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      • Reduce Healing of Healskills Buff Support skills

        in Player vs. Player

        Posted August 15, 2020

        We do not need heal trait buffs at all.Alot of heal traits right now already outright overshadow actual healing skills.

        What we really need right now is for healing skills to be actually worth using again, because right now there are so many healing skills which are so bad because their base healing is bad and their coefficients after the nerf made it worse.

        • Thief or Engi

          in Professions

          Posted August 14, 2020

          Depends if yu want Power or Condi.

          Thief can be played both but Engi's pistol is horrible with Power and doesn't feel satisfying in any way.

          • Grandmaster herald trait idea

            in Revenant

            Posted August 13, 2020

            @Virdo.1540 said:

            so like Ancient Echo, but slower energy-restoration and better effects?

            Same idea but functionally, stronger.

            Being able to DPS with Upkeep like IO or EtD for 1 drain for 5 seconds is actually pretty neat.

            • Class struggle to bring new players into the game(PvE)

              in Professions

              Posted August 13, 2020

              They should make every Profession have a Taunt skill , and this Taunt skill increases the player's enmity significantly.To prevent trolling, having additional Toughness increases the strength of the Enmity gain in addition to adding Armor as well as make Taunt skills do more damage.

              • Am I the only one who is afraid the dragon storyline will just end with Aurene replacing 6 other?

                in Lore

                Posted August 13, 2020

                I'm pretty glad Aurene has grown.

                But she has grown way too fast, way too soon.Now I just want her to die before she is used as a literal Deus Ex Machina.

                Imagine if she absorbs Jormag and Jormag's consciousness destroys her own, and now Jormag is in control of Aurene's body with the power of 4 dragons and a god inside them.

                That would be a great plot twist I think.

                • Thank god for the dmg reduce patch

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted August 13, 2020

                  Anet : I'm going to nerf healing.

                  What really happened : I'm going to nerf healing for people who previously had mediocre healing, and also double rip for Warriors cos Warriors are dumb lmao.

                • Posted August 12, 2020

                  Honestly Staff is better in my eyes because it is unconditional positive bonuses just by having Staff equipped.With the mastery, yu gain alot of bonus Power as well as some Endurance Regen just by having Staff camped.

                  This also means more Boundings which can also translate into more damage as well as consistent Bounding buff.

                  If the encounter requires more rough dodgy movements, having more dodges is always welcome over having bars empty needed for Havoc to activate/be optimal.

                  There is just so much gain in using Staff Mastery that unless yu aren't using Staff as a main weapon, there is no reason not to pick it.

                  • Remove Unblockable

                    in Professions

                    Posted August 12, 2020

                    Unblockable is the only thing forcing builds which stack defenses over defenses to actually not brain dead defense chaining.If unblockable is removed, Bunker builds are gonna get even stupider than they already are now.

                    • Grandmaster herald trait idea

                      in Revenant

                      Posted August 10, 2020

                      Why not a new GM which makes True Nature no longer Upkeep, casting their Active instantly.In exchange, they get +5 pips for 5 seconds.

                      • When are the rest of elite spec trade offs?

                        in Professions

                        Posted August 10, 2020

                        @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:Holosmith loses the elite toolbelt skill. Reaper Shroud burns away twice as fast as regular shroud. Tempests get increased attunement cooldowns on overloads. Firebrand loses the instant-cast virtues for their books.

                        Firebrand has no trade offs, just mechanic alterations.I don't know how anyone can see 15 extra spells as a tradeoff.

                        • Perceived toxicity

                          in Instanced Group Content

                          Posted August 10, 2020

                          Honestly if the player is new and trying to do their best, Raiders won't give them too much trouble.(Though I really recommend newbies to raids to join learning groups)

                          The ones which Raiders really hate are the fools who :

                          1. Are new
                          2. Refuse to use a meta build despite being new
                          3. Argue with the Raiders after point 1 and point 2 has been engaged and refuse to accept that "no, we are not gonna accommodate yur nonsense" as an answer
                          4. Proceed to whine and cry about how "Raiders are being toxic and never give newbies a chance"

                          How to reduce this problem?Simple : Record the number of kill each player has on their account.Use the LFG and have a new filter to filter how many kills yu want or expect yur party to have achieved.

                          • How did you choose your main?

                            in Lore

                            Posted August 10, 2020

                            Necromancer for me.I liked the whole Minionmancer idea until I found out it was pretty meh in high level content.

                            Then I found out that Power Reaper was not only durable but also does alot of damage on demand, and can solo alot of open world challenges, so I hopped onto Reaper and built a really self sustaining Berserker build revolving around Death Magic and Spite.

                            • Winds of Disenchantment needs a change

                              in Warrior

                              Posted August 9, 2020

                              Imo they should just make WoD a large AoE strip and a 10 second boon block.

                            • Warrior sustain

                              in Warrior

                              Posted August 9, 2020

                              I go pure CC now and just win through CC chaining.

                              I literally Kicked someone to death after they mistakenly used their Stunbreak and Stab skills early in the fight.

                              Between Stomp, Kick, Bull Rush, Shield Bash and Full Counter, yu can fight anyone who is stupid enough to go all in.

                              That being said, Signet of Healing is a meme now.Just get a proper low CD chunky heal, like Mending. (which is great because it's also a Physical skill)

                              • QoL update request for "Healing orb" mechanic

                                in Revenant

                                Posted August 9, 2020

                                I have mentioned this before in another post : I think Orbs should be reworked together with Staff.

                                1. Combine Staff 3 and Staff 5, give Staff 5 the instant execution again because now Staff 3 "tells" for Staff 5.
                                2. Make a new Staff 5 that "explodes" Healing Orbs for both damage and healing.
                                3. Staff 4 also explodes Orbs.
                                4. Orbs that don't explode become a healing puddle after 5 seconds for HoT and has a Light Field. (Very good for blast combos for cleanse and very good for Healing others when not in Ventari)
                                • Weapon Tweak Ideas (Revamped)

                                  in Thief

                                  Posted August 8, 2020

                                  Don't care about anything else but Dancing Dagger is cool.

                                  D/D desperately needs a gap closer.

                                  Since we are talking about D/D, I don't care about Death Blossom either.Skill was never useful for jack other than D/D Condi Thieves on fat stationary bosses.

                                  I wouldn't mind if they just replaced D/D 3 entirely.

                                  • Do you care if the supposed " Alliance " system comes out?

                                    in World vs. World

                                    Posted August 6, 2020

                                    Idk.Game feels bad to play, things get changed so often for the worse, builds get randomly buffed and nerfed with no regard for actual game balance, and of course, LAG.

                                    At this point there are so many problems that Alliance system being introduced will be the last thing anyone wants, not because we don't want it, but because there are so many things that needs fixing asap.

                                    • Which profession can outplay everything?

                                      in World vs. World

                                      Posted August 5, 2020

                                      Thief.Can't get outplayed if yu don't even play the game :^)

                                      • Trait Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted from the game ASAP [ perma immob ranger]

                                        in Ranger

                                        Posted August 4, 2020

                                        @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

                                        Mate, if it didn't pulse it would be buried by all the other condi spam and you'd have no hope of clearing it. How do you not get that? By it pulsing it always remains at the top of the list and you can clear it as soon as it pulses with 2 clears and then walk away. Say the Druid is using the rune of the Krait, if it didn't pulse you'd need to clear the Poison, Bleed and Torment before the Immob since it is applied first. Heaven forbid you go 1v2 against a Druid and anything else because that Immob is going to be covered 100% of the time and you will need 4+ clears to get down to it.

                                        Pretty damn sure duration stacking condis do not get pushed up on top.

                                        • Trait Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted from the game ASAP [ perma immob ranger]

                                          in Ranger

                                          Posted August 4, 2020

                                          @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

                                          You only need to cleanse it once, then you can literally just walk out of the roots before they pulse again.

                                          Not like every single Druid build doesn't use stuff like SB Concussion Shot/Spike Trap/Smokescale stun to CC people and force them to take the pulses.

                                          Also, unless each and every of yur cleanses cleanse more than 2 conditions, yur never gonna remove Immob as priority because Cleanses prioritize recent stacking conditions over duration conditions for clear, so all they have to do is ensure yu get tagged by repeated Bleed, Poison, or other misc. condis to keep that Immob on.

                                          Hell, these pulses also apply bleed by default.

                                          • Trait Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted from the game ASAP [ perma immob ranger]

                                            in Ranger

                                            Posted August 3, 2020

                                            @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

                                            @"Yasai.3549" said:"...a target can be perma rooted for several minutes at a time..."

                                            Immob is countered with a condi cleanse, among other things. If your build doesn't have on demand condi cleanse, its trash.

                                            I'd posit that stealth where you cannot even see your attacker is by far more obnoxious than being forced to adapt your build to have condition cleanses. Seriously, how are you even playing the same game with no condi cleanses? You're basically hard countered by almost


                                            condition. It's like going up against a power Rev, refusing to use dodge, armor or Protection and then coming on the forums to QQ about getting rekt and demanding the class be nerfed.

                                            Unless yu are playing Warrior, Rev or Weaver with specific traits, yur never gonna have enough condi cleanses to counter back to back pulsing immobs.

                                            • What's your favourite episode of Icebrood Saga so far?

                                              in Living World

                                              Posted August 2, 2020


                                              Each passing episode just makes me hate the entire direction of this season.Not only are the metas not fun, they aren't rewarding, are extremely time consuming, with tons of really long and dreary achievements.

                                              THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO MAKE PLAYERS KEEP PLAYING.This will drive players so far away, and now the casual PvE playerbase is going to be driven away as well.

                                              An MMO shouldn't aim to keep their players STUCK to their game, a game should aim to ENCOURAGE PLAYERS TO RETURN.I have no doubt in my mind most players who "quit" the game are finding lesser and lesser reason to log back into Gw2 because there just isn't any draw to it, and inversely, there is just so much more annoying aspects that people hate being introduced by the boatload with each episode.

                                              • Trait Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted from the game ASAP [ perma immob ranger]

                                                in Ranger

                                                Posted August 1, 2020

                                                @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

                                                While this is true and I do agree, how is it any different to a mesmer and its clones?

                                                Mesmer has their own set of problems still, but this problem with Druid is another thing.

                                                Between Jarcanda's Embrace, Ancient Seeds, Vine Surge and Entangle, a target can be perma rooted for several minutes at a time if they have no access to any form of Immob removal or consistent Condi cleanse.(Not to mention all these skills have a pretty low cooldown and can be chained, and the worst of all, at least 3 of them PULSE THE IMMOB)

                                                This is on another level compared to CI Mesmer of the past because CI Mesmer actually needed to land the interrupt portion of the daze, plus their interrupts don't last nearly as long as Druid/Ranger's

                                                My stance : Pulsing Immobs of any kind should be removed from the competitive scene. It's the most obnoxious thing ever.

                                                • My Revent build: The Rouge

                                                  in Revenant

                                                  Posted August 1, 2020

                                                  Try this.

                                                  It's a PvE variation of what I use in WvW with the similar sort of "Armored Assassin" theme in mind.

                                                  What it offers :

                                                  • Equally high Durability and Offensive capabilities.
                                                  • Very self sufficient, and is capable of sustaining themselves through HoT and Life Siphons.
                                                  • Shiro offers offensive skills and damage, Mallyx offers utilities like CC for breaking bars, healing, and combating a Revenant's one weakness, which is Condition damage.
                                                  • Both Legends feature a fairly strong Upkeep for sustained damage and cleaving (For PvE Champion Points and Champion mobs)

                                                  Corruption traitline offers alot of damage reduction and HoT traits, as well as giving Resistance whenever yu swap a legend through Invoke Torment.Invoke Torment also deals a decent amount of damage in an AoE when it procs.

                                                  Devastation traitline offers alot of damage boosters as well as allow Vulnerability applications from Sword auto attacks and Shackling Wave to give Battle Scars, which will make up a large part of yur sustain.

                                                  Invocation traitline offers quality of life sort of additions (Like Fury, Swiftness and Quickness when swapping to Shiro) , as well as allow yu to put out more damage passively.

                                                  • Trait Ancient Seeds needs to be deleted from the game ASAP [ perma immob ranger]

                                                    in Ranger

                                                    Posted August 1, 2020

                                                    They should remove the killable roots component and just drop a immob pulsing ground.At least with a pulsing ground AoE, it is possible to dodge out of it just before the first pulse, and avoid subsequent pulses.

                                                    Between having to target the Druid, their pet and an additional Root target immobing the player, it's just too much and works every way in the favour of the Druid.

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                                                  Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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                                                  Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.