148849-morning-coffee-0113-10000-club-edition (2024)


So this happened over the weekend.Look out, Oli! :lol:;)Thanks to everyone who likes what I have to say. Being part of this community, at the best of times, is just a wonderful experience.I still haven't logged in since last week. Just kind of waiting for the announcements on the 13th, before I go loading up on NCCoin for WildStar or to see if Blade & Soul is going to be my gaming money this month.Of course, I am holding out hope that the announcements are going to be something spectacular. If not, no biggie I guess. I ain't going anywhere for good, but it might be time for a little vacation from the game. Now that I can post and not have to pay, y'all ain't getting rid of me that easy.In heavier news, David Bowie passes away in the wee hours of the morning. He was a living legend, a god amongst men and one of the pantheon of humans whose celebrity transcends generations and spans the entire world. Godspeed, Mr Bowie.

Grats Tex on hitting the 10k mark.As I mentioned in the other thread I will be giving Blade and Soul a miss im enjoying my time in Wildstar as I still have alot to do but I eagerly await the announcement on the 13th to see what is in store for the game. Got my Engineer to lvl 50 at the weekend and I can safely say it was no-where near as fun as leveling my Stalker and he is probably going to be parked for a good while. But no rest for the wicked as they say as its onto my Slinger and at some point im guessing leveling will eventually bore me but it still hasn't and im having fun with my run and gun style on my Slinger.Unfortunately I never got a whole lot of game time in this weekend as I ended up with a migraine which pretty much scuppered alot of it. I never done the event out of cutting my nose off to spite my face principle, so I am probably no where near as rich as some of the folk who train'd the bosses for the event.As for David Bowie I was shocked to hear the news of that this morning and that is a good few legends who have passed away recently. One of my favorite films when growing up was Labyrinth, it was a smashing movie and ive yet to speak to my friend as she is a HUGE Bowie fan and will be gutted this morning.

Edited January 11, 2016 by Scarran

Heh, yeah. I got Engi as high as 29-30 (I forget) and was like ... meh. After two passes through Stalker and a pass through Warrior, playing Engineer feels like moving through mud.I need big, fast, spinning classes of doominess. Engi is just too much PEW (wait for wait) PEW (wait for it) PEW (wait for it) PEW-CRAAACKLE-ZZZZZAP for me. :lol:

I'm basically just waiting for clarification of how exactly these Sim Chase cases work (post made under Marketplace, devs!) Although I'm still going to stick around and farm out adventures for Sim decor and some more Grumpel/Ekose NPCs, the approach that Carbine (or whoever) takes with the RNG of the cases will have a significant impact on how much I actually spend. Please, please, someone tell me the Sim cases are not loaded with boombox junk... Fay's resetting the same day and she's more than enough wonky RNG for me. Although, if she has cool stuff, I'll be buying some Fortune Coins as well because I ~do~ appreciate the meter that gives you a cool drop after X coins spent.So basically the next few days are gonna be puckered bum and tension for me. I can't wait to see what Fay has, I can't wait to hear about Sim Chase (and play it), and I can't wait to hear what the news is from this NCSoft conference (fingers crossed for D7).In other news, yes, rest in peace, David. I can't feel too bad though; death is inevitable but mediocrity is not, so as I view it, he's gone out with a huge bang. If I wasn't headed into class in an hour I'd give him an Irish wake.... maybe a bit of Bailey's on the way out the door. Great artists only die once, right? :PI noticed a lot of elegiac comments on his Space Oddity video, so instead of sharing tears I thought I'd share a bit of levity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G4jnaznUoQ


Edited January 11, 2016 by EsperXIV

I'm calling hax....Must be a bug in the forum software...

You ain't there yet though :P

Heh yeah, but I've gone from 4K to 10K in just over three months. :lol:When I was in line during Winterfest, I asked "Santa" for "300 more likes, so I can catch up with that damn Chua!";)

I was crushed to hear about David Bowie this morning. He's been an inspiration since childhood, as I'm sure is the case for many in my generation. May he rest in peace and his loved ones find comfort.In brighter news, I received my WildStar Secret Santa gift last night and oh my god it is the most adorable thing ever.

It was drawn by the amazing sly-shadeleaf and I am just... I CANNOT GET OVER HOW CUTE IT IS GAH. Jack's a pretty terrible pseudo-father-figure, but he has his moments, and I like to think that this is something that could happen in happier IC times.. aaaaaahit'sjustsocuteican'tstandit.

Thanks to everyone who likes what I have to say. Being part of this community, at the best of times, is just a wonderful experience.

I made a lot of board karma this weekend but that was me being grumpy over the paid even "rewards". Not sure being grumpy is what I want to be remembered for. Oh well.

Unfortunately I never got a whole lot of game time in this weekend as I ended up with a migraine which pretty much scuppered alot of it. I never done the event out of cutting my nose off to spite my face principle, so I am probably no where near as rich as some of the folk who train'd the bosses for the event.

Heck the WB's were being cycled so fast I was able to knock out the EG weekly on 6 of my 7 50's including my only Dominion 50 (my first stalker to hit 50 in fact). I even got her several pieces of gear so her ilvl isn't so embarrassing anymore. I tend not to bother with the weekly on Kitty. The only thing she spends EG on these days are Pristine Pigment Pouches and I think she's got all of those dyes now.What saddens me is that without the paid "rewards" this event would have stood on its own merits. What should have been a nice PR-positive event turned into a deserved (IMO) poo-storm. "Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" as it were. Either way, I'm in wait and see mode. If they do that again in the next several months then it'll be time to move on.--Unlocked Action Set 4 on Elsa. Bri should have the EG sometime this week to do the same. Elsa picked up a few upgrades from a GA run last week so I need to rune those out. Was hoping to get an Ohmna kill on her over the weekend but I was too beat.Both LJ and Pykke need one Ability Tier Unlock point apiece. LJ needs two AMP unlocks and Pykke needs four. I know I should just suck it up and queue for BG's but I just haven't been in the mood. Kinda hoping for another double Prestige weekend. Also need to run LJ through the four attunement dungeons.RP-wise I wrapped up a plotline for Kitty and accidentally started a side plot (hopefully that won't take so long or get so involved)Killed System Daemons on Friday (that's a relief), Limbo and the Ice wing last night which opened up Maelstrom for us. I sense many deaths for me in the coming weeks. I guess if I can get used to Mordechai I can deal with this.

A long, sad morning at the office. This is the first full five-day, no-early-releases work week I've had since two weeks before Thanksgiving. Between the news about Bowie and the fact that I've already gotten WAY ahead this morning mean I have little to do but wish I was at home playing video games.I've been thinking about creating a series of Expedition ideas to share with Carbine. My goal is to create several new Expedition ideas for the game, but with one caveat: NO NEW ASSETS.In other words, I want to design small, self-contained stories for solo or group play that could be created using only the existing art work models as they stand.My first idea takes place in Wigwalli Village, just after the wedding.

Edited January 11, 2016 by Tex Arcana

Congratulations Tex! I have to say that you, and the whole Wildstar community as a whole is a great bunch. Probably the best I've been a part of, in a F2P game. Hopefully it/we stays that way. :DToday is double sad for myself and a friend; her grandma, who we were both close with, died on Saturday of liver cancer... and now Bowie too, of the same thing! Oh cruelest of fates.I've been trying to plan out housing stuff, but I keep finding myself frustrated at trying to place things juuust right... I need to spend more time with the lovely Katia Builder.I think after the bit of disappointment I had over the Loppbox (look if we have to have lockboxes, please let them be called Loppboxes. Seriously. It will at least make my giggle when I start picking them up :P ), I am looking forward still to what comes next. Especially now that I've finished Fallout 4.

  • shakes handful of dice* Come on Wildstar... Draken needs a new set of content

I've been thinking about creating a series of Expedition ideas to share with Carbine. My goal is to create several new Expedition ideas for the game, but with one caveat: NO NEW ASSETS.In other words, I want to design small, self-contained stories for solo or group play that could be created using only the existing art work models as they stand.My first idea takes place in Wigwalli Village, just after the wedding.

So basically.... adventures? :PI love the Lopp wedding quest chain though, so maybe you can take us through the life of Lopp newlyweds in Whitevale to Lopp divorcees in Malgrave.

So basically.... adventures? :PI love the Lopp wedding quest chain though, so maybe you can take us through the life of Lopp newlyweds in Whitevale to Lopp divorcees in Malgrave.

Well, Adventures aren't solo content, so not exactly.As a solo player, I am out of stuff to do. As an intelligent, professional adult, I realize the Dev Team is under the proverbial gun when it comes to content.Therefore, I thought it would be a fun mental exercise to create short (like 10-20 minutes, tops), scale-able (1-5 players) content that didn't require much (or any) new art assets. Just re-purposed models used to differing affect.And yeah, I chose Wigwalli as my starting point because it seems like it's the SINGULAR UNIVERSALLY LOVED questline in the whole game. :lol:

I just clued in to how good a job Kal Scattergood does streaming our raids. Been watching last night's raid and she makes it very entertaining.But this is priceless: this was our first look at Maelstrom, and I think anyone would get a kick at watching our "serious" raid group completely devolve into children playing with grapply hooks . . .http://www.twitch.tv/kalscattergood/v/34774776?t=02h45m30s

I just clued in to how good a job Kal Scattergood does streaming our raids. Been watching last night's raid and she makes it very entertaining.But this is priceless: this was our first look at Maelstrom, and I think anyone would get a kick at watching our "serious" raid group completely devolve into children playing with grapply hooks . . .http://www.twitch.tv/kalscattergood/v/34774776?t=02h45m30s

The goal is to pull your raid members mid air and make em fall down.Awards extra loot

That Bowie news. Head about it last last night. Only positive is that I know my tear ducts still work properly.As for likes, I'm closing in on you, Tex and Olivar. Only ten thousand to go!

Edited January 11, 2016 by Atomicpanda

I'm in kinda the same situation you are Tex, first full week back to work since the holidays and very little to actually do. I used to spend most of my free time in these forums, but that past-time has long since run its course.David Bowie's death is also *cupcake*ed...

Heh, yeah. I got Engi as high as 29-30 (I forget) and was like ... meh. After two passes through Stalker and a pass through Warrior, playing Engineer feels like moving through mud.I need big, fast, spinning classes of doominess. Engi is just too much PEW (wait for wait) PEW (wait for it) PEW (wait for it) PEW-CRAAACKLE-ZZZZZAP for me. :lol:

lol yeah I ended up making my Engi into a Tank when I hit lvl 50 as DPS wise it was just too sluggish. I prefer to be quicker on the attacking front not feel like im attempting to gun waltz with the enemy 1 2 3 shoot...1 2 3 shoot...1 2 3 shoot.I figured if im going to be slow I may aswell just make him a meat shield and be done with it. Luckily as a Tank the Engi can take a heck of alot of punishment it's just not as fun as a Stalker Tank but feels alot more sturdier. Luckily with Slinger im pretty much kept active with managing spell surge and my playstyle of running around shooting things, my guy must look like he has ants in his pants with the amount of running I do.

I made and leveled an exile toon to 50 last week and got him raid geared and ready this weekend. Over all only took about 5 days of playing, including 1-50. then just hopped on the wb train for extra loot. i seem to only get runes from the drop bags though.

I need big, fast, spinning classes of doominess. Engi is just too much PEW (wait for wait) PEW (wait for it) PEW (wait for it) PEW-CRAAACKLE-ZZZZZAP for me. :lol:

Engi isn't my fav class (not even close) but I don't remember it being all -that- bad. Volatility Injection+Pulse Blast to get you in the zone (between 30 and 70 volatility), Bioshell, dump volatility with Electrocute twice, VI or Bioshell when they come off cooldown. It's more a game of how many mobs you can get in your telegraphs than it is to see how many buttons you can manage to press in a minute. :lol:The class I'm having difficulty with now is medic. Outside of QC everything seems to be a hardcast so I really need to slow down my keypresses. Then again I haven't updated her build since she got to max points.Stalker will always be my thing but my current secondary preference is Esper especially now that they removed most of the ridiculous "must be stationary" requirements. (A plant caster in an action combat game. Somebody needs to rethink their life).

Still playing my Spellslinger after these 2 years.I'm horrible at DPS, think I need to go poke CK again for some advice and properly rune my gear.I'm so bad at DPS, that I can't even win agaisnt our GA geared people.Playing 2 years as a healer and now DPS'ing........world of difference :D

Still playing my Spellslinger after these 2 years.I'm horrible at DPS, think I need to go poke CK again for some advice and properly rune my gear.I'm so bad at DPS, that I can't even win agaisnt our GA geared people.Playing 2 years as a healer and now DPS'ing........world of difference :D

you are not alone oli. i know ppl that are awesome healers but couldnt dps to save their lives. I wonder if this is a left/right side brain thing the way this tends to hold true.

Could be :PCan solo heal a lot in GA with my gear, but DPS.....I think I do more damage if I actually throw my guns at the boss

Engie is the only class I haven't tried, but it's hard to imagine anything slower than warrior. Alhough it's probably my mistake leveling a warrior immediately after stalker. That's like going from playing Fantasie Impromptu to Moonlight Sonata.It's not that Moonlight Sonata (or warrior in this case) is snail mode, but they just appear to be because of what you're used to playing before.

I'm the same as you Oli don't worry. Years and years of mmo healing does that to you. I'm an "average" dps, especially in pvp I'm awful. Pve I can scrape by as a dps, but healing is where it's at.As for tex, congrats on 10k :PAnd the bowie news has hurt my heart a lot. He was one of my main inspirations for a lot of things, and his most recent album feels like it was giving so much different a message than i interpreted before:(. And to know the video for Lazerus was him sending us a message.:'(Look up here, I'm in heavenI've got scars that can't be seenI've got drama, can't be stolenEverybody knows me now

-- Lazerus,David Bowie (1947-2016)

So, it occurs to me that the only real differences in Housing and Player Made Expeditions/Content are:1. Combat Monsters2. Toggle-able/Collectible artifacts.3. Lewts4. The ability to "script" so events happen in a certain queue/after certain input/after XYZ choice is selectedHonestly, that's not a whole helluvva lot if you think about it.Plus, we've already got non-combat NPCs - so adding combat isn't too far a stretch.We've got on-plot FABKits that function like any other collect/toggle quest, so turn THAT over to us isn't that far off. Plus we've already go in-game doors/chests/chairs that open/close or are usable by players.So really that leaves loots and the ability to set events to occur after a certain condition is met.So, seriously, please Crabine? Pretty please? Let me build some basic content for youse guys. :lol:

If wildstar could figure out a way for players to make dungeons and raids, it would be amazing. And I don't think they are that far off. But it's a way for new content to emerge.With the powerball stuff going crazy, my wife and I have had discussions around what we would do with a billion dollars. And that has led to what kind of MMO I would build with the team I would hire:)And one of those things was to create a housing system that would allow players to build and design dungeons and raids (and solo instances). True story:)

So, it occurs to me that the only real differences in Housing and Player Made Expeditions/Content are:4. The ability to "script" so events happen in a certain queue/after certain input/after XYZ choice is selectedHonestly, that's not a whole helluvva lot if you think about it.

  1. 4 is a lot. A LOT. And we both know given Carbines track record that implementing some kind of user controllable script/event system would break about 1000 other things in new and terrible ways.

Woo home from work! And of course I had to check...

I feel like such a pleb! xP@Sly: That sounds like the conversations I have with my husband. "Design the MMO we've always wanted" right alongside "open an animal rescue/sanctuary/adoption" (for me) and "get some property and run writers' retreats" (for him). Oh dreams!

Still playing my Spellslinger after these 2 years.I'm horrible at DPS, think I need to go poke CK again for some advice and properly rune my gear.I'm so bad at DPS, that I can't even win agaisnt our GA geared people.Playing 2 years as a healer and now DPS'ing........world of difference :D

I have tried healing in this game and I would like to say it was a pleasant experience but being a healer is a tough job. Not only are you the first to get an earful when someone dies but people run away from you and you spend most of the time chasing after them. Or maybe that is just me and I need to change my deodorant but fair play to all those that are healers as it's a tough role to play. Unless there Is a trick im missing? Or is the trick to play with people who are good at the game lol.

On the topic of player-generated content, granting XP and rewards are the tricky part. I remember in Neverwinter there was a whole fiasco with people creating imbalanced content that others were farming for easy levels. Of course, that game had zero integrity when it came to gameplay... complete P2W cash shop right out of the gate. xD So I'm not sure the devs cared much cause it was never going to be a truly competitive/satisfying level-up experience, IMO.I'd personally be happy with zero-XP, player-provided rewards. I don't want to produce limited, generic local quest content for people who mostly won't want to run it. And designing instanced content would be awesome but incredibly time-consuming, and challenging combat gameplay does require significant reward to complete the experience from my point of view.In the end, I'd be happy with the ability to create persistent, story-heavy quests that have players interact with people/areas of my plots, while also having to maybe travel a bit / run current instanced content to get certain items to progress through / and/or problem solve with dynamic thinking. Basically I don't want to duplicate the majority of quests I see in MMOs, I wanna create something a little more tailored for longterm, community-based story-intensive enjoyment, instead of being a stepping stone to the next level up.

Edited January 11, 2016 by EsperXIV

I have tried healing in this game and I would like to say it was a pleasant experience but being a healer is a tough job. Not only are you the first to get an earful when someone dies but people run away from you and you spend most of the time chasing after them. Or maybe that is just me and I need to change my deodorant but fair play to all those that are healers as it's a tough role to play. Unless there Is a trick im missing? Or is the trick to play with people who are good at the game lol.

Hard to say reallyAfter a while you get used to it, and you can usually predict where your tanks and DPS are going to be standing. (hint: it's always in one telegraph, trust me)So you learn to deal with it.As a slinger we have the huge range advantage though.Gimme a poke if you play on Jabbit Dominion, always happy to have a go with you in a dungeon and see how you heal.usually it boils down to breaking out a pattern or changing one spell or something.

I have tried healing in this game and I would like to say it was a pleasant experience but being a healer is a tough job. Not only are you the first to get an earful when someone dies but people run away from you and you spend most of the time chasing after them. Or maybe that is just me and I need to change my deodorant but fair play to all those that are healers as it's a tough role to play. Unless there Is a trick im missing? Or is the trick to play with people who are good at the game lol.

Haha well that's one trick. With healing, it also always pays to be one step (or multiple steps) ahead of the game - that includes boss abilities/telegraphs and players. The latter is harder if you're playing with people whose style you're not familiar with, but even then you'll know where the red will be - and where they'relikely to be. It also takes a lot of grooming a fast reaction time; unlike in other MMOs, there's not much in the way of proactive healing in WildStar, with a few exceptions like making sure you have psi points available for a big hit you know is coming or whatever. (Which I totally miss... I was discipline priest all the way in WoW and loved preparing for damage I knew was coming and then watching all my absorbs eat it, instead of my party/raid's health bars. xD I've actually tried using the Guardian 8/8 bonus in such a way, but I'm not really sure how effective it is. Not exactly having mana issues, so it certainly can't hurt haha.)

I find healing easier, by a long shot. Mostly because there's no "fixed rotation" to screw up the rhythm. As "damage dealer", I always felt so annoyed when I mis-timed a cast, and it delayed my finisher by a second (or worse, cast a 4pt finisher ugh!). It might not seem like a lot, but they all add up; and once that rhythm is fcked, it's kinda hard to get back into the groove and Chet silently judge my subpar DPS output. :PAs a healer.... Did we kill things? [yes] Did people die (not from their own screw-up)? [no] Woot, GJ!

Haha yes, healing feels so much "looser" to me than dps. I'd get so stressed out if I was dpsing, I'm sure.

Yesterday i had the most fun in W* that I've had for a very long time. Didn't do anything special and nothing extraordinary happened. Just had a great time. We had a couple of new guildies hit 50 and were asking about crafted weapons. Talked one guy out of it, but the other really wanted a crafted weapon. I told him I'd do it if he provided the mats. I'm also planning on trying out Blade & Soul next week. Still like W*, but there's just not enough for me to make it my main game. RIP Bowie. /cry. I was a little surprised at his age, but some quick math worked out. Just never realized how old he was.

Edited January 11, 2016 by lujate

I find healing easier, by a long shot. Mostly because there's no "fixed rotation" to screw up the rhythm. As "damage dealer", I always felt so annoyed when I mis-timed a cast, and it delayed my finisher by a second (or worse, cast a 4pt finisher ugh!). It might not seem like a lot, but they all add up; and once that rhythm is fcked, it's kinda hard to get back into the groove and Chet silently judge my subpar DPS output. :PAs a healer.... Did we kill things? [yes] Did people die (not from their own screw-up)? [no] Woot, GJ!

For me I think its because ive normally always been DPS or a Tank in games ive played. The last time I was a healer was in Warhammer Online with my Rune Priest, but if I had my choice I prefer Tank simply because its what im used to. I played the tank role alot in other games and I mainly got more into the DPS side in GW2 as that spoiled me a little on the DPS front as everyone was doing dungeons in Zerker gear which is the main DPS armor so you never really had to worry about anything else.But call me a glutton for punishment I prefer being the meat shield and I know quite well how great it is having a really good healer in your corner as without a good healer it makes the tanks job a hell of alot harder.

Edited January 12, 2016 by Scarran

I wasn't planning on touching B&S, but so many of you are trying it out, now I felt compelled to try. Is it completely f2p? I don't have to pay for UI element, right?

But call me a glutton for punishment I prefer being the meat shield and I know quite well how great it is having a really good healer in your corner as without a good healer it makes the tanks job a hell of alot harder.

Goes both ways - a good tank makes the healer's job infinitely easier. :DThe hardest part about being a tank for me is having the "leader" personality(?), as well as needing to know the encounters better than your DPS counterpart.

It's F2P. You'll need to shell out for things like unlocking additional inventory space - which is really expensive and tied for greatest complaint for that game with the fact that the wardrobe system is tied to being subscribed to their premium. But you'd be able to play the game as a completely free player. You do get some dragon pouches from survey rewards and, very rarely, the daily spin thing. Plus you can farm Hongmoon coins to spend on the shop instead of cash, though their system is a bit more grindy than WS's Omnibit system.

Additional BnS caveats:-You only get two character slots for free, and there's a hard limit of seven slots per account.-Some (? most, all?) cash shop cosmetic items are character bound, not account bound.

  1. 4 is a lot. A LOT. And we both know given Carbines track record that implementing some kind of user controllable script/event system would break about 1000 other things in new and terrible ways.

While not entirely untrue, we have already seen examples of people doing stuff like this. Katia has created macros and such that allow her create "scripted" events in housing, mostly by auto moving decor pieces and such when certain inputs occur.For me I've always been dps. I've never enjoyed healing and I do like tanking with specific classes/games/etc that allow for a particular style of play. But standing there while the boss wails on you for 10 minutes (most raid fights in WS) isn't exactly my idea of a good time.Not to say I'm not doing the exact same thing on dps (just me doing the wailing), but generally I do enjoy things like controlling adds and positioning correctly to get maximum damage, avoid telegraphs, that sort of thing.

Edited January 12, 2016 by ZuberiGF

you are not alone oli. i know ppl that are awesome healers but couldnt dps to save their lives. I wonder if this is a left/right side brain thing the way this tends to hold true.

I used to could do it all in swtor (not a shining example by any means).... at my (and not proud of this by any means) prime I had 12 55's (all imperials and dark 5) for every advanced class they had. At a certain point it comes down to predicting and waiting to blow your cooldowns for that big damage when healing. Healing has a rotation (albeit a loose one) as well as dps, mostly a matter of getting used to it and repetition. With WS's telegraph system that adds another wrinkle as well but at the end of the day it's all about practice.After swtor though, man oh man did I gain a new respect for what tanks and healers have to put up with. Also if you play swtor and are a healer, NO YOU DON'T NEED A GUARD......you cupcake.I always loved getting complemented by the tank or healer though, always made my day.I was more speaking to Oli, but your comment spurred me to type Foul :P.

Edited January 12, 2016 by Bacon_21

I played swtor as well.Healing people by shooting them :DRemember where we did Hutt's palace.Tank constantly asking if we should wipe cause the boss was enraging.Me constantly telling him to stop whining and continue......Bounty healers were so OP :P

I played swtor as well.Healing people by shooting them :DRemember where we did Hutt's palace.Tank constantly asking if we should wipe cause the boss was enraging.Me constantly telling him to stop whining and continue......Bounty healers were so OP :P

ahaha some serious respect for BH healers when they didn't get the buffs they have/had now, definitely had to know your stuff. They are right when they say healing is an art and dps is a science :P

Edited January 12, 2016 by Bacon_21

it's the main reason why I want to try blade dancer in B&S, get more familiar with this DPS nonesense

it's the main reason why I want to try blade dancer in B&S, get more familiar with this DPS nonesense

It's kinda what put me off! I am a healer through and through. As much as I like the look of force master/summoner I just... urgh... I need to heal things D:So yeah, I dunno I think I will wait for other MMOs and try them out. Maybe. Mayyyybe.

you are not alone oli. i know ppl that are awesome healers but couldnt dps to save their lives. I wonder if this is a left/right side brain thing the way this tends to hold true.


It's kinda what put me off! I am a healer through and through. As much as I like the look of force master/summoner I just... urgh... I need to heal things D:So yeah, I dunno I think I will wait for other MMOs and try them out. Maybe. Mayyyybe.

Stop being so difficult Syl.Starshard Crater server, you, me and lots of fun

I used to could do it all in swtor (not a shining example by any means).... at my (and not proud of this by any means) prime I had 12 55's (all imperials and dark 5) for every advanced class they had. At a certain point it comes down to predicting and waiting to blow your cooldowns for that big damage when healing. Healing has a rotation (albeit a loose one) as well as dps, mostly a matter of getting used to it and repetition. With WS's telegraph system that adds another wrinkle as well but at the end of the day it's all about practice.After swtor though, man oh man did I gain a new respect for what tanks and healers have to put up with. Also if you play swtor and are a healer, NO YOU DON'T NEED A GUARD......you cupcake.I always loved getting complemented by the tank or healer though, always made my day.I was more speaking to Oli, but your comment spurred me to type Foul :P.

SWTOR was another one of the many mmo's I seem to have bounced around. I was a Vanguard in TOR and that pretty much lived upto my playstyles I prefer as I was able to run DPS with going up the Assault tree or being a Tank with going up Shield Specialist tree.Although near the end of my time in TOR the tank side got hit with the nerf bat before assault did which I could never understand as I also done PVP and with assault you pretty much facerolled everyone and it was surprising to see the tank side hit first. Eventually though Vanguard did get hit hard and as I no longer play I have no idea on the current state of the class. I enjoyed the story of TOR and level 1-49 was a fun experience for me I just disliked endgame alot in TOR and as such I ended up leaving, I looked back when f2p hit but I saw how restricting it was and alarm bell's started ringing that it was just going to be a money grab and ive yet to see anything to alter my opinion on that one.

Edited January 12, 2016 by Scarran

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