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      • Fears for new elite specialization

        in Warrior

        Posted May 30, 2021

        Tbh Full Counter was not a bad skill. It is very unique and Spellbreaker giving us the ability to modify it is very cool as a concept...Now the execution is the tough part and how probably the strongest trait which upgrades this secondary burst (Revenge Counter) is very very bad in competetive formats for a grandmaster. Better go with extra strips or magebane, probably the best Grandmaster trait between the 2 elite specs, on par with Core's MMR and Burst Mastery.

        Berserker did bring a lot more uniquness with Primal Bursts though, so both especs have been quite interesting on top of Core warrior, but neither ever reached it's full potential and flavor, unlike say: Weaver, Daredevil, Holosmith, Chronomancer, Firebrand

        On the sidenote, I do value Zerker and SpB as far more creative especs than Scrapper, Mirage, Scourge, Tempest, Renegade

        The rest are probably in the same level of uniquness.

        • Zerg Thief

          in Thief

          Posted May 29, 2021

          Not a thief main, but have had plenty of hours in the class up until recently and have even seen game play of far more experienced thieves than me.

          Point being, Staff Daredevil isn't bad for zerging is it? Ofc I understand what you mean and that you probably want something more viable than Vault spam, but so far I'd say DPS Daredevil played correct is sought after. Basi share and some hard hitting melee attacks make it quite viable no?

          Anyway, what about the Ninja medic meme? XD

          • The most off-meta Zerg build

            in World vs. World

            Posted May 29, 2021

            49 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

            Didn't guards run clerics back in the day for heals? along with the ele water fields for healing.

            One day I was looking for builds to do strip or interrupts other than the usual mesmer or necro builds, both of which I already run. I enjoy those builds more than being the usual dps or support cog in zergs. Was looking at doing more cc/strips on warrior other than the bubble, and experimented a little with a tempest tornado interruptbuild which would probably work well on desert bl lol, worked on a become the bear from norn racial skillsince the damage nerf seems to have been missed in the big update last year.

            Then I sawconsecrations cooldowns were getting buffed last patch so ended up with the interrupt shielding builds instead. Can even run hammer for ring of warding if you want more melee instead of two long rangeweapons, dps or heal gear. Just kinda fun running something different for a change. Eventhat glyph of unity complaint thread posted the other day sounded kinda interesting lol.

            Justsucks that everything has been broken down to run "one meta build" for the class with the way combat has evolved, leaving little to no room for other off the wall builds to have a place in zerg fights, all roads always lead back to boon ball now. Fortunately pugs don't have to follow the rules and can run whatever they want.

            I actually spoke to a couple of people in my guild today, mainly Druid mains and asked them to elaborate on a build (support or offense) dedicated to the glyph of unity xD

            Suprisingly, the numbers where there. It's by all means a glorified retaliation, which makes it even more impactful now that retaliation is no more. However, as far as comp goes, I suppose you can only have that many cheese builds.

            I'd consider that druid build even more off-meta than our proposed builds. Unless if somehow you squish the cleanse/support role into it and bring the elite glyph into the mix, which I actually regard as a rather strong skill in open zerging/clouding situations.

            I don't know much about druid tho, nor ranger in general, so I'm stuck Theorycrafting on warrior and other classes I use more often.

            Even tried the Ninja Medic core thief. Suprisingly good, but difficult to pull off.

            • The most off-meta Zerg build

              in World vs. World

              Posted May 29, 2021

              17 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

              Been fooling around with a dragonhunter consecration interrupt build with line of warding, deflecting shot, sanctuary, wall of reflection, sometimes hammer of wisdom or shield/lesser shield of absorption. Get as much interrupts possible to proc sigil of absorption or draining or at least eat away at stability.

              Was also thinking about a tank chrono or warrior with as many blocks as possiblebut unfortunately a lot of things don't line up for that.

              Same reasons, very bored of classes and metas to try something new/quirky, next expansion with new specs is so long overdue...

              Just because of how unique it sounds and how it takes on a specific role, it also seems very fun! Like imagine that, spirit weapons outside SoJ? Hammer on Guard? Sanctuary? Obviously these skills may not be as amazing as picking mantras or traps, but it sounds very interesting!

              I tried a Core Healer/Cleanser Guard once and I was surprised on how well it could actually heal and provide boons without spec-ing Firebrand. Consecrations + couple of shouts, mainly inspired by the Core Support Guard used in PvP.

              17 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

              Core necromancer life blast build

              I'd assume that's a power build? Core necro sounds like an interesting choice for the current power meta. Would love to know how that operates/functions!

              • The most off-meta Zerg build

                in World vs. World

                Posted May 29, 2021

                I was bored and I thought about my own off-meta build which I run for fun in semi-organized fights/zergs around SM (as frankly it doesn't work in open field).

      's this Core warrior with banners/shouts meant to do burst cleansing and empowering allies with a massive +200 Power, +100 Precision, +100 Ferocity and restoring their endurance, as well as generating some might on bursts. Plus rez on Elite.

                Post-patch I simply drop banners, leave them for around 20 secs, pick them up and drop again to make use of the light field and still maintain the stats on my allies.

                What about you? Any fun build you've tried that's off-meta but was actually doing something unique for your squad?

                • Are preparations horrible, good, or what?

                  in Thief

                  Posted May 29, 2021

                  41 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

                  Nothing regular traps couldn't do, right? Arming time and the need to manually activate them is a downgrade. Portal is k because it's portal 😄

                  I mean the rest is mostly ok too, just worse than traps.

                  Yeah def, looked like a pain. Not to mention that the defensive value of the seal area is questionable when against large enemy groups, on top of the offensive preps being subpar, I can see why most thief builds revolve around tricks and deception.

                  • Are preparations horrible, good, or what?

                    in Thief

                    Posted May 29, 2021

                    Saw a thief a couple dasy agoin EB trying to use the thousand needles prep. They were doing some interesting gameplay, but it helped them a lot that the enemies could focus on our cloud.

                    They basically ported behind the enemy, dropped the preps, retreated in front of them and pushed them through the choke (with other players) into the preparations. Was nice seeing, but it seemed like too much work tbh.

                    • Fears for new elite specialization

                      in Warrior

                      Posted May 29, 2021

                      15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

                      At this point just change the class, I don't know what's the point of constantly complaining and doomsaying while at the same time forcing yourself to play something you don't like.

                      Those fears mainly concern the new spec. Currently, warrior is being held by some strings, but it is viable. Still more fun to play than the other classes imo. And the builcraft on warrior is excellent too, considering the wide range of weapons we have, even if they use some outdated mechanics.

                      Just because I want to improve my main class, because I am aware of where it suffers, it doesn't mean I'm qqing that warrior does no dmg. Hell nah, all my suggestions have been flavour-related on skills, ability-regarding effects (for the improvement of synergies) and QoL stuff that would greatly improve gampley in those parts where warrior falls behind (better Rage skills, better banners, less pointless dmg buff traits, reworked weapons skills).


                      • if you main warrior

                        in Player vs. Player

                        Posted May 29, 2021

                        Headbutt could have some boonrip tbh. Like 1 or 2 boons, baseline with no sigils. I think it's appropriate. That with an attack speed increase of 25% and an improved range of 50 to compensate for the visual tell, as well as to allow more movement for the warrior would make this an elite worthy skill.

                        • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (1)3
                        • Fears for new elite specialization

                          in Warrior

                          Posted May 29, 2021

                          Just give me Greataxe already and let me do what


                          • Fears for new elite specialization

                            in Warrior

                            Posted May 29, 2021· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                            16 minutes ago, TheBravery.9615 said:

                            warrior don't need much to be a support class. Two words.

                            Stability share.

                            Guardian has been meta for the entire lifetime of Gw2 for a source of stability on top of other boons and heals. If warrior gets decent stability sharing, it could take some of that workload away from guardians for the proper support role.

                            Not a bad idea. What I had in mind was a type of utility skill which is selfish, unless if you trait it when it becomes a shared buff. Something like glyphs, but glyphs on warrior would be meh. This would allow for selfish gameplay or teamplay.

                            For example:

                            "Enter a state of focus and break stuns. Gain stab (5stacks, 5sec) and protection (5sec)" 30 sec CD

                            trait conversion: forfeit your selfish teachings and share your powers with your allies for new effects

                            "Enter a state of focus and break stuns for allies. Grant stab (3 stacks, 3 sec) and protection (4sec) for up to 5 allies" 30 sec CD

                            something like that. probably wold name themabandonmentskills due to the focus and stuff, asbreathsor something similar sounds to generic.

                            • Fears for new elite specialization

                              in Warrior

                              Posted May 29, 2021

                              8 hours ago, TheBravery.9615 said:

                              we should make a bingo card

                              They obviously won't be able to make the perfect spec, but if they rly want to listen to peoples' suggestions after the beta testing, I hope they look around our places.

                              I see Druid as such a major dissapointment in terms of implementation as a support, that warrior may actually suffer a similar fate, if no critiscism is considered after we see the new spec and they simply release it with some bug fixes for the expac..

                              • How warrior got to the state it is in now

                                in Warrior

                                Posted May 28, 2021

                                Checks out

                                • World Linking 5/28/2021

                                  in World vs. World

                                  Posted May 28, 2021

                                  Lets go, 5th and 6th month linked with the Frenchwoohoo🚶‍♂️

                                  • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (2)1
                                  • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (3)1
                                  • Fears for new elite specialization

                                    in Warrior

                                    Posted May 28, 2021

                                    6 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

                                    While those are all things to worry about, and rightfully so. I'm mainly talking about traits that are just take this trait and you'll get __% of damage increase. They literally add nothing new to us. Take blood reaction they could have taken the 2nd half of it and stuck it in bloody roar and it'd be the same thing. Just an increase in damage while in berserk.

                                    well, we can only hope they can get creative enough and that whoever player they ask for the new espec balance, actually mains warrior .🤷‍♂️

                                    • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (4)1
                                    • Fears for new elite specialization

                                      in Warrior

                                      Posted May 28, 2021

                                      Fears? Plenty.

                                      1) Lack of a decent burst mechanic

                                      2) Lack of use of adrenaline lvl traits (extra bad)

                                      3) Bad new weapon skills

                                      4) Elite spec not being capable in multiple roles (power, tank, condi ig too, support), 1 role-spec I won't play

                                      5) New extra bad skills (Rage skills, half the meditations)

                                      6) Them slapping boons and calling it a day instead of giving us meaningful synergies (like RR and Savage Instinct, or Leg Specialist and No escape)

                                      7) Uuuhhh I'm running out of fears...Anything that basically overrides core warrior and basically throws previous specs to the bin, or the delivery of meh spec that gets outshined in it's roles by the new engineer, guardian, necromancer, mesmer etc.

                                      • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (5)1
                                      • Please undo the 02/25/2020 profession update already (and bring back fall damage traits)

                                        in Professions

                                        Posted May 28, 2021

                                        Bruh people don't want dmg on CCs at all. I present to you the answer:

                                        Keep a base dmg modifier. elevate it above your normal; autoattack, but below any decent dmg skill. And boom

                                        The Skill cannot critically hit

                                        theres your answer. dmg is back (happy me), dmg cant scale to absurd levels due to crit being removed from the dmg part (happy you).

                                        • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (6)2
                                        • A call out to the people who decide about links in EU for upcomming relink on Friday.

                                          in World vs. World

                                          Posted May 28, 2021· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                                          One thing is for sure, Piken doesn't want to face Deso. Of all the times we fought them, at some points eventually, they were feeding kills😂

                                          • Stop exploiting the waypoint blocking mechanic. Seriously.

                                            in World vs. World

                                            Posted May 28, 2021

                                            I rarely have this kind of issue tbh. I don't mind contested waypoints, walking to my destination may provide more content and besides, everyone and their grandmother know that WPs will be 99% contested all the time. So I haven't grown attached to the mechanic.

                                            However, I do find kinda weird or eeeehhhh, to see a trap condi druid tag the keep in EBG for like 4 or 5 hours straight, no matter if there's content or not. These people just think thay accomplish something, or probably want attention. No clue. I have contested enemy keeps b4 but not for that absurd time frames. No fun at that if the enemy doesn't retaliate a bit faster. What ends up happening is majority of people eventually get bored, switch borders and don't care so eh.

                                            • No Downed State?

                                              in World vs. World

                                              Posted May 28, 2021· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                                              Rez (the ability to ressurect players from down state) power is particulalry power even in zerg situations (massive fights), therefore making it difficult to properly defeat an enemy if they continuously resurrect their allies.

                                              For that downed players are usually focused on, at the expense of not "paying attention" to the living enemies, because someone may pop signets, banners, illusions etc and resurrect like 10 people after a range spike (coordinated attack from range) and turn the tables.

                                              With no downstate many players, including myself tbh, believe that the gameplay will become more engaging. No reason for resurrecting abilities to enter our skillbars (can be used for combat instead) and less punishment for not cleaving a downed player to 0 health in risky situations.

                                              Also, welcome to WvW!!!!🥳

                                              • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (7)1
                                              • High jumping Warclaws

                                                in World vs. World

                                                Posted May 28, 2021

                                                Its a bug for when you lag and process the movement of other warclaws, I believe. Others who lag may see you do the same, but in actuality it's not a thing.

                                                • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (8)1
                                                • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (9)1
                                                • Request Review of Berserker’s Stance

                                                  in Warrior

                                                  Posted May 27, 2021· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                                                  Oh thx for adding my suggestion.

                                                  I mean think about it. resolution affects dmg dealt by conditions, therefore condition dmg, but what about the duration/expertise part of the counter?

                                                  I wanted to build on that. Less duration still means better defense.

                                                  EDIT: maybe add a condi cap in my suggestion. Like 5 condis.

                                                  Even then you stack resolution, this effect and resistance , which still translates to a lesser substitute to the old resistance.

                                                  • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (10)1
                                                  • Request Review of Berserker’s Stance

                                                    in Warrior

                                                    Posted May 27, 2021

                                                    I'd say either Resolution on the skill, or while we are at it make Zerker's Stance unique effect be: Reduce duration of conditions applied to you by 50% each pulse.

                                                    So not neccessarily a condi clear, rather a way to get less dmg without actually requiring a defensive boon.

                                                    4 pulses reducing the condition duration up to a 4th of it's original duration. Essentialy clearing those that don't last long and giving you time to cleanse against those that are meant to do the big dmg and are not cover condis (Torment on Revs, Bleeds on rangers, burns on eles, poison on thieves etc).

                                                    • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 102 (11)1
                                                    • WvW Specialization Tier List (Non Roaming)

                                                      in World vs. World

                                                      Posted May 27, 2021

                                                      1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

                                                      When the Feb 2020 patch hit many commanders I know that were running mostly berserker DPS swapped to DPS scrapper with bomb kit which was subsequently nerfed slightly. You get more stealth gyros if you need them and larger cleave if you run shredder gyro (which also combos with any fields); with this last May 11 and May 25 patch that

                                                      didn't have quickness split

                                                      you also get more DPS out from your DPS classes. Comboing off of Thunderclap also means you get more dazes.

                                                      I would not call it anything less than highly impactful. 2.5s of quickness on every gyro is a huge DPS boost when you are bursting into a winds or well bomb.


                                                      Perhaps it's that the build itself is rare and thus, I haven't rly seen it in action as much as the other DPS options. Speaking of which, do you have any link or idea of how that engineer build operates? Bomb kit sounds fun to play in the middle of a battle.

                                                      • WvW Specialization Tier List (Non Roaming)

                                                        in World vs. World

                                                        Posted May 27, 2021

                                                        23 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

                                                        I disagree on scourges. Boon rip is more value than boon corrupt


                                                        . That would change if Purity of Purpose and Firebrand's Epilogue: Eternal Oasis did not convert.

                                                        In addition , in WVW the Warrior's Cunning Trait is not split from PVE. This means that barrier without other forms of evasion and mobility (i.e. scrapper with superspeed) would be a liability if a DPS spellbreaker runs Warrior's Cunning.

                                                        I would also rate soulbeast higher than druid, because druid needs to build astral force (which hasn't been improved after Feb 2020 heal and damage nerfs) and cannot stow pet permanently. Soulbeast running beast mastery has permanent 30% speed bonus and a ferocity bonus that isn't dependent on boons.

                                                        I would say

                                                        • S tier aka meta defining = Heal Scrapper (top heal, superspeed, quickness, stealth gyro) + Firebrand (stab, okay cleanses) --- note that Function Gyro is more effective than Merciful Intervention right now
                                                        • A tier aka high impactful = Hammer Herald (perm fury + swiftness = cover boons on whole subgroup on 3s interval, Inspiring Reinforcement on a chokepoint = stability, some superspeed) , aura share tempest (large AoE cleanses, shock aura, soothing mist , some superspeed if you bring it) , support chrono (high boon strips in melee, null field, portal, veil) , support spellbreaker (boon rip, winds, CC, deep AoE condi clears) , DPS scrapper (stealth gyro for openfield, superspeed, quickness, can hit wall siege with mortar)
                                                        • B tier aka usable = DPS Spellbreaker , DPS Reaper , power scourges , power DH , power berserker if in a squad (points for Battle Standard), core guardian PVP type builds with shouts , power holo (cleaves 5 , prot / DPS)
                                                        • C tier (hard countered by things in the meta) = condi scourges (boon to condition is reversed , very low mobility) , staff weaver (because of the superspeed and stealth gyro this is hard countered by scrappers because you will only get one or two hits of meteor , no boon rip ... B tier in your own structures or hitting wall siege) , staff daredevil (high damage but only in melee, near negligible boon rip) , stanceshare / immob power soulbeast (hard countered by superspeed + condi clear meta, no boon rip)
                                                        • F tier (basically would not be great even if it was core GWEN meta) = druid if you run scrappers (pet can't stealth properly, heals worse than scrapper, negligible damage) , core ranger (cannot stealth pet properly, negligible damage compared to soulbeast), any pistol or rifle thief (projectile + condi), condi mirages (staff is projectile and so is scepter, 1 dodge meme), pistol condi engineers, shortbow renegades (lose a lot of crit just by dodging , slow condi is not good), etc

                                                        Edit: I would say I agree with Grand Marshal.4098's post more

                                                        Like, the big thing is that you can even have a Spellbreaker in top tier if the player knows good movement. But since that a case-on-case scenario, I valued Scourge as top tier (not necessarily meta defining) mostly for Barriers, less for corrupts. Wells/Breaches and smart shade placement as usually what defines a battle, as no dmg under a WoD or random Gravity Wells, or even pushing though as a herald with hammers on, may not be enough to properly dmg the enemy. But in the case of a self Bomb Scourge shines and eats everyone with the crazy barrier generation which is by all means, a different name for aegis (kinda).

                                                        Despite that, I do agree than corrupts are lesser to strips.

                                                        In any case, rly interested in your DPS scrapper placement. I have seen many DPS scrappers not choosing the additional squad utility and go for very selfish builds with nothing to rly share, which is why in my eyes I ranked it lower as a role. May as well play erald for the dps or zerker which exists up there only because of the battle standard, just as you said.

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                                                      Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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                                                      Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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                                                      Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.