 12-1S-28-0000-00130- today. (800) 741- ———————— Florida, Certificate has filed lows: LT 4 BLK A, BAR- 0000 Department of 7950. said Tax Certificate for BAROSA TERRITORY, Name in which Elder Affairs ———————— See Page 5D the Tax Deed to be Certificate Number: AS DES IN OR 1842 Assessed:

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209 611 703 450 709 1100 The Area’s Most EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 900 YARD BUSINESS REAL ESTATE GARAGE - GENERAL RENTALS - SALES - FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES SALES - OTHER SALES PENSACOLA ACREAGE AFFORDABLE BEACH See Page 4D Employment SALE DATA ENTRY! Work $ Huge Residual $ South Harbour 2 GEORGIA/ NORTH North Carolina Cool ****FREE CASH Interfaith Ministries IN From Anywhere. and Bonus Money bdrm/ 2 ba unit. CAROLINA Mountain Air, Views GRANTS! Thrift Shop. 4339 Classified Ads Flexible Hours. giving away free $2,000 per month Captivating moun- & Streams, Homes, $25,000++ **2006!** Gulf Breeze Pkwy. Personal Computer BODY BALANCE with year's contract tain views, lakes, Cabins & Acreage. NEVER REPAY! Open Tues., Wed., are in Required. Excellent Call Now for your or $1,700 per week rivers, waterfalls. FREE BROCHURE Personal/Medical Thurs., Sat., 9 am- Career Opportunity. free Quart sample: peak season. 712- Homesites starting (800)642-5333. Bills, Business, 1 pm. Offering Gulf Breeze Serious Inquiries Karen 478-6252 0187 @ $39,900. Log Realty Of Murphy School/House. quality FOR Only (800) 344- ———————— home kits @ 317 Peachtree St. Almost Everyone merchandise at low News! ———————— 9636 Ext. 700. Deep water boat $39,900. Limited Murphy, N.C. 28906. qualifies! Live prices. Proceeds to ———————— slip in Sabine. $275 availability. Call www.realtyofmur- Operators! Avoid assist people in INTERESTED IN A 500 per month. 712- (888) 389-3504 phy.com. Deadlines! Listings, need in our Prices start at POSTAL JOB PETS 0187 X700. ———————— Call (800)681-5732 community. $ 03 FREE! Earning $57K/yr ———————— ———————— Western New Mexico Ext. 231. ————————— D Avg Minimum Pay? Gulf Breeze Proper MAINEPrivate 74 Acre ———————— 11. Our services can CHOW CHOW Waterfront Home for OCEANFRONT Ranch $129,990 Mt. CALL help you prepare for PUPPIES For Rent $1,600/month. BARGAIN 4+ Acres views, trees, rolling 1000 1300 Call (850) (850) the Postal Battery Sale 4 Males & 1 4 bd/2 ba with 220' waterfront only hills, wildlife. SERVICES 932-8986 Exam, Find Out Female All Black, vaulted ceilings and $149,900 5+ acres, Horseback riding, LEGAL OR EMAIL US AT How! Call Today For 1st shots & health fireplace. Great ocean access only hiking, ATV's, hunting. SERVICES AND REPAIRS 932-8986 More Information... certificates neighborhood 712- $34,900. Enjoy Perfect for family yardsales (800)584-1775 Ref $250/each - Call: 0187. spectacular 4+ acre ranch or retreat, Now that’s Code #P5799. 791-1787 ———————— oceanfront parcel w/ electricity. 100% ARRESTED? Over 25-years @ ———————— over 220' of private financing. NALC (866) ACCUSED? Experience, smart business! gulfbreezenews.com ———————— 612 shoreline. Or relax 365-2825. ACCIDENT Professional Emerald Coast REAL ESTATE on your 5+ acre ———————— VICTIM? HURT? Painting 216 Golden Retriever ocean access lot w/ Lakefront and Talk to a lawyer Residence/Commer EMPLOYMENT - Rescue is in need RENTALS - deeded access to Lakeview Properties Now. Call 24 Hours. cial, SALES AND of volunteers. If ROOMMATE gorgeous private Nestled in the hills of Personal Injury and Interior/Exterior MARKETING you are interested WANTED sandy beach. Tennessee on the Criminal Defense. A- FREE Estimates in helping please Surveyed, soil shores of pristine A-A Attorney call (850) 316-1431 contact ECGRR tested, paved rd in Norris Lake. Call Referral Service ————————— ADVERTISING Emerald Coast gated community. Lakeside Realty at (888)733-5342. ATTEND COLLEGE One Female COMPANY NEEDS Golden Retriever Great owner (423) 626-5820 Or Protect Your Rights. ONLINE from home. Roommate Sales Reps. &/or Rescue financing. Call L&S visit www.lakeside- ————————— *Medical, Wanted. Sales Managers for www.ecgrr.com. Realty (207)781- realty-tn.com. DIVORCE $275- *Business, Responsible, restaurant placed contact Nicole 3343 coastal- ———————— $350*COVERS *Paralegal, Neat, Non- display ads. Up to Bowser: 217-0840 maineland.com. Real Estate for Sale, children, etc. Only *Computers smoker to share 50% commission, ———————— Houses, Land, one signature *Criminal Justice. 3BR/2BA, gas/cell allowance. NEW TO MARKET! Water-front. required! *Excludes Job placement ———————— Midway Home Quality telemarketing LAKEFRONT & National Forest govt. fees! Call assistance. Bella, a beautiful (nice area near leads provided. EQUESTRIAN Frontage, Piedmont weekdays (800) Computer provided. black and brown the Zoo) Some travel. PARCELS 7+ Acres- of NC. Iron Horse 462-2000, ext. 600. Financial Aid if puppy, needs a Includes: laundry (800)752-4309. Equestrian Parcel- Properties, (8 am-7pm) Alta qualified. Call home. We found her & private bath. ———————— $209,900 8+ Acres- (800)997-2248, Divorce, LLC. (866)858-2121 abandoned on $395/month Direct Lakefront- www.ironhorseauc- Established 1977. www.OnlineTidewat 6/25/06. She's (incld. most $269,900 2+ Acres tion.com, ————————— erTech.com. about 8 wks old. utilities), plus 217 Homesite-$119,900 NCAL#3936. ————————— She's had her first deposit. 1100 Located minutes ———————— EMPLOYMENT - shots and has been References, from downtown WNC Mountains GARAGE SKILLED TRADE dewormed. We'd Background and SANTA ROSA COUNTY GOVERNMENT Jacksonville, FL. 5.71 Acres w/ SALES love to keep her, but Credit Check Accepting applications for the following: Private Gated hardwood trees. Heavy Equipment already have 4 Required. Call: Community. Miles of Financing available WILDERNESS Kennel Technician (8560) Operator beautiful dogs plus a (850) 936-4757 Bridle Trails, Rec. only $39,995. ARRANGEMENTS ~ CERTIFIED. Hands stunning cat! (between 5pm- Engineer I (6093) Area, Fishing & Private lake and BLOW OUT ~ YARD on Training. Job Please provide a 8pm) Engineer III (6097) Boating. Call: river access. This SALE ~ Outdoor Placement good home to this Additional employment opportunities online ———————— (877)JRC-LAND one won't last call Furniture, plus a Assistance. Call Toll sweet and lovely Florida Land & today (800) 699- whole lot more! 4319 Free (866) 933- pup. Of course, she Apply online at www.santarosa.fl.gov, 614 Ranches, LLC. 1289 or www.river- Gulf Breeze Pkwy., 1 1575. ASSOCIATED is free if you're a or visit Santa Rosa County Human Resources, ———————— bendlakelure.com. mile east of Wal- TRAINING good home. She REAL ESTATE 6495 Caroline Street, Suite H, Milton, FL, SERVICES, 5177 15 ACRE FLORIDA ———————— Mart, next to AllState seems to be a bea- RENTALS - Veteran's Preference will be given in accordance with FL Statutes. hom*osassa Trail, RANCH ESTATE Buyers Market Insurance. 850-916- gle mix. 932-4423 Drug Free Workplace/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Lecanto, Florida, WATERFRONT Only $69,900! Short Coastal North 7433 or 565-0479 34461. www.atsflori- Drive to the Gulf of Carolina 95-100% ———————— ———————— da.com. Two bedroom Mexico Just Minutes LTV Financing Call Lost a pet? Check ———————— hidden chalet, east from I-10. Won't last! CCL Inc. Realty the Santa Rosa of Gulf Breeze. Call Now! (866)950- (800)682-9951. CLASSIFIED 300 County Animal Directory Large ceramic tile 5263 Ext 650. ———————— Shelter at NOTICES, ANN- kitchen, with ———————— ASHEVILLE, NC www.co.santa- OUNCMENTS Bahama porch on ALABAMA WATER- AREA HOMESITES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE rosa.fl.us/santa_ros 100 700 front. $116,900 FRONT ACREAGE 1 to 8 acre parcels LAND AUCTION a/animals/featured.h Broker: (850) 995- 2 hours from Atlanta from the $80's. 200 HELP WANTED 800 TRAVEL 200 Props Must be tml for a list of 1716. & the Coast. Gated Gated, riverfront. Sold! Low Down/E-Z animals recently NOTICES FINANCIAL ———————— with exceptional Just outside Hot 300 900 Financing. Free brought to the amenities, including Springs, NC. Catalog (800)937- shelter as well as AUTO LEGAL SERVICES boat slips. 1/2 to 3 Awesome owners' 400 1000 1603 WWW.LAN- photos and videos 701 DAUCTION.COM acres from the clubhouse. Nature of adoptable pets. 500 PETS & LIVESTOCK 1100 GARAGE SALES N.R.L.L. East, LLC REAL ESTATE $40's. Near great trails, river walk. For more Auction Business historic town. Call Phase II Fall 2006. information, call the SALES - 600 RENTALS 1200 LOST & FOUND License:AB2509, (866)882-1107. Preview now. Call shelter at (850) 983- COMMERCIAL Mark Buleziuk ———————— (866)292-5762. 4680 or 936-6177 or Auctioneer CENTRAL TEN- ———————— visit 4451 Pine CLASSIFIED License:AU3448, NESSEE LOOKING TO OWN Ad Form Jeffrey Johnston Forest Rd., Milton. RESTAURANT ACREAGE Amazing LAND? Invest in Auctioneer ———————— FOR SALE The rolling vista views. 1 rural acreage Please complete this form, License:AU3449, owners want to to 5 acre parcels throughout America; Stacey Mauck 601 retire. Serious from the $40's. coastal, mountain, then mail with payment to Auctioneer REAL ESTATE Buyers only Planned clubhouse, waterfront License:AU3447. please. Call: (850) RENTALS - nature trails. 1 hr to properties. 20 to 200 P.O. Box 1414, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 ———————— 934-9096 Is Stress Ruining APARTMENTS Chattanooga, 2 hrs acres. For FREE to Nashville. Special Land or copy and fax to (850) 932-8794 Your Relationships? Wind Meadow Apts. ———————— (866)292-5769. Reports: www.land- Buy and Read 1&2 BR HC & non ———————— buyersguide.com/fl. DIANETICS by L. HC accessible apts. Classification # ______Boxed Ad ______or Word Only ______KY DEEP WATER ———————— Ron Hubbard Call On-site laundry 702 PARCEL 1.38 acres Cool Western NC Number of Weekly Issues to Run ______(813)872-0722 or facility, playground. REAL ESTATE overlooking Lake Mountains- escape send $8.00 to Water & Sewer SALES - Barkley. 90 min to the heat, hurricanes Name ______Dianetics, 3102 N. provided. Call 850- Nashville, minutes and high prices. Habana Ave., 934-3060. TDD 800- ESCAMBIA to Land Between the Homes, cabins, lots Address ______Tampa FL 33607. 955-8771, Voice Lakes. Just $47,000. acreage, investments. ———————— 800-955-8772. Wind DUPLEX FOR Won't last! Owner Prudential Great City ______State ______Zip ______Want to purchase Meadow Dr. Gulf SALE -- 2055 E. (866)292-5769. Smokys Realty, minerals and other Breeze, FL 32561 Creighton Rd, ———————— Downtown Bryson Telephone ______oil/gas interests. Equal Housing Pensacola. City. Call (877) 476- Send details to: P.O. Opportunity. Property is zoned 6597. Box 13557, Denver, ———————— 705 BOXED R-4 and will ———————— 03 CO. 80201. REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADS $ ——————— 602 support a small Classified ads are office for SALES - 900 11 REAL ESTATE 402 insurance, real HOUSES FOR FINANCIAL $ for up to 20 words & 20¢ FOR SALE - RENTALS - estate, etc. The SALE 15 COMMERCIAL surrounding Beware of Mortgage Per Column Inch or for each additional word. BOATS zoning is Bridgewood Subdv Companies! They FOR LEASE – commercial home at 553 could charge you up to Boat slip - for sale 1,500 Sq. ft. Office making the Shiloh Drive. 3 Bd $10,000 in closing WRITE YOUR AD HERE Santa Rosa Yacht Space in potential for rental / 2 ba, STUDY fees. Be educated Club. Dry-slip - 31' Harbourtown income very (Can be closed before you buy with our ______max boat length. $1,650.00 per positive. with french doors FREE CD and Call 932-1385. month, 24-month MLS#306807. for fourth room) workbook. ______——————— term preferred. MLS Price $175,000. 2010 SF www.FloridaMortgage #288125. Excellent Call: Walter Executive Home Guide.org or (888)706- ______450 Location, lots of Merritt 850-291- with many 3885. Automated windows. Call BUSINESS 3817. upgrades. No request line. ______Tammy Bohannon OPPORTUNITIES drainage ———————— @ ERA Beach Ball ———————— problems, nice flat 95% CASHOUT ______Realty 850-932- Professional Vending backyard with play Mobile Home Refi’s. 7630 Route: All drinks, space and privacy Greatest Mobile ______———————— 703 sizes, and brands. landscaping. Home Rates. First Great equipment, REAL ESTATE Remax on the Time Buyers ______great support! SALES - Coast/Conna Welcome. SFR, Financing available 604 O'Donovan MLS# Investor & Rehab ______With $6K down. Tom: REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 287389 $279,500 Financing. Apply (954)971-9301, RENTALS - ______#BO2002-037. Gulf front lots ———————— online: ——————— HOUSE FOR $595k. Homes PALM HARBOR www.BestLendingHi ALL CASH CANDY RENT starting mid $300k. HOMES Factory nts.com (800)990- Total amount due $ ______ROUTE Do you New master planned Model Center 9573. ocean front LARGEST in ———————— earn $800/day? 30 Desirable Tiger PaymentPayment method: Method: community on America! Modular, Buyers Market Machines, Free Trace Home. Check enclosed ______Visa ____ MC ____ AMEX____ Candy All for beautiful Mustang Mobile and Stilt Coastal North Check enclosed ______Visa______MC______AMEX______Discover______4BR/2BA, 2250SQ $9,995. (888) 629- Island, near Corpus Homes. Call for Carolina 95-100% Living Area, with CardCard number number ______Expiration Date ______9968 BO2000033. Christi, TX. www.cin- FREE Color LTV Financing Call Split Level. CALL US: We will namonshore.com, Brochures! CCL Inc. Realty Digit V-Code (On back of card) ______$1,950/mo. Call: Expiration Date: ______not be undersold! (866)891-5163. (800)622-2832. (800)682-9951. 850-712-4729. ———————— ———————— ———————— ———————— ————————

GULF BREEZE NEWS (850) 932-8986 www.gulfbreezenews.com

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Article information

Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5432

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.