The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (2024)

K. PA. i VANDERBILT CLUBS RECEPTION TOMORROW TO AID UNEMPLOYED, Wlth Gain new clear in the Blood Fire Thoxfl Tender. Ac-bin? Keel Get Aimizinp Itollm'. Moonc'i Kmcrald Oil Is Jean i Children's Day to Be Observed Sunday By Dawson M.E.

Church Children's Day exercises at the i i G. Cochran Memorial Kpiscc-pal Ohnrch of Da-vvson will be Sunday night at ":30 o'clock i-i social auditorium of the church. The exercises are under the direction of Mrs. J. E.

Rollings. The program is as Music--Sunday school orchestra. Pianist--Mrs. D. P.

Husband. Address of -welcome--David Husband. A Fact." Barbara Cottom. Belong to Doris I-andyrnore. Wish." Elva a Reci'ation "Chrisuar.

Business Man," Don Austin. Up," Wanda L-ever- jrood. Day Resolution," Doris Colbert; "What World Would It Thomas "Heralds of a Happy Day." Helen Marie Miindorf; "Which Are You," Elsie "If You Would Happy He Mary B. Whipkey. Cliiklre-n'e Crusade." cast.

Sir Lionel, Billy Ricnter. Iacy Klinor, Sarah Husband. Guide. Kessio Catherine. Collins Three Graces--Faith.

Edith Cottom; Hope, Anna May McWiniams: Love. MiidreJ Boslay. Throe pianls--Self, Camdeu i I Pride, Lester A Kugcnc Cooloy. A junior--Margaret Rebecca Shal- A senior--Hester Cotxcy "Let Your Light for Jesus," i-horiib, ixis Landymore, Joan Shal-1 and Emma Leu Hoffman. i 1 Sunday army--Loader.

soldiers. Mildred Seiiter a-tl I Sho.r.eiibtrsor. "From the Irles of Ocean." iiorus. i Blossom Esther Black md ci-orus. Jee'Us Keep You Sweet." Hetty Slater.

Collection Strawn. Beneiiction--Rev. W. F. Seitter.

IHt. A MHS. If. ATT I) DIN K- Ai C' Dr. and Mrs.

.1 Harold Uiill- or South Cottage avenno attended tlie baseball game Tuesday afternoon at Korhei, Field, PltUburg. In tho cve- i ihey were arr.onK the duests at i dinner dance, given by tlio dental i i i o( the i i of in honor of the graduates of this -ear's dental class. D-. nis the a a i fur Ihe quartet of the Class, of 1027, of Whn! iw-en pronmrd -o he- or the mot-l 1 i a a a Korgeous rrcworhi a a evc-i" Miou I i pic a I some yoi.r re like a a Kf! Miko yon can i- your pecial toot i i at foo ov.v mind today other do ou Winifred E.

Hudkins Weds Dr. A. E. GleitZ Slate- be a Field Mr. ar.d Mrs.

Jolin W. HndMns of on a 11. i i near Broad Ford announce tho mar- the i i i riase ol i a Miss Winifred to Dr. A A. Gleitz, the laM i i i i beiwee-n ''e-ie-mo'iy heing solemnized Monday.

Joseph M. Min-plu of i com-; i 8, al Milton. Pn. i and the. () Coimcllsvl 1 The bride is a graduate ot the nontal i i i i a i I i i Com- (V) A A ciarko, a i bar Township High School, a.

member ml a acc-nt. Broadway the Class of If2ft Four years a Officials of company a sradualed from the nurses' chosen i a i i i cf lhc a i i school of Jefferson Hospital 0 i a of i in Philadelphia. Since then she had I mll thii 1 in ad-tit ion been engaged In r.ursini; In Phiiadel- there i be 01 and i a A July 1. Dr.

and Mrs. Gle-iu a a oner, neier hero be at home at New- Springfield, before. I i "'ill be a IriK" American eagle in a i colon-, 20 I by 20 foot T'-lfi bei-n a piblo by the n-. the fireworks a i i ha' aproed lo HtaKo .1. Sl.OOO i a i a a A a a i i a Pioneer a a of Vanderbll" w-U He a a tomorrow in Bant Liberty Pros- i -it a i A i a i is i ar- rar.Eoil I offer 115 i bo a np, i pim-eote for be over Iiof of tho ifit today and if Moone's Country Club Golf Luncheons Resumed The- first of the summer lancn- at the Valley Country a held Tuesday afternoon.

Covers for about, i were laid at (ho luncheon. The majority of tho woir.Mi (spent tho afternoon on the go links. Throe, tables wore arranged for bridge, at which Mra. L. Wripht was hostess.

Mrs. G. F. Kelly of Scottdale was awarded the prize. 'Hie next luncheon i lie held on Tuesday afternoon 1-1.

Mrs. Koy Loiicks' i lie hostess at bridge. A 5 GUESTS A I TO S. H. ('.

A I i he snM. Many are plimninK to No disorder tend the, a-nnuol- dance of tho Senior j1 picket net-option to he he-Ul Frid i at tho A under tho commKteet-hip of John Renner. Woody i LKi-i STRIKING MINERS CONTINUE PICKETING, IGNORING OFFICERS Contnui-d from P.IKO Or; at them and a shouts of i i Get them," were- heard. Frank said ho fired hi- twice, onco into the air again i the- ground, rit'-wart i he did firo Ills Stewa-t had no (- nr any ot 1 er KXK a i i a O'! The I fir "'I app'toaliou glvo yor i ar.d a tew fihorl a 1 cor.Tince by sr a i to it for a i yo'ir Toot troubles will bo a of the past. I IV) cxp-oct a single apnlicatJon i 10 do i all a once- one boitle I i i you beyond all HUPS- i i i a i jxiii ai taAt diECOverr-d Lho av to foot i Ke-m a i Moone's Mm era Id i ,1 clean, powerful, a i oil thai does not etain or IfMve a itnd a i'.

i Rivft compi-oie- satisfaction or yor.r inor.c-y cheerfully Advertisem*nt. Troop 7 Scouts Hike. KiKlHeeu menihers Troo-p 7, Hoy Sronu Trinity Lutheran a by Scoutmaster Vi tor Mosloy anf A.sf I.HUint Scoiilrnastc: R. i a hiked to the- home of the latter for an ovo" r.ight on tin 4 The occasion was Honor of l-); having rooking firi Surprise yourself and be tho envy of others look better feel better! Blood is Life! Build more red cells in the Blood--thence will come Sturdy Countless thousands know this to be a fact. Just take S.S.S.

and prove it yourself. You, too, will enjoy your food have firmer flesh sleep sounder your nerves will be calmer your skin will clear up you will possess a greater resistance to infection and disease! S. S. 5. is the world's best blood medicine.

It is composed of freshly gathered medicinal roots and herbs--a gift from Mother Nature. Successful for over 100 years. It works safely surely swiftly! Make a note of your condition today--then compare the difference six to eight weeks hence. S.S.S. makes you feel like yourself again.

Vivacious? Purifies andEnriches theBlood Patronize Those Who Advertise in The Courier. Strlnvherry a im 11 by a J. Rhodes. Cla-v. i i Reformed i i a to 10 P.

--A'l- I SUNKEN SUBMARINE STILL HOLDS 18 MEN I w-jcon and The hour--- are- ft to 1 A well a ha- cuied for tho a and a I i in beinc Iowa i to. lines w- oral points Women "t.eon se- verv do- which ho is a Burney of "UniouUnui ib he a Ir, ('. a member of nnn.t: CLASS TO J'HKSEVr A A program of leadings, musk- a a I Circle, i ho at the meeting 'he- Ladies' llible Clats or i i an Church Ihir; evcniiiK at I The i i i i if i i i i i Man-lev. Announcemrjii; it made of tho a riage of a Elizabeth i dauirhter or Mr. and Mrs.

D. A ard of Soim BnjiMiavlllc, and Albert! Henry Schu'iZ of took i Marc' 1 11-. a M. A i of the First Christian of a a is employed at 'ho fcliops of a Railroiul Company i'i Rrow-nsnlle. b-ido is a senior in the Browasv le E- liool.

I Rbodn I IV. C. T. r. i The HlHrda lniin Woman's i i a a Vnton i meci a' home of Mrs.

Klla tX'ek. i a i street A a a i established a- Lho i area were forcsd to loavc Inc- of a at MoTitinr i of i i a Coal Company i Roter- V. C'jiln h.ul issued orders a march i i i Abo-n TOO ma-rc'he'' i I a m.ifs niei-tltiE a I field. TV.O fifty planned lo a 'o Ocean i the (ioal Compan) halted at .1 hi idee I i i i i i SutersviMo. I ny Ur.Jtfd t'wlnv to ra.t.o i Mink off i i i IS mr.n on I a uni: i i a here a ago my niece 111 and being in bed several months she developed a very bad case of pilua.

Ae i she had Deemed to help her I advised R.o'9iaol i whicK I had me. After a few applications rth't wu greatly relieved and before long entirely healed. "(Siyned) to from (tchlnjt, Heeding ptinfal pik-d when Roinol Oint- immediate relief. Many Arc you willing to rent these rooms to visiting delegates during the Eagle convention, week of June I If you are, fill in coupon and mail to-W. P.

UcNULTY, Secretary F. 0. T. 0. Box 477.

have bed -vacant rooms. --double bed). Those rooms contain- I want to realize per nislu each roomer. Will you serve meals? At what price Nflnio a 1 I i nic'i a I of ment women i cauKtl it regularly to i local by arid or a i tccrt- Address Phone ronin uir. floMby th'j- Tlif- i of 'n d'Mht 1 Jlritlfih a a i i r- i afi ramnifi ly ohimt-o morchani Ynt.t i Tuot-lay.

A i i'no wafi on i a lioni i p-'-i MI: -)ViiK'. for two hours a i Wlrden tho IMttflbtlrR Cnal Company. oflk-iala claim thv i of -ho I oE comiMir. is orieratins A mee'mg of niinei-, was he-id i hall at Whlkr-rsvillA i coai po.l-o on snard a fihort i a TM Piv-e officer," but a tholr riv-cuo. rn-- i ALFRED BURGERT GETS UNIVERSITY DEGREE Mil', fcinnl FiurKorl has af- i a short i i in i i hor A rorr.vol Mrp; 1 nc of of KI i i 1 on i Pi WILLIS DAVENPORT DIES IN OKLAHOMA; FIREMEN AND BAND IN PARADE TONIGHT A N.

K. I I A HOSTESS Mrs. K. i AT entertained i of the B. M.u-tin Bible Clat.s of the Firf.

Bap- I which was lo have been ni ht at her loaig nas postponed. ii East Crawford avenue. Five! m-ernbere of tlio A K. W. Cltib and loveral honie in i i i i i arranged for bridge.

Tho micft iirize wat) uuarcled Frank Cox. Mru. O. R. llerwick re-, hiRli prize- and Mrs.

K. Sly a the samei; the hootes" sevve-i a delectable Mr.s. Max Koch of. Scottdale wius an out-of-town on Mrs. Lcona i a a the Blanche Plchtuer of Unioutown, Roland Clabaugh of Toledo, Ohio, or.

Monday, S. Tho bridegroom i is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Walter i Vernon of Coanellsville. A wedding i i bervud at 7 o'clock in the i at the Fle-tcher home to the I A T'LAY OF SPHO'G i i a relatives of the family.

Mr. UKIDGJ-: SERIES TOXltaiT 1K Mrs. Clabaugh i make i i The. fifth anil final play in the' lorne 1L Toledo, Ohio. series under the direction -the Trl-Statc Bridge League a J.ocul Couples Licensed.

mnt Uniontowit, i be- held K. Ford and Anna Pillar, i in the ballroom of the A i i CeorKe C. Heinbaugh and Betty Lans- Swan Hotel, Uniontown. A largo j. a Conne.levillo were licenced of visiting playore points to wed in Uiiion'-ow-u.

in the adjoining counties aie expected at I)." Ranch Row, Oklahoma, of i i a huhar.d of a Hood, uT i i In a i Mrs. a is tl-y- 1 survivor. i Fuaeral service-; i held to- Vichlner-Clabaiifrh iiorrow afternooon i at rietcher ot Unionlown Siloam Springs, Ark marriage of her i Cso CInsslflcd Afla, Results quickly follow. New Haven a and Fire-men't, liami i a i i a Ihe parade Soutli i f.ilr. Tin, 3ft o'clock.

preceding Tile jnira'1'-- -wSll -tar! -at 7 Social. Men'fi Progrc-fslie Clare Bryan M. E. Church i hold i strawberry and Ice cream social Sat evening, ment --lljune-2t. Patronize thosic who advertise.

to attend. Kinir's (o Mcoi. The King's Daughters Circle ot Tii- i ijiitheran Church will meet next Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. J. Blaine Reagan.

Vine street. S. C. CLASS TO WITH MISS JlclUK.UICK The S. C.

Class of the Methodist Protestant Church i mtet tomorrow evening at the home of Miss i i McCormick. 522 North A a attendance of uie-m- bers is- de-sired. i i i-ood attendance is desired. B'S AN.M'AL i COSCEBT I Vandcrbilt Legion Auxiliary. The public in invited to the annual t-pring concert ot the Mozart Club to- nicrht at i at the First M-ethudist Episcopal Tho offering a it lo bo taien will lje to chanty, aceoixhnis to decision of the ut Its i a rehearsal Tuesday.

IVltli Mrs. Leonard. The- Uorca-'i Fancjnvork Club i meet Friday i at the home of Mrs. C. A.

Leonard, Chestnut street. A T.ic- meeting of the Auxiliary to Emery Pratt Post of the A i a Legion at Vanderbilt, fchodulod for tomorrow night, has boon postponed unt.l next week--also on Friday. lo a-t i a timo. C'bllilrcn's Day Ltclieiirsiil. Children o( 'the Christian Bible Schoo'.

who are to lake part in the Day program next a nitrnt will meet at the i a at 2 o'clock for general rehearsal, in charge of. tho department supcriiuend- onts--the bjrinnei-s, primary, junior ar.d intermediate. Parents are asked see that all children are 'on i "FresJi frotn the Gardens" At the lowest price possible for fine quality tea LiceniCil at Ciiinlicrliinrt. Ilubsell I'attl Tllghberger of Herminio and Beulah Swartz of i Newton and Roland Kenneth L-labaugn of Toledo. Ohio, and a i Millred Fic.itnet of i licensed uetl at a GRADUATED FROM PffT Elizabeth Snyder i a i or Mre.

Jurues W. Hoy of c-on of Mr. and Mrs. K. of Smlthsburp.

Md nc.v' Tuesday. Jui.t- i), Liltiicraii Churi-h. Rev. A. Wasni-r.

of3ciatei. Mr. iiid Mrs. Now comer nil! re-side in Haserstown.j lid. I Sli'iUvagoii.

My. Larm.ii- i i a i i ol Eabt) pharmai-y U'ednctday from the tit Piltsburg. Larniai-'x mother and hit- a i Renner, at- conuneucemen: Patronize Tltosi) i a-dvertlae in Tho Courier. --in Connellsville's Most Modern Plant persons want modern things. C.oughonour's is truly modern.

A new plant now answer, Perfect Dry Cleaning. Men's Suits $1.00 Ladies' Plain Dresses and Coats, $1.00 Cleaners and Dyers Phone 222 Don't Paralyze Your Dollars-But Spend Them Wisely at Connrllsville's Dependable Store for Thrifty People One big reason for this nation-wide depression. believe, is that money is being hoarded unwisely. are told that in New York City there is a huge increase in saving accounts as compared -with 1021). If tlio i i that have good jobs would put iheir money into circula- i tin 1 depression would end.

It will pay you to shop i our o4th i a Sale for Better Values at Consistently Low Prices! Women's and Girls' "Cliannode" Arch Shoes Reduced for Our Anniversary Sale! T'siinl $3.00 iil UP (Proof of Lovtor Prices) Walk in Style and Comfort! Genuine "Oharmode" Fashion-Arcli Footwear is Reduced for the first time and Only for Our Birthday Sale! They are so smart that you'd never dream they could be so comfortable--or cost so little. Straps and Ties, in black, brown, poasancl and white. Fast Colored Cretonnes -a i i 1 Ic yd. Colored Hem Pillow Cases 24cea. 15-Pc.

Glass Lunch Set 94c 50c Window Screens 34c 45x45 Crash Cloth 2 for Misses' and Women's Novelty Dresses and Sport Suits Anniversarj- Spei'ial at Charnuiifr styles, fas'i- ionol of silk crepe, shan- ar.d 2-pc. i sport suits. Smart i for moat every surninoi ocasion fit real Suvliijzp. Girls' Sheer Frocks 94c Cool new frocks carefully made of Dimity, Batiste and Voile in sizes 2 to 1-4. Children's Socklets prs.

Prizes Special Ware Krume" Hacks i of I'cwier rialt Pepper Sets, Bon Bon Dish, Comports. Candy Dis'i; Fancy Velvet or Velour Covered Foot Stools; formerly SI.38 stained wood Magazine Racks all Specially Priced..

The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.