Romancing Mr Wayne - Perrythequeerplatypus - Batman (2024)

Dear gentle reader,
It is our esteemed opinion that this year’s crop of young lords and ladies of Gotham is truly spectacular. Indeed, not only does this year boast the entry of Jason Todd-Wayne, who has been shielded from the spotlight his entire life. Not only will he appear under the ton’s watchful eyes, but so will his dear father, eternal bachelor Lord Wayne. After the scandals that he has undergone, such as last season when he proposed rather impulsively to Lady Al-Ghul. Let us hope for him that he will not be left rejected in the same cold way if he tries again this year.

Lady whistledown.

Something crashed on the floor somewhere inside Bruce’s manor, before a shriek sounded through the halls.

Bruce heaved a tired breath, setting down Lady Whistledown’s most recent issue, there was no time to sit and read idle gossip, he had children to manage, children who somehow seemed to behave worse and worse with the years.
“Dick, i swear, if you’re hanging upside down from a chandelier when i get there you are not coming to the ball.” Bruce was on his feet and walking up the stairs as he spoke, praying internally that at least one of his light fixtures had survived.

Richard was not, in fact, hanging from the chandelier, because, as Jason had predicted, it was in the ground. The wooden flooring had splintered and cracked under the weight of the antique and Bruce could already hear Alfred’s stern admonishments. Dick had been smart enough to flee the scene, leaving Bruce to deal with it, and with a tired looking Jason.

“Well, then… at least you don’t have to fear being the center of attention tonight.” Bruce tried, patting his son on the shoulder, not really knowing how to deal with physical affection at the moment.

“Please, I was never going to be the center of attention. I will be content with standing next to a wall and brooding.”

Bruce leveled him a look. As much as he would refuse to admit it, Jason did like the ideas of balls, the romantic dancing, the music, the gossip… His son just had difficulty admitting he liked anything in case he lost it. So Bruce would play along.
“I’m sure you’ll find someone to brood with you. I might be a wallflower myself tonight!”

That quip owed him a snort, and a smile that reached all the way to his son’s green eyes. Yes, Jason would love this. There was another crash upstairs, which he was ready to attribute to Dick before seeing Tim and Damian running down the stairs and past him, holding what appeared to be letters.

If his two youngest were working together, than clearly, he had bigger things to worry about. Sure enough Duke was running too, though he was quicker to stop running and hide. Finally, a flustered Dick stood at the top of the stairs. Blushing, he just gawked at Bruce.
“Whatever they say about me and Babs is untrue. Entirely untrue.”

Another sigh was building up inside his chest, but Bruce decided to ignore it. Tonight, Bruce was going to go to the party, play Brucie Wayne, and, hopefully, find love matches for his children.

Of course, the night did not go as he intended it to. Firstly, Dick was talking with the queen’s diamond of the season. Beautiful girl, brilliant, and also, it seemed, uninterested in his son. Bruce knew that, and he was willing to bet Dick knew that too, but he seemed to be having fun, so he let it slide. Jason was another affair. He was sulking next to the drinks, glaring at the people dancing. But whenever someone showed up to ask him, he declined. Rather angrily too, if Bruce did say so himself.

His musings about his son were interrupted when he felt a familiar presence next to him. “Lord Wayne, what a wonderful surprise. You even seem sober tonight.”
“Kent. Lovely to see you, and I wish I weren't, you know, chaperoning one’s son, dreadfully boring.” He punctuated his sentence with a swing from his glass. Trying to ignore the eyes on him. Kent was curious by nature, and Bruce did not want him anywhere near his true self. Or his sons.
“Ah, I’m sure I wouldn't know what you mean. My own are far too young for society.”
“Oh are they? I thought the oldest was the same age as my Timothy. Bright young man this one, I’m sure he’ll make a splendid match when it’s his turn.”
Kent’s gaze lingered on his eyes, and Bruce had the uncomfortable feeling of being seen too clearly.
“You really care about your children don’t you?”
“Oh well, I only wish for their happiness.” His smile turned sincere, there was no use pretending to be an airhead when talking to Kent anyways. “Oh there’s lady Kyle, I shall chase my own happiness, toodles!” Blowing a wet kiss he bumbled away, pretending he had drunk more than he had.

He took care of dancing with the most people possible, he had a reputation to maintain after all, couldn’t look like a father who was trying to get his sons married, he was supposed to be a dumb whor*. But as he spun in a woman who’s name he didn’t care to remember, he noticed Jason was talking with a red headed man, Success! Oh he was definitely talking about that with him when he was done. But as the man turned around, Bruce had the displeasure of recognising him. Roy Harper.

Harper wasn’t a bad person, per se. But he was a bad match. Firstly, his relationship with Oliver Queen was rocky at best, and his sons had enough trauma like this, they didn’t need more. He was also older than Jason, and he did not give his son enough daddy issues for it to warrant this. Well it didn’t matter now, Lady Whistledown would surely talk about it tomorrow, Bruce would make sure of it. As he took his eyes off the pair, Bruce’s met Kent’s. Clark was watching him, and it made his skin crawl. He knew, he definitely knew about Bruce’s activities. Why else would he pay him such attention. Bruce’s fame was fiery, it burnt out quickly, rumors fanned up and died down quickly.
This undivided attention was not something he deserved, and Kent seemed to give him more of it every season. They barely talked the year Bruce returned, started talking more the one after that, shared drinks when Dick came out into society, and now, here they were. Sending glances through the room. Bruce turned as another dance started, taking a lovely lady’s hand and kissing it, keeping an unwavering gaze on Clark.

Dearest gentle reader,
Socrates said The unexamined life is not worth living, and this author quite agrees. After all, this gossip would not sell quite as well if none of us saw our reflection in it. This gossip helps us reflect, and I hope, make better choices in our own lives. Choices that one of the newest members of our society should reconsider. One Jason Todd-Wayne has been seen closely talking to Lord Queen’s ward, Mr. Harper. After all, the young man has disappeared from society and cut all ties with Queen, this Author wonders what exactly caused the falling out, and why exactly Queen’s wife, Dinah, seems to be closer with the young man than her husband.
Lady whistledown.

The parlor was near silent, something unusual in their house, which prompted Bruce to appreciate it, even though it sent a shiver down his spine, this would not end well. None of his sons were in the room with him when servants came to inform him of a caller. He didn’t even have the time to call his boys before Clark Kent walked in. He looked dashing, which took Bruce a little by surprise, the man usually wore ill fitting clothing to balls, so to see him at his advantage was unprecedented.

Although Bruce could admit he always looked good, even in ill fitting clothes.

But Kent in his daywear was a sight to behold, he looked comfortable in a way he never did at balls, and something about it made Bruce want to do unspeakable things to him.

Kent, however, did not have a strong reaction to him, his eyes scanned him, barely staying on Bruce’s body more than a second, before focusing on his eyes. Kent always came back to his eyes.

“Mr Kent, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

Kent stayed silent for a moment, clearly measuring his words carefully.

“It has come to my attention that your son came under whistledown’s fire recently.”

Well that was not what Bruce expected. Yes his sons were criticized by whistledown quite often, it would be suspicious otherwise, and they didn’t care much.

“They do not care for idle gossip. Not everyone is as sociable as me.”
“Oh, that’s good, that’s good…” Kent was getting more and more anxious by the second, hopping slightly from foot to foot. “I just came her to vouch for M. Harper if your son wishes to court him. He is a good man, life dealt him an unjust hand, i assume you might have known, with his friendship with Richard. In any case, do not let whistledown sour your opinion of him.”

Bruce raised an eyebrow. Smiling slightly at Kent, if the man knew he was whistledown, he had not let anything show. Very well, Bruce could also play that game. “I would bever oppose something that makes my son happy, but rest assured, you are the only caller we have had today, I have not yet chased any suitors away.”

“That is good, I would not want Whistledown to sour your children’s happiness. I know how much you care for it.” There was an undertone, in Kent’s voice, he almost sounded concerned. Bruce stared at him for a second, giving him a onceover.

“You seem awfully concerned about my children’s happiness” Bruce took a step forward, deliberately placing himself in the other man’s space. “I find myself intrigued sir, you are going through great lengths for my son and his potential match.”

Kent blushed, bright red and all the way to the tip of his ears. Bruce had to stop himself from grinning widely, he was winning, no matter what game they were playing he won.

“Your children are not my primary concern, you must have noticed, my lord.”
“Is that so?”
“It is simply that…” he let out a cough, voice sounding strangely strangled by now. “It is simply that you have admitted to me that they are your sole source of joy. And I wish to make you happy, sir.”

Oh, Bruce had read it all wrong, he could almost hear Dick laughing at him. Kent hadn’t figured out he was Lady Whistledown, he fancied him. There was no other word for it, he looked like a schoolboy, blushing with the admission of any feeling.

“You, wish to make me happy? You do not even know me sir.” They’d only truly spoken a handful of times, never danced, hell, Bruce knew very little about him, despite being the best informed person in town.

“I know you well enough to know I want to learn everything there is to know about you. I know you well enough that I can spot the gleam in your eye every time Dick laughs, and the private smile you make whenever someone mentions your other children. I do not know you yet, sir, but I have been trying for years now, and I thought a more direct approach would be appreciated.”

“Have you ever picked up Whistledown’s work? I hardly think I am worth knowing, sir.” Coldness seeped through his tone, he had a carefully crafted facade, and no amount of pretty words was going to let Kent pass through it.

“Let me try then, Of course i will back off if you so desire. But you cannot wish for your children to find love while staying on the sidelines. That is hardly fair to you.”

“Life isn’t fair Kent.

“It could be, I could make it fair.”

“Good day sir, i will see you at the next ball.”

Kent’s face dissolved, but he quickly masked it, nodding solemnly “I shall see you then, my lord.” Turning on his heel, he quickly stepped out of the room.

There was silence for only a minute, before Bruce’s children burst through the door. “you have a suitor?” Tim’s voice rang, along with a quieter “He will need to prove himself worthy father, you do not tend to have very good tastes in life partners” coming from Damian. Soon followed by a “He doesn’t even look like he could kill you B, it’s strange.” which sounded at the same time as Dick walked in, buttoning his shirt sleeves.

“Were you all listening in?”

“It’s not like we have any suitors of our own, especially with what Whistledown wrote about mine.” Jason said pointedly, slouching on a couch, picking a macaron off the table.

“You don’t even like him Jay”

“I could though, you’re not the boss of me, even when you take a lady’s name.”

“Please don’t get married just to anger me”

“I can’t promise anything B, I can’t promise anything…” but somehow that felt like a promise of its own. Somehow Bruce could now feel the fact his son was going to look for trouble, not for love.

He wasn’t wrong about that. As it turns out, during the next ball, not only did Jason bribe Dick into swinging from a chandelier, he also managed to dance with only married women twice his age and talk to them in the filthiest way Bruce had ever heard. It was enough for him to not slip into the Brucie persona, instead retreating into a dark corner.

“I didn’t think you would sit this one out, my lord.” Clark was standing next to him, and Bruce legitimately did not know when he appeared, but he was holding out a drink for him, so he happily took it.

“I have to, when my son behaves like this. It’s his second ball and he is trying his best to scandalize people.”

“He takes after you then,” there was a short pause, as Kent took a sip from his own drink.

“It’s just as well, I wanted to have a calm moment with you, you know when you aren’t peaco*cking.”

“I have no idea what you mean,”

“Of course you do, Lord Wayne. But that’s okay, I can keep a secret.” And then he winked, rather charmingly, if Bruce were honest. But he was not, he was a filthy liar, and he did not find Kent handsome in the slightest.

“Well then, Mr. Kent, if this is your attempt at wooing me I fear it is going rather dreadfully.”

“I’m not so sure of that, my lord, after all you are still entertaining me, and you haven’t so much as glanced towards the party, or your son.”

Bruce turned back to the party, only to see that Jason was now dancing, this would not be a problem, if he were not dancing on the table staring directly at Bruce. They were going to be socially ruined if this kept up. Bruce just took another swig from his glass, the alcohol should be stronger for these balls.

“He is trying to get whistledown to write about him again, thinks that it will make me mad.”

“Will it?”

“Slightly, yes. I like to hoard the attention.” His canines flashed as he turned to grin widely at Kent. If Kent wanted Lord Wayne, he would get him, in all his glory.

“There we go, peaco*cking. There is no need to appear shallow in front of me Wayne, especially if I court you.”

“You are not courting me, Mr Kent, you are trying to court me, there is a difference.”

“I do quite think i am succeeding, my lord, would you let me prove it?” Kent’s eyes looked so soft, so wide and innocent behind his glasses, that Bruce could not say no. The man led him to the gardens, and if Bruce weren’t just as tall and strong as him, he might have been a little nervous.

But he wasn’t, there was nothing Kent could do that would scare him. Kent was nothing, and he would have no effect on Brucie Wayne. But Kent did not seem to know that as he slowly led them to a bench. It was quiet, and, loath as he was to admit it, Bruce did find the ambiance quite nice as they sat next to the hedges.

“Now sir, stop me if you ever feel even slightly uncomfortable.” Kent said, his glasses sliding slightly on his nose as he glanced down, avoiding Bruce’s gaze. He brushed a stray curl away from his face, before cupping Bruce’s chin. The lord’s brain froze for an instant, this could not be happening, Kent was shy, almost prudish. But the man did indeed pull him in for a kiss. Lips pushing against his softly, as Bruce let out a slow moan. Somehow, throughout his entire life, Bruce had never been kissed like this, so softly. He felt himself melt into the other man’s hands, knees weak and entire body pliant as Kent deepened the kiss.

When they finally separated, gasping for air, Bruce could not see him the same any more, Kent’s blush was just as deep as it always was where Bruce was concerned, but now Bruce could feel himself flush just as hard as he struggled to get on his legs. He was trembling as he got up, almost running away from the other man. Kent didn’t move to stop him, just sat and stared almost reverently as Bruce ran back to where he knew his carriage was waiting.

Clark did not appear in the parloir the next day, much to Bruce’s badly concealed chagrin. But he did send flowers, and a short note detailing just how magical the kiss was to him. Bruce threw both away before his sons could even think about looking at the gifts.

The next day was quite the same, it dragged on, and still, Kent did not visit, the waiting almost drove Bruce to go in search of him instead. However, Bruce had a strong moral character, he was not going to go see Kent first. He did hide in his room all day, pretexting a cold to keep his prying butler and children away.

Finally, on the third day, Kent appeared during the calling hour. However, Bruce was not ready yet, He was still getting ready when the gentleman arrived, and as such, he walked into the parloir to see Kent talking with his oldest. Dick sounded interested into whatever the other man was talking about, and Bruce stood in the door, trying not to feel too soft about the situation. When finally, Kent turned towards him, the other man smiled in a way that made Bruce’s legs wobble once more. He steadied himself as he walked through the room.

“Mr Kent, what a lovely surprise.”
“B, i swear you can’t pretend-”
“It is quite surprising to see you sir”, Bruce repeated, ignoring his son categorically.
“I am sure it is, Lord Wayne. I have come to officially start courting you, and as such I thought it appropriate to ask for your son’s blessing.”
“The only son who would not give his blessing is Damian, you may try talking to him next.”
“Of course my lord.” Kent nodded towards the corner, where Damian was sat, painting something in watercolors.
“Damian approved of you?” It would have been impossible to keep disbelief out of his tone, as Bruce stared at his youngest son.

Kent was still smiling widely, holding out his hand towards Bruce. When Bruce placed his in it, Kent gently lifted it to his lips, kissing the knuckles. “I do so look forward to spending more time with you, my lord. Especially if it is going to resemble how our night ended last time.”

“With me running away?”
“With you open and honest about what you felt, my lord, and looking quite dashing, a natural flush suits your complexion marvelously.”
“Do not get used to it Kent, it will not happen again.”

Romancing Mr Wayne - Perrythequeerplatypus - Batman (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.