The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1916. STREATOR DAILY FREE PRESS. MONDAY, JUNb 19. 191b. Screen Doors and i Windows Paint Up -Clean up MYSTERIOUS FIRE OF G.E.

FORMER INSTRUCTOR AT LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL HAS NARROW ESCAPE. No one caan afford to leave his home unprotected against flies. Mo door nor window should be lected to Insure protection against these disease-breeding and wrath-provoking insects. We can equip your home completely. Also wife cloth in all grades and widths.

1 Get a Lawn or Porch Swing the proper thing for real comfort and rest. We handle sev-styles, all the latest improved Also a large line of ham- eral makes, CARE W. FINE JEWELRY lit EAST HAW STREET Silverware Ideal Presents What can you give the bride that will be as useful and as much prized as Silverware? Of Course it Must Be Good Better give nothing than to give cheap Silver which is all they more reason for selecting your wedding presents from our stock. Highest Quality Lowest Prices FIND SUCK OFiFRUIT ON PORCH Police Working on Clue Prowler Dropped Match of Cigar ette Stub In the Cellar Loss Cov-1 ered by Insurance. Heath and Milligan paint, best i 1 Wright and Hills pure linseed oil.

I Southern white lead. Diamond house patnt, $1.75 per gaL i High grade barn and crib plints. red 85c gallon; 75c in 5 gallon jlota. Green $1.00 gallon; 95c In 5 gallon Jots. Lead color $1.00 gallon; 8ic in 5 gallon lots.

Screen paint, pint cans 10c. jach. 1 pint can 20c each. Quart can 49e each. High grade auto paint 65c, 85c and $1.00 quart.

Leather-Nu Top Dressing 15c and 75e can. Automobile and carriage polisn 25c, 50c, 75c and can. Enamels, all colors 10c can. Ulllbna Hardware the big store moc hile we are over rushed with orders 'to supply the many new homes in this section of the country and may jKissibly be behind in deliveries for a day br two. this does not interfere with ur regular business of attending to jour selections from the second floor furniture section.

llri'k blcmand has resulted from the introduction of this new furniture. These June special rudi oidtrs arc making more friends for us every day because of the reasonable prices at which this quality merchantse is living sold liere. Clarks Jewel and Puritan Cil Stoves, Refrigera-, tors. Lawn Mow- 1 i ers, Etc. 1 lOHFJ nLBAMD HDWR 1-1 COMPANY Suggestions for June Vedding Gifts of Equal- ity for the June Bride A.

4. 4 There is no doubt thut you will be surprised at the prices we quote I after you see the quality of our goods. room hairs Hrt of tidmiiomo dinin, for Aluminum vacuum cleaners for 11315 Main St. Phone 188 $16.50 $15.50 $37.75 $19.50 52.25 Iini i Htlii upholstered rockers loi Washington sowing tabloa for Dmlng rutin sorvite wagons fur i Kltchtn cabinets, white enamel InH rior, at Ariel wood beds of bird's eye maple for line overstuffed lapebtry davenport, full size Fine drop head sewing machines, guar anteed for ton years Roomy double cane seated rockers for ReinhardBros. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY! 104 S.

Bloomington SL Phone 15 $15 S1 1.75 $13.75 $19.75 $16.75 1 3.50 $18.75 Mystery surrounds the cause of a fire that greatly 'damaged the residence occupied by Prof. George E. Anspaugh, at 406 West Morrell street; early this morning. The finding of a sack on the rear porch of the residence which contained several pars of fruit, by the police department, establishes the theory that a thief entered the place and carelessly dropped a match or cigarette stub. Prof.

Anspaugh is preparing to move to Farmer City and Mrs. Anspaugh left several days ago for their new location. There were several barrels of fine shavings In tbe cellar which the professor was planning to use In puking Ills household goods, and the opinion is that the prowler dropped a match ore IparettO stub. Igniting the dry material In-hls hurry to escape he drop-red the fruit on the roar rorch. Awakened by Noise.

Prof. Anspaugh was awakened ct 2:30 this morning by the noise of crashing glass and the room was partly filled with smoke. He at once realized that the house was afire and attempted to go into an adjoining room where the telephone was located In order to call the fire department. When he opened the door a cloud of flames and smote burst from the room and he was. unable to get to the phone.

Being almost overcome by the smoke he ran outside and to a neighbors residence, whi sent In the alarm. No. 1 fire company answered the call and soon had a stream of water on the hlaze. Upon Investigation it was found that the fire started In the basem*nt and slowly followed an Inside stairway to the rooms above. Luckily the fire wa3 confined to the rear of the house and Prof.

Anspaugh was sleeping In a front room and would have probably been suffocated from the smoke before he could have made his escape. The Interior of the house is badly damaged as was furniture. The loss on the house and the furniture is covered by Insurance The quick work of the fire department prevent tliq flames from reaching the roof of the house and also from reaching the exterior of the residence. B.autiful library-tattles fur Dance at park, 5. Co.

B. (Ottawa Maccabees) Tuesday, June 20. Welshapg orchestra. Kirk McVey spent yesterday In Ottawa. Mrs.

O. II McCoy hnd two ions, Grant and Charles, of Decatur, 111 are visiting' at the home of Mr. and j-Mrs. Thomas McCoy and friends. Musty Suffer at Majestic tonight.

Mr. and Mtb. Heads and sort Garwood, of Springfield, are kiting at the home of Mrs. Heads parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John Myers. Ill Eleventh street. Mrs Lillian Bachelor accompanied them and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wyvil jCon ner, 110 West Third street, Tonight Paramount night at the Plumb Blanche Ring in the Yankee Girl.

OTHER IDEAL SUMMER FURNITURE. Porch swings, 5 foot, $7.00. Lower priced ones here if you want them. Quartered oak dining room tables wllfi table mat free. Pric I Handsomely patterned Axminster rtfes Porch boxes, according to size, 55c to $1.15 for Sowing machines Guaranteed 10 Years Sanitor Rofrigeratoro (GoodThingsFor Careful Buyers Gold Com flour, per sack Best Peaberry coffee, per lb 1 'gallon glass jug catsup 6 cans Boulevard brand peas 10c sacks table salt for, 15c 3jl0c pkges Krumbles for 25c Iifcrby brand sliced bacon glas jar 3-c Derby brand luncheon tbngue glass jar 25c and 45c, Happy Hour brand mammoth Queen olives, large jar Marco Kirpered herring, rer tan ohly 25c 3 cakes Olivilo toilet soap 6 bars Old Country soap Heinz Spaghetti per.

tin 10c, 15c 1 lb pkge pea beans lc 1 lb tan Rumford bakiDg powder fur 2c 2s cans Early June peas 15c and ater A boy baby was born to Mr. Mrs. Albert D. Bellows, 112 WE MAKE A HIT EVERY. TIME induce a man to try our cigars.

He becomes a rootef for them ever after. Take a chance at one a Red Seal. If you dont like it yqu wont lose any tt ing. 1 Put you will l.kb it if you are like other men. Our cigars are made for men who know what good smoking is.

EDWARD GROSSMAN, Manufacturer Mr Home Grown Strawberries. mm 4 street. Saturday morning weighing nine pounds. This Is the second hild In the family. Mrs.

George Elliott of S. Bloom ington street has gone-to Chlcag for a few days. Shampoo 25c, Monday, Tuefcday and Wednesday Martnello 9hop. Phone 331-K. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Zullo and sons George and Albert, and Michael Zullo of Chicago were in the city yes-terday visiting Joseph Zullo. Ralph and Michael Zullo were formerly of this city, having been in business here several jears ago. They were surprised at the vast change In the city since their residence here and glad to be back among thelij old friends, to see Harry the funnlset comedy ever produced, "The Mishaps of Musty Suffer every Monday. First tonight at Majestic theater.

The Streator. treatment room will be closed from June 20 to 26 while Mr. and Mrs. Waldo are attending the camp meeting at Joliet. Wanted, to borrow $700 for three years.

Will give first mortgage, 6 per cent, on house and lot on paved street valued at $1,600. Interest I payable semi annually. Address R. 0. C.f-Free Press office.

Fishing Supplies SANITOR AT SLOVAK LIITHERAI1 Probably you. dont have to do your own sewing but nevertheless rlts might handy sometimes to have a sewing machine In the home. Theres many ahurry up job that is done on a sewing ma-chine that save no end of worry. The sewing machines we are selling today are the best built and are guaranteed for ten years. Splendid machines here.

CONE priced it j. $19.50 The Sanitor is the finest medium priced refriger-ator em tht market. One like the illustration has 75 lh Bolld oak case, genuine porcelain lined jpro vision chamber, heavy zinc metal built ke 'chamber connecting with 'CQO pcifccLdrulnlng system. Price 30C CqNFIRMATION EXERCISES HELD AT SLOVAK LUTHERAN CHURCH. A CORNER LAVATORY tfe one hown is dcsirs4-! for snail bathroom.

Though they are eronormral in the use of sp they a'e just as sanitary ar.J cuuy c. caned as toe larger dCiitiv. I Pmtt iheerfully given for install rg thu 3tandsrr lavatory or for any luad of plumbing work. A good steel pole for $1.25 Other poles from 50c up to $3.50 i Reels from 60c to $3.50 I All kinds of silky, linen and cotton lines. i C.

VAN L00N 314 E. Main Stl, Double Tires from $1.50 All Steel Sulkys KEEP Your llonto COOL J. A. HUGGAIiS CO. 114 North Bloomington Street IS BABY SICK? Lady Moose dance at fair grounds Juesday evening.

Shlmancks six piece orchestra. Tomorrow special at the Plumb, the Elks parade at Danville. Sef the Streator delegation. One of the largest classes of ata hitmens heretofore instructed and confirmed by the pastor, Rev. Andrea Chovan, was confirmed at the Slovak Lutheran church' during the morning services yesterday, This clas of children, twenty-five in number, has received Inetiuctlon by John S.

Ontko until EabpT and sinc then final preparations were completed by the pastor. For this, event the church was most beautifully decorated in large ferns and flowers. In order to assist in beautifying the services and make them more Impressive both choirs, the mixed choir and the childrens choir, rendered several selections with Miss Louise Palya presiding at the organ. The Calachuraens confirmed were: Margaret Antolik Andrew Nemcik j. rs.

Jerr; Jerry Go to REINELS The Jeweler 1 Perhaps it needs nourishment. Our milk is food; the best nourishment for'infants when they are beginning to grow. Even the Aged Will be Bene-fitted by Drinking Milk Our milk is from Holstein cows; always pure, always fresh, always rich, always the same. CLOVERDALE DAIRY COr.lPAUY Phone 83. PLAYING EXCLUSIVE FEATURES TO WIGHT PARAMOUNT You can do this by taking your, dinner at EL ECS' CAFE '1 Special attention to family parties.

Always Tasty Meals. Save Your Money We offer you an excellent opportunity to start a savings account. BRING YOUR OLD SHOES TO US Instead of buying new shoes', biing your, old shoes to us and let us repair them. A few cents spent in this way will save the price of a pair of jnew shoes. NEATNESS IS A SPECIALTY WITH US Teberg Electric Shoe Repair Shop J07 North Monroe Street I Tipped that Mr.

and Mrs. Madigan, (formerly Miss Josephine Solon of this city) newly-weds, had arrived at the home of Mr. Madigans parents, in Ottawa, early Saturday evening, a. number of the young bank emplojes friends, armed with horns and other noise making contrivances, gave the couple a hearty charivari. After giving Jerry and his bride a hearty welcome home, the serenading party departed for places unknown In automobiles.

The old Shawback school which has seen service for so many years at Mllla in Richland township will Boon be replaced by a new modern build lng. The old school will be sold at auction on Thursday afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock and the construction of the new building will soon be started. -s Andrew Novotny George Ondor Mary Palanoj Anna Robbatme Andrew Repko John Repko Mary Sabo Anna Sabo Emma Sabol Mary Vagasky Anna Zellar Anna Bakalar John Corba Andrew Drapp Louise Dovln John Forgatch Emma Gotch Andre w-Hamara John Iiamara Susie KereBtes Susie Kmetz Leona Katus Andrew Matya For the Best welry I Streator Treatment Parlors! 113 N. Vermillion Street CLOSED FOH 10 DAYS JUNE 16-26, 1916 Call 235 for rates on all advertising. THE nt church at Richland Childrens Day In the morn which starts af 9:30 entirely by the little program will children.

Eflanche Ring Americas Favorite in Her Greatest Stage Success Tlio Yankee Oirl foxTOI710RROWfox The Greatest Newspaper Play Ever Written THE FOURTH ESTATE1 i With Samuel Ryan, Ruth Blair, Clif. Bruce SPECIAL ELKS PARADE Commencing Wednesday, June 21st Billie Burke in Gloria Romance Bids for New School House. Sealed bids will be received for tbe construction of a new school house in District No. 35 in Richland township. fxrse8 better known as the Shawback 01s-trlcL Plans and specifications ipay be seen at W.

J. Goedickes. No bldg will be received after noon June 30. The right is reserved to reject any Or all bids. W.

J. Goedlcke, Clerk. The Evangelical hold special nses next Sunday. ing the program oclock will be tots while the evening ho given by the larger Her Lucky I -s i. i i Th Food-Drlnk for Ages Rich millc, malted grain, in powder form.

For inf an ts, invalid and grow in ch ildren. Pure nutrition, upbuilding tbwhol body. Invigorate nursing mother a4 tk aged. More nourishing than tea, coffee, etc. Substitutes Cost YOU Sane Price GASOLINE 8 l-2c A GALLON ,5 That was what you paid for it last year and let it go at that.

But this year your car tniist be In perfect order to run economically. F. E. GERW Mechanical Engineer, Repairs Autos and Other Machinery at 120 N. Bloomlnlgton Street.

WANTED Salesman to sell auto plla and auto accessories. Good position to right party. The Middle States Oil Cleveland, Dally Thought. To bright and cheerful ojten requires an effort. There is a certain art in keeping ourselves happy; iq this respect, as In others, we require to watch over and manage ourselves almost as If we were somebody elae.

Avebury. Speculation. Willie "So yqu have been dabbling In stocks a Utile. Have you been auccessful? Mra. Willis Very.

1 bought some Splndlefoot commoa last Wednesday at 76, and thta morning It is 25. Just think of It, completely rejuvenated lu less than a week. Puck. 1 1 Cl WANTED Slavish girl store. Good wages.

to work In C. Streeter, tbe Home Furnisher, vv5 i 4 rA --Old papnrs fer sale at office. Free Press is out 1 ail "ad Cheap column ad pay 100 per cett 1.

The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.